
A.P.C.W. September 3rd, 2006 Seekonk, MA American Legion Post 311 2pm

Tripple Threat Match for vacant A.P.C.W. TV Title

Curly -VS- Dan Bidondi -VS- Matt Casey

Bidondi hits Casey with the Bionic-Plex. Curly blinds Bidondi with a pie to the face and covers Casey for the pin and the Title.



September 30th, 2006 Attleboro, MA Moose Lodge

Interfered in the main event, belly to back suplexed Don Vega as Jimmy Cash won by Submission.

Dan Bidondi joins Mr. Fabulous' APEX Corporation



October 7th, 2006 Wareham, MA Wareham High School

Dan Bidondi w/Johnny Fabulous -VS- "Punisher" Don Vega

Lost when I accidently hit my Manager knocking him off the canvas. I turned around and got hit with the Sky High as Vega steals the pin. A rematch is set up for December.. A Indian Strap Match..



October 15th, Cranston, RI Confeida Farms Festival

Dan Bidondi -VS Bronx Thug

Win by Submission (Bionic Armlock)



October 28th, 2006 Somerset, MA Multiplex Sports Arena @ 7PM

"Bionic" Dan Bidondi w/The Mind -VS- Crazzy Chainsaw Bastard

Dan Bidondi wins by pin fall



October 29th, 2006 Cranston, RI. Confeida Farms Festival

"Bionic" Dan Bidondi -VS- Drake Evans

Bidondi wins by Submission



December 9th, 2006 Attleboro, MA Moose Lodge

4-Corners Indian Strap Match

Match for #1 Contender for N.W.W. World Title

"Bionic" Dan Bidondi -VS- "Punisher" Don Vega

Bidondi dragging Vega around the ring by the neck tagging the corners, Bidondi didn't notice Vega also tagging the corners also, Bidondi going for the 4th corner was stoped by Vega pulling Bidondi into Bidondi's Manager Johnny Fabulous and Vega diving for the 4th corner to get the win.

Both Bidondi and Vega showed a vast display of both athletisism and a verage of beatings to each other leaving the N.W.W. crowd grasping for air as each welt was made, especially Bidondi taking a hard hit from a leather strap on the head and then one in the face that left the crowd crindging. The power of Bidondi and Vega snapped the thick leather strap 3 times. A strap made to hold wild furocious animals wasn't strong enough for these two Power Houses.



Febuary 3rd, 2007 @ American Legion Hall Post 311 in Seakonk, MA 7:30pm

For A.P.C.W. #1 Contender for New England Champion

Singles -VS- Freight Train

Freight Train caught Dan Bidond by suprise when Bidondi thought he had the win with the "Bionic" Arm Lock and when he had turned around Freight Train caught him in a side slam and then hit a splash from the top rop to steal the win with a pin. That brings Dan Bidondi's APCW Undefeated Streak to a halt.



February 24, 2007 - 7:00 PM Bell Time

Marlboro Family Center (Moose Lodge) - 67 Fitchburg St., Marlboro, MA

Texas Tornado Match for N.W.W. Tagteam Championship

Dan Bidondi & Mr. TA w/Johnny Fabulous -VS- N.W.W. Tagteam Championship -VS- Champions: Slaughter House

Dan Bidondi hits Crazzy Chainsaw Bastard with a German Suplex for the pin and the Tagteam Championship




March 31st, 2007 Sandwich, MA


Champions Team Apex -VS- Slaughterhouse

Slaughter house pinned Money Bags to win back the Tagteam Championship.

Dan Bidondi competed in the 2nd Annual Super Crush Battle Royal. I went in and got tossed out, I was #14.



April 28th, 2006 7:30pm Attleboro, MA Moose Lodge


"Bionic" Dan Bidondi w/Johnny Fabulous -VS- Outpatient (NWW Tagteam Champion)

After getting busted in the head with a bat, kendo stick and chain, blood poured from my head. Outpatient was about to get finished off but hit me with a DDT and put me in the crossface with the chain. Johnny Fabulous threw in the towel and I lost by TKO.



