Anarchy Wrestling Presents...

LIVE from The Outside Independence Stadium in Umtata, South Africa
Sunday July 3rd, 2005



I'm sick of the excuses that you want me to believe
I've been understanding, givin' everything you need
Using me is over now and soon you're gonna see
I'm done with you, I'm done with you

Would there be a difference if I followed what you say?
Taken from my mind and I can't seem to get away
Using me is over now and soon you're gonna see
I'm done with you, I'm done with you

Everyone is the same
Quick to point the blame
All I know is that life is a struggle
Why, I can't seem to escape all the games that you play
All I know is that life is a struggle

Sorry, I'm angry, I've fallen from everything
Why am I so angry inside my head
Life's all the same, It's gonna change,
I'm not ashamed to live my life

( The Outside Independence Stadium in Umtata, South Africa is ABUZZ as AwF Primal Survival 2005 opens to an amazing display of pyrotechnical show! African Fans in the stands are going insane, and and screaming as loud as humanly possible. The Primal Survival Theme theme, "Everyone" by Adema blasts over the speakers as the THX Dolby Digital Surround Sound tag views on the screen as a sea of 50,000 plus fans are shown in attendance tonight outside in the HOT outside stadium! )

Everyone is the same
Quick to point the blame
All I know is that life is a struggle
Why, I can't seem to escape all the games that you play
All I know is that life is a struggle

Everyone is the same
Quick to point the blame
All I know is that life is a struggle
Why, I can't seem to escape all the games that you play
All I know is that life is a struggle

Why am I so angry inside my head
Life's all the same, It's gonna change, I'm not ashamed

Everyone is the same
Quick to point the blame
All I know is that life is a struggle
Why, I can't seem to escape all the games that you play
All I know is that life is a struggle

(As the smoke clears, streamers and "Primal Survival 2005" emblem flyers fall from the top of the Anarchy-Tron. In the side of the Anarchy-Tron is a large flyer which says "WrestleMayhem 4 is Coming". The camera zigzags all over the stadium to the fans who are going nuts about this show, and we end with a shot of our announce team for the evening, Good Old Jim Ross and Paul Haymen. Take it away boys! )

Jim Ross: Welcome AwF Fans, to the Independence Stadium in Umtata, South Africa for AwF Primal Survival 2005! I'm your host for the evening, Jim Ross alongside Paul Haymen!

Paul Haymen: It has to be at least 110 degrees out here tonight, and i am going to roast in this suit, JR!

Jim Ross: But we will survive, Haymen! The question is, which superstar will durvive the eight person Primal Survival Tournament? Whoever does will main event WRESTLEMAYHEM FOUR!

Paul Haymen: In the first roung, Christian will take on his arch rival Shelton Benjamin, Jeff Hardy will take on Angel Russo, John Cena will take on Edge, and Carmella will take on Austin Aries! Anybody can win this thing tonight!

Jim Ross: You couldn't be more right, but that's not all we have in store for you tonight. The battle of the Queens will take place in a last bitch Standing Match for the AwF Baddest Bitch Championship! Queen Victoria has a chance to become a FIVE TIME AwF Baddest Bitch Champion if she can beat Queen Sable!

Paul Haymen: And don't forget, after tonight, there will be only one Queen in this comapny!

Jim Ross: You damn right, Paul! Also, a Choose You Destiny Invitational TLC Match will also take place tonight, with the winner to get any match they want at WrestleMayhem!

Paul Haymen: Anybody could be in it! Even you if you wanted to, JR!

Jim Ross: Oh, i don't think so, Paul. Also, The AwF Undisputed Anarchy Champion Midajah Stamboli is in the house, as well as AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr! We are live on Pay Per View, in a sell out crowd of 50,000 plus fans! Folks, AwF pay Per View action is coming your way!

(The fireworks and pyro show comes to an end as the "A-W-F!" chants begin to quiet down a bit. All the sudden, "THE ORIGIN OF EXTREME" flashes over the hufe Anarchy-Tron, and before you know it, "More Human then Human" by White Zombie blasts over the arena speakers. The crowd cheers as Jesse Ventura walks out to a huge reaction. Jesse comes out wearing a slick green suit with his trademark feather earings. He stops at the middle of the entranceway and turns around..)

Paul Haymen: What happend? Why did he stop?

Jim Ross: I have no idea...

(As the crowd looks on in confusion, the spotlights shine on the entranceway as the unthinkable happens...out comes...OH MY GOD! JUSTIN CREDIBLE! BALLS MAHONEY! TRIPLE H! KURT ANGLE! LITA! RAVEN! CHRIS JERICHO! OH MY FUCKING GOD! THE AwF LEGENDS HAVE RETURNED! The crowd is going out of their minds as the most well known superstars in the industry walk down the entranceway, all wearing black and red "AwF" shirts)



(Jesse walks into the ring as the rest of the legends join him. What a sight! Old memories of former days of AwF are thought of when you look in the eyes of each and every one of these superstars. Heavy, HEAVY AwF chants are heard throught the building as Jesse get's a mic in his hand.)

AwF Fans: A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F!

Jesse Ventura: Umtata, South Africa, There is nothing i can say to follow up an entrance like that..*Crowd pops*..So allow me to introduce you all to the foundations to this company, the AwF Legends!..*Crowd pops*... You all know of Rey Mysterio Jr, Queen Victoria, and Bret Hart, you have seen them in the last few weeks, so i don't want to sell them short. They are AwF Legends too, but just have been active. But some of these people, you haven't seen them since last year at WrestleMayhem...*Turns around*...First off, we have the winner of the first ever AwF Anarchy Rumble, and the first ever AwF Original United States Champion, He is JUSTIN CRRRREDIBLE!

(Justin Credible does his pose on the ropes, and lifts his singapore cane in the air as the fans erupt in cheers.)

Jesse Ventura: This next man needs no introduction. He has currently been on Mayhem and ReVenge with his student The Godfather. He is a former AwF World Heavyweight Champion, and the GREATEST AwF TV Champion of all time, He is KURT ANGLE!

(The crowd erupts as Kurt Angle twirls in the ring, and shouts out, "WOOOOOOOO!" as Jesse continues.

Jesse Ventura: And speaking of greatness, this woman just may be the greatest female superstar ever to grave the AwF ring. She is a former AwF Woman's World Champion, Baddest Bitch Champion, Intergender Tag Team Champion, she has done it all! Her name is Lita!

(Lita climbs the second rope and does her taunt as the arena goes in massive cheers)

Jesse Ventura: And this next person, oh it's safe to say he has the biggest balls of them all! Of all my years of this buisness, i have never seen a man with a bigger reaction then this guy..Ladies and Gentlemen, he is BALLS MAHONEY!

