<font color=purple> \\*<font color=blue> Think You Can Handle This Devilish Angel?<font color=purple>*//
Angel Fyre: Angelic Looks..Devilish Attitude!
\\*Singles Record*// 1-0

\\*Tag-Team Record*//0-0

\\*Major Achievements*//Being Angel Fyre

\\*People Used*//Angel Fyre, Frankie, Vincent, Lisa, & By standards

\\*People Mentioned*//\\*Alyssa Reid*//

\\*Lines/How Many K's*//1,304 Words/14 k

\\*Don't Fuck With This Bitch!*//


Frankie's Little Italy "Bar" \\*10:15*//


\\* 'Angelic Looks..Devilish Attitude' Angel Fyre*//

\\*An outside shot of a sign is shown. "Frankie's Little Italy" is written across the top. The scene then cuts to the inside of a packed bar. Italian music is being serenaded to guests who are dinning at the small and somewhat poor looking dinning area. Many people are coupled off and talking to one another. Seconds later, Angel Fyre walks in. She has on a black leather mini skirt with a big silver loop in the front like a belt buckle. She has on a red v-neck extra short sleeved shirt with a deep slash in the front. Low enough to show the top of her black bra. A ring made out of six red big rhinestone like pieces on her right hand and gold dangle chained earrings on. She has on black leather knee high boots. Her hair down and volumnized. She looks the crowd over and then spots Frankie tending to the bar. She smiles and rushes over to grab a barside seat. Frankie notices her and the two hug over the bar. She sits back down.*//

\\*Frankie*// Angelina DelGotto. Do my eyes deceive me? You were no more than eleven or twelve when I last saw you. A skinny little girl who would rather beat up her brothers than wear a dress.

\\*Angel Fyre*// Eh Frankie. It's good to see you. I don't fight too hard to keep from wearing a dress now. This place is exactly the same. How's business?

\\*Frankie*// Couldn't be better. I've had the same customers for thirty years and getting a whole new crowd now that everyone knows this is where you hung out. Who would have thought you would grow up and be a big famous wrestler? I'm so proud.

\\*Angel Fyre*// Thanks Frankie. Glad to see I can help business. Could you get me a double scotch on the rocks please?

\\*Frankie nods and gathers Angel's order. He sits in front of her seconds later.*//

\\*Angel Fyre*// Ringraziare. How's the family? What are Anthony, Frankie Jr., and Connie up to these days?

\\*Frankie*// Frankie Jr. is helping me run the business now. Connie got married and I have three grandkids now. She's pregnant with the fourth now. They are beautiful children. And Anthony..he died on the job. I told him. I said Anthony, this business you are in, it's not good. But he say "Papa, I know what I'm doing. It's good money and I can support you and Mama." I miss him. Annette, she cries for him all the time.

\\*Angel Fyre*// Oh Frankie. I'm so sorry. I know the danger. Got four brothers into the samething. Thank God they are still safe. My prayers are with you and the family.

\\*Frankie*// Benedire loro fanciulla. Excuse me while I tend to this gentlemen at the end of the bar. Pardon.

\\*Angel Fyre*// Arrivederla.

\\*As Frankie leaves, he fills her glass back up. She smiles as he heads to the other end of the bar. Angel is left to her own thoughts. Moments later, a man turns to Angel and starts a conversation.*//

\\*Man*// Angel Fyre, right? Yeah, I see you on t.v. all the time. I'm Vincent. Frankie let's us watch the show everytime it's on. Gives us a free round everytime you win a match. So, you going to win Friday?

\\*Angel Fyre*// What kind of stupid ass question is that? Of course I'm going to win. Have you seen who I'm facing? I could beat her drunk. You must have seen her on t.v. You can't honestly tell me you thought for a whole second that I couldn't beat her, right?

\\*Vincent*// Nah. I know you got her beat. She looks too girlish to win a match. So, can I buy you a drink?

\\*Angel Fyre*// Heh Frankie! Give me a shot. Compliments of this gentlemen right here.

\\*Frankie acknowledges Angel's order and gives her a shot. He wipes down the bar a bit and joins in on the conversation between Angel and Vincent.*//

\\*Angel Fyre*// So Frankie, you give the customers a free round everytime I win? You could go out of business doing that. Especially since I will be winning twice tomorrow. \\*laughs*//

\\*Frankie*// It's okay Angelina, I believe we'll survive. The free rounds help bring in customers and besides, everyone likes watching you on the t.v. We take bids every night. But shhh..don't tell the cops. \\*smiles*// How are things looking for Friday? I got a big bet on you and I want to make sure the prize fighter is in top condition. Make an old man proud.

\\*Angel Fyre*// I'm good Frankie. You'll win that money on Friday. For both matches. I mean come on, I'm taking on Alyssa Reid for crying out loud. How hard is that? I've got this one in the bag. I'll bid five grand that Alyssa loses. All proceeds go to Frankie's Little Italy Bar of course. \\*winks*// Alyssa will lose. You just wait and see.

\\*Woman*// The only losing we'll see will be from you. Alyssa is going to kick your ass. You are nothing more than a spaventato pollo.

\\*Vincent*// Pacifico! Pacifico! You don't know what you are talking about Lisa. Angel Fyre is undefeated and Alyssa is wimpy looking. The odds are stacked against her. You'll make her mad.

\\*Lisa*// The odds are wrong. They should be stacked against her. I don't care if she gets mad or not. I've seen Alyssa wrestle. She's going to put this gutter trash in her place. It's about time somebody did.

\\*The lady is obviously drunk as she slurs her speech but stares a hole threw a non caring Angel. Angel slides her shot to be refilled as Frankie nervously pours another shot. He doesn't want a fight started. Angel slides down her second shot never taking her eyes off of Lisa. As Frankie fills up her second shot, she finally speaks.*//

\\*Angel Fyre*// Gutter trash? Lady, you yourself are the pure definition of gutter trash. And the reason why people go running to AA. I won't bash your face in here because I don't want to destroy Frankie's little set up. I don't care what the odds say, I'm going to win. I know that for a fact and I give my word. And that my plastered friend, is the damn truth.

\\*Lisa*// Don't let being here stop you. Come on. I'm begging you, give me your best shot. You are too scared. This is how your match is going to go down. You'll choke. Alyssa has better moves than you. Face it you little pollo.

\\*Angel finishes her third shot and then looks the lady over good. She decides she's not worth the effort. She rolls her eyes and leans over to kiss Frankie on the cheek. He smiles and the two hug. She hops down from her seat.*//

\\*Angel Fyre*// Good seeing you again Frankie. I'll be here Saturday to hand over my five grand and maybe even have a few celebratory drinks. Felice notte.

\\*Angel starts to head out the door as Vincent screams at Lisa in a whispering voice. Lisa continues to get loud and call Angel a chicken. She stops dead in her tracks and walks back over to the bar. She grabs a bottle of scotch and then wacks the lady over the head with it. The customers scream and rush to check on her. Angel just smirks over her unconscious body.*//

\\*Angel Fyre*// This headache compliments of one coraggioso signora. Don't worry, just have yourself a few more drinks when you wake up and all will be well. Arrivederci prostituta.

\\*Angel throws a hundred on the bar for Frankie's troubles. She winks at him and then heads out the door. The customers are still gathered around Lisa as the scene fades to black.*//