July 13th, American Legion Post 311 Seakonk, MA

Tagteam Match

Dan Bidondi & Phoenix VS Big Bear & Mystery Opponit

Win-Submission, after body slamming the 390 pound Big Bear twice then slapping on the Bionic Arm Lock.



July 21st, 2007

Attleboro Family Center (Moose Lodge) 241 Thatcher St. Attleboro, MA

NWW Tagteam Championship Re-Match

Dan Bidondi & Mr. T.A. w/Johnny Fabulous (APEX Corp.) vs NWW Tagteam Champions Slaughter House


After getting smashed in the head by my own partner Mr. T.A. with a chain from holding Outpatient and Outpatient ducking out of the way. I got wacked as Outpatient capitalized with the pin.

I was fired from APEX Corporation and Dan Bidondi is once again a fan favorite.



September 22nd, 2007 @ 1pm

Confrieda Farm Festival Cranston, RI

Singles match VS Onix




September 22nd, 2007 @ 7pm

Worchester, MA Worchester Armory Lincoln St.

Ellimination 4-way Tag Match for #1 Contenders for PHW Tagteam Titles

Dan Bidondi & Cheeco Suave -VS- French Connection -VS- Slaughter House -VS- Kennel Club

Slaughter House elliminated the Kennel Club, French Connection Elliminated Dan Bidondi & Cheeco Suave, Slaughter House wins elliminating French Connection.

======================================================< N.W.W.

September 29th, 2007

Attleboro Family Center (Moose Lodge) 241 Thatcher St. Attleboro, MA

Chain Match

Dan Bidondi VS Mr. T.A. w/Mgr. Johnny Fabulous

Match went to a no-contest



October 13th, 2007

Seakonk, MA American Legion Post 311

Singles Match VS Chris Black Heart

Win with a roll up pin



December 8th, 2007

Attleboro, MA Moose Lodge

Tag Team Match

Dan Bidondi & Dough Summers -VS- Mr. T.A. & Mark Allen w/Crypton Cookie

Dan Bidondi got the pin on Mark Allen



January 25th, 2008

Seakonk, MA American Legion Post 311


WON, elliminating 5 wrestlers becoming #1 Contender



Single -VS- Champion Derek Destiny

Lost-from getting smashed with a Championship belt in the head and Destiny rolling me up pulling the tights to get the the fast 3 count



Febuary 23rd, 2008 Attleboro, MA Moose Lodge

Singles match -VS- Tommy Mack

After hitting a aray of suplexes and clothes lines, I finnished off Tommy Mack with the Bionic-Plex for the pin.



Febuary 24th, 2008 Westfield, MA Moose Lodge

Singles Match -VS- Stiff Mike

Lost from being counted out of the ring


10 Man Gauntlet Match... Ellimated 2 contenders by throwing them over the top rope, I pinned both Dough Summers and Bobby Ocean with the Bionic-Plex and came up short as Stiff Mike stole the pin and the winner of the Gauntlet as my foot was on the bottom rope.



March 29th, 2008 American Legion Post 311 Seekonk, MA

15-Man Battle Royal for vacant APCW Championship

After elliminating 5 contenders it was Bionic and Gary Gold left. Gold ducked the clothes line by Bidondi and then drop kicked him off the apron as Bidondi fell just 1 competitor short of a the Heavyweight Championship Title.


Main Event APCW Tagteam Championship

Dan Bidondi steped in for Dana Cama to defend the tagteam championship with Pacifico in the main event against the Silver Stallions "Ice Berg" Sonny D & Travis Funk. Bidondi hit Ice Berge with the Bionic-Plex to get the pin and win to secure the tag titles.



April 5th, 2008 Sandwich High School Sandwich, MA

Annual Super Crush Battle Royal




Dan Bidondi & Moondog -VS- Big Paulie Gilmoure & Brutus The Barber Beefcake.