(The entire arena erupts in cheers as Balls Mahoney holds up his steel chair and smiles at the crowd as the chant, "BALLS!")

Jesse Ventura: Speaking of reaction, this next make knows how to get a reaction out of all of you fans any day of the week. He is a multi time AwF Champion, and a few months ago, he won the AwF Xtreme TV Championship in his return match! This man is non other then CHRIS JERICHO!

(The fans pop huge as Jericho shakes the ropes with his hands, and screams back towards his Jerichoholics.)

Jesse Ventura: This next man took every match he had to the extreme. He took opponents, and made them realize just how hard it was to compete in this buisness. He is a former AwF World Heavyweight Champion, and he is one of the best in the game, i give you TRIPLE H!

(Triple H climbs the ropes and raises his hands in the air as the fans pop huge for the Game.)

Jesse Ventura: And last, but certainly not least. He is a man who has done it all in this buisness. From hardcore matches to hell in a cell matches, he has been through it all. He is the winner of the first ever WrestleMayhem Main Even, he is a former AwF World Heavyweight Champion, he is the Hardcore Icon, ladies and gentlemen, i give you, RAVEN!

(The fans pop huge again as Raven is shown sitting in the corner. He get's himself up and goes to the top rope, and does the crucifix pose as the fans go crazy.)

Paul Haymen: Is this some kind of dream?

Jim Ross: If it is, don't wake me up!

Jesse Ventura: The AwF Legends. The franchises of this buisness. These people are the founders of this company who have paved the way for the newer generations for so many years. And at WrestleMayhem 4, they will take part in the first ever Legends Cup! It will be the ultimate honor for whoever wins this one.

Jesse Ventura: All the AwF Superstars will battle in a single elimination tournament much like tonights Primal Survival Tournament. The only diffrence is some matches will be triple threat matches..*Crowd cheers*..Some matches will be special stipulation matches...*Crowd cheers*..The finals will mark the return of...THE DEATH MATCH!..*The Crowd pops mega cheers*..

Paul Haymen: The return of the death match!

Jim Ross: It's been years since we've had one of those!

Jesse Ventura: I haven't decided who will face who in the first rounds, because i've had my mind on a few other what will happen when i take over this company when i beat Vince Russo!..*Crowd cheers*..But, i will tell you all what's on my mind. I'll tell you all. I'm going to be honest with all of you...The entire AwF, it's been a home to me. I can't picture being in any other place. This is the greatest company on God green earth. Do you know why? It's not because of it's superstars. It's not because of these legends here. It's not because of you AwF fans, it's because of ALL the money i could get for this place.

(The crowd as well as the AwF Legends is in shock as to what Jesse is saying.)

Jesse Ventura: You know, there are so many valuable things i could get for this company. That Anarchy-Tron has been with this company since the start. Do you realize how much that would cost? The contracts all you legends have, do you all realize that i have complete control over them, and i could sell you like a slave to NBC and put you on one of those reality TV shows? Raven, Do you know i will have you in the next skittles commercial eating candy just to fofill your contract? Lita, i swear to you, if i wanted, i could have you shaking your ass in the next G-Unit Video on BET! I have complete control over all your contracts, and i can do whatever i want! And when i beat Vince Russo at WrestleMayhem, i will SELL this company, and all of you AwF Legends will be working for minimum wage at Churches Chicken and Dominos Pizza, PRAYING that i give you a break!

(The crowd can't believe what Jesse Ventura is saying..He wants to sell this company after he beats Vince Russo at WrestleMayhem!)

Jesse Ventura: So, i want all of you AwF fans and superstars in the back to enjoy your final shows. Enjoy your final Mayhems and ReVenge's. Save your money, because after WrestleMayhem 4, The AwF will more. The legacy of the AwF Superstars, and Legends will be gone...FOREVER!

(Jesse drops the mic as he walks to the backstage area with a grin on his face. The AwF legends look at one another with concerned looks on each other's faces. Could this be it? Could the entire company be finished if Jesse Ventura beat's Vince Russo at WrestleMayhem?)

Jim Ross: Folks, i don't know what to say. Jesse Ventura said when he takes over this company, he will make the AwF Legends fofill a fixed contract, and this company will be done for!

Paul Haymen: Wait..are you telling me that this could be one of our last Pay Per view's? No more AwF Championships on the line? No more Main Events? No more Intergender Anarchy Rulez Matches? No more AwF chants from the fans?

Jim Ross: I'm afraid so, Paul. I hate to say it, but WrestleMayhem could be our final event....ever.

(The scene fades to the backstage as the AwF Legends stand in the ring talking to one another, thinking about WrestleMayhem 4...the day it could all come to an end.)

(On the Anarchy-Tron, Jaime Koeppe is seen in her locker room. She's already in her referree's outfit for the match that she'll be participating in. She is wearing short black hot pants, and a belly top with the black and white stripes. She is sat on a chair, looking at the mirror while applying make up on her face. A familiar voice was suddenly heard off-camera as the crowd went crazy.)

John Cena: Now I didn't ask ya' to show off yo' ass for you to sit down, did I? [smirks]

(Jaime dropped the lip gloss on the make up table after hearing the familiar voice. She stood up and turned around to see John Cena. Jaime walked over to him, touching his arm to see if this was real, and not a dream.)

Jamie Koeppe: Oh my God...You're here and I'm not dreamin'.

(Jaime went to hug him tightly, happy to see him free. John smiled as he hugged her back, an insanely loud "Cena" chant ringing through the arena. Cena smirked.)

John Cena: Nope, you not dreamin'. Kinda' seems like it. I don't even know who bailed me out..but someone did, n' I owe 'em bigtime. Now its time to kick some ass..but I said I'd come stare at yours first..damn you look fine tonight..

(John smirks as the African Chain Gang cheer and whistle.)

Jamie Koeppe: Thanks, and you look good considering you were locked up and abused by those jerks. [Smiles] Not like it was your fault anyway..And now that you're here, you'll be unstoppable. Those tournament entrants now have something to fear and that's you..

John Cena: Oh you know, you turn around. I've had to put up with an ass I don't want to look at with Trish all over me, lemme' see one that I do wanna' see.

(John winked, raising an eyebrow.)

John Cena: Hey..I'm allowed to push my luck, I jus' got outta' hell..[smirks]

(Jaime shook her head, expecting that.)

Jamie Koeppe: You're such a guy. [laughs]

(Then, Jaime's lip gloss rolled off the table, falling to the floor. Jaime smirked as she turned the side to pick it up slowly, giving John a good view of her rear end. She got up, smiling at him teasingly.)

Jamie Koeppe: Satisfied?

(John grinned, checking out her ass even as she stood up.)

John Cena: Oh you know your ass never leaves anyone unsatisfied..

(John smiled, turning Jaime around and kissing her cheek before hugging her again, his hands on her lower back.)

