awhile back ago. Many thanks goes to him.
[[ The scene opens up in a waiting room of some design. ]]
Dean Malenko: Well look at the time.
[[ Malenko takes a look at his left-arm wrist watch. ]]
Dean Malenko: Uhm. Punctuality is certainly not one of this girl's qualities.
[[ Malenko turns over then slowly starts to pace about the room. ]]
Dean Malenko: How long... Am I going to have to wait ON.. like this?!
[[ Just then the door leading into the waiting room opens up, with a man barreling in with a load of bags, strapped onto his body. ]]
Man: Hoof! Huff. Huff.. w-w-w-wh.. heeze... boy! That was a rush!
[[ Following the man in, another figure enters the room. ]]
April Hunter: Hey, guy. Thanks alot. I really mean it! You're a real life saver!!
Man: oh... oh... not a problem lady. Always willing to help out a girl in distress. Just as the vows, I took from the junior Boy Scouts League... demand of their cubs.
April Hunter: You were a cub scout?
[[ The man slings down his appendages, tightens his posture into a stiff stance, then salutes. ]]
Man: I still am Ms.
April Hunter: oh..
[[ Still saluting w/ the tight stance. ]]
Man: Once you're apart of a boy scout brigade. You're a scout for life!
[[ April looks awestrucked. ]]
April Hunter: a'oh... And here I thought all boy scouts were supposed to be all geeky and wimpish.
[[ Sounding very Austin Like. ]]
[[ Man gapes his mouth open in shock, as he places both hands to his chest covering his heart. ]]
April Hunter: wah-wah..wait!! I didn't mean what I said harshly.. or anything. That's just how I had thought of all boy scouts, having never met one. ...UNTIL now. Its like you're the exception to that.. for me.
Man: Well.. yes, of course!
[[ A smirk comes across the man's face. ]]
Man: And just.. by the way.. to clear that up. I'm a CUB SCOUT! Not boy scout....... anymore.
April Hunter: ...there's a difference?!
[[ The man looks flabbergasted. ]]
[[ Stunned look from April. ]]
April Hunter: I guess there is, then.. huh?
[[ Litterally, looking like a red-faced turnip about to explode. ]]
Man: There's A HUGE DIFFERENCE. MANY DIFFERENCES... in fact!!! And.. And.. And my good buddy Steve Austin, could tell you that, uhh... those differences too.
April Hunter: Well... um.
[[ April looks around the interior of the waiting room.. only seeing furniture, a few snacks on the coffee table, accessory ware for the decor, a throw rug on the floor, a wall painting here and there on the wall sides from 3 perspectives, an adjoining room.. which appears to be a singular restroom, her travel & equipment bags draped about the ground floor, 'the Man' a few inches apart from her, and... the back! Of the man, known only to one, so far... to be Dean Malenko. ]]
April Hunter: Sir. Hey, sir. The one facing to the wall.. looking all unneedfully mysterious and stuff! Are you.. Steve Austin? And can you tell me the differences to being a boy scout and being a cub scout?
[[ At this point a chilling laughter comes from Malenko, who still has his back turned to April and the other man. ]]
Dean Malenko: Heh! Heh! Heh! Heh! Am I Steve Austin? Hee'h! Hee'h! heh! "Am I Steve Austin?".. The Woman says.
April Hunter: Sir. Its not "The Woman." But if you meant that as a ebonical form of respect and to give props.. I thank you.
[[ April looks about ready to blush. With the full rosy-red cheek look and all. ]]
Man: <... sigh ...> Somehow, I don't think.. that's what that man means. <... sigh ...>
[[ Without even looking at April, Malenko evily sneers at the woman's ineptness. ]]
April Hunter: You're a standoffish one, aren't you? Well.. Mister. Time to clear that up for you.. And make you a new friend for you to talk too. Maybe even.. Improve on your opening conversation, ..People skills.. And I'll start things by introducing myself.
[[ Ms. Hunter walks up a few paces.. holds out an arm half-way, elbow pointing near her side rib cage.. with an extended palm. Clearly, as a friendly and welcoming gesture. ]]
April Hunter: Hi. I'm April Hunter. And.. um, since we were in the middle of some questions... Are you Steve Austin? And do you know the difference of being a boy scout and being a cub scout?
[[ Callous chuckles come from Malenko, who still has his back turned to April. ]]
Dean Malenko: Lady. I got to tell you. You're barking up the wrong tree. And seeing as how you can spot me for being Steve Austin... Only goes to show, that you may need a pair of corrective eye lenses.
