Pay Per View

(We see an areal shot of The American Airlines Arena, a long line of fans are still entering the arena for AwF Summer Showdown 2006. Security is seen checking out the highly populated area around the arena as cars, trucks, and vans pull up in the parking lot area. Fans with tickets in their hands run and jog up to the doorways while AwF Ticket Takers move the lines along, taking ticket after ticket after ticket. The camera pans close to some of the signs fans are bringing in. "IT'S SHOWTIME!", "AwF legends > New Blood!","MARRY ME TRISH!", and "CHRISTIAN RULZ!" are a few of the signs shown in the lobby area. The camera views a large part of the area where fans see the camera and begin to wave their Show-Towel in the air, and erupt in "Showtime' chants. Now we see inside the arena as Joey Styles and Randy Savage are shown at the commentators booth with fans still entering the arena. Joey Styles, with his light blue suit, and bowtie and The Macho Man dressed in his wrestling gear, a orange and yellow see through "Macho Man" sleveless shirt with black leather pants with "Macho" in Silver on the sides along with black shades with his hair slicked back and his silver shain around his neck. The AwF Pay Per View Free For All Preshow begins. )

Joey Styles: Welcome to AwF Pay Per View Countdown! I'm Joey Styles along with The Macho Man Randy Savage!

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: OOOH YEAH! I can't wait to this thing to pop off tonight! It's another action packed night of AwF action!

Joey Styles: You want to talk about a night of unpredictability? We are in the mists of what could be a possible canidate of the Match of the year as Rey Mysterio Jr, Mr. Showtime James West, and John Cena do battle in tonights main event for the AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Championship in a Stairway to Hell match! Also, we will crown the first ever Queen Of The Ring as well as the new AwF Baddest Bitch Champion!

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: Man, what a night this is going to be.

Joey Styles: Well, folks in tonights preshow match, AwF Legend Victoria will take on Torrie Wislon.

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: I think it's a damn shame to see how far Victoria has dropped. I mean, she used to be the queen of the empire, main eventing Pay Per Views. Now she's in preshow amtches with people who have just joined to company. It's a shame.

One On One

SINGLE'S MATCH:Torrie Wilson Vs. Victoria

"Girl On Fire" hit the PA system as Victoria made her way down to the ring for her match against Torrie Wilson. Victoria made her way down the ramp and entered the ring to a mixed reaction from the crowd.

Joey Styles: Of course, Victoria has caused a stir in AwF since her return as she has almost denounced her legacy and her status as an AwF legend!

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: Kissing Carmella's feet! Who thought they would ever see that?

Victoria stood in the ring looking focussed as her music stopped and she waited for her opponent.

"About us" by Brooke Hogan hit the PA system and Torrie Wilson strutted out onto the stage, with Brooke Hogan accompanying her to the ring!

Joey Styles: Now, if you could sleep with two women…[laughs]

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: Ohh yeah! They'd be up there Styles!

Torrie made her way through the ropes as Brooke Hogan stayed outside the ring. Victoria and Torrie stared at each other, getting closer.

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: These two were allies back in WWE, Joey.

Joey Styles: Yes they were, and they should know a lot about each other's wrestling styles.

Victoria held out her arm for a test of strength. Torrie looked at her and started to hold out her hand, but then slapped her around the face and laughed. Victoria charged at her and speared her to the mat, landing slaps and punches to Torrie who was trying to cover up. Victoria stood up, looking angry and focused as she kicked Torrie in the midsection. She backed up to run off the ropes, but as she did, Brooke tripped her, and then turned away to blow her nails as if she hadn't done anything.

Joey Styles: The numbers game is already starting to catch up with Victoria!

Torrie tried to take advantage with a cover.

1...2...kick out by Victoria.

Torrie picked Victoria up by the hair, and set her up for a vertical suplex, hitting it nicely. She smirked as she stood up, posing for the crowd as she grinned. She turned to attack Victoria again, who managed to land a punch to Torrie's stomach which gave her the time to get up. Victoria managed to hook Torrie's head and drop her with a DDT!

1...2...kick out by Torrie.

Torrie got to her feet, holding her head. Brooke Hogan got on the apron, distracting the referee. Victoria walked over to Brooke and pushed her off the apron. Torrie snuck up behind Victoria and rolled her up, sneakily using her tights for extra leverage.

