Baseball Plays On

Yes, Virginia, there will be a World Series this year.  Management and the players reached an agreement and the season will
continue.  I’m not sure that this is a positive for Chicago baseball fans, when you consider the dismal records of our teams.
Two things you should know about Tia:  (1) I am a life long Chicago Cubs fan; and (2) I am a supporter of unions and the
collective bargaining system.  Avoiding a strike is a win-win situation for the fans, the struggling economy, and the vendors and
local businesses that depend on the season continuing to earn a living.

So, why does Tia still feel the need to rant?  Because I am sick to death of athletes and rock stars who make more money than
God talking about how they aren’t getting what is due to them.  It’s my understanding that one of the major issues was the fact
that owners are making so much more money than the players.  Excuse me, but it is the owners that put it on the line every
year.  And when some players are making $100,000.00+ a game, I have a real problem drumming up any sympathy.  Call me
jealous and/or bitter, but these guys make more in one day than most people make in a year.  I wish I could find an employer
who was willing to overpay me to play a game that I love.  Instead of diverting some of the profits and royalties to the players
who don’t need the money, how about lowering ticket prices, and food and beer prices for the fans?  How about we make it
more affordable for a family to attend a ball game?

This strike was averted because the players and owners finally woke up and realized that the fans weren’t going to come back
if a strike occurred.  And without fans, you guys wouldn’t have a job. In light of what happened last September, and the
continuing consequences to our economy, athletes whining about money and drug testing is laughable, and a subject most of us
refuse to take seriously.  Email me at with your thoughts and comments.

Tia Caliente