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Real Name: Tom Terrussa
A.K.A.: The Enforcer; The New Game
Affiliation: Ass Kickers Association
Hometown: Yonkers, NY
Age: 21
Height: 6'
Weight: 268 lbs.
Alignment: Heel
Entrance Music: "The Game" Motorhead

Career Highlights:

AkA Heavyweight Title (1)
AkA Intercontinental Title (2)
AkA United States Heavyweight Title (4)
AkA F.T.W. Title (1)
EWF North American Title (1)
Once the chants of "right, right, right..." are heard, it is the sign of the F'n Crippler. Formerly known as the Enforcer, to some at least, The F'n Crippler doesn't play around, he cuts straight to business. Immediately walking into the arena expressionless, it is his state of readiness to destroy his unfortunate opponent.

Signature Moves and Style:

Current and Past Feuds:

The Crippler uses precision and technical wrestling to take down his opponent, working on the legs or arms. Occassionally, the Crippler decides to use his massive size if all else fails technically.

 - C-4 (Finisher): Fireman's carry front facelock face first side slam
 - Crippler Crossface (Finisher): Crossface armbar
 - Broken Arrow: Fireman's carry flapjack
 - Crionic Kick: Side thrust kick
 - Flatliner : Inverted russian leg sweep
 - Fuckin' Crippleleaf/Texas Cloverleaf: Cloverleaf leglock
 - Implant DDT
 - Ripple Effect: Splash

 - Current:

   The Crippler/Mr. Slovakia vs. Angel Ortiz/JMF vs. Jisun/Doomsday
   EWF Invaders vs. The AkA
   The Crippler vs. ChisenOne
   The Crippler vs. RVD
   T&A vs. The Hardy Boyz

Current and Past Alliances:

 - Current (Repeat Offenders):
The Crippler/Matt Foley/The Dream

   The Crippler & Mr. Slovakia:
      The Crippler/Mr. Slovakia
   EWF Invaders:
      The Crippler/The Colonel/JDogg/Matt Foley/E-Roc
      The Crippler/Da Franchise