FCC cashes in again.

We've all heard about the Super Bowl half-time incident by now. The aftermath is just another example of an abusive government. Janet Jackson's breast, Bono's language, Jerry Springer, just more ways for the FCC to cash in. So-called indecent and obscene things occur all the time on "cable" networks. But when it happens on broadcast TV the country goes up in arms. Parents Television Council President Brent Bozell wants each station fined the maximum. The FCC opens a federal investigations. And when the FCC fines a broadcast station, who collects? Not the viewers, the ones supposedly hurt by the incidents. The FCC collects the money. No wonder George W. Bush wants the penalties raised times ten. There was a time when the purpose of the FCC was to police broadcasters from trespassing on each other's signal, the sort of thing that the average citizen can do little about. But when it comes to program content it is the viewer's place for action. It is we who must write complaints to the stations and networks. We must stop watching, boycott products of the advertisers, or file lawsuits. If you don't like a TV show do you watch anyway hoping that it will get better? No, you change the station. Americans must realize that they have the most powerful weapon when it comes to issues about consumer products and services, the almighty dollar. If you noticed, there were almost no commercial ads during half-time, only promotional annoucements. They either knew what was coming or didn't want to risk being part of a show produced by MTV. Full frontal nudity is allowed on broadcast TV in many nations. It's up to all Americans to decide what is allowed in America, not the government. "We the people..."
-Eric (Rick) Ferguson
President, Will County Libertarian Party