Election 2004

Well, another Presidential election has passed, and again 99 percent of America cast the same vote. People were in the streets of New York City literally crying over Kerry’s loss while in other parts of the Country people are singing the praises of Bush. It makes no sense. They both support the war in Iraq. Although Kerry supporters refuse to believe it, he voted to go to war, voted for the spending, and said in his campaign that he wants to send more troops and spend more money to insure that they are properly equipped, that sounds like he supports the war to me. They both support socializing health care. They both support increasing education spending. They both support the war on drugs. They both support breaking the laws of the Constitution in the name of supposed increased security. Neither has any intention of helping the environment or reducing our dependence on foreign oil. They both support the 2 nd amendment, even if for the wrong reasons. No matter which you voted for we will have four more years of business as usual. Four more years of the biggest increases in federal spending. Four more years of a bankrupt Social Security System. Four more years of prison overcrowding by innocent people while real criminals are out on early release. Four more years of rising health care costs. Four more years of added intrusions into our personal lives. Four more years of U.S. troops occupying over 130 countries around the world. The list goes on and on. Only 1 percent of Americans had the nerve to try something different. Take away the mud slinging and the media spin. The media is only interested in ratings, not the truth. The only difference between Bush and Kerry is that one of them can pronounce nuclear. We’re at 1.3 billion dollars in federal spending every day of the year. Just under $1 million each minute. And only a very small portion of that is for the war. This country was founded as a rebellion against an abusive government and it’s taxation. Our government is today involved in every aspect of our lives and is taking in one form or another half of the income on average of every working citizen. And the republicrats want more. And 99 percent of Americans support it. I’m so glad I’m part of that 1 percent that actually read, understands, and believes in our Constitution. They talk about a regime change in Iraq. I want a regime change in America.


Eric Ferguson

President, Libertarian Party of Will County, Illinois