Beefcake slapped the sleeper on Moondog for the win



April 12th, 2008 Attleboro, MA Moose Lodge

Singles Match -VS- Brickhouse Baker

Bidondi wins with a pin



April 22nd, 2008 Worchester Armory Worchester, MA

Tripple Threat Tag Team Match

Thrillogy (Chris Camaro & Mikaze) vs. Moondog Maximus & "Bionic" Dan Bidondi with Nurse Nikki vs. The Fronters (Chad Mulkie & Papi Cruz)

Thrillogy def. The Fronters via pinfall



May 23rd, 2008 American Legion Post 311 Seekonk, MA

-APCW Tagteam Title Defense w/Danny Cama -VS- Emmit Jordan & Revelation

Won-Pin (Bidondi pinned Emmit Jordan)

-Singles Match -VS- Angle The Icon

Won-Submission "Bionic Arm Lock"



May 30th, 2008 Quabaug High School Warren, MA

Singles Match -VS- M.I.A.

Lost-Pin due to opponite switching with partner several times.



June 21st, 2008 Elks Club Worchester, MA

Tag Team Match

Slaughter House -VS- Moondog Maximus & Dan Bidondi with Nurse Nikki

Slaughter House wins by pinfall



June 28th, 2008 Attleboro, MA Moose Lodge

Singles Match -VS- Big Busines

Lost by pin, got clocked with a flash light, thanks to the Ref not seeing it, I lost the match.



Aug 23rd, 2008 Seekonk, MA American Legion Post 311

A.P.C.W. Tag Team Title Defense

Team Ellite -VS- No Limit Troopers

Bidondi destroyed his own partner Danny Cama with the "Bionic-Plex" before the match even started and left him to dry as Emmet Jordan took advantage and pinned Cama as No Limit Troopers became the new Champions

A.P.C.W. Heavyweight Title Match

Gary Gold -VS- #1 Contender Dan Bidondi

Bidondi pinned Gold for the title, Commishiner John Cena ordered the match to restart under rematch clause rules and Gold hit Bidondi with a small package to reclaim the Heavyweight Title.



Nov 9th, 2008 American Legion Post 311 Seekonk, MA

Heavyweight Title Match- Special Tag Team Bought

Champion "Nature Boy" Gary Gold & G.M. Johnny Fabulous -VS- #1 Contender "Bionic" Dan Bidondi & MGR. Marcus O'Middleton.

Win-Pin *New Champion*

Bidondi nailed Fabulous with a super kick as Marcus covered Fabulous for the pin. Bidondi was awarded Champion.


A.P.C.W. Heavyweight Title Match

Special Tag Team Rules for championship

Champion "Nature Boy" Gary Gold & Johnny Fabulous -VS- #1 Contender "Bionic" Dan Bidondi & Manager Marcus O'Middleton

Bidondi super kicks Fabulous and O'Middleton covers Fabulous for the pin.. Dan Bidondi awarded new champion.



Jan 17th, 2009 American Legion Post 311 Seekonk, MA

Heavyweight Title Defense Match

1st title defense -VS- Challenger Representing "Men Of Business" Big Paulie Gilmoure accompanied by Mr. Man




Feb 28th, 2009 Bay State Expo Center Dorchester, MA

Match for vacant U.F.O. Tag Team Championship Match

"The Animals" Moondog Maximus & "The Preditor" Dan Bidondi w/ Gabriel Grange -VS- Nigerian Nightmares w/Mr. Q

What can we say about this match except over 1,350 lbs. in the ring. These two mamouth tag teams shown that just because the smallest guy was 287 lbs. and the largest guy was 458 lbs. that gravity was not an issue. The Nightmares pulled off some devistating tag team combinations to Moondog Maximus, but through it all Big Max somehow found the way with courage and probably pure ring savy to tag his partner in who showed the most super human strength by body slamming both Nightmares one after another. The smaller of the two Nightmare cut Bidondi off, and set him up for the Nigerian Headhunter with Maximus making the save just as the bigger of the two Nightmare was ready for diliver the front flip leg drop. Bidondi took advantage of this and hit him with the Bionic Plex to get the 1,2,3 to become the UFO Tag Team champions.



May 16th, 2009 Dorchester Armory Dorchester, MA

U.F.O. Tag Team Championship Defense-Hardcore Match

The Animals -VS- Slaughterhouse

After a long grueling blood bath of a battle, Dan Bidondi shot Crazzy Chainsaw Bastard into a windshield and Moondog grabed the pin for the win. Blood was flowing, crutchers, winshieds, tables, chairs, trash cans, everything but the kitchen sink was used.


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