The Anarchy Wrestling Federation
And Tag Body Spray..
Proudly Present to you..

Sunday, July 30th, 2006
LIVE From The American Airlines Arena in Miami, Florida

AwF Summer Showdown Attendance: 78,526(Summer Showdown Record)

AwF Summer Showdown 2006 Intro

( "Shine Down" by Godsmack POUNDS over the speakers as the THX Dolby Digital Surround Sound tag views on the screen as a sea of 78,526 fans are shown in attendance tonight! )

So tired sleeping through the day
Bloodshot eyes and sweat from my body
And I picked my head up yesterday
Found the reason of hope left inside of me

But I still believe in immortal love
And I know there's someone above

Shine down, don't take it away from me, no
And I know you know how, yeah
Shine down, just give me a chance to feel it
It's taken forever to get me off the ground

Haunted silence overwhelming me
Deny takes it's toll on my sanity
And I know I've been away too long
All these years I've been hiding
I'm feeling I'm coming strong

( The American Airlines Arena in Miami, Florida is ABUZZ as AwF Summer Showdown opens to an amazing display of pyrotechnical show! Orange and Yellow explosions erupt from the ring, to the ceiling, to the entrance rampway, all the way to the Anarchy-Tron! Pyro shoots up above the arena as the fans jump, screem, cheer and yell for the 2006 AwF Summer Showdown! )

But I still believe in immortal love
And I know there's someone that's up above
Show me a path to find my way
And give me a reason pray

Shine down, don't take it away from me, no
And I know you know how, yeah
Shine down, just give me a chance to feel it
It's taken forever to get me off the ground

Shine down, don't take it away from me, no
And I know you know how, yeah
And shine down, just give me a chance to feel it
It's taken forever to get me off the ground
Shine down
Shine down
Oh, shine down
Oh baby, yeah, yeah, yeah
Shine down
Oh, shine down
Oh, shine down
Oh baby shine down

(As the smoke clears, streamers and "Summer Showdown 2006" emblem flyers fall from the rafters. The camera zigzags all over the arena to the fans who are going nuts about this show, and we end with a shot of our announce team for the evening, Joey Styles and Macho Man. Take it away boys! )

AwF Fans: A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F!

(Just Close Your Eyes by Waterproof Blondes hits over the PA as the fans begin to cheer. The lights go out as the spotlight goes at the top of the rampway. Just then Christian steps out from behind the curtains as the fans go even crazier. Christian steps into the spotlight and slaps his chest as the lights turn blue and he continues to walk down the rampway. Christian has a somewhat of a smirk on his face as he quickly steps down to the ring. Christian climbs the steps and hops into the ring. He quickly climbs to the top rope and slaps his chest and points out to the crowd. Christian then jumps down and goes to the other turnbuckle and slaps his chest and points out to the crowd. Christian jumps down and reaches for a microphone. He walks around the ring looking through the crowd full of AwF fans. Christian raises the microphone to his mouth as the lights come back on.)

Christian: Thursday Night ReVenge just a few nights ago, I suffered a severe neck injury. I felt it right away, when Rey did that modified back cracker and we did a huge slip, and I slipped down and my neck cracked, I heard and also felt the crack in my neck. I could only hope it was in my head. But then, my fingers began to tingle, and the pain was undescribible. I couldn't move and I was scared for my life, I was scared for you people. It was no one's fault, but it shouldn't of happened. At first, I thought that it was just a simple neck injury, something a little ice could fix. But when I couldn't move, I couldn't feel my feet, I knew it had to be something serious, and I just wouldn't let myself believe it that night. So after the show, I was escorted to the hospital, and we took an MRI. I'd come back to my senses, and I was completely aware of what was going on, Gary explained what had happened. So we checked the MRI of my neck, but there was nothing wrong with my neck. So, the doctor insisted that we waited a few hours, do a few tests and check to see if it was somewhere else. Hours went by, but my back then began to hurt, I informed the doctor of my pain, and he said that could've been the problem. So we did a complete catscan, and we saw that Rey's knee had moved a disk in my spinal cord. Something that can't be fixed to complete form. With that being said, the doctor had informed me that with all the surgeries, which I've already had 2. He said..

Christian then puts his hands up to his eyes to wipe away the tears. The camera pans to fans at ringside who are getting teary-eyed.

Christian: The doctor had told me that with this type of injury, he wasn't...

Christian again tries to pull out the words but it won't escape from his mouth.

Christian: He said it wasn't safe to wrestle. Especially not here. Not with the type of matches, not with the matches alone. It could twist my whole spinal cord, and he said I shouldn't wrestle again. Ever. And I gotta admit, when he said that. It tore me up. It ripped my heart out and threw it. It threw out the window, across the street and 5 blocks down. Because wrestling is what I LOVE to do. Wrestling is what I do for YOU fans.

Christian wipes the tears from his cheek.

Christian: But now, after one simple mistake, it has all been taken away from me. It has taken what I've loved to do for so many years, and it has made me stop. My dreams were to finally become an AwF Legend. Something that normal people can't do. You need to be special. You need to have the passion for wrestling. But now, that passion has been taken away from me. Because I can't do it without almost ending my life. I love AwF with all my heart, I love all of you fans with all my heart. I've done what I've can for you fans, but now, now this injury has to make me stop doing it. I told Vince Russo about the mishap, and then he offered me a spot on the commentary team, but I told him it'd be way to hard to come out every week, and talk about wrestling. Talk about something that I can't do. But right now, I want to bring the people out that helped me do what I've done here. I want to bring out my best friend, Gary Coleman. Come out here big guy.

Gary Coleman then makes his way out to the ring, not dressed up or anything. Gary is tearry-eyed as he doesn't seem to like it at all either. Gary comes out and hugs Christian, who begins to shed tears. Gary cries as well as Christian lets go and raises the microphone.

Christian: I want the whole world to know that this man right here, is the best friend anyone could have. This guy has been at my side since day one here in the Anarchy Wrestling Federation, and he hasn't said a dark thing to me, we've shared all the best together. The parties, the hoes, the drinks, the laughs, the cries, and now it's all over right here buddy. This is where it ends, but don't worry man, we'll keep in touch. We'll be best buds forever man. I just know that you'll be there for everything Gary.

Christian then wipes the tears away as he hugs Gary again. Gary then steps aside as Christian raises the microphone again.

Christian: Now, I want to bring some one out that's been there for the sadness, she's been at my side all the time at the doctors, she was there for me. She was there, and she was the one that tried to help me, along with this man. Gary your great, but this woman can please me more. [Sad chuckle.] Anyways, Kelly come on out here baby. Kelly makes her way out to the ring with tears in her eyes, as she rolls into the ring she gives Christian a hug.

Christian: Even though you haven't been here as long as Gary, your still the one there at the hospital, you were there just as much as Gary. You were there when I needed you, and I want you to know that I love you Kelly. Never forget that. You'll always be there for me, and I know it. Just know that we are going to have a happy life together.

Kelly cries more as Christian gives her a hug. Christian tries to keep in the tears but he lets them out as he cries. Christian then raises the microphone and holds Kelly's hand.

Christian: Last, but certainly not least, I'd like to bring out the man that helped me. He gave me advice when I needed it, something that no one else could do. He helped me win the Anarchy Rumble, even when I entered number one. The man has been there to help with everything and anything. He was like a father to me. I would like to bring out the Exellence of Execution, Bret Hart!

Bret Hart makes his way down the ramp, as the fans all cry at Christian. Bret climbs the steps and gets into the ring. Bret gives Christian a hug as well, as Christian begins to slap Bret's back. Christian then backs up.

Christian: Bret, you helped me with things that people couldn't help me with. You gave me a weapon that no one else could have. You gave me something that no one else could give. You gave me something that no one could've gave me. You let me use your great finishing move, and I've used it. I hate that its ending this way, but it has to. I have to finish my career here tonight. But I'd like everyone to know that, through my whole career, I've had great matches with plenty of AwF Legends. I remember my first biggest win, maybe the biggest win in my career, it projected me to what I am. I beat AwF Legend Raven, it was an upset at the time no doubt, and look where it brought me. It brought me into the main event picture, as I had a great match with Midajah Stamboli another AwF Legend, in a I'm Your Bitch match. Wow, did she ever make me scream. She had an unfair advantage though. I also, had the greatest match of my career in the Anarchy Rumble, then defending my title was a complete ball. Beating AwF Legend Queen Victoria was killer, winning a double champion twice was a great feat, and then the way I lost it, I wouldn't want to lose it any other way, 3 seconds left. Kudos to you James Beach. Just try to hold that title. Because you have the bullseye on your back like nothing else. Another shout out to the man that made this all happen, well for me, that is none other then...Vince Russo. I'd like to thank you for the chances you've gaven me. But this is my time to say good-bye one last time. Gary you are the man, don't forget that. Kelly, I love you, Bret, your a great teacher, your like a father to me. But all I have to say is good-bye. I'm going to miss this place, and I'm going to miss the airplane rides, and the car rides, it was all a blast, but now its all over for me at such a young age. It sucks but it has to happen. So good-bye.

(Christian hugs Gary, then Kelly, then Bret as he steps out of the ring and down the steps. He wipes the tears from his eyes and walks up the rampway. He slaps a few fans hands who are crying, as he then stands at the top of the ramp and looks down at the ring. He slaps his chest twice, kisses his fingers, and then points throughout the crowd as he then walks behind the curtains.)

(Trish was standing at the refreshment table, pouring herself a red gatorade before her match. Suddenly, Regina DiMaggio comes up beside her. Not noticing who she's standing next to, she grabs a bottled water off the stand. Trish glances at Regina and smirks to herself. Regina notices eyes on her, so she turns her head. She then rolls her eyes as she see's Trish Stratus standing next to her.)

Trish Stratus: Well, well. Look who it is...

AwF Cruiserweight Champion Regina DiMaggio: Ugh, what are you doing here?

Trish Stratus: Obviously getting myself a drink.

AwF Cruiserweight Champion Regina DiMaggio: Well go get it somewhere else

Trish Stratus: I was here first, so why don't you wander off somewhere and get lost.

AwF Cruiserweight Champion Regina DiMaggio: Okay how bout I don't tho?

Trish Stratus: I really don't care what you do as long as you stay out of my way.

AwF Cruiserweight Champion Regina DiMaggio: Okay well one way for me to stay out your way is to wave bye bye and walk away

Trish Stratus: Then go, because I obviously don't want you here.

AwF Cruiserweight Champion Regina DiMaggio: And I obviously dont plan on moving so deal with it

Trish rolls her eyes as she leans against the table and takes a sip of her drink.

AwF Cruiserweight Champion Regina DiMaggio: Good glad we established this. So uh .. hows John doin? [grins]

Trish Stratus: Extremely satisfied. [smirks]

AwF Cruiserweight Champion Regina DiMaggio: uh huh..

Trish Stratus: He is, and he wants me to kick your ass, so really neither of us could be happier.

AwF Cruiserweight Champion Regina DiMaggio: Wow thats a tough break for you guys then huh

Trish Stratus: [laughs] Now, why would you say that?

AwF Cruiserweight Champion Regina DiMaggio: Cause the only one who's getting her ass kicked is you. So your high hopes ya share with John care gonna go to shit

Trish Stratus: I guess you've forgotten that I'm currently undefeated.

AwF Cruiserweight Champion Regina DiMaggio: Yeah sure, as am I so therefor you have nothing on me where thats concerned. Only difference, I wear the gold .. you don't.

Trish Stratus: Oh, sweetie, I've worn more gold then you ever will.

AwF Cruiserweight Champion Regina DiMaggio: OOh yeah cause WWE gold counts for everything don't it? Is that why you're here and not there

Trish Stratus: [laughs] I've seen more gold than you have here. Try three time AwF Baddest Bitch Champion and First Ever Undisputed Anarchy Champion.

AwF Cruiserweight Champion Regina DiMaggio: Okay well .. save it for someone who cares, kay sweety?

Trish Stratus: [shrugs] Just realize who you're up against, because, believe me, you won't be getting past me.

AwF Cruiserweight Champion Regina DiMaggio: Believe me, either do you. I could care less what you've done in the past. We aren't talking about back then we're talking about right now and right now I'm on the verge and shutting that mouth for you so I suggest you take a walk

Trish Stratus: How about not? You just don't seem to get it. Who was the one here who beat the current Undisputed Champion, even with the odds stacked against her? Oh, that's right. It was me. So, unless you want me to kick your ass right here before we even get out to the ring, I suggest that you get out of my face.

AwF Cruiserweight Champion Regina DiMaggio: [getting closer to her] Make me bitch

(Trish glared at Regina, not backing down. Regina looked exactly into her eyes, obviously not backing down either.)