John Cena: someone who's known me so long...I apologise for the things I'm gonna' do in that ring tonight, ' ain't gonna' be pretty..

(John smirked as the crowd cheered.)

Jamie Koeppe: I'll be able to handle it. You don't need to apologize though, you have every right to take out your anger on your opponent..Even if I did have a good time with him, but he won't be having any fun tonight - thanks to you.

(Jaime bit her bottom lip lightly, hearing the fans cheer loudly. John looked a little confused, tilting his head.)

John Cena: You had fun with Edge..

(John then smirked a little.)

John Cena: In fact, ya' know what? Dont sweat it. I'm jus' pleased to have yo' ass..n' the rest of you..back in my life. N' next time I speak wit' you..I'll be on the road to Wrestlemayhem. [smirks] Catch ya' around sexy...gonna' go find Angel.

(John winked, turning and leaving the locker room. Jaime licked her lips a little, as she went to sit back down to finish applying her make up. The scene fades out.)

(The Anarchy-Tron fades to the backstage area and we see The Game Triple H walking to the backstage area, and he walks beside non other then the AwF Undisputed Anarchy Champion Midajah Stamboli.)

AwF Legend Triple H: So, i here you're the champ around here. You do realize this is my home, right?

AwF Undisputed Anarchy Champion Midajah Stamboli: Your home? [Laughs as she turns around] Oh.. [Places a hand on her chest] I didn't realize who I was speaking to at first...

AwF Legend Triple H: You're talking to the original main eventer of WrestleMayhem himself. The Game.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy Champion Midajah Stamboli: Well thank you for informing me... [Hoists her title] I just can't... believe I'm in your presence... Mr. Helmsley. [Raises an eyebrow]

AwF Legend Triple H: ..*Smerks*..Call me Hunter. You know, i've seen your work, i'm really impressed. You remind me of me when i was the AwF World Champion and alligned with Russo. Everyone wanted a peice of me, and i faught tooth and nail to show them exactly why i was the best in the buisness. Now, you're showing everyone why you deserve that title.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy Champion Midajah Stamboli: [Nodding her head.] Right.. right... You know, Trips... If I may call you that.. [Puts her hand on his shoulder] You've been a real inspiration to me, you know that don't you? [Smiling.]

AwF Legend Triple H: You can cut the act now. I like that about you. You're funny.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy Champion Midajah Stamboli: Act? [Laughing] I guess you're right... I was lieing when I said that you were an inspiration.

AwF Legend Triple H: Heh..that dosen't suprise me.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy Champion Midajah Stamboli: I'm sure of it... [Sighs] Are you done boring me now? This has got to be one of the most boring fucking conversations I've had in my entire life. I'd have more fun watching paint dry.

AwF Legend Triple H: I don't mean to bore you..but after hearing what the men said about you in the back, i would think you where used to putting on boring acts.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy Champion Midajah Stamboli: [Smiles] How quaint of you. But you know Hunter... I think it's you that puts on the boring acts, after all... Stephanie did leave you for Vince Russo. [Folds her arms] I bet that thought just makes you CRINGE, doesn't it? [Laughs] Fuckin' loser..

AwF Legend Triple H: Actually, i left her. You know, if you're going to be the Undisputed Anarchy Champion, you should be up on the history. We don't want the Champ to look un educated, now do we?

AwF Undisputed Anarchy Champion Midajah Stamboli: [Rolls her eyes] I don't keep up with your sex life Hunter, you should know that by now... I really don't care to indulge on other people's business, when I'm most concerned about mine.

AwF Legend Triple H: Well, it was nice meeting you, Champ...*Looks at the Undisputed Anarchy Championship*..I would hold on tight to that title. You got alot of contnders just waiting for a chance to take it from you.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy Champion Midajah Stamboli: I wish I could say the same about you... Oh, you know, since I am the Undisputed Anarchy Champion, I have a high pay rate and all... I'd be... more than willing to donate some money to you, you know.. to get that nose fixed and all. [Midajah slaps the palm of her hand up against Hunter's cheek twice]

AwF Legend Triple H: Heh..You are full of laughs. See you around.

(The scene fades.)


Who will hold the future in the palm of their hands?

Who will decide what will happen to the legacy of the Anarchy Wrestling Federation?

Vince Russo Vs. Jesse Ventura

The Winner will be the Undisputed Owner of the Anarchy Wrestling Federation

It will happen at only one place...

LIVE From the AwF Arena in Dallas, Texas, The Anarchy Wrestling Federation Proudly Presents...


Anarchy Heavan | Anarchy Hell

Where FANTASY becomes REALITY.

Shelton Benjamin Vs. Christian
Standard Rules

(Shelton Benjamin is shown in the ring testing the ropes as the opening bell for the first round of the AwF Primal Survival Tournament begins. The beautiful ring announcer Pamala Paulshock is shown on the mic in the middle of the ring.)

AwF Ring Announcer Pamala Paulshock: The opening match for AwF Primal Survival is set for one fall, and is a Primal Survival Tournament match. Already in the ring, Shelton Benjamin!

All the sudden,"Close your eyes" by Waterproof Blondes hits on the arena speakers, and the AwF crowd ERUPTS for the Crown Prince of Anarchy, Captain Charisma, Christian!

Deceived by my eyes,
and all I was told I should see,
Opinion's not mine,
the person they taught me to be,
one night in the dark,
a vision of someone I knew,
and in the darkness I saw,
a voice say I'm you.

Inside me a light was turned on,
and I was alive,
if you close your eyes, your life will make the truth reveal,
should you never lived, those scars never heal,
in the darkness life will take you to the other side,
running away, and you'll see if you just close your eyes.

AwF Ring Announcer Pamala Paulshock: And this opponent, The Crown Prince of Anarchy, Christian!

Golden pyro shoots downward at the entranceway as Christian walks out wearing a golden hood as the arena fills with cheers for the Crown Prince of Anarchy prince. He flips his hood back, kisses his fingers, and points to one of his millions of peeps in South Africa.

Eyes in the sky,
trapped inside somebody's dream,
too close to the fire,
yet cold and so numb without me,
the fever has broken, the river has run to the sea,
washed in the ocean, and saved by a voice inside me.

Inside me a light was turned on,
and I was alive,
if you close your eyes, your life will make the truth reveal,
should you never lived, those scars never heal,
in the darkness life will take you to the other side,
running away, and then you'll see if you just close your eyes.
Never thought I would be so here, so high in the air,
this is my unanswered prayer,
defined by another,
so much wasted time,
out of the darkness each breath that I take will be mine.

If you close your eyes, your life will make the truth reveal,
should you never lived, those scars never heal,
in the darkness life will take you to the other side,
running away, and then you'll see if you just close your eyes

(Christian walks into the ring, and points to his peeps as the prince of Anarchy smiles in approval at his fans. His music then fades out, and he steps down from the turnbuckle corner as the match begins.)