[[ Puzzled look from April, who now firms her stance to the floor.. places her hands to her hips and places an added emphasis on her voice. ]]
April Hunter: Just what's that supposed to mean?
[[ Malenko shakes his head and lets out another callous chuckle. ]]
Dean Malenko: Ah.. And a dim bulb too. This will do wonders for the Solid Gold women's quota. And from the look of it.. it couldn't be Any More Better. Leaving me to think... How SAD it is?
[[ Not seeming to be phased by Malenko's whitty insults. ]]
April Hunter: Well..I can say that your people skills, are in need of some SERIOUS work. Like I'm thinking... A TOTAL OVERHAUL! Because certainly.. with the way you're rambling with your confusing words.. One won't be able to understand you, the first-time around.. with what you say. And with that deep-seeded, nasally sounding.. serial-killer like voice of yours.. You need to talk as clear and as sweet as you could possibly be. Though.. That MAY make you more appear to be a serial-killer! So, maybe you should just forget doing that. Avoiding what I 1st said to do. And just..... Try to be nice! Though. Just not too nice at once... To affirm any suspicions to any dark and creepy nature, you may be secretly concealing. Okay?
[[ After April's dizzing array of words of "What to do." Wait. April's words on "What Not to Do"... Oh wait. ... Or was it, "Words NOT to do, but to Only do In Moderation... and .. That doesn't sound right. <... Just like another RAMBLING WORD TEXAN who keeps saying " WHAT " all the time ...> SO.. OH DAMNIT!.. Forget it. ]]
<... Restating things in a more simplified manner ...>
[[ After April's dizzing and "Headache-Inducing" array of words... Dean Malenko's only verbal retort is. ]]
Dean Malenko: imbecile.
[[ Blinking eye lids in a flurry. ]]
April Hunter: Excuse me!
Dean Malenko: That's right! Excuse you. I was mistaken. And I'm sorry for it.
April Hunter: If you're going about that apology.. I don't see any reason why I couldn't accept i-
Dean Malenko: You're not an imbecile at all. Why? Because an imbecile is to say, "Someone is a mentally deficient person," especially hindering on, but not limited to.. "a feebleminded person having a mental age of a 3 to 7 year old child!" And needed requiring supervision in the performance of routine daily tasks of self-care... Which fits just PERFECTLY.. When describing Steve Austin. And that nagging.. gum-chewing, cookie-baking, ex-beauty queen centerpiece wife of his.. Debra.
April Hunter: Oh... Well glad to see that you've, rethought things through and don't think I'm a imbe-
Dean Malenko: You lady. Are a Fool! Without question.. I can, through common judgement.. make you out to be one.
April Hunter: The fuc[bleep]k! Like hell I am.
Dean Malenko: Temper. Temper. That could be a bad thing to harbor up inside of you... ya' know.
April Hunter: To harbor up inside..? You're right. But, if you tick me off... You won't have to worry about me harboring up my anger inside of me.. because I'll show you JUST.. HOW I AM.. WHEN.. I'M ANGRY! Got Me.. Mister?!
Dean Malenko: Sticks n' Stones, Woman. Sticks n' Stones.
April Hunter: A little advice for you.. man. And its on that no-good mouth of yours. If you can't say something good to someone.. then don't say it at all.
Dean Malenko: Maybe its you, who needs a tip.
April Hunter: And what might that be..?
Dean Malenko: What good are words, when they break no bones? And convey no real actions, emotions, or thoughts?
[[ April throws up her shoulders.. seemingly to ask through body language, to Dean " Why'd he ask such a thng? " ]]
April Hunter: I-I-I don't get it.
Dean Malenko: As if I didn't already know... you wouldn't. That's why I said it. And that's the reason.. I SAY what I SAY. After all, now.. What good are words.. when they're Not True 'of How You Feel?' And... its like not "Being True To Yourself?"
April Hunter: I... I... I... uhm... Well, yes.. you have a poi-
Dean Malenko: I think I'll leave you to figure that out, fully. And be able to digest it. Lord can only know.. when you'll be done.
[[ Malenko dips over to his left, side-stepping April and starts to walk off, not even once looking at April directly at all. ]]
April Hunter: <... whispering to herself ...> what a man?!
[[ Malenko smirks as he could just barely make out what April said. ]]
April Hunter: <... continuing ...> So.. mysterious and smart, so confident and carefree.. and such a pretensious know-it-all.. yet on a grand scale, such a total stuck-up hardcase.