Queen Of The Ring Quarter Finals

One On One

SINGLE'S MATCH:Queen Carmella Vs. Amethyst 'Glycerine' Lee

'Do It' by Cheris blasts through the speakers, Queen Carmella bursting through the curtains as well. The reaction from the fans isn't quite that warm, as the boos can be heard loud and clear. Ignoring this and exuding complete confidence, Queen Carmella hoists the crown she wears symbolizing she is the queen over her head before walking down the ramp, placing it back onto her head. Pointing at her crown as if to say, "I've got this, and you DON'T!", Queen Carmella enters the ring, hoisting her crown up in the air one last time. She hands it to the ref, and he hands it to the timekeeper.

'Coming Undone' by KoRn starts up as soon as Queen Carmella's dies down, Amethyst 'Glycerine' Lee making her presence felt. The crowd doesn't seem to like Amethyst 'Glycerine' Leee any better than Queen Carmella, as they boo her as well. Nightshade has a similar reaction to Queen Carmella's blowing off the jeers as if they meant nothing to her. Halfway down the ramp, Amethyst 'Glycerine' Lee locks eyes with Queen Carmella, a smirk sliding onto her face. She seems ready to go! Stopping at the end of the ramp, she pauses, eyeing Queen Carmella one last time before charging the ring, sliding in and taking a run at Queen Carmella, spearing her to the mat! The bell sounds as this match is suddenly started!

Glycerine stays on top of Queen Carmella, laying in several closed right-hands to her head. The ref admonishes her, informing her that what she's doing in illegal. Stepping up off of Queen Carmella, she focuses her attention on the referee, shouting a few select words at him before turning back to Queen Carmella, getting a straight boot to the nose! Glycerine stumbles back, holding her nose in pain. Queen Carmella hops to her feet, leaping onto Glycerine's back and choking her. Glycerine flails her arms around, Queen Carmella ferociously attacking her breathing airway. After a long period of this, Glycerine starts to slow down, the sleeper hold taking effect. Suddenly, she snaps back to reality, finding the strength to flip Queen Carmella over her head, slamming her foe back-first onto the mat. Stumbling uneasily for a moment, Glycerine holds onto the ropes, shaking her head and clearing the haze in her mind. Queen Carmella is already to her feet, and charges at Glycerine. Glycerine sees her at the last moment, dodging out of the way. Queen Carmella flies through the top and 2nd rope, but instead of falling out to the outside, she quickly latches onto the 2nd ropes, swinging around, and kicking Glycerine right in the back! The 619-like maneuver sends Glycerine face-first onto the mat, further injuring her nose. Queen Carmella hops through the ropes and over to Glycerine, picking her up by the hair and chopping her on the chest several times until she's back into the ropes. Then, after chopping her a few more times, each one having more sting to them than the last. Once satisfied with the punishment she dealt out, Queen Carmella whips Glycerine into the ropes on the opposite side of the ring. Swinging for Glycerine, Queen Carmella misses when Glycerine ducks, whipping off of the ropes and returning the favor, taking Queen Carmella down with a flying clothesline!! Not wasting any time, Glycerine stands up, latching onto Queen Carmella's hair, forcing her to her feet. With a kick to the stomach, Glycerine forces Queen Carmella 's head down, lifting her up and applying a back-breaker submission, wrenching Queen Carmella's back by hopping up and down every once in a while, emitting a shout from Queen Carmella. The ref asks Queen Carmella periodically if she wants to tap. Refusing every time, Queen Carmella stays in the match, flailing her arms about in an attempt to stop Glycerine's attack. She is unsuccessful, and Glycerine continues with her assault until she abruptly stops, dropping down on her backside, executing a Gory Special Backbreaker. Queen Carmella screams, her lower back being severely hurt by that. Glycerine lets go of her hold on Queen Carmella, and the Playmate falls down onto the mat, holding onto her lower back, flinching with the pain she feels. Glycerine forces Queen Carmella onto her back, hooking her leg and attempting a pin. 1.. 2.. kick out by Queen Carmella! She barely gets out of the pin in time, rolling to a foreign part of the ring, trying to get some time to recuperate. Glycerine gets to her feet, following Queen Carmella and giving her no time to catch her breath. She is back on the attack, yanking her to her feet and shoving her into the nearest turnbuckle, stomping her in to the stomach until Queen Carmella can't stand up, doubled over in pain. Forcing Queen Carmella back up, Glycerine slaps Queen Carmella HARD across the face! The smack echos loudly, and with a smile, Glycerine lifts Queen Carmella up onto the top turnbuckle, climbing up there as well. She seems to be attempting a superplex, and is positioned for it. She attempts to lift up Queen Carmella to execute the move, but Queen Carmella blocks it, landing a few punches to Glycerine's midsection. She fights back, breaking Glycerine's hold and with one hard shove, she pushes Glycerine off the turnbuckle, flying back onto the mat with AUTHORITY! Queen Carmella steadies herself slowly, waiting for Glycerine to get back to her feet as well. Once Glycerine does, Queen Carmella waits her for to turns around, and once she does, she leaps off of the turnbuckle with a flying cross body. Glycerine ducks, Queen Carmella lands face first down hard on the mat. Glycerine picks Queen Carmella up, yanking her by the hair, could it be? Glycerine sets Queen Carmella up for the Infernal Combustion and delivers it perfectly. Queen Carmella is down and out. Glycerine hooks the leg and gets the 3 count for the win.

'Coming Undone' by KoRn plays, signaling Glycerine's victory. The crowd isn't necessarily happy about this, as neither of the competitors in this match were favorites of the fans, but the performance they just witnessed by both women was certainly impressive, and they show their gratitude. Glycerine could not seem to care less about this, though, as she exits the ring and heads up the ramp. She's advanced in the Queen of the Ring tournament, and is set to compete for the Queen title in the finals match later tonight! That's surely what is putting the smile on her face as she heads backstage, walking gingerly, yet with a purpose.

(The Anarchy-Tron flairs up and Regina DiMaggio with Batista by her side walk into Vince Russo's office. Russo is a little intimidated by Batista as he welcomes them into his office.)

AwF Owner Vince Russo: Well..*Looks at Batista nervously* You're all here. Please, have a seat.

AwF Cruiserweight Champion Regina DiMaggio: *taking a seat* Of course we're both here, I go nowhere without him.

AwF Owner Vince Russo: Right, right. I want you both to know that i've spent the last several days in jail, and i plan on getting some payback, but there is a little peice of buisness that involves you tonight.

AwF Cruiserweight Champion Regina DiMaggio: Well, Vince. You're jail time doesn't really concern me. So why don't you just get to it, and tell me what ya want.

AwF Owner Vince Russo: ..*Looks at Batista again*..I just wanted to...Hey who is he?

AwF Cruiserweight Champion Regina DiMaggio: Who is he? Are you kidding me? *laughs*

AwF Owner Vince Russo: I've never seen him before.

AwF Cruiserweight Champion Regina DiMaggio: Well, let me introduce you. Vince Russo this is .. David Batista.

AwF Owner Vince Russo: It's nice to meet you Mr. Batista, i hope you are enjoying your time in the Anarchy Wrestling Federation.

David Batista: As long as I stick with her we got no problems here

AwF Owner Vince Russo: Well we sure don't want to make you unhappy big man..*Laughs Nervously*..Anyhow, Trish Stratus. I want to make sure she loses tonight. I don't care how it's done, i don't care how long it takes to do it, i need her to lose.

AwF Cruiserweight Champion Regina DiMaggio: Thats something you shouldnt even have to question, does it look like I'll lose to Trish Stratus tonight?

AwF Owner Vince Russo: I'm not questioning if you can do it or not, this is something i want to make sure is done. I need Trish to lose. She disrespected me in her promo's and now i want her to pay the price. Should you win tonight, you will be rwarded with a paid vacation. Do we have a deal?

AwF Cruiserweight Champion Regina DiMaggio: *looks at Batista* Vaction sounds nice. *back at Vince* Ya gotta deal, not that the vacation is going to push me more than I already am.

AwF Owner Vince Russo: Good. I'm glad we can come to an agreement. And just so you know, Rey Mysterio Jr is the type of guy who will manipulate you, and stab you in the back the first chance he get's. I know you are still pretty new to AwF, but please, don't start to trust him.

AwF Cruiserweight Champion Regina DiMaggio: May be a little too late for that, Vince.

AwF Owner Vince Russo: Well, im telling you now, you should't trust him.

AwF Cruiserweight Champion Regina DiMaggio: I'll give it some thought .. we done here?

AwF Owner Vince Russo: are free to go. Don;t forget the plan.

AwF Cruiserweight Champion Regina DiMaggio: No worries, Russo. Trish Stratus isnt walking away with anything tonight but a loss.

AwF Owner Vince Russo: That's what i want to hear. was nice meeting you Mr. Batista.

David Batista: Yeah same.

(Scene fades.)

Queen Of The Ring Quarter Finals

One On One

SINGLE'S MATCH:Trish Stratus Vs. Regina DiMaggio

"Time to Rock & Roll" by Lil’ Kim hits, and Trish Stratus makes her entrance from underneath the Anarchy-Tron. She has a big, confident smile on her face as she walks onto the stage, giving a quick glance at the crowd surrounding her before casually walking down the ramp with her hands going from on her hips to pointing to the crowd in the air. She walks down the ramp slowly, and as she reaches the ring, she hops up onto the apron on one knee, before standing up and ducking under the second rope, and entering the ring. Once in the ring, she holds her right hand in the air, nodding in approval of herself as she walks towards a corner of the ring, jogging to prepare herself for her opponent.

As Trish's theme fades out, "Diamondz" by Kanye West is next to hit, and the Cruiserweight Champion Regina DiMaggio emerges at the top of the ramp, with her game face on. Just by looking at her, it's obvious to everyone just how much she wants to be one in the finals of the Queen of the Ring tournament! Without a second thought, Regina drops her title down on the ramp and breaks into a fast jog down the ramp, and slides in the ring under the bottom rope. She stands up on her feet to hold her arms in the air, looking very confident. Once her music starts to fade out, she turns and looks at Trish, stretching her arms out a little in preparation for the match to begin. Soon enough, the bell sounds, and this bout is underway!