DING DING DING! The bell sounds as we see Christian and Shelton staring each other down in the ring. Shelton, out of no where, clotheslines Christian as he was talking trash to Shelton, holding his hand in the air immitating Shelton running his mouth. Christian drops to the mat, but quickly gets up, holding onto his neck. Christian looks at the referee, saying he wasn't ready.. but here comes Shelton, charging at Christian. Christian ducks in between the ropes, telling the referee to have him back up! He can't prematurely hit Captain Charisma! The referee makes Shelton back up.. as Christian slowly gets up to his feet. Christian runs his fingers through his hair, fixing his hair, before he walks over towards Shelton, and the two lock up in a test of their strength. Christian over powers Shelton, but only for a moment as Shelton towers over Christian and throws him into the corner turnbuckle. Christian, frustrated, lets out a loud groan as he charges at Shelton, hitting him with a clothesline of his own now as Shelton drops to the mat. Christian, grabbing a hold of hte top rope, begins to stomp away and away at the face of Shelton Benjamin, delivering hard boots right to the face. Christian then begins to kick away at Shelton's rib cage area but Shelton, out of no where, reaches and grabs a hold of Christian's foot, which causes him to fall backwards, flat on his ass! Christian quickly crawls back over towards the ropes, as Shelton sits up on his knees now, holding onto his head, as he uses the ropes to assist him to get back up to his feet. Once both men are back up to their feet, they charge at each other, locking up. Shelton throws Christian into the corner turnbuckle, pounding him in the head with hard right hands.. the fans begin to count along.. 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... Shelton breaks free, picking Christian up, and setting him up on the top rope. Shelton soars off, pulling Christian with hiim, for some sort of a suplex into a northern lights suplex.... Christian is down, and Shelton has the pin.. 1.. 2.. KICK OUT BY CHRISTIAN! Christian barely kicking out there, rolls onto his side as Shelton gets up to his feet, kicking the bottom rope as he then walks back over towards Christian, picking him up and setting him up for the t-bone suplex but Christian flips out of it and shoves Shelton into the corner. Christian then kicks SHelton right in the ass, grabbing him, stuffing his head underneath his arm and hitting him with an inverted version of a bulldog. Christian then grabs Shelton Benjamin once again, pulling him up to his feet, twisting him around for the unprettier. Shelton manages to slide out of the unprettier now, turning around and delivering some hard right hands to Christian's face. Christian stumbles backwards, falling on the ring ropes for the ring as Shelton gives him one last hard right hand punch to the face, which causes him to stumble right over the rope, and drop to the outside. The fans cheer on Shelton Benjamin, as he drops to the mat, roling out of the ring and walking over to Christian. As Shelton grabs a hold of him by the hair, nodding his head as he licks his lips and wipes the sweat out of his eyes, Christian low blows Shelton! Shelton drops to his knees, his jaw dropping as well as Christian laughs, grabbing Shelton by the tights and throwing him right into the steel ring post! Sheltons' head smacks off of the steel ring post, and he drops back to the mat outside as Christian grabs a hold of him, Shelton appears to have a minor cut on his forehead, as Christian grabs him by the tights again and now whips him into the barricade which seperates the AwF fans from the ring. The fans begin to chant "LETS GO SHELTON! *CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP* LETS GO SHELTON* as Christian grabs a hold of SHelton by the tights, and whips him back into the ring. christian then rolls in himself, scooting up to his feet as he points out in the audience, and then points at Shelton, signaling for the Unprettier. He grabs Shelton, and hit's a huge Unprettier and goes for the cover...ONE...TWO..THREE! Christian advances!

Winner: Christian

Paul Haymen: Christian is one step closer to Main Eventing WrestleMayhem 4!

Jim Ross: He might have gotten past Shelton Benjamin, but he still has a long way to go if he wants to win this thing.

(Christian slides out of the ring, and raises his hands in the air as the fans cheer him.)

(The Anarchy-Tron fades to the backstage area and we see Queen Victoria in her locker room getting ready for her match. All the sudden, the door pops open and guess who it is? Kurt Freaking Angle!)

AwF Legend Kurt Angle: Whoa, Whoa Whoa, i'm SO sorry, i thought this was Hunters locker room. Although i will say that attire looks really safari-like.

AwF Legend Queen Victoria: Yeah, maybe I'll get on the cover of Vogue. [ Victoria points to her snarly hair. ] With hair like this..I'm still the hottest thing around here.

AwF Legend Kurt Angle: Yeah, you sure are hot...In this weather, i can see why..*Nods his head*..

AwF Legend Queen Victoria: [ Victoria smiles. ] Your not looking half bad yourself either. For someone fresh out the hospital..

AwF Legend Kurt Angle: Yeah, i'm all fine now. But if i see that "BET" reject Mr. Showtime, i'm going to make him tap all over Africa.

AwF Legend Queen Victoria: I doubt he'll show up. [ Victoria steps to Kurt. ] With a big strong man like yourself, angry and ready to snap his ankle like a twig..he'd be wise not to.

AwF Legend Kurt Angle: Yeah, well i rather let my friend the Godfather get his licks in. I loved to see Godfather knock him in the back of the head with that sack of bricks last week on Thursday Night ReVenge. That's nothing compared to what he's going to do at WrestleMayhem 4.

AwF Legend Queen Victoria: Where can I find that sack of bricks anyhow? I might need it to knock Sable out to retirement.

AwF Legend Kurt Angle: I don't know, but those where some reliable bricks.

AwF Legend Queen Victoria: Yeah.. [ Victoria takes the tip of her finger into her mouth. ] what are you doing after the show? [ Victoria smiles before taking that same finger down his chest. ] Maybe we can celebrate my big win? Like the old days..

AwF Legend Kurt Angle: Actually, me and Godfather are supposed to be going to some kind of poker game, but he told me no cards where involved. I just don;t get the guy. How can you play Poker with no cards?

AwF Legend Queen Victoria: You know, theres alot of games you can play without cards. Blow off The Godfather..he'll understand, then I can show you what I'm talking about.

AwF Legend Kurt Angle: What do you mean?

AwF Legend Queen Victoria: [ Victoria shakes her head before leaning in and whispering into his ear, Kurts mouth drops in shock. ] Get it now? [ Victoria smiles. ]

AwF Legend Kurt Angle: Ohhh....Not really.

AwF Legend Queen Victoria: [ Victoria sighs. ] Forget it...go have fun with Godfather. [ Victoria pouts. ] I'll celebrate alone..

AwF Legend Kurt Angle: Alright. You have a good time. It was nice seeing you again.

(The crowd laughs as Kurt leaves the locker room and Queen Victoria shakes her head. The scene fades out.)