[[ Malenko flashes a sneer across his face, as you can guess he was able to hear that last exchange of words from April. ]]
Man: <... seeing Malenko approaching his way ...> Sir. If you'd hold on for just a second.. I'll move these bags to the side, so you can pa-
Dean Malenko: Who needs to have a way made for them, when they can just Step On and Over ON TOP of their obstacles. CRUSHING THEM DOWN! Just like HOW.. I plan on doing to STEVE AUSTIN. And DEBRA too.. Just for kicks. <... deviously smiles ...> And for OLD-TIMES' sake. <... Feigns a cold-looking expression ...> Now vamoose, little man. Its time.. for me to step.
[[ A sinister grin comes over Dean's face at the prospect of 'laying his foot down' on April's stuff. ]]
April Hunter: Boy..! You had better not dare, step on my travel luggage! OR it WILL mean 'Something Happening Between Us.'
[[ Turing his head to the side, as if to look back, but stopping mid-way. ]]
Dean Malenko: Oh you little tease. How.. I could almost take you up on that all.. If I had the time, for you see... I have an appointment to keep! And I can't be late!
April Hunter: I can understand that, but... please. Wait a moment, so my bags could be moved out of the way. First.
Dean Malenko: <... making like he's about to set his right-leg on 1 of April's bags ...> Okay. <... setting his leg down, away from the bag ...> You've twisted my arm. After all.. I'm a compassionate man. And I'd never do anything to hurt someone, so maliciously.. that didn't deserve my wrath.. Unlike that foul-mouth texan.. Steve Austin and his pet-doggy.. with the wrinkled face and blonde hair... that we've all come to know and "love".. as Debra.
April Hunter: <... arms crossed just below her voluptuous breast ...> Well now.. I'll say this to you mister man, you have certainly got it in for this Steve Austin and Debra. My only question... that I would move to ask you... Is what have they done to you, to get you all riled up over them?
Dean Malenko: Hmm... 'DO.' Interesting word. That usually sets in as an act of guilt or in the act of committing something. But in truth, Steve Austin has done nothing to me.. Yet I want to hurt him.. And crush his spine.. Like the sorry worker ant he is, below my feet! But not because.. I enjoy misery and causing it.. But because I must.. As the say, to get ahead. In the field of business.. that I take part in. Although with Debra.. That's another matter, as 'I DO' owe her some grief. From long go.. In the land of Turner, where it was a conspiracy between her and that "Chosen Ninny" Jeff Jarrett.. That had suckered me in, on a pretend deal.. to only bail on me, when things didn't look their favor... Leaving me to get the thrashing of a lifetime.. by the lowly Steve 'Mongo' McMichaels.. and that 'Human Wolverine" Chris Benoit. So.. When I think of what Steve Austin and Debra have "DONE to ME." All I can say.. is nothing in recent memory... But then "I'd like to KEEP IT, THAT WAY." And as a saying of Steve Austin goes.. I'm going "To Do Onto Others, Before They Can Do, Onto Me." And all the doing will come... when "The Iceman," which is myself.. engages and destroys.. that tandem, at No Remorse.
April Hunter: You put yourself over highly. Are you sure it will be that simple.. to overome two in numbers, to just you..?
Dean Malenko: Make no mistake about it.. I don't discount the threat of Austin and Debra working together as a destructive team.. With Austin leading the fore-front of the barrage and Debra picking up the slack where ever and when ever she can.. By assisting illegally, behind the referee's back. Oh no! I haven't let that slip my mind.. But.. I can't just lay back and watch my chance to rise above in that tar-pit known, as sgw. For I know.. My chances are limited.. and I'm tought of already as an odd man out. And really.. after seeing the already ESTABLISHED TRASH.. sitting atop the heap, I'd rather be.. the odd man out!
April Hunter: Still though.. It may be good to make a pact of sonme sorts. An alliance maybe.. with a superstar that you share ideals with.
Dean Malenko: You seem concerned, Ms. April. Even for matters.. that probably could not.. concern you. Yet, you seem to care anyway. Why?
April Hunter: I care for the sake.. that there's too little people caring out there. And you know.. I'd kinda almost wish to be there to help you. But.. I already have work. In fact.. My work assignment calls for me to be a valet and ringside manager. And all... to someone named Dean, I think.
Dean Malenko: All to Someone named Dean, you say. Interesting. I'll have to remember that. Ms. April. April Hunter. Is it not?
April Hunter: Yes. That's right! That's my name. And hey.. do you know where I might find this Dean guy? I think his last name is 'Maleco' or something.