In an effort to be as sportsmanlike as possible, the two start the match with a lock up, but Regina quickly gains the advantage overpowers Trish, backing her into a corner of the ring. Upon the referee's orders, Regina backs off for a moment, but soon resumes her dominance by placing a few kicks into Trish's midsection. With Trish slightly hunched over, holding her stomach, Regina backs up once again. Once at a good enough distance, Regina starts running at Trish with plans to spear her into the corner, but Trish moves out of the way just in time! Regina is able to catch herself, and avoids careening head-first into the turnbuckle just in time. Bracing herself on the turnbuckle, Regina regains her composure, shaking her head free of the cobwebs, and turns around, running blindly at Trish, who's now standing in the middle of the ring. Trish's ready for her, though, and catches her with a hip toss, using Regina's own momentum to send her crashing onto the mat. Quickly, Regina scurries to her feet and runs at Trish again, only to be hit with another hip toss. Getting up a little slower this time, Regina runs at Trish once more, but as Trish prepares to hit her with a third hip toss, Regina is able to block it, countering with a hip toss of her own! While Trish is still getting to her feet, Regina hurries after her, 'helping' her to her feet, only to whip her into the ropes. Regina turns around to face Trish as she bounces off the opposite set of ropes, hunched over in preparation to hit her with a back body drop, but Trish is able to stop her momentum, and telegraph Regina's move by kicking her right in the face. Regina stumbles backwards in surprise, holding her nose in pain! Trish whips Regina around to have her back facing her, and she rolls her up in a school boy pin! The referee counts the pin - 1.. 2.. Regina is able to kick out just in time! Distracted by the pain shooting through her nose, Regina rolls away from Trish, her hands covering her face protectively. Trish grabs Regina by the hair, trying to pull her to her feet, but Regina - with her back turned - throws an elbow at Trish 's face in an effort to keep her away. This temporarily stops Trish as she stumbles back a little, holding her jaw. But she isn't deterred for long - Trish stalks right back up to Regina - who's now making it onto her knees - and clubs her with a double-axe handle to the back! Regina falls to her stomach again, now holding her back. Trish picks her up by the hair and knees her in the stomach, irish-whipping her into a corner of the ring. Following her close behind, Trish hits Regina with a clothesline into the turnbuckle almost as soon as her back hits the corner. From there, she hits Regina with a few knife-edge chops to the chest, and the crowd breaks out in simultaneous shouts of 'woo!!' in response. Having heard enough, Regina kicks Trish in the stomach and throws her in the corner, hitting her with a few chops of her own! After that, Regina kicks Trish in the stomach again, and pulls her out of the corner. Trish follows, stumbling slightly. As quick as a cat, Regina uses her right leg to kick Trish in the back of her calf, using her left leg to trip her - executing a drop toe hold. Once Trish's down, Regina jumps on her back, executing a Camel Clutch! Regina pulls back hard on Trish, gritting her teeth in aggression. Trish's eyes widen in pain, and she yells out, reaching helplessly for the ropes that are no where in reach. Regina just yells even louder than Trish - screaming 'Ask her!!' at the referee. The referee asks Trish if she wants to give up, and Trish shakes her head frantically, yelling 'No!'. This only motivates Regina to pull back harder. Trish is in the center of the ring with no where to go - is she forced to give up?! In desperation, Trish pulls at Regina's grip on her chin, trying to break it. Regina's hands shift, though, and they move from Trish's chin to Trish's throat. The hold is now a choke - very illegal. The referee starts to get on Regina about it, giving her until a count of 3 to break it. Just as the referee gets to 3, Regina breaks the hold unwillingly, a grimace on her face. The referee starts to get in her face, but Regina smacks his hand away, yelling right back at him! Is this a new aggressive streak from Regina?! She must really want this final spot! Still sitting on Trish's back, Regina smacks the back of Trish's head before standing up off of her, stomping her on the back. Trish just rolls onto her back, holding her neck in pain from the submission move just placed on her. She hasn't made any efforts to move, and Regina stares down at her, her hands on her hips impatiently. Her eyes travel from Trish's prone form to the turnbuckle nearby - a pretty good aiming distance. Regina suddenly grins and rubs her hands together, walking over to the turnbuckle and hoisting herself on top of it. Once atop the turnbuckle, Regina points down at Trish and then points towards her own neck, signaling what she's aiming to injure! She signals for a leg drop, and jumps off the turnbuckle, executing just that! However, as she's in the air, Trish manages to roll out of the way just in time to avoid the move! Regina hits the mat ass-first! Regina's eyes and mouth widen in surprise and pain as Regina rolls to her side, holding her rear in pain. She might have gotten a bruised tailbone from that one! Regina grits her teeth, slamming a fist on the mat in frustration. Slowly, she makes it to her feet - still holding her ass in one hand. Regina staggers over to Trish, pulling her up violently by her hair. She hooks her head under her right arm and looks to be setting her up for a suplex! However, Trish's able to counter it by flipping Regina over her in a suplex variation! Regina hits the mat with a thud, holding her back of her head in pain, and Trish rolls onto her stomach, still holding her own neck in pain. Gradually, Trish gets to her feet - using the ropes for balance. Regina is to her feet around the same time, and staggers over to Trish, who's still holding onto the ropes. She throws a right hand at Trish, but it's blocked, and Trish hits her with a right hand of her own! Regina falls on her back with that one punch, holding her jaw! Quickly, she staggers to her feet in anger, and attempts to throw a right hand again! Trish blocks it once more, but as she tries to throw another punch of her own, Regina blocks the punch as well! Thinking quick, Regina throws out her arm and roughly clotheslines Trish backwards over the top rope - and out of the ring! Trish lands hard on the floor mat, holding her back from the impact. She's able to make it to her feet soon, however, with her back to the ring. She holds her back as she slowly turns to face the ring, and is almost knocked right out of her boots when Regina springboards off the ropes and flies at her with a cross body! Trish hits the thin padding on the back of her head, and already seems out of it from the moment of impact! Regina - who also appears to be a little beaten up from the last move - shakily gets to her feet and kicks Trish in the gut before pulling her up by the hair and the back of her pants, tossing her in the ring. Trish rolls onto her back, her eyes closed. She must be really knocked out from the hard landing! Taking advantage of this great opportunity to score the win, Regina pulls Trish up by the hair and hooks her throat under her right arm, falling forward and hitting Trish with her finisher - an Inverted DDT! She covers Trish's semi-conscious body as the referee makes the count - 1 - 2 - 3!! NO! Trish gets her shoulder up. How did she do that? I do not know! Regina sits on her knees looking around her frantically as she grabs her hair in frustration. Regina grabs a handful of Trish’s hair and yanks her up off the mat. Still with a hand full of hair Regina slaps Trish in the face, trash talking her down. Regina goes for another slap but Trish gets an elbow up blocking it. Kick to the midsection by Trish Stratus. Trish bounces off the ropes and run towards Regina. Trish with the Louez Press! Trish is on top of Regina hammering away with right hands. Trish pops off Regina with a load of energy as she awaits Regina to stand on her feet. Regina’s up only to get knock into the ropes by Trish’s elbow strikes. Trish grabs Regina’s arm and throw her into the opposite ropes. Regina turns the tables and goes full force at Trish with a clothesline. Trish, with the Ma-Trish, dodges it as Regina passes her. Trish sets up, taunting Regina to turn around. Regina turns, CHICK KICK. Trish with the chick kick! Trish goes for the cover, NO! Trish doesn’t! Trish picks up Regina off the mat. Trish locks Regina’s head in a side headlock. Trish points up to the crowd. We all know what this means! Trish runs toward the ropes, Trish is up, feet on the ropes. Trish launches off the ropes, STRATUSFACTION! …NO! Regina throws Trish forward over the top rope. Trish lands on the outside of the apron on her feet. Regina is unaware Trish is standing. Trish sneaks back in the ring, turns Regina around and connects with an elbow. Trish throws Regina into the turnbuckle and lifts her to the top. You guessed it! The Stratusphere! Trish sends Regina across the ring with the Stratusphere. Trish wastes no time running over to Regina. Trish hooks the leg, and the neck, STF. Trish has locked in the STF! Regina screams as she tries to make her way to the ropes. Trish yanks on Regina’s neck as she screams in pain. Trish begins to shake as Regina makes her way to the ropes. Trish yanks one more time as Regina squeals. She’s got it. Regina has the bottom rope in her hand. Trish still has her locked in. The ref warns Trish she has the count of 5 to let go. Trish screams as she yanks Regina’s neck to her back. The ref begins his count…1…..2…..3….4………..5! The ref calls for the bell as Regina screams in pain. The ref has disqualified Trish Stratus! I can’t believe it! Regina moves on in the final match tonight to face Amethyst 'Glycerine' Lee for the Queen of the Ring title!

All the sudden, "My Time' hits on the arena speakers, and the fans in the arena stand to their feet, looking at the entranceway. STEPHANIE MCMAHON walks out from the entranceway with her hands on her hips as the AwF fans erupt in cheers!

Joey Styles: Oh My God! It's Stephanie McMahon! What is she doing here?

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: The former AwF Vice President is back!

Stephanie McMahon walks down the entranceway with a grin on her face, and she walks up the steel stairs with a mic in her hand. She walks towards the ropes, and extends her hands on the ropes while she takes in the reaction the fans are giving her.

Joey Styles: We haven't seen Stephanie in years! I wonder what this is about!

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: She about to say something, Joey!

Stephanie's music ends, and the fans give her a warm reaction as she raises the mic to her lips.

Stephanie McMahon: AwF's been too long. It's been WAY too long since i've been in an AwF Ring.

Fans give a mild reaction.

Stephanie McMahon: If there's one thing i know for sure, it's you AwF Fans deserve the very best that this buisness has to offer. You AwF fans deserve the best wrestling, the best entertainment, and of course, the best executive staff in the world. And that is why, after talking with Mr. Vince Russo..*Crowd boos for Russo*..I have been named the head of the AwF Executive Staff!..*Crowd cheers*..And what would that mean exactly? Well, that means that it will be up to me to see that you fans get absolutely everything you want every Monday Night on Mayhem. It will be up to me to make sure you fans leave home happy every Thursday Night on ReVenge. And that would mean at every AwF pey Per View, you fans will get your money's worth and more. So what i'm saying is, you fans are in for a treat, because i am back to make sure this company goes right back to the promise land!

Joey Styles: It looks like Stephanie McMahon is here for the better!

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: If anyone knows how to do it, It's Stephanie McMahon!

Stephanie smiles as she nods her head.

Stephanie McMahon: That brings me to the number one reason why i am here. The biggest event in AwF history..WrestleMayhem Five..

The fans erupt in massive cheers as Stephanie points upwards to a "WrestleMayhem 5' banner high on the ceiling. The fans erupt with a "WrestleMayhem" chant.


Stephanie McMahon: WrestleMayhem, where dreams come true, where championships are won, where Legends are made. WrestleMayhem is the crown jewel of this company. It's what set's us apart from any other company in the world. It's what makes us the BEST.

The fans cheer loudly as Stephanie nods her head.

AwF Fans: A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F!

Stephanie McMahon: This year's WrestleMayhem will no doubt be the greatest WrestleMayhem of all time. And i am here to make sure it is exactly what...

All the sudden, the lights in the arena go out.

Joey Styles: What happend?

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: The lights have gone out it seems, right in the middle of Stephanie's return speech.

Joey Styles: Randy..this wasan't in the script for tonight...something's wrong..

The fans look on in confusion as the arena has seemed to lost power. All the sudden, the lights come back on..but Stephanie McMahon is gone!

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: Where did Stephanie go?

Joey Styles: I don't know..i'm going to assume she left to see why the lights went out..but something just dosen't feel right.

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: We can't worry about this right now, we have to continue on with this show.

Joey Styles: Yeah, you're right, we apologize folks. Sometimes we are not told what will happen, and we are as in the dark, no pun intended, as you all.