Carmella Decesare Vs. Austin Aries
Standard Rules

("Immortal" by Adema begins to blast over the arena speakers as the next First Round Match for Primal Survival begins. Austin Aries walks out from the backstage area with his shades on as the crowd gives him a medium reaction.)

AwF Ring Announcer Pamala Paulshock: This match is set for one fall, and is a Primal Survival Tournament match. Making his way to the ring, Austin Aries!

We're face to face
Loyalty is what I need to see from you
You're insecure
I can see the fear that breeds in your heart
Where will you run?
Where will you hide?
I see the blood drip from your eyes
Who will survive? Let's get it on
And we'll fight

I know who you are
The leader of lost souls
You can't kill me
I'm immortal
I'm not afraid to die
My soul will travel on
You can't kill me
I'm immortal

(Austin makes his way down the entranceway, and slides into the ring and does his tuant as the fans boo)

I need the rush
There's nowhere you could hide before you die
Why won't you face me?
I can see the fear that's in your eyes
Where will you run?
Where will you hide?
I see the blood drip from your eyes
Who will survive? Let's get it on
And we'll fight

I know who you are
The leader of lost souls
You can't kill me
I'm immortal
I'm not afraid to die
My soul will travel on
You can't kill me
I'm immortal

(Austin's music fades out, and the lights begin to flicker with purple and red colors. "BWA" (Bitches With Attitude) By Chyna White, Mia X, and Gangsta Boo begins to play over the arena speakers, and Carmella Decesare walks out to a mixed reaction, mostly boos.)

AwF Ring Announcer Pamala Paulshock: And his opponent, Carmella Decesare!

I'm a mother fuckin' bitch(With an attitude)
I'm a mother fuckin' bitch(With an attitude)
I'm a mother fuckin' bitch(With an attitude)
I'm a mother fuckin' bitch(With an attitude)

I gotta case for spittin' in a mother fuckers' face
Me and my ace, crunk calicos strapped to the waist
A hundred in the clit' blastin'What cha'll motherfuckers eyein' me fo?
Alias Chyna White, Gangsta Boo on my right
And Mia X to my left, why y'all motherfuckers thugged up
44 bulldogs and tear the whole motherfuckin' club up (Tear the club up, feel me? Uh)
I sets motherfuckin' friends for bitches
Make 'em feel shit, real bitches recognize real shit
Only one bitch put it down like this See this shiny ass shit on my wrist?
See them shiny ass shoes on my six?
And I know ya'll know them thug ass do to my clique
When it's beef, Na Na stash this heat for all y'all asses
My bitches roll them nats since gats is popular
We 5-7 droppin' ya
It ain't no limit for my three bitch mafia

(Carmella comes into the ring, and grins at the crowd as the lights in the arena comes back on. He looks at Austin with a focused look as he looks back, with a coky look.)

A certified hairdresser (Mama Mia)Known on the streets for drama
When my bitches meet some heat they call Mama
And I'm comin', gunnin' everything up in my way
But it ain't always gotta be about the gunplay
I gots to say (for real)My right and left AKA Dumb Hoe Beaters
Black-sizin' while his jaws, y'all know Mia
A street bitch 'bout street shit
They ain't no attitives in this bitch
I live this raw dog
To all y'all backstabbin', two-face motherfuckers
Double talk and get y'all crunched in both your dick suckers
I buy the ruckus aye' day, whatchu gon' do
'bout the crew Cuz my clique's all true, true niggas, true game, true paper
Keepin' up with us, trust the true then break it
Take the shit outside or start it in the club now
Y'all gon' tear it up then I'mma shut the bitch down

(Carmella's music fades out, and the opening bell rings as the match begins.)

The bell rings as Austin stands there smiling at Carmella. Carmella looks on at him with a fire in her eye and a digusted look on her face. Austin takes a few steps towards Carmella and puts his hands behind his back. He stick his head out allowing Carmella to slap him. Carmella look around at the fans screaming "DO IT!!", Carmella grins to herself as she looks back at Austin who has his eyes closed. Carmella quickly kicks him square between the leg right in the balls! Austins eye open as he grabs his crotch, Carmella grits her teeth as she slaps him across the face. Carmella like a mad woman starts to pumble Aries with shots to the head, backing him all the way up against the ropes. Austin explodes with rage and grabs Carmella by the hair, he then throws her down to the mat. The crowd boos as Austin wipes his mouth. He grabs Carmella by the hair and pulls her to her feet. Austin slaps her in the face before whipping her into the turn buckle. Austin charges at Camella, she gets her foot up and boots him in the face! Austin stumbles back, Carmella then kicks him in the midsection and ddt's him into the mat. Carmella hooks the leg, 1..2, Austin powers out! Carmella gets to her feet and stands gaurd as Austin starts to get to his feet aswell. Austin grins as he wipes the bit of blood on his lip, he looks at Carmella and winks. Austin takes a few steps towards Carmella and puts his hand out, Carmella instantly slaps his hand away. Austin looks off and smiles, Carmella goes to slap him again and he blocks it. Austin then levels her with a clothesline out of nowhere! Austin grabs Carmella by the hand and pulls her up to her feet. He scopes her off the mat and slams her back down with a scope slam, Austin then mounts her press his crotch to her face. Austin smiles as the fans boo, he then starts to choke her! Carmella starts kicking and screaming as Austin presses down harder. Austin gets uo allowing Carmella to get some air, he then kicks her in the face before pulling her to her feet by her hair. Austin whips Carmella into the ropes, she comes off the ropes and ducks and clothesline from him. Carmella bounces off the other ropes and catches herself, Austin turns around to see Carmella standing there. He charges at her and she drops to the mat pulling the top rope down and sending Austin over the ropes to the outside! Austin gets up and gets right back into the ring, Carmella stays on him and starts stomping on him before he can get up. Austin starts to get to his feet and pushes Carmella away from him, Carmella stumbles back falling into the ref knocking him down. Carmella gets back up as Austin walks towards her. He starts screaming and yelling at her making her back up into the turnbuckle. Just then THE MEXICOOLS run down the ramp! Austin turns to see The Mexicools standing in the ring. Juvi and Psicosis stand infront of him, Austin takes a few steps towards them..Supercrazy pops up behind Austin and hits him in the back of the head taking him off his feet. Low Ki slides into the ring and checks on Carmella. Juvi picks Austin up and shoves his head between his legs, Juvi lifts him up and plants him with a hard powerbomb! Psicosis quickly hops up onto the top rope and leaps out with a picture perfect twisting corkscrew moonsault! The fans start to go crazy as Supercrazy, Juvi and Psicosis start stomping on Austin. Low Ki grabs Carmella and puts her onto of Austin. He slides out of the ring as Juvi gets the ref to his feet. The Mexicools slide out of the ring and duck near the barricade as the ref counts, 1................2...................3, Carmella wins!

