The 2003 baseball season on the South Side is over! The Chicago White
Sox have done it again. They have disappointed their many fans all across
Chicagoland by totally underachieving.

There are three main men at fault along with twenty-five players that
can't be performing at 100 percent. those three men are Jerry Reinsdorf, Kenny
Williams,and Jerry Manuel.

Jerry Reinsdorf,if you're not going to spend the money necessary to
bring a quality product to Chicago-get out of sports! THE FANS ARE TIRED OF
THIS! No one will show up to see overpaid prima donnas not give maximum effort.

Kenny Williams-three years,and most moves with few exceptions have
backfired. You're a good guy,but maybe you would be better qualified for
another position in the organization.

Jerry Manuel-six years,one division title.It's time to go. You're a nice
guy,but the players have stopped playing for you. Being a coach may be
better for you at this time.

Let's wake up this franchise before it's too late.What a shame.All-Star
here-one representative.How sad. The time has come to do something
major. It's now or never.

Joe Paterno
Morton Grove