One On One

DEATH MATCH:Jay O'Neil Vs. Austin Aries

[As the two lock up in the ring Jay seems to have the size advantage as he pushes Austin Aries back into the rope and send him towards the other side of the ring. Austin bounces off the ropes and hits a springboard twisting elbow to the face of Jay O'Neil knocking him down, Jay is quick to recover and Austin now tosses Jay O'Neil to the ropes and performs a hip toss to Jay. As Jay O'Neil lands on the canvas Austin runs and springboards off the middle rope going for a hands free lionsault only for Jay O'Neil to roll out of the way, but Aries lands on his feet to recover. Jay O'Neil comes back with a clothesline that sends Aries to the canvas fast. Jay now reaches down grabbing Aries by the hair and picking him up. He lays a right hand into Aries but it's blocked and Aries chops back in retaliation for the attempt. Jay is reeling back a bit as Aries lays another chop into him pressing him back into the ropes. Jay quickly dodges a third chop attempt as he drops down and rolls out of the ring. Aries leans over the ropes and taunts Jay who simply flicks him off and smirks. Jay rests by the barricade for a moment putting a hand on his chest as Aries runs and bounces off the ropes on the other side of the ring and performs a suicide bomb over the ropes nailing Jay and sending them both over the barricade into the crowd. As Aries gets up he lays a few stomps into the side of Jay O'Neil and proceeds to drag him by his foot back towards the barricade. Aries grabs Jay by the back of the neck and lifts him up attempting to toss him over the barricade but Jay fights back with an elbow. Aries shakes it off and slams Jay's face into the barricade, but Jay retaliates with yet another elbow to the side of Aries face sending him back a little. Jay now grabs Aries and tosses him over the barricade back into the ringside area. Jay now climbs over the barricade as Austin crawls towards the side of the ring. Jay has a cocky smirk on his face as Aries now gets up onto his knees and proceeds to reach an arm to the bottom rope to help himself up as he shakes it off. Jay now goes to grab for Aries but gets a sign to the top of his head knocking him back onto his ass at ringside. Aries now tosses the dented sign away and runs up laying a stiff kick across the chest of O'Neil sending him onto his back fully. Aries proceeds to grab a chair from a ringside attendant after shoving him off of it. Jay is stirring now as he uses the ring steps to help him get up. Aries lifts up the chair as Jay is now up but bent over. As Aries goes to smash the chair into Jay's spine he gets a kick to the gut from Jay making him drop the chair. Jay now tosses Aries back into the ring and picks up the chair tossing it into the ring before sliding in himself. Jay now gets back up to his feet and walks over to Aries picking him up by the hair once again. He walks Aries over to the corner bouncing his head off of the turnbuckle before shoving him into the corner. Jay O'Neil now grabs the steel chair and walks over to the corner striking Aries in the stomach with the top of the chair in the ribs. Jay now begins to talk some trash as Aries holds onto his ribs, Jay goes for another strike to the ribs but Austin knees the top of the chair up knocking Jay in the chin causing him to drop the chair and hold onto his jaw before shaking off the brief moment of cobwebs. He's met with an immediate forearm smash followed by another as Aries mounts the offensive. Aries presses him into the ropes and whips him off hitting a hard clothesline before picking up Jay O'Neil and whipping him hard into one of the turnbuckle corners. Aries runs in and splashes O'Neil in the corner before backing up and laying a slap across Jay's face which seemingly wakes him up real quick. Jay comes out of the corner with a right hand followed by a miss which Aries ducks and rolls out of the way of. As Jay O'Neil turns he is met with a stiff kick to the jaw knocking him back. Aries quickly begins to set up the Rings of Saturn but Jay begins to throw some wild elbows missing a few but connecting with the last one which sends Aries back and his hand lands on the leg of the chair. Aries quickly picks up the chair and levels Jay O'Neil with a single shot straight to the face which opens up O'Neil a bit as Aries gets a sick smile that spreads across his face. Aries now slams the chair down across the ribs of Jay and quickly slams it down across the back as Jay rolls over in pain grabbing his chest. Aries now grabs Jay by his shirt pulling him up and stretching the collar of it before he stands him up in the corner and smacks the chair into his chest again making sure he stays put being braced up by the top rope. Aries runs across to the diagonal corner with chair in hand, before turning and running towards Jay tossing the chair ahead of himself and dropkicking it into Jay O'Neil in a great showing of athleticism. Jay slumps down in the corner and then face first into the canvas out of it for the time being. Austin Aries smacks the sides of his face and holds his arms out as he screams pumping himself up. The referee begins to count 1....2....3. But Aries has had enough as he walks over and stomps straight on the face of Jay O'Neil. Jay O'Neil slowly pushes himself up with two hands as Aries continues to taunt him by slapping him in the face. Jay finally gets up to one knee and Aries goes for another slap but Jay backhands it away. Jay O'Neil now looks up at Aries and shoves Aries back as he gets up on both feet and lays a chop across the chest of Aries. Aries fumbles back only to recieve another chop over the chest and Jay pushes him into the ropes sending him to the other side before Aries returns to get a clothesline, quickly getting up to reciever a short clothesline. Jay O'Neil now stomps away at Aries before lifting him up and setting him up for a DDT which he hits squarely on the chair that was left lying in the ring. Austin is now busted open as he slowly blinks while looking up at the lights. Jay O'Neil rests in the corner as the referee begins to make the count, 1...2....3.....4....5...Aries begins to get up still with the cobwebs..6...Aries is now on one knee as he shakes his head a bit trying to clear things out and Jay heads over lifting him up and lays a right hand into Aries stopping the count. Aries gets him right back with a right hand of his own, Jay returns the favor by hitting another right hand. Aries stumbles back a bit but hits a right hand on Jay once again. Jay goes for another right hand and nails Aries sending him to the canvas, as Aries gets up Jay bounces off the ropes and lays a clothesline into Aries knocking him on his back again. O'Neil now rolls out of the ring and pulls up the apron looking for some weapons. He pulls out a trash can filled with various hardcore weapons and tosses it into the ring. He then pulls a table out from under the ring and slides it in just as Aries has recovered. Jay now slides into the ring and is met with a couple of stomps for his trouble. Aries now hooks up Jay and delivers a suplex landing O'Neil's spine on the steel chair. Aries now sets up the table watching Jay as he holds his back in pain. Aries finishes setting up the table and grabs the chair smacking it against Jay's spine before he puts the chair back down and lifts up O'Neil laying him out on top of the table. Austin now puts the chair on top of Jay and asceneds the turnubckle, he jumps off hitting a 450 splash on the chair through the table. The referee begins the count, 1....2....3....4....Aries is rolling around in pain, 5....6....7...Austin slowly begins to curl his legs up 8 9 suddenly Aries nips up onto his two feet as the referee makes the final count 10!]

Joey Styles: What a match! Jay O’Neil just din't have enough for Austin Aries!

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: I guess we know who the better man is after all.

Austin Aries walks to the backstage area with his hand raised, and Jay O’Neil looks around with the AwF fans letting him have it.


Joey Styles: All i got to say is, i've been hearing storys of Jay O’Neil and Explicit Content leaving the Anarchy Wrestling Federation due to backstage problems with other wrestlers.

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: I think after this, Jay will reconsider being an AwF member. I mean, some people can handle it, and some people can't.


Jay O’Neil pulls himself up, and limps to back backstage area as Shaun Cabalar and Shaun Hardy come out from the back to help him walk to the backstage. The camera follows Explicit Content as they walk through the cameras, and walk dawn the hallway, and walk towards the exitway. Just before they get to the exit, Mr. Showtime James West walks out with an extention cord in his hand! And then the exit door opens, and TRIPLE H walks in with a sledgehammer in his hand followed by LITA with a redbarbwire baseball bat! Lita walks in front of the three members of Explicit Content and speaks.

AwF Legend Lita: I've been in this company for FOUR FUCKING YEARS. I've seen some superstars come, i've seen somee superstars go..but i have NEVER seen anything like the three of you. You had the opprotunity of a lifetime. You had your chance to wrestle two AwF Legends, and someone who was legend bound, and what do you do? You blow it. You chicken out. You run away. Well, that's just fine with me..*Looks at her bat*..Because around here, we have a unique way of taking out the trash.

Lita steps back as all three members of Explicit Content look on in confusion, and Triple H walks up to the three men.

AwF Legend Triple H: You know, I was looking forward to face you guys. I was looking forward to proving to these AwF fans, and these AwF Legends that we can still go. But now that's not going to happen..and now i'm a little angry..*Looks at his sledgehammer*..and my friend is a bit angry too.

Triple H takes a step back, and Showtime walks up to the three men and speaks.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion Mr. Showtime James West: I'm going to be honest with you. I'm tired of walking backstage and finding you three son of a bitches walking around in OUR house. I'm sick and tired of you three muthafuckers sitting around eating OUR food. Drinking OUR water. Wrestling in OUR ring. You know what? I'm not an AwF Legend, hell i can only hope i can become one at some point..but these guys? These are my family. We might not have looked eye to eye in the past, and yeah i'm going to take Rey Mysterio Jr and John Cena to hell later tonight, but at the end of the day, those are my fucking brothers and sisters, and what you three have done, is you have just disrespected my family. And for that reason alone..*He looks at his extention cord*..IT'S SHOWTIME MUTHAFUCKAS!

Mr.Showtime WHACKS Jay O’Neil right in the eye with with the extention cord as blood begins to splatter on the ground from his eye. Triple H NAILS Shaun Cabalar in the head with the sledgehammer, and Lita BASHES Shaun Hardy in the midsection with the red barbwire baseball bar, then nails him in the head, knocking him on the floor. Showtime, Lita and Triple H beat the living shit out of Explicit Content as the fans looking on at the Anarchy-Tron are going insane. Showtime, Triple H, and Lita pick up Shaun Hardy, and throw him outside the door. Thry then pick up Shaun Cabalar and throw him on top of his buddy outside the building. They then look down on Jay O’Neil and begin to beat the living shit out of him with their weapons untill hiss entire body is covered in blood. They throw him out the doors with the rest of the Explicit Content members, and Lita slams the door behind them.

AwF Legend Lita: That's how you take out the trash.

AwF Legend Triple H: Yeah, i think we finished them off once and for all.

Showtime turns around and opens the doors

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion Mr. Showtime James West: It's STILL Showtime muthafuckas!

SHowtime starts to beat all three men with the extention cord as they scream and yell for help. Lita and Triple H then walk down the hallway as Showtime continues to give Explicit Content an ass beating of a lifetime.

AwF Legend Triple H: You know, handing those three guys their asses really put me in the mood. A mood for a challange.

AwF Legend Lita: A challange? To who?

AwF Legend Triple H: To someone i've never faced before. To someone i have alot of respect for. To someone holding a barbwire baseball bat with some guys blood on it.

AwF Legend Lita: For some reason, i think that challange is to me..but i could be wrong.

AwF Legend Triple H:..*Laughs*..Yeah it is you. What do you say? Let's give these fans a match they will never forget. I'll put my legends cup on the line. Triple H and Lita at WrestleMayhem Five. Do you accept?

AwF Legend Lita: That sounds better then hearing those three fuckers outside screaming for their life.

AwF Legend Triple H: Yeah. I wonder if showtime is done with them yet...

Triple H and Lita turn around and open the door, and they see Showtime STILL beating down Explicit Content with the extention cord. Lita and Triplee H look on with grins on their faces as Showtime tries to beat those men to death. The camera goes back to ringside.

Joey Styles: I think it's safe to say the trash is taken out, thanks to a couple of AwF Legends, and The AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion!

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: And more importantly, Triple H and Lita will go at it at WrestleMayhem Five!

Joey Styles: That match alone is worth the price of admission!

"I Gotta Stay Fly" by Three Six Mafia blasts on the arena speakers and the arena ERUPTS in a mixed reaction as the AwF Owner Vince Russo walks out from the backstage area.

Joey Styles: Vince Russo is back from his little trip downtown in a jail cell! And i promise you he hasan't learned his lesson let!

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: Who bailed this man out?

Joey Styles: I don't know, but since he is a billionare, wouldn't you think he could have gotten out sooner then this?

Vince Russo waists no time, and walks into the ring with a mic in his hand. He signals for his music to stop as he speaks.

AwF Owner Vince Russo: I'm telling you right now, Dawn Marie, you don't know when, and you don't know where, but you are going to get yours real soon. I swear to God, i will never trust a bitch like you ever again. I can't belive you would press charges on me. What did i do to you? What did i do wrong? All i ever did was give you everything you wanted. Especially the italian guys KNOW what i'm talkin' about huh?..*The crowd boo's and laughs a little from russo's comment*..So Dawn Marie, your ass is going to hell courtesy of Vince Russo. I want you to knoww that i could have gotten myself out of jail the moment i was booked, hell, i'm a billionare! I could have bought the whole jail cell if i wanted to. But, i wanted for you to bail me out, Dawn. I wanted YOU to come to the police station, and show me how much you cared about me. But you din't. But you know what? Someone did get me out, and that person does care about me. I know you want to find out exactly who this person is, but you are going to have to find out the hard way.

Joey Styles: Who the hell would bail this man out of jail after what he's done?

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: I have no idea, but it wasan't Dawn Marie.

Russo takes a couple of deep breaths, and continues.

AwF Owner Vince Russo: Now on to buisness. First of all, earlier tonight, Stephanie McMahon came out here and was supposed to make the announcment that AwF WrestleMayhem Five would be the biggest event of all time in this company, and she was supposed to explain to you people that we would have some matches that we have never seen before in this company's history, but something happend here with the lights. Now, knowing me, i'm going to be shoot and say that wasan't supposed to happen. Me and everyone else have been in the back looking for for Stephanie McMahon, but we can't find her. I want to know what the hell is going on, and i ant to know now...

Russo lowers the mic and looks around the area, and then to the entranceway hoping to get some type of answer.

Joey Styles: I knew something was up when the lights went out.

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: It made me wonder when Stephanie was gone when the lights came back on.

Russo put's the mic up to his lips once more.

AwF Owner Vince Russo: Now, i have the power to take over this entire show, and right now, this show is on hold untill i get some damn answers.

All the sudden, the lights go out again!

Joey Styles: Oh, crap! Here we go again..

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: I wish someone would get to the bottom of this shit!

The Anarchy-Tron flairs up, and we see outside the arena where Stephanie McMahon is shown handcuffed to the backseat of a car, with tape around her mouth, and around her ankles. The fans look up at the Anarchy-Tron in fear as some small laugher is heard in the distance. All the sudden, we see a wooden axe on the hood of the car, and we see a blond woman looking down at Stephanie, but the camera only catches her from behind. The woman grabs the wooden axe, and slowly turns around...HOLY SHIT! IT'S LIZZY BORDEN! The fans ERUPT in a mixed reaction as Lizzy looks into the camera.

Joey Styles: That's Janet Romano also known as Lizzy Borden! She was fired from this company several years ago! What is she doing here?

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: I don't know, but i want to know where the HELL AwF security is!

Lizzy looks into the camera as her dark green eyes send chills down the AwF Fans's spine. She starts to speak as she looks at Stephanie.

Lizzy Borden: Vince Russo, a few years aggo, you released me from the Anarchy Wrestling Federation for reason i still don't know. Was it because i wouldn't play nice with your little AwF Superstars? Was it because i wasan't a buddy to those morons in that dressing room? Was it because i was better then everyone else, Vince, No matter what the case may be, i'm back weather you like or not, and this time, i'm going to do things my fucking way.

Lizzy grabs Stephanie by the hair, and pulls her up so the camera can see the black eye on her face from the obvious beating she has taken. Lizzy holds up the wooden axe to Stephanie's throat and looks at the camera.