Carmella quickly gets up and out of the ring as The Mexicools slide back into the ring. The four men start to take it to Austin. Carmella stands by watching from the ramp when just then Demonica comes running down the ramp. Carmella truns around just in time to get SPEARED! Carmellas head bounces off the ramp as Demonica starts hitting her with a fury of lefts and rights. Juvi notices Demonica beating up Carmella and gets the other guys to stop beating on Austin, the four men slide out of the ring as Demonica runs around the side of the ring. The Mexicools check on Carmella as Demonica slides into the ring to check on Austin, she helps him get to her feet and the two slide out of the ring. The Mexicools help Carmella to her feet and turn their attention to the ring, Austin and Demonica are nowhere in sight!

Winner: Carmella Decesare

Paul Haymen: What the hell just happend?

Jim Ross: A train wreck, is what happend! And it involved Demonica Hardy, The Meci-Cools, and Lo-Ki! You can bet your ass we are going to see this again in the future!

(Carmella looks around holding her head as the guys help her to the back..)

(The Anarchy-Tron fades to the backstage area and we see Trish Stratus is seen walking down the hallway, with the Canadian Championship draped over her shoulder as she's limping a little bit, holding onto her stomach as she squints her eyes. She turns a corner, as Vince McMahon is standing there with a camera man, and a microphone in hand.)

AwF Canadian Champion Trish Stratus: What do you want?

AwF Interviewer Vince McMahon: Tonight...John Cena somehow got out of jail in time for the tournament, and he took his aggression out on you for all you've put him through, leaving you laying on the mat. What are your thoughts on how John reacted, and simply..can you blame him for it after all you've done to him?

AwF Canadian Champion Trish Stratus: [Trish laughs a little, but then holds onto her stomach.] You know... John Cena just can't cope with the hard facts Vince. He wants me, but he's too much of a little whipped baby to admit it. Angel has him wrapped around her little finger... but he knows he wants me. [Nodding her head.] Cena wants me more than he's wanted anyone in his entire life.

AwF Interviewer Vince McMahon: Well it didn't seem like it from his behavior in the ring tonight. With him now seemingly out of prison, is this issue between the two of you over after his retribution tonight? Surely he's proved that the...[coughs] you did on him in the prison, didn't affect him that much..

AwF Canadian Champion Trish Stratus: This definitely is FAR from over. Vince.. [Throwing her arms out to the side.] The man RAPED me, and you know, I'm just insuring that he knows what he's missing out on... He wants to rape me and DENY it?! Well I'm going to make sure that he and Angel are never happy.. ever.. again. I'm going to make sure that all that's on John Cena's pathetic little brain is Trish Stratus.. twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty five days a YEAR. [Smilings as she folds her arms.]

AwF Interviewer Vince McMahon: Well surely if he's out of prison, they aren't convinced that John Cena is a danger to anyone. And besides, how are you going to achieve dominating John Cena's life? He seems quite a difficult character to break..maybe even too difficult for the Queen of Stratusfaction?

AwF Canadian Champion Trish Stratus: Some ... IDIOT! bailed Cena out of prison, but this isn't the end of it.. I've got connections that will put Cena behind bars for his entire life. But you know, I'm thinking more of this personal vendettas will be a better payback than watching him rot in a prison for the rest of his life.. [Trish steps closer to Vince, as he can smell her perfume.] And another thing... Trish Stratus never fails when it comes to a man, and you would know that just as well as I do.

AwF Interviewer Vince McMahon: So are you going to drop the charges in order to try and destroy Cena's life via your own..female..skills? [smirking a little as Trish moves closer.]

AwF Canadian Champion Trish Stratus: Maybe... [Trish smiles, as she tugs on Vince's tie a little bit with her other hand.] But you know Vince, you should know from personal experience just what kind of seduction I can put on a man...

(Vince licked his lips, lustfully looking into Trish's eyes.)

AwF Interviewer Vince McMahon: Mmm..I do indeed..the only woman ever to wear out the..Genetic Jackhammer..

AwF Canadian Champion Trish Stratus: [Smiles] Exactly.. [Prying at the top button by his collar with her fingernails.] So, you really don't think John Cena stands a chance against the Queen of Stratusfaction, right?

AwF Interviewer Vince McMahon: [groans] I don't know...he's done..pretty well up to now..

AwF Canadian Champion Trish Stratus: Let me give you a reminder then... [Trish blows into Vince's ear softly.] That Cena will stand no chance at resisting me... I'm just going to make him wish he never made a commitment to Angel, when all he could think about was me.. [Running her hand down his chest slowly] Even while they're sharing their most precious moments... [Leans her head back] He'll be thinking about me. [playing with his belt buckle]

(Vince groans in excitement, his crotch immediately pressing against Trish as he weakly ran his hands down the side of her body, falling under her spell immediately.)

AwF Interviewer Vince McMahon: stage is yours..the camera's you have a message for..John Cena right now?

(Vince steps back, smiling lustfully, pointing Trish in the direction of the camera.)

AwF Canadian Champion Trish Stratus: [Trish looks into the camera as she bites on her finger nail.] John.. [Running a finger through her hair.] You've gone far enough with this.. Not only have you raped me... Not just of something so precious and private like a sexual moment.. [Bats her eyelashes innocently] But you raped me of my dignity. [Nodds her head.] That and... you have taken this to a whole nothing level. It's no longer just something I'm going to forget about so easily, because I'm not.. This is PERSONAL. It's on a whole 'nother level. It's something I'm going to make sure that you regret doing, laying your dirty hands on me. When I'm through with you, the only thing that will be running through your brain all day, all night, every last second of your life, will be Trish Stratus.. [Trish puckers her lips up for the camera, as she giggles.] Trust me, you've made one mistake.. that you will never forget.

(Trish licks her lips, a wickedly sexy grin on her face as the camera suddenly switches to John Cena watching on a monitor. He smirks a little, raising an eyebrow as the camera slowly runs up and down Trish's body.)

John Cena: You're jus' bluffin'..

(Cena smiled a little, adjusting his cap and walking away from the monitor as the scene fades.)

(The Anarchy-Tron fades to the backstage area and we see Jeff Hardy lacing his boot's in his locker room. All the sudden, Austin Aries storms in with his hand on his neck obviously in a bad mood from what happend in his match with Carmella.)

Jeff Hardy: What the hell happend out there?

Austin Aries: Those fuckin' mexican bastards are what happened! [he knocks over a few things] Damnit! I wanted to beat that bitch!

Jeff Hardy: Take it easy. Look, we will get them eventually, i promise we will make them pay.

