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Height: 6'7" Weight: 280 lbs.
Hometown: Orlando, Florida
Theme Music: "Young Grow Old" by Creed
Main Finisher: Radiation
BioHaZard's History: Bio Does not dwell on the Past, he looks to the future and how he can make an imapct on it!
Past Federations: WEW, PWA, HWO, FCW BioHaZard's Favorite Quote: "Fate is my ally"
Past Titles Won: WEW Tag champ (5), WEW Harcore Champ (2), PWA World Champ (2), HWO Xtreme Champ(1), FCW Grand Slam (1), WEW Hall or Fammer.
BioHaZard's Appearence: Bio has long brown hair, hazzle eyes, and a muscular body, in the ring he wears some red biker gloves, red elbow pads, and yellow tights with a black radioactie sign on it, out of the ring he wears a suite, with out a tie, kond of like vinnie mac.
Description of Radiation: Its basiclly a Sitout piledriver.
BioHaZard's Ten Favorite Moves: Suplex, Tigger Driver, Spear, DDT, Mandibal Claw, Buffilo Choke, Phoinex Splash, lionsault, powerbomb, DVD (Death Valley Driver).
BioHaZard's Gimmick: Bio was contamiated my radioactive materials making him extremely strong
BioHaZard's Ring Entrence: ("Yound Grow Old" By Creed hits over the PA system. The fans rise to their feet as Bio emerges from the backstage area and onto the stage. Bio poses at the top of the entrance ramp getting a nice pop. He jogs down to the ring and slides in head first. Bio runs to a turnbuckle and raises his arms forming a "X-Shape." He jumps down and runs towards another turnbuckle and does the same thing. Bio hops off that turnbuckle and jumps up and down getting ready for the match.)
Alignment: Face BioHaZard's Wrestling Style: All Arounder
BioHaZard's Email: Foreign Object: Kendo Stick
Descrption of Manager: N/A ICQ Number: N/A
AOL IM: N/A Contract Legth (+Starting $$$): 6 Months ($50,000) Feburary 27, 2002


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