Lizzy Borden: Vince, you might as well put that cell phone down right now, because the second i SEE a police officer, or one of those fat ass AwF security guards, i'm going to make a murder scene right here in your parking lot. But you can fix all that right now, Vince. See, i want what's mine, and you know what it is. The AwF Intergender United States Championship Belt. I want it back. And if you want to see Stephanie McMahon live to see another day, you are going to give me a title match this Monday Night on Raw, AFTER you give me a hefty contract. You got alot of money, i know you can afford it. And having the greatest wrestler ever to come on your roster and take what's hers isn't too much to ask. So what do you say/ Deal or no deal?

Russo looks on the Anarchy-Tron and speaks.

AwF Owner Vince Russo: Look, Janet, you don't have to do this. I will give you a shot at the AwF Intergender United States Championship, and i will give you a contract. Just please let Stephanie go.

Lizzy Borden: You think i belive a godamn word that comes out of your fucking mouth, Vince? We are going to do this on my terms. I'm going to show up in Toronto for Mayhem. You meet me there, we sign the contract, and you give me my title shot againt whoever the Intergender United States Champion is. No security. No Police. Nobody else but me and you. If you can't understand that? Then maybe you would like to hear this stupid bitch squeal like a pig.

AwF Owner Vince Russo: I understand will get it. You will get what you want this Monday Night on Mayhem.

Lizzy Borden: Good choice. You should be happy, Vince. I just put alot of money in your pocket for the raitings you are going to get from this segment. Alot of boys are going to get in front of the television screen and jack off at the sight of me. I wish i could take this axe and chop off every one of your little two inch pencil dicks and make Vince Ruso eat them. Vince, you remember our deal. If you fuck this up, Stephanie get's FUCKED UP!

The Anarchy-Tron goes to static and the lights in the arena come back on. Vince Russo runs his hands through his hair and walks to the backstage area as the fans look on in confusion.

Joey Styles: Folks, Stephanie McMahon has been taken hostage by Lizzy Borden, and Lizzy has demanded a huge contract with the AwF as well as a shot at the Intergender United States Championship. This is one of the sickest things i've ever seen, but Russo has to accept Lizzy's demands, or Stephanie's life is in danger.

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: I say Stephanie's life is already in danger, Lizzy is one of the biggest psychos this company has ever seen.

Joey Styles: Once again folks, we are sorry for this going on at a Pay Per View you all have bought with your hard earned money, and we are going to get back to some AwF action.

(As the scene opens up, John Cena is sat in his locker room, tying his laces on his boots as he psyched himself up for the match. He took off his Chain Gang t-shirt, now just wearing a pair of long black wrestling shorts, and closing his eyes, trying to psych himself up for his match, not hearing his locker room door open.)

Shannon Vasquez: I'm not interrupting anything, am I? Cena opened his eyes to see Shannon Vasquez, who was wearing a white tank top with black cheer shorts rolled down a bit to expose her abs, bare-foot. Cena: No, of course not. 'Sup?

Shannon Vasquez: [playing with her ponytail] Well I wanted to come up and wish you good luck in your match tonight. You definitely deserve the win. If I didn't tell you before, you've always been my favorite AwF superstar. The AwF fans cheered at her sexy appearance as Cena smiled up at her.

John Cena: Thanks…’dats really sweet. I appreciate it. Always good to meet a Chain-Ganger. N’ I’m sure you’re going to be a major star in AwF yo’self..

Shannon Vasquez: Hopefully..but let's not talk about that. I know things have been pretty stressful for you with all that drama and finally getting a title shot after a year in AwF...I want to let you know I'm here for you. More than just a co-worker, but as a friend as well, you know?

John Cena: [smiles up at her] Honestly, I really appreciate that. [grins] If you ever need anythin' either, jus' give me a shout, huh? He turned away from her, trying to get his focus on the match again, taking deep breaths.

Shannon Vasquez: [moving up behind him] Well I thought maybe you'd need something to relax you before your match. After training for so many years, all of us in Windy City Wrestling helped each other out with back rubs and such. Believe me, I've gotten goood at back know you want one! Cena turned back to face her. He got lost in her amazingly luring eyes, slowly nodding his head.

John Cena: can't do any harm. He turned sideways on the bench. Shannon smirks as she puts one knee on the bench and begins to rub Cena's neck.

Shannon Vasquez: Eek, you are tense! It's good that I came in here. Cena rolled his neck with a smile, closing his eyes.

John Cena: Wow...ya' really are good at that. [smiles]

Shannon Vasquez: I know. [moving down to his shoulders] I'm even better at other things...[smirks] Cena turned his head to look at her, curiously.

John Cena: Oh?...[smirks] Like what, exactly? Shannon leans forward and whispers in John's ear, then moves back. She moves her hands up behind John's ears to massage his head. John's eyes were wide from whatever she said, as his eyes seemed to take a particular liking to her legs in the shorts.

John Cena:...Nice. [smirks]

Shannon Vasquez: So if you want an even deeper form of stress-relieving...just give me a call. Cena turned to face her now, seeming to lick his lips a little as his eyes roamed her body, seeming to stop at her gorgeous legs.

John Cena: I'm thinkin' about making the call about now..[grins playfully] Shannon playfully runs a hand down John's cheek.

Shannon Vasquez: You can make the call as soon as you're done beating Rey Mysterio Jr and James West. Cena smirked teasingly, calming himself.

John Cena: I was uh..only jokin'. [smirks]

Shannon Vasquez: Well if you were...I can just stop the preview right now and be out of your way... Cena thought for a few seconds as he looked her up and down before smirking.

John Cena: I think...I want the preview of that body..[grins] Shannon smirks as she begins to roll up her tank top.

Shannon Vasquez: You can think about this during your match... Cena stared, the AwF fans in the arena erupting.

John Cena: Geez'..[smirks]

Shannon Vasquez: Speaking of your match, it is coming up soon. So I won't keep you waiting. But here's a little parting gift. She sat down on Cena's lap, straddling him. Shannon then leaned in really slowly and kissed him softly on his lips. Cena didn't kiss back but he let her kiss his lips before she stood up.

John Cena: Thanks...

(Shannon slowly strutted her way out of the room, looking back at him with a smirk as she did. The camera then cut to Trish watching on a monitor, looking horrified and hurt by the incident!)

AwF Intergender United States Championship

FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE:Dawn Marie Vs. Serenity

Buttons" by the Pussycat Dolls hit the PA system as the lights faded and Dawn Marie made her way to the ring for the Streetfight Intergender Championship match against Serenity. She slid into her ring as the male fans roared in approval.

Joey Styles: Of course, this triple threat match was changed after The Rock was suspended, and is now just a singles match.

Macho Man: Yeah…what the hell is going down with The Rock?

Dawn stood in the ring, waiting for her opponent. "High Voltage" by Linkin Park hit the PA system and Serenity walked out onto the stage, looking focussed. She stopped at the end of the stage and glanced back, and behind her was…Jaime Koeppe! The crowd erupted with cheers for the former AwF superstar. Serenity made her way down to the ring, and as the bell sounded, she pulled a pair of brass knuckles out from her pocket, and smashed Dawn in the face. She grinned as she stood over Dawn Marie.

Styles: That's one hell of a fiery start from Serenity!

Dawn struggled towards the ropes, crawling to the bottom rope and using it to pull her up to her feet as Serenity followed behind her, waiting for her to get to a vertical base. As she did, she locked her arms around Dawn's waist, hitting a release German Suplex. Serenity smiled as she turned and began to stomp at Dawn Marie's midsection. Jaime smiled and encouraged Serenity from the outside of the ring as Serenity picked up Dawn from the mat. She chopped Dawn across the chest as she backed her into the corner of the ring. She lifted Dawn so that she was sat on the top turnbuckle. She climbed to the second turnbuckle and hooked Dawn's arm as the crowd got to their feet in anticipation. Serenity lifted Dawn with ease, hitting a graceful, yet so powerful top rope superplex. Serenity turned and went for the first pinfall of the match up.

1..2...kick out by Dawn Marie.

Serenity picked up Dawn Marie and threw her out of the ring. Jaime Koeppe reached under the ring and retrieved a steel chair, handing it to Serenity who turned to approach Dawn Marie. Serenity swung the chair but Dawn managed to dodge, and then drop-kicked the chair back into Serenity's face, knocking her to the mat. Dawn struggled up to her feet and climbed onto the announce table. She raised her arms and connected with a splash from the announce table to the floor on top of Serenity.

Macho: Damn. I was enjoying that view…

Dawn pinned Serenity, hooking the leg.

1...2...kick out by Serenity. Dawn stood up, and grabbed Serenity's arm, whipping her aggressively into the steel steps, sending Serenity sprawling down to the mat. Dawn began to look under the ring, pulling out a table as the fans cheered.

AwF Fans: We Want Tables! We Want Tables! We Want Tables! We Want Tables!

Dawn started to set up the table but as she did, Serenity was up, catching Dawn with an aggressive scissor-kick to the face. Serenity smirked as she finished setting up the table, turning back to Dawn. She smashed Dawn's face into the announce table before placing her onto the table that had been set up, and climbing into the ring. She made her way up to the top rope, as the fans stood up, cheering wildly. They watched as Serenity flew through the air and hit a senton splash sending Dawn Marie through the table!


Serenity struggled as she attempted to crawl over to pin Dawn Marie, finally managing to drape her arm over Dawn's body.

1...2...KICK OUT! Unbelievable!

Dawn Marie managed to roll slightly away from Serenity to try and struggle to her feet. In the meantime, Serenity had pushed the steel chair into the ring, trying to get to her feet. She managed to slide gingerly into the ring as Dawn Marie tried to stand up, Jaime taunting her. Dawn swung an arm and hit Jaime, knocking her to the mat with a smirk. She slowly climbed back into the ring as both women tried to continue the fight. Dawn Marie had the ring-bell in her hand as she got to her feet, holding it behind her head, ready to hit Serenity. Serenity stumbled and turned around, and was hit in the midsection by Dawn. Dawn backed up to bounce off the ropes to gain extra momentum, but as she did, she was hit in the back with a steel chair by Jaime Koeppe!

Joey Styles: Retribution from the former AwF superstar!

Dawn fell to the mat, as Serenity was still doubled over from the shot with the ring-bell. Serenity tried to get her breath back. She stood up and as Dawn was getting up, she grabbed her leg, whipping her across the ring with the leg whip. She attempted to take full advantage, going up top and signalling for the senton splash again. Serenity flew through the air, but Dawn lifted up the ring-bell, causing the bell to connect with the back of Serenity's head!

Joey Styles: OH MY GODDD!

Dawn managed to roll over to the pin.


An unbelievable kick-out and show of resilience by Serenity. Dawn punched the mat with incredible anger, picking up the steel chair and placing it down on the mat as she signalled for the end. As Serenity struggled up, Dawn grabbed her, and set her up for Guilty Pleasure. Serenity managed to block, driving her knee into Dawn Marie's midsection and grabbing her by the head. She ran at the ropes with Dawn in the bulldog position and connected with her finishing manoeuvre, reality's a bitch! After a couple of seconds, Serenity crawled into the cover.

1..2...KICK OUT!

Serenity couldn't believe it as she stood up. She positioned the steel chair and picked up Dawn again, and this time she hit Dawn with the Reality's a bitch onto the steel chair! Serenity got the pin and hooked the leg.



Serenity and Jaime celebrated Serenity's first major championship win in AwF. As this happened, Austin Aries had appeared from the crowd, grabbing Dawn Marie and pressing a cloth against her nose which seemed to knock her unconscious, as he carried her away through the crowd.

Joey: Serenity's the champion, but where the hell is Austin Aries taking Dawn Marie!?

(The Anarchy-Tron flairs up and we see Johnny Stamboli taping his fists up, getting ready for his next match. He walks outside his door ans see's is ex-girlfriend, Kimberly Page. Kimberly's face drained of color for a moment... but was soon replaced by a little smirk.)

Kimberly Page: Why did I not guess that you'd be here....[laughs a little] been here long or did you decide to follow me... a declaration of undying love, perhaps....

Johnny looks down with his Stamboli Stick in hand, and his trademark black hat, showing his taped fists as he speaks to his former girlfriend.

Johnny Stamboli: I been in AwF. Maybe you followed me. Maybe you know exactly why you're here.

Kimberly Page: Why i'm here? I'm here because this place needed a touch of class.... a star to make it shine even brighter. Maybe if I'd have known i'd see that damn stick again .. [smirks] but never be under any illusions that I'd ever let your presence determine where I chose to go. I do things MY way... always have.

Johnny Stamboli: Do you really expect me to belive that? Do did you just forget who i was?

Kimberly Page: Your BENEATH me... that's what you are. Now if you'll excuse... I have, believe it or not, an even bigger waste of space to deal with. Who'd have thought it?