1..2..kick out by Victoria. Torrie angrily punched the mat in frustration as she got up. She grabbed Victoria by the hair and whipped her to the turnbuckle. Torrie then charged at Victoria, looking for the clothesline, but Victoria managed to dodge, and as Torrie hit the turnbuckle pad, Victoria nailed her with a quick neck breaker! Victoria got the cover.


Brooke Hogan appeared to put Torrie's foot on the rope, breaking the count. Victoria finally had had enough, leaving the ring and hitting a clothesline on Brooke Hogan! But before Victoria could get back in the ring, Torrie caught her with a stiff kick to the face. Torrie whipped Victoria aggressively into the turnbuckle post, causing her to fall so she was sat in the corner. The crowd cheered loudly as Torrie lifted her hands in the "raise the roof" motion, and then took her hands to the back of her shorts, teasingly turning her shorts into a thong.

Torrie backed up to Victoria and rubbed her ass in Victoria's face! Torrie grinned as she came away, shaking her ass for the crowd in attendance as they went crazy. Torrie smirked, signalling for the nose-job as Victoria got to her feet. Torrie grabbed her by the hair and went for the nose-job, but Victoria blocked it, and Torrie fell to the mat! Victoria angrily grabbed Torrie and set her up for the Widow's peak! She connected! Brooke tried to distract the referee with no success.



Victoria raised her arms with a smirk towards Brooke and Torrie as she started off Summer Showdown with a big victory!

(The camera cut backstage to Shannon Vasquez's locker room, where Jacob Matthews was sat down, watching her stretch)

Jacob Mathews: This is the big night, Shan. The big one. You ready for this?

Shannon Vasquez: Of course I know how big this is...and of course I'm ready. I told you...I'm done with the inhibition. Tonight, people see the new and improved Shannon Vasquez, who's going to show no mercy or remorse to anyone.

Jacob Mathews: [smiles] Thats what I like to hear. Just remember, Skylar Phoenix and Jennifer Walcott are nothing on you inside a wrestling ring. They don't deserve to breathe the same air as you, and more than that, you're hotter than both of them, and by the end of tonight, everyone is going to realise how ruthless and devastating we are as a duo.

Shannon Vasquez: [smiles] Damn right they are. This is your big night too...have you decided who we're targetting yet? [looks at him]

Jacob Mathews: Lets just say I have my eyes on a target. But first, you're going to win your match and get us off to the perfect start. And lets hope that you do win, for the sake of the rest of the roster, because if you don't, I sense we might be even more unwilling to show remorse... Jake smiled, watching Shannon stretch again, clenching his fists.

Jacob Mathews: Tonight is our night..

(The camera cut from the backstage area.)

Number One Ontender to the AwF Cruiserweight Championship

TRIPLE THREAT MATCH:Skylar Phoenix Vs. Shannon Vasquez Vs. Jennifer Walcott

The crowd gave a mixed reaction as "They Are Night Zombies!" by Sufjan Stevens comes on in the middle of the song, with Shannon Vasquez walking out to the ring wearing an orange lace tank top and white shorts with white boots. She steps above the middle rope to get through to the center of the ring, where she taunts the crowd to get them going.

Joey Styles: Now THAT is one hot chick.

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: Damn straight. This is a match FULL of hot chicks!

Show Stopper" by Danity Kane" hit the PA system as Skylar Phoenix made her way out to the ring. She looked at the crowd with disgust as she made her way out to the ring, entering the ring and giving Shannon a cocky stare, as if to say that she didn't belong in the ring with her. "Porno Star" by Lloyd Banks hit as the crowd cheered for one of the hottest women on Earth, Jennifer Walcott. She strutted down to the ring and entered with a smile, but was attacked by Skylar Phoenix almost immediately. The bell sounded and Jennifer and Skylar brawled, with Shannon happy to watch and pick her moment. Skylar whipped Jennifer into the turnbuckle, but as she did,.Shannon sprung at her, leaping and hitting an incredible head scissor takedown as the crowd cheered in approval. Shannon turned her attention to Jennifer Walcott. Jennifer managed to duck the attempted clothesline, and then kicked Shannon hard on the chin. She chopped Shannon across the chest a few times, but Skylar then attacked her from behind and rolled her up for the pin.

1...2...kickout by Jennifer.