Austin Aries: I know...[he sits down on a bench] Demonica even showed up after words, and knocked that bitch Carmella down, but promise me when you face her, you make the bitch pay for what she did to me!

Jeff Hardy: I promise..*Put's his hand on his shoulder*..My match with her will be dedicated to you.

Austin Aries: *He stares Jeff in the eyes, standing up* Thanks don't know how much I'd appreciate that...

Jeff Hardy: Don't mention it. I been thinking about how much you mean to me all day. With all this stuff going on in my life, i don't know where else to turn..but i know you will always be there for me, just like i will always be there for you.

Austin Aries: That's right man...I'm not going to turn on you for anything, or anyone man...I told you, you're the only person that understands what I'm going through.

Jeff Hardy: I don;t know what i would do without you, Austin.*Holds him tight*..

Austin Aries: *He hugs him*'ve always been there, no matter what...we're gonna get through this together, you know we've got to establish a stable ground to stand on.

Jeff Hardy: My thoughts exactly..

(Jeff grabs Austin by his hair and gently tugs his head back. Jeff leans in and kisses at his neck. Jeff slowly works his way up as Austin groans with pleasure. Jeff kisses his cheek before licking teasingly at Austin's lips. Jeff the lets go of Austin's hair and the two begin to kiss. Jeff lets his hands roam over Austin's body before his left hand finds its way to his crotch, he starts to rub Austin over his tights. Austin and Jeff suddenly back away from one another, staring at each other for a moment before Austin leaves out, grabbing his jacket in the process. The scene fades out.)


One man will lose everything.

One man will gain everything.

The Godfather Vs. Mr. Showtime James West

Bankruptcy Match

It will happen at only one place...

LIVE From the AwF Arena in Dallas, Texas, The Anarchy Wrestling Federation Proudly Presents...


Anarchy Heavan | Anarchy Hell

Where FANTASY becomes REALITY.

Angel Russo Vs. Jeff Hardy
Standard Rules

("Freak" by Silverchair begins to blast on the arena speakers, and the crowd pops HUGE for the lovely Angel Russo.)

AwF Ring Announcer Pamala Paulshock: This match is set for one fall, and is a Primal Survival Tournament match. Making her way to the ring, Angel Russo!

No more maybes
Your baby's got rabies
Sittin on a ball
In th middle of the andes

Yeah I'm a freak (of nature)
Yeah I'm a freak

If only I could be as cool as you
As cool as you

("ANGEL!" chants erupt in the stands as she looks around at the huge stadium packed with African AwF Fans.)

Body and soul I'm a freak I'm a freak
Body and soul I'm a freak

Try to be different
Well get a differnt disease
Seems it's a fashion
To need the cold sore cream
I don't really know
How to put on a as cool as show
As boring as they come
Just tell me where to go

If only I could be as cool as you


(Angel slides into the ring, and her music fades out. All the sudden, grey and light blue lights and lazors show over the entranceway, and "New Born" by Muse begins to play over the arena speakers as Jeff Hardy comes out with Trish Stratus to a huge amount of boo's.)

AwF Ring Announcer Pamala Paulshock: And her opponent, Jeff Hardy!

Link it to the world
Link it to yourself
Stretch it like a birth squeeze
The love for what you hide
The bitterness inside
Is growing like the new born
When you've seen, seen
Too much, too young, young
Soulless is everywhere

Hopeless time to roam
The distance to your home
Fades away to nowhere
How much are you worth
You can't come down to earth
You're swelling up, you're unstoppable

'cause you've seen, seen
Too much, too young, young
Soulless is everywhere

Destroy the spineless
Show me it's real
Wasting our last chance
To come away
Just break the silence
'cause I'm drifting away
Away from you

(Jeff Hardy walks down the rampway alongside Trish Stratus, rolling his eyes at the booing fans, and he flides into the ring. He goes to the top rope, and does his pose.)

Link it to the world
Link it to yourself
Stretch it like it's a birth squeeze
And the love for what you hide
And the bitterness inside
Is growing like the new born

When you've seen, seen
Too much, too young, young
Soulless is everywhere

Destroy the spineless
Show me it's real
Wasting their last chance
To come away
Just break the silence
'cause I'm drifting away
Away from you

(Jeff's music fades out, and the opening bell rings as the match begins.)

The two are in the ring and the bell has just sounded. Jeff and Angel Locked arms as Jeff Hardy did a arm wrench on Angel. Angel did a modified cart-wheel and then did a arm drag drop into a submission. Jeff Got out the submission as the two got up and started looking at each other again. Anegl was about to lock arms again but Jeff Hardy kicked Angel in the abs. Jeff Hardy then ranned Angel into the ropes. As Angel came back, Jeff Hardy was beant over going for a big back body slam but Angel kicked Jeff Hardy in the face. Jeff Hardy got up starting to hold his face as Angel started to punch Jeff Hardy into the turnbuckle. Angel then did a Irish Whip onto Jeff onto the other side of the ring. Angel then ranned at Jeff, Did a flip and did a back elbow onto Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy fell to the ropes as Angel climbed out onto the apron. Jeff Hardy is trying to get up as the referee is trying to check on him. Jeff got up and Angel jumped on the ropes and was going for a modified hurricaranna but Jeff got the strength to catch her, Jeff then slammed Angel on her back. Jeff Covered Angel 1...2... But She kicked out. Jeff picked Angel Russo up by her hair and kinda pulled her over his shoulder, Angel sat on the rope as Jeff ranned in front of her and then did a baseball slide superkick right in Angel's face. Angel fell back on the canvas as Jeff tried to intimidate the fans taunting pointing at the ropes. The fans are screaming and hollering going along with Jeff Hardy. While he was taunting the crowd, Angel Russo was getting up. Jeff Hardy climbed on the ropes but as he was not looking, Angel ranned to the ropes making Jeff fall hurting his groin area. Angel Russo then climbed up on the turnbuckle with him and did a hurricaranna on Jeff Hardy. Angel then covered Jeff for the 1...2... But Jeff kicked out. That was a very close three count. Both superstars are just getting into the atmosphrere of getting to the X-treme. Angel banged the mat in anger ready for the match to be over. Angel got up and picked Jeff Hardy up and Irish Whipped him into the ropes, As Jeff was coming back, Angel did a big back body drop on Jeff. Angel then stood beside Jeff, turnt around and did a stationary moonsault on Jeff Hardy. Angel then got up and got on top of Jeff Hardy, Angel then started to punch Jeff Hardy with her right fist.Jeff Hardy then pushed Angel off of him But Angel got back on top of him and punched Him again. Jeff Hardy wrapped his legs around Angel and pushed her back on the canvas as Jeff sat up for a pin. 1..2.. But Angel smack Jeff with her legs together. Angel jumped up and so did Jeff. Angel punched Jeff and the Jeff would punch Angel. This went on for a while until Jeff blocked one of Angel punches and and kicked Angel, Jeff then went for a supplex but Angel reversed it and did one on Jeff. Jeff layed on the canvas looking into the sky as Angel Russo went to the top turnbuckle. Jeff then got up and went between her legs, Jeff slammed Angel down on the canvas near the ropes,Jeff still has Angel strunched up as He then put his legs on the ropes with the ref not looking. 1...2...3

