By: Steve Garland

What's left to say at the conclusion of a season that began with
such high expectations and ended with a distinct thud? Wait Until Next
Year usually works,but Cubs fans seem to have the monopoly on that .

5-11. Who would have guessed that Lovie's first year on board would
yield a sub .500 record? But Smith certainly shouldn't shoulder all
of the blame. There'salways Terry Shea,who has done all of us a
favor by offering an early exit from Halas Hall. Can the Bears do better
in the Offensive Coordinator's slot? Let'shope so. There's a lot
of competition right now in the NFL for top quality coaches. The Bears
never seem to be in the right place at the right time to snag the best
candidates,but perhaps 2005 will change that discouraging trend.

Best case scenario:Grossman returns completely healed and fitter than
ever .He leads the team to victory,just as we hoped he would during
2004. Hutchinson hasn't had enough protection from the OL to give a full
indication of his capabilities. But,his strong arm and mobility could
give Grossman a contest for the #1 slot. And what about a seasoned
backup? Jeff George might be the one. He's certainly been saying all the
right things. Still, we haven't seen him in a game situation and there's
no way to know for sure. Keep looking just in case,Lovie.

Worst case scenario. Jonathan Quinn,starter. Yikes!

Best case scenario: The OL learns how to block. They stop getting
penalized for careless mistakes. Q Mitchell decides to retire,opening the
roster spot for somebody who understands the game. Desmond Clark and
Dustin Lyman suddenly accelerate their development and become
play makers,or are replaced by players who already have the necessary skills. Tait
continues in his dependable role. Terrance Metcalf continues to
improve. He may not be the most personable guy in the roster,but if he can
block,who cares?

The WR's have a breakout year. Terrell capitalizes on his few good
plays from 2004 and returns to specialize in the deep routes to the end
zone. He transforms into a model citizen,speaking only when spoken to and
declining the spotlight in favor of his team mates. Bobby Wade becomes
the go to guy more often than not. He has the instincts and the desire
and his skill level is improving weekly. Barnard Berrian keeps
learning. A good backup now. Soon,a fine starter .

A Train is gone but Jones fills the role to perfection. Peterson gets
the chance he deserves. Adrian has the moves,the brains, and the
desire. But this position still is not a comfortable one. Free agents?
Draft choices? More help's still needed here in a reserve role.

Worst case scenario:Krenzel or Quinn,Justin Gage,Q Mitchell,Steve
Edwards start every game. Colombo has trouble regaining his timing. The new
offensive coordinator finds Shea's playbook under his desk and uses

Best case scenario: The defense continues to be a dominant force.
They're young and tremendously talented. They carried this team through
much of the past season,doing much more than their share in bringing
home the few victories over strong rivals, and continue to do so.

Great individual performances by Alex Brown,Ian Scott,Tommie
Harris,Michael Haynes and Lance Briggs stand out.Tank Johnson matures as
expected. Nathan Vasher builds on this year strong heads up play.
Urlacher,who disappointed for the most part in 2004,is healthy once more and
has something to prove to his critics. And he vows that he's never be
called 'overrated' again. Mike Brown's back at long last and gives
the secondary a boost in enthusiasm and leadership.

Worst case scenario:Playing on his injured ankle for much of the end of
the 2004 season permanently hampers Ogunleye. Bobby Gray continues to
spend more time in the training room than on the field. Future
defensive game plans are built around RW McQuarters.

Best case scenario:Special teams continue to offer dependable play.
Maynard doesn't have to be MVP because the offense can get the
occasional drive going. Edinger is 20-20 even from 60 or more yards out.

Worst case scenario: Throw caution to the winds. Let's see more of
those trick field goal plays. That certainly fooled the Green Bay defense.

Best case scenario: Peace returns to the locker room with all the
starters back and healthy. The same faces are seen from week to week both
on and off the field. Players are available during press conferences
and are eager to reconnect with their fans through the media.

Worst case scenario: Locker Room Roulette continues with an unending
parade of Who's That? coming through. And most of the players
you find there are surly even on a good day. Confusion continues
with adhesive taped names replacing the more upscale permanent name
signs on every locker. Lower level players share tiny closet like
spaces,crowding helmets,padding,shoes, and uniforms in a barely recognizable heap.
Ever heard of Jason Shivers? Jerrell Pippens? Neither had I until I
ran into them sitting near packing boxes sent by their former teams to
Halas Hall. And who's Bo Lacy? Surprise, he's on the roster too.

New year,new beginning. Maybe our team will make it to the playoffs in
2005,just as Lovie has told us they will. Heck,he promised two wins
over Green Bay this year and he was half right. But I wouldn't be
buying those post season tickets just yet. First,let's see what the draft
and off season might bring .There are a lot of if's still to be
reckoned with. But realistically there's no place to go but up,and
2005 could be the Bears year. Stranger things have happened. Just ask
Boston Red Sox.