Skylar stomped angrily as she got up, dragging Jennifer up by the hair. But before she could do anything to Jennifer, Shannon had punched her in the spine, causing her to let go of Jennifer. She turned and locked up her neck, dropping Skylar to the mat with a neck breaker. Jennifer charged at her but Shannon ducked. Jennifer came off the ropes and Shannon soared through the air to hit a picture-perfect hurricanrana! Shannon turned to pin Jennifer.

1...2...count broken up by Skylar.

Skylar pulled Shannon up by her shorts and hit her with a couple of vicious right hands. She whipped her off the ropes, and then ran against the opposite ropes herself, allowing her to connect with an extra-powerful spear! Skylar grinned cockily but as she stood up, she was hit with a bulldog from behind by Jennifer Walcott.

1...2..kickout by Skylar Phoenix. Skylar and Jennifer continued to fight, making their way to the outside of the ring while Shannon struggled up to her feet inside the ring. Skylar smacked Jennifer's head against the announce table, but Jennifer blocked Skylar's punch and kicked her in the midsection. Jennifer set Skylar up for the Playboy Powerbomb, but suddenly Shannon Vasquez was on the top rope, and flew from the top rope, hitting a missile dropkick on Jennifer Walcott, sending her head backwards into the announce table!

All three women were down, although Skylar and Shannon were both starting to get to their feet. Skylar charged at Shannon, but Shannon stepped out of the way, and Skylar hit the ring-steps! Skylar was thrown back into the ring by Shannon, who went to the top rope, looking for the Breaking Point moonsault! But Skylar moved! Shannon hit the mat and Skylar tried to steal one with a quick pin. Kickout by Shannon Vasquez.

Skylar shouted angrily at the referee. While this was happening, Jake Matthews started to walk down the ramp, dressed in a suit.

Joey Styles: That's Jake Matthews, a close friend of Shannon Vasquez! What is he doing here?

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: Who knows? Skylar used to work for him, he slept with Jennifer, and he lives with Shannon! He's probably just here to watch the action!

Shannon struggled up to her feet and Skylar waited to pounce, hitting a reverse DDT. Before she could capitalise, Jennifer had got back in the ring and began to chop across Skylar's chest. She appeared to wink at Jacob as she backed Skylar into the corner, and then stood over Skylar, punching her with ten shots to the head. She gyrated her hips slightly before jumping down and backing away, charging at Skylar, looking to spear her, but Skylar moved and Jennifer smashed her shoulder against the turnbuckle post, screaming in pain. Skylar went towards her to roll her up, but Shannon grabbed her arm, spun her, and hit a spinning spine buster!

Joey Styles: Shannon has demonstrated high-flying, technical wrestling and power. Is there anything she can't do?

Shannon grabbed Skylar's leg, and suddenly locked in a figure-four leg-lock!

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: Add submission moves to that too Styles!

She wrenched back on the move as Skylar screamed in pain. She raised her hand to tap but before the hand had hit the mat, Jenn Walcott flew from the top rope with a top rope splash onto both of them, leaving all three women out on the mat.

Shannon and Jennifer were the first to start to get to their feet, and Jacob seemed to give a signal to someone. Shannon grabbed the referee and seemed to start complaining about an injury, before turning around and bending over to tie her bootlace. The referee was left staring at her ass.

Joey Styles: Damn…you can't blame the referee…wait a second, what the hell is Jacob Matthews doing?

Jacob was on the top rope in his suit, suddenly pulling a baseball bat out from his suit jacket! He jumped from the top rope, and smashed Jennifer Walcott over the head with the bat!

Jacob smirked a little, looking around at the carnage he'd caused. As Shannon was slowly standing straight back up, smirking at the referee's expression, Jacob threw Skylar Phoenix out the ring and slid out the ring with the bat, heading back up the ramp. Shannon moved the referee out of the way, and headed to the top rope. She raised her arms and then hit the split-legged moonsault known as Breaking Point! Before she could pin Jennifer, Skylar Phoenix ran back into the ring, and threw Shannon over the tope rope! She went for the cover on Jennifer.



Joey Styles: What a match! These three women put on an incredible show! Skylar Phoenix now has a shot at the Cruiserweight Championship!

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: And we haven't even gotten started yet, Joey! The real show is about to begin!

Joey Styles: Folks, it's not too late! Order AwF Summer Showdown 2006 right now! For those of you viewing in free TV land, thank you, and we will see you on monday Night Mayhem! For those of you that are going to order the Pay Per View, we will see you in a few moments!

Up Next on Anarchy TV, AwF Summer Showdown 2006!

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