Dean Malenko: 'Maleco..!!??!!' No, no, no! Its prounced (MUH-LEN-KOH). Spelled M-A-L-E-N-K-O. So.. when you say it, its 'Dean Malenko.'
April Hunter: Oh.. cool. I'll have to remember that.
Dean Malenko: Word of advice April. Don't Try to Remember It. Just do! It may help you in the long run.. to best remember that.
April Hunter: Do you know of where to go find that guy? That Dean Malenko. I mean I was supposed to met him.
Dean Malenko: Think April. Where were you supposed to meet this guy?
April Hunter: Well... here. In this waiting room, I think. Though I'm not sure if he waitied here or not, for me.. I was a bit late comin' in, after all. And then.. when I came in, I saw the man.. helping me get in here, with my bags.. And then I saw you.. And that's all.
[[ Long Pause by all 3 people. ]]
Dean Malenko: You know.. I'm going to go wait outside. See you, later. Oh and April... Be quick about changing or whatever it is, you plan on doing.
[[ Dean opens up the waiting room door and exits. ]]
April Hunter: I wonder what he meant by.. he'd be waiting outside, and he'd see me later.. when I got changed and all.
Man: Well... I'm only saying this because I think its relevant now, but.. Maybe he said all that, because that guy... was ... Is Dean Malenko. You were talking to him the whole time April.
April Hunter: I was..???
[[ April rushes over to the door and opens it up.. looking outside, then spotting Dean leaning against a side wall. ]]
April Hunter: When were you going to tell me.. You were the guy I was supposed to be meeting?
Dean Malenko: I was waiting to see how long, it'd take you to put 2and 2 together and figure it out...? Call it an I.Q. test. And from the looks of it.. Yah ranked higher.. Than Debra and Austin would. But I seriously hope, your other assets can deliver where your brains can't. For your sake and mine.
April Hunter: Funny, wiseguy. But you could have said something.. you know.
Dean Malenkio: Yah, well.. Its said now. So, go get ready. And be quick about it!
April Hunter: Aye, aye! Cap'N!
[[ April tosses a military salute out to Dean, before moving back inside and shutting the door. ]]
Dean Malenko: <... With his arms crossed, shaking his head ...> Women..! What a sorry breed of people.
[[ Couple minutes later, the door opens up..And the man steps out. ]]
Man: Take care April. I think that outfit.. you picked out will look great, if I do say so myself. And good luck. Working with someone like Dean.. you'll need it.
Dean Malenko: Hey you! What do you mean.. "Working with someone like Dean, you'll need it." And wishing April luck. Oh Nevermind.. about that... How long is it going to take her now, to get ready.
Man: Couple of minutes. That's all I got to say to you!
Dean Malenko: You don't like me very much.. do you?
Man: Not when you insult a man.. who's been my friend. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. A man.. who's a texas cub scout.. as I. Whom I fished with, camped out with.. along many trail backwoods, and even hunted with occasionally.
Dean Malenko: Now.. I can see, a man such as you, doing all those things with Austin. Under direst. Because you're a flunkie. Who takes orders right and left. But, YOU'RE proud of it too. How sad. Austin must have been a big impact on your life.. which tells me, you have very little of one.. If you've spent that much time with Austin. But.. Hey, what's the sense of insulting you any more. After all, you're from Texas right?
Man: Yes. I'm from Victoria, Texas. The same part of "The Lone Star State" that "Stone Cold" Steve Austin was born, raised, and now hails from.
Dean Malenko: Oh.. I see. That's punishment enough, for you then. So.. why don't you get outta here. As I don't have a quarrel with you, we're cool. Now beat it, pest!
[[ Being a tad bit shaken and very intimidated by Malenko, The man scurries off. ]]
Dean Malenko: What a pathetic little creature, posing as a man. And to think.. Come Total Destruction, Austin's little act, will be uncovered too! And put to an end!
[[ Right then, April Hunter finally emerges.. and she looks spectacular. And hey... When doesn't April Hunter look spectacular? WHA'AAAAT?! I SAID. Oh nevermind what I said. Just like EVERYONE sould nevermind what Austin said in his RP. <... smile :-) smile ...> ]]
April Hunter: I'm ready, Dean. Where're we going?
Dean Malenko: To see a fat Oklahoman.
April Hunter: Ed Ferrara?
Dean Malenko: No! Not him.. The other one.
April Hunter: There's another one?
Dean Malenko: Oh... Come on?! <... sigh ...> Let's just get going.