Kimberly laughed again, beginning to walk by Johnny. Goldylocks silently now stepping into the picture.

Johnny Stamboli: ..*Turns his head and smerks*..You know, you don't have to be so obviously exited to see me. A simple "i missed you" would have been just fine.

Kimberly turned. Narrowing her eyes.

Kimberly Page: You didn't even exist to me... unless you could be of any use. Which, you can't. I've outgrown small names like yourself... you might be ahead of me in this one particular place... but not for long, I assure you.

Johnny Stamboli: Is that a challange?

Kimberly Page: You'd go that far to get your hands me again, wouldn't you?

Johnny Stamboli: Hey, you suggested it.

Kimberly Page: I don't need to physically beat you to know that i'm better. And your telling me... [walking closer, pouting a little] That you'd beat me down with your little stick like a common whore?

Johnny Stamboli: That's exactly what i'm telling you. What better way to pay you back for being the biggest slut i've ever met in my life?

Kimberly Page: I'm no slut.... you only wished that I were! Then you could feel better about your greatest ever loss. ME.

Johnny Stamboli: Alright, it's on then. This monday Night, you and me. One on One. We'll see who the slut really is...*Moves close to her ear*...Slut.

Kimberly lifts her hand.... ready to hit out at him. She smiles, bringing it back down to her side.

Kimberly Page: You think because your bigger than me that you can beat me in the ring? It's all ultimately a battle of wit, Johnny. Your gonna have to really use head to beat me. I'll be looking forward to it.

Kimberly turns around, walking down the hall. You can now see that color drain from her face again... but this time the blood never returned to her cheeks.

Kimberly Page: Get that god damn camera out of my face!

(Scene fades.)

XwwA Vs. uPw

SINGLE'S MATCH:Gorgeous George Vs. Kimberly Page

Gorgeous George, steps out on the ramp and receives a vocal hatred from the fans, Yet without hesitation, she blows them off like any other high maintenance broad would do. Instead of walking towards the ring, she has a new game plan, one which involves attacking Kim Page, as soon as she steps out on the ramp. However, the plan is spoiled when Kim Page makes her appearance walking through the crowd, she too gets some unhealthy words from the fans. Both AwF divas meet in the middle of the ring. Kimberly Page gets a forearm smash in, penetrating a beating pulse inside Gorgeous George's' head. After a small step back, Gorgeous George kicks Kim in the midsection. Swinging Neck Breaker is executed by, Gorgeous George. The ref is in good position, nonetheless, only a 1 count is made. Gorgeous George drops down with a leg-drop, nearly shattering Kimberly's Vocal Cords, but to save herself from further damage, she rolls out of the ring. The fans in front row voice their opinion to Kim, who is holding her throat laying on the mat outside the ring. Gorgeous George patiently waits long enough, she pushes the ref aside and begins to elevate herself up, stepping on the top turnbuckle, with both hands clasped around the ridges of the top rope. Kimberly is on her feet, her back up against the guard rail, and her head laying low. The Gorgeous One, sores through the air, desiring to smash into Pretty Kimberly. Dreams can come true, but they don't shadow over reality, and reality saw Kimberly barely escape pure anarchy, as Gorgeous George got a taste of her own medicine, hitting her own throat up against the guard rail. Kimberly doesn't waist any time, she kicks a defenseless women in the ribs, then throws her into the ring. Kimberly makes the cover. 1.. 2.. Gorgeous George kicks out! The fans are excited as the match continues. Kimberly grabs George and Irish whips her to the ropes, a stiff kick knocks the wind out of Gorgeous George, and she hangs her body over, trying to catch a breath of air. Kimberly seizes the day, and power bombs Gorgeous George down on the mat. Another cover attempt. 1... 2.. Kick out! Kimberly begins to climb to the top rope, last time we saw Gorgeous George miss her target, but that thought isn't running through Kims mind. She leaps off the top rope with a cross body, she is shot down with a perfectly placed drop kick from, Gorgeous George. Kimberly holds her ribs, which could very well be broken. Another leg dropped is performed, this time to the back of Kim's neck. George grabs Kim and executes a snap suplex, she symbolizes that the end is near. The arms are locked, and Kim's body is lifted into the air, Simply Gorgeous is the Hurricanrana out of nowhere that Kimberly pulled of, but her arms are still locked and Gorgeous George rolls pushes her backwards and rolls her up. 1... 2.. Kick out! Kimberly is up first and jumps On Gorgeous George's back, putting her in a sleeper hold. George Swiftly flips Kimberly over, but Kim lands on her feet.. DIAMOND CUTTER! 1... 2... 3.

(Mene Gene Okerlund is shown standing by with the AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion, Mr. Showtime James West.)

Mene Gene Okerlund: Ladies and Gentlemen, i'm here with the AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Hevyweight Champion, Mr. Showtime James West. Showtime, earlier this month, laied out the challanged to Rey and John Cena, and now you got them both tonight for your world title. What are your thoughts?

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion Mr. Showtime James West: My thoughts right now, are everybody is gonna see a great match, I mean really, we got John Cena, we got Rey Mysterio Junior, we got Mr. Showtime, in a stairway to hell match, it will be a classic in the making, and win, lose or draw, everyone will see James West at his best

Mene Gene Okerlund: Alot of people don't think you will survive this match, Rey Mysterio Jr is prepared to murder you in the middle of the ring.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion Mr. Showtime James West: Well Gene, everyone has been doubting me ever since I came in AwF, and I have shut alot of those people up, and as far as Rey goes, he might as well get prepared to die right with me

Mene Gene Okerlund: You and John Cena never really seemed to have problems in the past, but tonight, i can only specilate that you will see him in the same position as Rey.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion Mr. Showtime James West: John Cena is a joke really, he walks around here like he owns the place, like hes some superstar, he only got where he is today on a hope and a prayer and he will find out why they call me Mister Showtime

Mene Gene Okerlund: Mr. Showtime, while i am here interviewing you, on a personal level, i would like to say that i respect you as a person and as a wrestler. You truely are an insperation for people who want to be a big name in this buisness.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion Mr. Showtime James West: Thank you Gene, Ive been doing this for over 10 years now, and I aint gon change for anybody,.

Mene Gene Okerlund: Good luck Mr. Showtime.

(Scene fades.)

One On One

TAPED FISTS MATCH:The Godfather Vs. Johnny Stamboli

As the opening bell rings, The Godfather walks up to Johnny, and warns him that he is about to get his ass knocked out. Johnny draws back, and SLAPS Godfather across the face, and The Godfather retaliates with two huge knee's to the midsection of Johnny Stamboli, which knocks him back to the turnbuckle corner. Godfather nails Johnny Stamboli a couple of times in the face with his hard taped fists, as Johnny falls backwards in the turnbuckle corner. Godfather then nails Stamboli in the face with a huge elbow causing Johnny to almost be knocked senceless.

Johnny then uses his brute strength to push Godfather away. Johnny then leaps towards Godfather and almost knocks his head off with a jumping closeline. Johnny goes for a cover, but Godfather kicks out at two. Johnny picks Godfather up to his feet, then nails him in the face with that hard taped fists, which has to leave a mark upside Godfather's head. Johnny then mounts down on Godfather and begins to beat him viciously attempting to bust his head open just like a summertime watermellon. Johnny stops punching him, and begins to choke him with both bare hands as the ref calls for a five count.

Johnny get's to his feet after the ref threatens to disqualify him. Johnny turns around and tells the AwF crowd that Godfather ain't got nothin, as the crowd boo's loudly for the former AwF Xtreme TV Champion. Johnny goes to pick up Godfather, and tries to run him into the ropes, but Godfather reverses, and sends Johnny srashing into the turnbuckle corner. Godfather then runs up to Johnny, and clobbers him with a turnbuckle closeline right in the neck. The Godfather steps above Johnny, standing on the second ropes, and he begins to beat Johnny in the face as the crowd counts...1...2....3...4....5...6....7....8...9..10!

The Godfather get's down on the mat, and shoves Johnny down onto the mt. The Godfather then looks around and raises the roof! Is it time? Is it time for the pimp drop? The Godfather walks over to johnny Stamboli, and picks him up in a fireman's carry. Just before he can drop Johnn, Johnny counters out of the move, and get's onto his feet, pushing Godfather into the ropes. When the Godfather comes running back, he attempts a closeline, but Johnny ducks, and runs to the opposite ropes, and when he springs off, he NAILS Godfather with a powerfull shoulderblock, knocking Godfather down like a sack of potatoes.

Johnny screams for Godfather to get to his feet, and when he does, Johnny kicks him in the midsection, and lifts Godfather up on his shoulders. He then drops him down on the mat with a HUGE Crucifix Powerbomb as the crowd goes, "OOOOH!" from the impact. Johnny looks down on The Godfather as he lays motionless on the ground. Johnny starts to walk around the ring slowly as the fans aren't sure as to what he's doing. All the sudden, Johnny picks Godfather up, and starts to nail him with rights and lefts to the head, then nails Godfather with a hard uppercut to Godfather's jow, knocking Godfather out. The ref pushes Johnny away and declares Johnny Stamboli the winner due to a knock out! As Johnny made his way to the backstage area, MIDAJAH STAMBOLI was seen looking on at ringside! What is Midajah doing here?

(The Anarchy-Tron flairs up, and we see Rey Mysterio Jr sitting alone in a freezer room, wearing black baggy jeans, a black wifebeater, and his platinum cross chain with the light blue diamond inside. He has on his black robe/hood, and after sitting on the floor concentrating, he walks to the door, and opens it. He finds his ex-lover Candice Michelle standing outside.)

Candice Michelle: [looking at herself in her mirror, smiling to her reflection, paying Rey no mind] Who in the hell stepped into my light? [She turned her head and looked to see Rey]'s you. Could you mind scooting over a little please?

AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr: ..*Rey grits his teeth and closes his eyes*..You got the nerve to show a time like this?

Candice Michelle: Uhm... [She sat her mirror down, looking at Rey as she flipped her hair back a bit] The last time I checked, this is where all of the AwF Superstars are tonight, and incase you didn't recognize, I'm one of them.

AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr: When did this happen? Aren't you more content to being a slut then being a wrestler? Get out of my way, i got a big match, and i don't need someone who USED me, to distract me.

Candice Michelle: Oh Rey...still bitter are we? [She asked with a smile] I remained UNDEFEATED in this company as a wrestler, and despite what you think, I'm on my way to being a fucking ICON in this business. Of course I had to drop a championship, AND my overgrowing popularity to make sure our son got better. But you don't need to worry about all of that, I'm back, and that's all that matters right now. And you know something else? You and I have some... [She glances him up and down] Unfinished business that's going to be handled sooner rather than later.

AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr: Whatever little buisness we have, we can settle it right here, right now.

Candice Michelle: I wish I could but... [She sighed] I've got a photoshoot to head to for the company. It's nice to know that I'm still popular in demand. You shouldn't speak so bitterly towards me Rey, after all, you always knew that I'd never settle for just one... [She stepped closer to him] little... [She stepped even closer to him with a smile] Man. When the time's right for me, you'll definitely know it.

AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr: Well, i wasan't too little when i had you screaming and crying all those nights. Who are you kidding? I'm the best you ever had, and the best you ever will have. And the fact that you can never taste it again makes YOU bitter.

Candice Michelle: [She laughed a bit] Honey, I'm an actress, and apparently I can fake it better than any other woman you've ever been with. [She smiles, flinging her hair back] The only thing that I EVER regret, is having you inside of me at all. Don't work so hard to try and boost your own ego, you were never man enough for me, and unfortunately, I got stuck with two little bastards that have your last name.

AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr: And those two little bastards got put on this earth because you din't know how to fucking say no.

Candice Michelle: was because I forgot to pop a pill that day. Trust me, you're not in high demand... [She smiled at a worker who walked by, carrying a blown up version of her Playboy Cover] Hmm well I guess they're getting the set ready, so you go on to your little match or whatever, and I'll go back to doing what I was doing before you decided to open your mouth and speak to me.

AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr: You're the one who was standing by the fucking knew i was there, and you knew i was coming out. You stalked me..*Get's in her face*..I know all your tricks, i know all your moves..I know everything..

Candice Michelle: [She stared right back at him while he was in her face] Incase you didn't notice, only LOSERS hang out in places like fucking freezers. For your information, my photoshoot is just down the hall from here, so it's not like I was exactly out of my area, Rey. You're not worthy enough to be stalked, believe me, I could do so much better.

Matt Striker: Candice.... [He smiled at her, looking at Rey as he stood next to her] Is there some trouble here? I'd hate to have to handle anything right here, but I would if I had to.

