Why people don’t vote Libertarian.

Since the party’s inception, Libertarians have been trying to figure out why they get few votes. There are internal reasons, such as money and getting on the ballot. But the external reasons, those directly related to the voters, remain a mystery to many. Simply the biggest reason for people not voting Libertarian is fear. Most libertarians think it is fear of libertarian ideas and positions on the issues. This is not the case. When I talk to people on the street and I find they often agree with many libertarian ideas. The fear is of what they don’t want. Libertarians know that the big two parties are almost exactly the same. But the big two have succeeded in convincing voters otherwise. Democrats are completely terrified of what will happen if Republicans are in power, and vice-versa. Yet history shows that it doesn’t matter in the least. The big two are both heading to the same place, just taking different routes. I ask you, if you realize that no matter which you choose, Republican or Democrat, that you get the same result, to consider doing something else. Or if you’re the one that decided because it doesn’t matter I just won’t bother voting, we need your help. The Libertarian party is getting stronger. We are winning more offices with every election. We are increasing awareness every day. The time has come for you, the voter, to stop supporting “the lesser of two evils” and support what you really want. There is an alternative. If you believe that government is too big, too expensive, and too intrusive, stop supporting its growth, and vote Libertarian.