Shortly after Jeff Hardy defeated Angel Russo for the chance to advance in the Primal Survival Tournament, Trish Stratus begins to clap her hands quickly on the outside of the ring, and raises her arms up in the air smiling at Jeff who turns around and smiles, running his hands through his hair. Just then, the fans begin to boo as through the crowd, Edge is seen running down to the ring.. Edge hops over the barricade, as Jeff looks a little confused in the ring. Edge grabs Trish by the waist, and hoists her over his shoulder as he grins evily at Jeff Hardy in the ring, the Canadian Championship drops from Trish's shoulder onto the floor. Jeff instantly drops to the mat, rolling out of the ring as his music finally fades out. Edge backs up a little bit, grinning as Trish is kicking and screaming to have Edge put her down. Jeff charges at Edge, as Trish slides out of his grip and drops to the mat. Trish watches as Jeff throws a punch at Edge, but Edge blocks it, and slams Jeff's head into the barricade.. what the hell?! Now Christian is running down the ramp with a steel chair in his hand. Trish spots Christian, and looks around a bit.. not knowing what to do, or what's going on.. Edge smiles to himself as he sees Christian, and he grabs Jeff by the pants and rolls him into the ring. Edge then shoves the time keeper off of a chair, and folds it up, sliding it into the ring as Christian rolls into the ring now.. Trish picks up her title... Trish gets into the ring, grabbing Edge's arm.. telling him not to do it! The fans are booing immensely, no one knows what the hell is going on! Edge pushes Trish back a bit and as Jeff gets up to his feet now, Christian and Edge smirk at each other as they both CONCHAIRTO Jeff Hardy!! The fans are going crazy... booing loudly as Jeff drops to the mat. Christian and Edge raise each others hand in the air as Trish then stops with the "innocent" look and smiles with them. Trish runs her hands on Christian and Edge's chest... as she begins to laugh, placing a boot on Jeff's chest... Trish leans down, grabbing Jeff by the hair as she then SLAPS him across the face! Edge wipes the hair out of his face as Christian tosses his chair to the side. Trish motions something to Edge and Christian as they both grab Jeff and pull him back up to his feet. With the two of them holding Jeff, Jeff opens his eyes a bit as Trish smiles, waving in his face before SLAM! TRISH HAS JUST KICKED JEFF RIGHT IN THE BALLS! Jeff keels over as Edge and Christian drop him.. Edge begins to slam the steel chair into Jeff's rib area, before Trish holds her arm out to stop him.. Trish then motions for a ringside assistant to give her a microphone, before she raises it up to her mouth, trying to speak over the fans boos.

AwF Canadian Champion Trish Stratus: *holding her hand up, with the Canadian Title now draped across her shoulder.* Please, hold your applause!! *Trish rolls her eyes* You know what, JEFF?! You should have predicted this one coming.. I mean, honestly.. How long could you have really thought you were going to hide this from me? Guess what sweet cheeks.. *Trish pauses, laughing sadistically.* I found out all about your dirty little laundry. Oh I know your deep dark secrets.. the ones you and Carmella wanted to hide from me. *She shakes her head as she begins to pace back and forth.* Revenge is sweet Jeff... You wanted to have an... *She does the air quotes with her free hand.* "Honest" relationship with me, but you just couldn't STOP lieing to my face! And this is what you get, exactly what you deserve. I hope you have a great life darling, but just realize how much greater it could have been with me in it.

(Trish laughs, as she smiles, glancing up at Edge as he grins at her, running his hands through his hair. Christian cracks his knuckles, as he pulls the Xtreme TV Title from around his waist and hoists it onto his shoulder now.)

AwF Canadian Champion Trish Stratus: You see... With Christian being the Xtreme Television Champion.. me being the Canadian Champion.. and Edge here about to win this tournament and beat Midajah to become the new Undisputed Anarchy Champion... Team Canada is going to be going places. And Jeff, you're still going to be the drugged up LOSER that you've always been!

(At this point, Edge grabs the microphone, putting his hand around Trish, moving the microphone from her lips to his.)

Edge: Guess, just like Trish. You know what it's like to be banged by both brothers.

(Trish, Edge and Christian all share a laugh as the Canadian National Anthem begins to play through out the P.A. system. The three of them begin to stomp away at Jeff Hardy as Bret Hart is now walking down to the ring again, with a garbage can and the American flag, similar to a couple of weeks ago when Trish burned it with Bret. Bret smiles, getting into the ring as Edge walks over to the garbage can with the American flag peaking out of it. What the fuck is he doing?! Edge unzips his pants and.. it appears to be that he's PISSING on the American flag!! Trish laughs as Christian squirts the lighter fluid on it.. and then Trish throws a match inside! The American flag is burning, and here we have Bret, Trish, Christian and Edge all raising their arms in the air here!! We should have expected something like this from TRISH of all people. Trish smiles, as Jeff is on his hands and knees now.. Trish walks over towards him, pulling him up by the hair.. Trish smiles, patting him on the chest as Jeff just looks to be hurt... Trish then places a kiss on Jeff's lips... before out of no where.. SHE CHICK KICKS JEFF HARDY!! Jeff drops to the mat again.. and now Christian grabs him.. hitting him with the unprettier!!!!! They wait for Jeff to get up once more before Edge spears the SHIT out of Jeff!! Bret Hart then locks in the sharp shooter!!! Trish, Edge and Christian stand in the corner, sharing an evil laugh as they shake their heads. Trish folds her arms, as Bret releases the sharp shooter... Edge holds the ropes open for Trish, whom exists the ring, followed by Christian, Edge and Bret. The four make their way up the ramp. Approaching the entrance curtain again, they turn around... as Trish smiles, waving at Jeff from the stage area and blowing a kiss at him. )

Winner: Jeff Hardy

Paul Haymen: Even though this is not america, i'm pretty sure these African Fan's don't appreciate what just happend here!

Jim Ross: One of these day, Trish Stratus is going to get what she deserves!

(The cameras pan into Jeff, whom is struggling to get up, using the corner turnbuckle to help him get up to his knees as he holds onto his head.. as you can see he mumbles.. "You just... made.... the biggest.. mistake." Trish laughs again as Jeff is watching now.. and Edge grabs her by the hair and the two are.. MAKING OUT?!!! Jeff breathes heavily as Edge pulls away, biting on Trish's lip as he begins to grin sadistically with that evil laugh.)