Candice Michelle: Rey? [She laughed a bit] He's no trouble at all, we were just having a little talk. And apparently being in that freezer for too long has made him dillusional.

The Sinister Minister with The Oracle, Vic Grimes, Tony Devito, Angel, and Johnny Stamboli all walk up to the scene and look at both Candice and Matt.

Johnny Stamboli: Yo Rey, what's the problem with these too? Do they want to end up missing?

AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr: and my little 'friend" here just have some unfinished buisness. We will settle it soon..real soon..

Candice Michelle: Go ahead Rey, take your flock and go away. I thought you had this big match to get to? Don't take all of your attention away from that just for me. [She held onto Matt by his arm a bit as they started to head off down the hall] And don't worry, I won't be a stranger...

(Rey watches Candice walk down the hallway and grits his teeth as the scene fades out when Rey walks along with his crew down the opposide end of the hallway.)

Queen Of The Ring Finals

Baddest Bitch Championship

SINGLE'S MATCH:Regina DiMaggio Vs. Amethyst 'Glycerine' Lee

"Diamondz" by Kanye West begins blasting over the PA system as the Cruiserweight Champion Regina DiMaggio walks out from behind the curtains as she walks onto the stage as the fans are giving her mixed reactions. She turns around and slaps her ass telling the ones booing her to "KISS HER ASS" as she flaunts her title. The men were pleased to see her as she she turns around and starts walking down the ramp. She walks up the steel steps and gets through the bottom rope as she goes to the center of the ring and poses and the cameras are flashing. Her theme is fading as the arena goes quiet.

But, not for long as "Coming Undone" by KoRn starts blasting over the PA system as Amethyst 'Glycerine' Lee walks out through the entrance curtains as the fans give her mixed reactions as well but more cheers than anything. She walks down the ramp as she slides under the ring ropes and her music fades and all you hear are the fans now.

DING DING DING! The bell sounds as Regina DiMaggio and Glycerine gets in each others faces and they are talking smack to each other. Regina then slaps Glycerine in the face knocking her down to the mat. Glycerine gets up and slaps Regina in retaliation. Regina grabs her face then tackles Glycerine to the mat and starts banging her head against that mat. Glycerine manages to get a right hand in on Regina as she fall to the side of her. Glycerine gets up and grabs a handful of Regina's hair. Glycerine gives Regina a couples of slap to the face and is tlaking trash to her while she has her by the hair. Glycerine then snapmares Regina to the mat and kicks her a kick right on her spinal cord! Regina screams in pain as Glycerine gets her back up and irish whips her in into the ropes and Glycerine does the japanese armdrag on Regina. Regina gets up and Glycerine give her another japenese armdrag, and another, and another. Glycerine goes for another but Regina clotheslines the hell out of Glycerine. Glycerine is down and Regina goes for the pin, 1..2..KICKOUT by Glycerine. She just barely got her shoulder up. Regina complains to referee Mike Chioda that it was a 3 count. She then starts stomping a whole in Nightshade. Regina picks Glycerine up from the mat by her hair and Regina throws Glycerine in the turnbuckle. Regina connects with a few chops to Glycerine's chest, and with each of the chops the crowd goes "WOOOO!!". Glycerine puts a stop to it as she gives Regina a thumb to the eye and now Des Glycerine takes Regina by her hair and spins her around and now she is in the turnbuckle. Glycerine gives Regina a few chops of her own followed by a hard kick to the stomach! Regina fall down to the mat, but Glycerine picks her back up and has her in the corner and starts shouldering her in the stomach and Regina is screaming from the pain. Glycerine stops and irish whips her into the corner diagonal from it as Regina hits the turnbuckles hard. Glycerine then goes for the handspring elbow but Regina moves out of the way! Both ladies are down 1....2.... Regina is trying to get back up 3....4....5.... Regina and Glycerine get up at the same time and Glycerine goes for a clothesline but Regina ducks and grabs Glycerine from behind and give her not 1, now 2, but 3 german suplexes. Regina flips Glycerine over and pins her 1...2...THR...NO! Glycerine just barely kicking out of that. Regina is furious and pins her again 1...2...KICKOUT! Regina gets up and starts complaining to the referee and by doing this Glycerine is recovering and Glycerine rolls Regina in the school-girl pin, 1..2..KICKOUT by Regina! Both divas quickly get back to their feet, but Glycerine catches Regina in a headlock. Regina manages to overpower Glycerine and pushes Glycerine into the ropes. Glycerine has her back to the ropes as the referee makes them release the hold from each other. They let go but Regina manages to sneak a knee to the stomach in and irish whips Glycerine into the ropes, but Glycerine reverses it and sends Regina into the ropes. Regina comes off the ropes and tries to clothesline Glycerine but Glycerine steals a page out of Trish's book by doing a back bend. Glycerine stands up waiting for Regina to turn around and as she does Glycerine gives her a beautiful spinning heel kick hitting Regina right in her throat. Regina is down on the mat and Glycerine goes for the cover, 1..2..THR!! KICKOUT by Regina who powers out of it. Glycerine gets Regina up and as she does she kicks Regina in the midsection and goes for a hurricanrana, but Regina reverses it into a thuderous powerbomb! Regina then gets Glycerine by the legs and puts her into the sharpshooter. Glycerine is screaming from the pain Regina is putting on her legs. Glycerine is trying to get to the ropes but she is in the middle of the ring and she has no way of reaching the ropes. But, Glycerine starts elbowing Regina in her side as Regina breaks the hold. Regina is holding her side. Glycerine is up and she is running towards Regina but Regina moves out of the way and Glycerine goes flying outside. Regina slides under the ropes and she goes to stomping Nightshade in her stomach. Referee Mike Chioda starts counting 1...2... Regina gets Glycerine up and she slaps her in the face as Nightshade falls onto the barricade. Regina grabs Nightshade by the hair 3...4... and thuderously whips Glycerine into the steel steps knocking off the top step. 5...6....7.... Regina picks Glycerine up by the hair and throws her in the ring and Regina hops onto the the ring apron as Mike Chioda stops his count. Regina then flips over the top rope smashing Glycerine in her throat with a leg drop. Regina starts to go for a pin, but gets up. Regina grabs Glycerine by her hair and pulls her up to her feet. Regina irish whips her into the ropes and and leans forward as she is going to execute a shoulder back toss, but Glycerine is coming off the ropes and she see this and she kicks Regina hard in her shoulder causing Regina to fall backwards. Glycerine is holding her neck as she walks over to Regina and picks her up and she kicks her in the midsection and she is about to go for her signature move but Regina reverses it and pushes Glycerine on her back. Regina takes Glycerine by her legs and starts swinging her around in circles. Regina lets go of her as she is a little dizzy, but gains her recovery. Glycerine is groggily getting up and Regina is ready for her. Glycerine turns around and Regina kicks her in the midsection and places Glycerine’s head between her legs. Regina flips over and delivers a hard piledriver! Regina walks over to the turnbuckles and sits on the top one. What is she doing? Regina is just sitting there, waiting for Glycerine. Glycerine hand goes over her face. Regina stands up and taunts Glycerine. Glycerine gets up on both feet, Regina launches but Glycerine slides out of the ring. Regina lands on her feet. Regina runs towards the ropes, jumping on the tope one. OMG! Regina just jumped off the top rope with a 450 splash taking out Glycerine from the outside. The ref begins to count both women out. He gets to 5 as Regina slowly slides back into the ring. He reaches 9 and Nightshade barely made it in. Glycerine charges at Regina who is down on one knee. Regina with a toe hold drop into the bottoms ropes, Glycerine throat bounces off the bottom off as Regina stands up and waits for her. Regina starts her taunt as Night is getting up. Regina charges at Glycerine with a clothesline, Glycerine ducks, Regina bounces off the ropes, Glycerine with a standing clothesline, Regina ducks, running into the ropes full force Regina comes running back, Nightshade turns around…SPEAR! Reginna just nearly took off Glycerine’s head with a spear! She just speared that hell out of her across the ring! Glycerine is flat on her back Regina provocatively pins Glycerine but doing a little dance over her and sits on her stomach as the referee counts 1...2...3!!! And Regina wins it! Regina gets mixed reactions but she doesn't care as she goes over to the ropes and is handed her Cruiserweight title as she raises it in the air flaunting it off as she is named winner of the Queen of the Ring tournament!!

(The Anarchy-Tron flairs up, and we see Todd Pettengill standing by with John Cena) ,font color=silver>

Todd Pettengill: Ladies and Gentlemen, tonights main event is up next, but before we get into the match, i have the number one contender to the AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Championship, John Cena!

Cena nodded his head at Pettengill, doing some shadow-boxing as he waited for the questions.

Todd Pettengill: Cena, tonight, you face a man who holds the one thing you have wanted your entire life, and that is the biggest prizee in this industry, and his name is Mr. Showtime. And on the other hand, you have a man who tried to kill your girlfriend, Rey Mysterio Jr. Who are you more focused on?

John Cena: Todd, I ain't focussed on a man. I'm focussed on a belt. The Undisputed Championship. The people I'm fighting don't matter - the fact is, I'm taking that belt.

Todd Pettengill: Should you win tonight, who would you face for your title?

John Cena: I'd face whoever wanted to face me, Todd. I ain't a man to back down from a fight, n' I'll beat the hell outta' anyone whos put infront of me. Thats how the chain gang works.

Todd Pettengill: Do you think you have what it takes to take out a man as thirsty for gold as Rey Mysterio Jr?

John Cena:Thirsty for gold? I'm the definition of thirsty for gold..Rey's a prick. No more, no less. N' whether its tonight, or another night, I'm gonna end his career.

Todd Pettengill: What about Mr. Showtime?

John Cena: I stand by my comments - Showtime is the worst champion in AwF history. I beat his ass before, I'll beat his ass again, n' hes not a threat. Not whatsoever...[smirks]

Todd Pettengill: Any final thoughts before you go into the biggest match of your career?

John Cena: Yea'. Just one. The!

(Cena saluted the camera as the scene fades.)


Say your prayers little one
Don't forget, my son
To include everyone

Tuck you in, warm within
Keep you free from sin
Till the sandman he comes

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
Off to never never land

Something's wrong, shut the light
Heavy thoughts tonight
And they aren't of snow white

Dreams of war, dreams of liars
Dreams of dragon's fire
And of things that will bite

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
Off to never never land

Now I lay me down to sleep
Pray the lord my soul to keep
If I die before I wake
Pray the lord my soul to take

Hush little baby, don't say a word
And never mind that noise you heard
It's just the beast under your bed,
In your closet, in your head

Exit light
Enter night
Grain of sand

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
We're off to never never land

..The Road To WrestleMayhem Has Begun...

Where FANTASY becomes REALITY.


AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Championship

STAIRWAY TO HELL MATCH:Mr. Showtime James West Vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. Vs. John Cena

The lights flicker off and on with white and blue. "My Time is Now" hit's and the arena pops as John Cena comes out from the back to a MASSIVE mixed reaction.

Your time is up, my time is now
You can't see me, my time is now
It's the franchise, boy I'm shinin' now
You can't see me, my time is now!

In case you forgot or fell off I'm still hot - knock your shell off
My money stack fat plus I can't turn the swell off
The franchise, doin' big bid'ness, I live this
It's automatic I win this - oh you hear those horns, you finished
A soldier, and I stay under you fightin'
Plus I'm stormin' on you chumps like I'm thunder and lightning
Ain't no way you breakin' me kid, I'm harder than nails
Plus I keep it on lock, like I'm part of the jail
I'm slaughtering stale, competition, I got the whole block wishing
they could run with my division but they gone fishing -
- with no bait, kid your boy hold weight
I got my soul straight, I brush your mouth like Colgate
In any weather I'm never better your boy's so hot
you'll never catch me in the next man's sweater
If they hate, let 'em hate, I drop ya whole clan
Lay yo' ass DOWN for the three second tap

Yeah, uhh
It's gon' be what it's gon' be
Five pounds of courage buddy, bass tint pants with a gold T
Uhh - it's a war dance and victory step
A raw stance is a gift, when you insist it's my rep
John Cena, Trademarc, y'all are so-so
And talk about the bread you make but don't know the recipe for dough though
Aimin' guns in all your photos, that's a no-no
When this pop, you'll liplock, your big talk's a blatant no-show
See what happens when the ice age melt
You see monetary status is not what matters, but it helps
I rock a timepiece by Benny if any
The same reason y'all could love me is the same reason y'all condemn me
A man's measured by the way that he thinks
Not clothing lines, ice links, leather and minks
I spent 20 plus years seekin' knowledge of self
So for now Marc Predka's livin' live for wealth

John Cena salutes the fans, then throws his hat into the crowd as he get's crunk and stomps wildly towards the ring as the fans erupt in cheers. He slides into the ring, and throws up the "Wordlife" as he sneaks to the turnbuckle ropes, and throws up the wordlife sign. All the sudden, the words, "FEEL THE FURY" is shown on the arena speakers and "Go To Church" by Ice Cube blasts on the arena speakers.

I'm down with Lil Jon ain't got to pretend (YEAH!)
"Crunk Juice" nigga run the club that you in (HEY!)
You scary motherfuckers don't wanna bring the ruckus (NAH!)
You just spend all your time in the club tryin to duck us (WHAT?)
And if you walk by nigga, I'ma knock fire nigga
from yo' ass, you can come try nigga (HEY!)
In the hood, all the way down South (YEAH!)
I ain't Mike Jones, keep my name out'cha mouth bitch (Mike Jones)
We can get it crackin if it get to clickin clackin
Look at Mr. Jackson, nigga with no reaction
If you scared, go to church, we gon' hit you where it hurts
That don't work, we'll put you in the dirt
Cause a whole lot of rappers make a whole lot of noise (hey)
Lyrics full of steroids, niggaz paranoid (hey)
And when you get that blowup, it make you throw up
When you realize your favorite rapper ain't got no nuts

If you a scared motherfucker go to church (GO TO CHURCH)
If you a gutter motherfucker do your dirt (A DO YOUR DIRT)
If you a down motherfucker put in work (A PUT IN WORK)
IF you a crazy motherfucker go berzerk (A GO BERZERK!)

If you a scared motherfucker go to church (GO TO CHURCH)
If you a gutter motherfucker do your dirt (A DO YOUR DIRT)
If you a down motherfucker put in work (A PUT IN WORK)
IF you a crazy motherfucker go berzerk (A GO BERZERK!)

Click clackin, pistol-packin, Crip raggin folio
Who the only nigga in the club with the toolio
You ain't know? Yeah you did; there it was, there it is
"Is that Coolio?" Naw bitch, let me in
Jibba-jabba snatcher get at ya, spit at actors & rappers
Hang out with kidnappers and jackers
Make money off crackers; can you imagine how I keep shit crackin?
It's the big boss Dogg I'm back in action and smashin
I flash with the bling I sur-pass the supreme
You don't really wanna have a clash with my team
I mix hash with the green I'm the, last of the kings
If I got a bitch with me she got ass in them jeans
Rollin through yo' neighborhood, my Cadillac so clean
Servin all you suckers cause you all dopefiends
Just like that dopeman, nigga what's up?
You run up with that bullshit I'll fuck yo' ass up

You scared, you scared
You scared motherfucker you scared
You scared (you scared) you scared (you scared)
You scared motherfucker you scared (you scared)

You scared, you scared
You scared motherfucker you scared
You scared (you scared) you scared (you scared)
You scared motherfucker you scared (you scared)

Rey Mysterio Jr walks out from the backstage area with his multicolor hood /robe. H estomps into the ring, and takes his robe off as he looks up at the AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Championship hanging high about him and Cena. A gunshot blasts throughout the arena and "Natural Born Killaz by Dr. Dre and Ice Cube blasts throughout the arena as red, blue and yellow lights flash everywhere.


Journey with me
Into the mind of a maniac
Doomed to be a killer
Since I came out the nut sac
I'm in a murderous mindsate
With a heart full of terror
I see the devil in the mirror
BUCK BUCK, Lights out
Cause when I get my sawed off
Niggaz get hauled off
haha barrel one
Touches your motherfuckin flesh
barrel two
Shoots your fuckin heart out your chest
You see I'm quick to let the hammer go click
On my Tec-9 so if you try to reck mine
Fool it's your bad time
Feel the blast of the chocolate bomber
Infra red aimed at your head
Like your name was Sarah Conner
Decapitatin I ain't hesitatin
To put you in the funderal home
With a bullet in your dome
I'm hot like lava
You got a problem?
I got a problem solver
And his name is revolver
It's like a deadly game of freeze tag
I touch you with a 44 mag
And your frozen inside a boddy bag
Nobody iller
Than this graveyard filler
Cap peeler
Cause I'm a Natural Born Killa

The arena explodes to a gigantic of the night as "Mr. Showtime" James West walks out in a home Dwyane Wade "3" jersy. Showtime takes a white towel, and swings it around in a circular motion. All the sudden, HUGE white spyral pyro blasts from behind him as he chunks the towel in the crowd and starts screaming at the AwF fans. He starts to run towards the ring as the crowd is going insane with cheers! As Showtime get's into the ring, Michael Buffer stands in the middle of the ring, as the opening bell rings.

Michael Buffer: Ladies and Gentlemen, thiss is the main event of AwF Summer Showdown 2006. Tonight, these three men will do battle in a Stairway to Hell match for the AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Championship. To my left, is the challanger, he is an AwF Legend, He is Rey Mysterio Jr!..*Crowd boo's*..And to might right, he is The Doctor Of Thuganomics, he is John Cena!..*Mixed reaction*..And in front of me, he is the reigning AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion, he is the Truth Of AwF, He is the one and Only Mr. Showtime James West!..*Crowd roars with cheers*..Miami, Are you ready!..*Crowd Cheers*..Then, for the thousands in attendance, and the millions watching around the world..ladies and gentlemen...llllllllllet's GET READY TO RUMBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLE!!

The fans are in a frenzy as Mr. Showtime James West, John Cena, and Rey Mysterio Jr all look up at the biggest prize in wrestling today, the AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Championship. Rey Mysterio Jr breaks the ice, and walks into the middle of the ring. He tells both John Cena and Mr. Showtime that they have no buisness being in his ring, and he wlecomes them to Mysterioworld! John Cena and Showtime waist no time in getting in Rey's face, and before you know it, Rey Mysterio Jr is being jumped by both John Cena and Mr. Showtime! The crowd erupts in cheers as Showtime and John Cena pick Rey up, and throw him all the way outside the ring!

John Cena and Mr. Showtime then have a stairdown in the ring, and the fans begin to make their choice as to who they want to win this match.


John Cena and Showtime then start to trade blows. Showtime with rights, John Cena with lefts, the ring shakes with the two hungry competitors giving it all they have for the right to be named the AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion. Mr. Showtime somehow got the advantage, and was able to nail John Cena in the face with one good punch, then two good punches, then three good punches, sending John Cena reeling, and seemingly walking uphill. Showtime pushes Cena against the ropes, but Cena countered and threw Showtime against the ropes, and when showtime came running back, Cena tried for a closeline, but missed, and Showtime out of nowhere nailed him with a SHOWTIME SPLIT! The crowd erupts in cheers!

Joey Styles: The Showtime Split! If this was a one on one match, John Cena would be finished!

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: Pinfalls don't count in this match, the only way to win is to climb a ladder, and take that belt!

Rey Mysterio Jr starts to stand up outside the ring, but Mr. Showtime performs a baseball slide, and nails Rey right in the forehead, and back against the steel guardrail. Showtime then get's up on the apron, and attempts an axehandle smash, but Rey catches him right in the gut with an elbow. Rey grabs Showtime by his hair, and pushes him and sends him back of the head first into the guardrail. Rey then turns Showtime around, and performs a sick knee to the neck breaker outside the ring as Showtime holds the back of his neck in pain.

Joey Styles: A move like that should be outlawed!

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: And just think, Rey Mysterio Jr has that in his playbook in every match!

Meanwhile, in the ring, John Cena is starting to come to, and he rolls out on the other side of the ring. He takes a ladder from under the ring, and starts to slide it in as fans begin to give a mixed reaction to John Cena. Cena looks around at the fans at ringside, and just smerks, shaking off the mixed reaction. As Cena slides the ladder into the rign, Rey Mysterio Jr is still giving Mr. Showtime a beating as he picks up Mr. Showtime, and rocks his head with a front dropkick to the face. Rey then stomps away at Showtime as he crawls away from Rey.

In the ring, Cena is halfway up the ladder, but Rey catches Cena just in the nick of time with a springboard dropkick to the side of John Cena. Cena's body slams onto the mat, and Rey put's the fallen ladder back itno place, and looks upwards, trying to see the best angle to set the ladder in order to get the title. Halfway up the ladder, John Cena grabs Rey, and performs a huge powerbomb onto the mat! The fans go, "OOOOH!" From the impact as Rey Mysterio Jr holds his back on the ground in pain from the huge move.

As Cena looks down on Rey, Showtime is already up on his feet, and he is looking under the ring. He pulls out a singapore cane, and throws it into the ring. He pulls out a steel chair and throws it into the ring. He pulls out another steel chair and throws it into the ring. He pulls out a THIRD steel chair and throws it into the ring. He grabs a table and set's it up outside the ring. He then grabs another table and set's it up right beside the first one. He then takes ANOTHER table and set's it up beside the other two!

Joey Styles: It looks like Mr. Showtime James West has plans for those tables!

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: This is going to turn ugly in a hurry!

Meanwhile, John Cena picks up Rey, and attempt's a powerbomb, but Rey uses his quickness to reverse the powerbomb into a flipping powerbomb, causing Cena to fall on his neck. Rey then turns and looks at all the weapons in the ring, and grabs a steel chair. He screams for Mr. Showtime to get his ass in the ring, and Mr. Showtime looks under the ring one more time..he get's the EXTENTION CORD! The crowd cheers loudly as Showtime takes his trademark extention cord in his hand, and wraps it around his fists. He slides into the ring, and Rey takes a big swing at Showtime with the chair, but Rey misses, and Showtime NAILS him with the extention cord in the chest, causing Rey to drop the chair. Showtime then beginss to go Joe Jackson on Rey's ass, and starts to beat Rey down with that extention cord!

Showtime lifts the extention cord up, and twirls it around in his hand, as everyone in the arena takes the white show-towel and twirls it around, then Showtime WHACKS Rey in the back, giving Rey a nice bloody red mark on his back. Showtime then begins to chokee Rey with the extention courd as Rey begins to choke and struggle to breath. Showtime get's to his feet, and tells Rey to get his ass up and fight, and out of nowhere, John Cena picks up Showtime, and slams him on the mat with the Protoplex! Cena stands up and is about to give Showtime the 'You can't see me' taunt, but a large number of the crowd begins to boo. Cena looks around with a look of confusion.

Joey Styles: Why are some of these fans booing Cena? I thought they liked him?

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: The only thing i can think of is these fans don't appreciate how He has been treating Trish Stratus as of late. I mean, Trish has been here a long time, Joey.

Joey Styles: Well, hopefully they will get their problems worked out.

Cena raises his hand in the air, and kneels down to showtime. He put's his hands in front of his face as the crowd reacts with...


Cena runs and bounces off the ropes, and when he get's close to Showtime's head, and performs a huge Five Knuckle Shuffle! The crowd reacts with a mixed reaction as John Cena picks up Mr. Showtime's extention cord, and looks at it, as ideas run through his mind. The Doctor of Thuganomics raises the extention cord in his hand, and begins to beat Mr. Showtime in the back. John Cena begins to beat Mr. Showtime like a slave, and the crowd see's this as some kind of racist act upon their hero, Mr. Showtime James West who just happends to be black.


Cena continues to beat Showtime across the back of Mr. Showtime, but all the sudden, Showtime get's to his feet! Showtime is crunk now! The fans erupt in cheers as Mr. Showtime has seemed to absorb all those extention cord shots. Cena tries to take a swing at Mr. Showtime, but Showtime catches the extention cord, and starts to beat John Cena in the face with his free fist, while still holding on to the extention cord in his other hand. Showtime continues to nail John Cena in the face untill he knocks John Cena all the way to the outside of the ring.

Showtime goes outside the ring, and looks at the three table's that he sat up earlier in the match. He picks John Cena up to his feet, and attempts to drive the number one contender through the table's, but Cena counters, and ends up suplexing Mr. Showtime onto the floor. Showtime holds his back in pain as John Cena stands up, and holds his head in pain, still feeling Showtime's punches. At ringside, a fan with a Show-Towel is screaming words at Cena, and Cena loses his cool, and walks up to the fans, and tells him to shut the fuck up. The fans sit's down in fright as AwF security stands between Cena and the fan.

Joey Styles: Well, i don't know what that fan was saying, but John Cena ain't going to have it tonight! This is a man posseed!

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: That's no excuse for him to treat a fan like that. He starting to act like Rey.

John Cena reaches into the ring, and takes the singapore cane which is laying closeby, and begins to WHACK Mr. Showtime in the face, as if he was a singapore cane pro like Trish Stratus. He nails Mr. Showtime again, and makes sure he falls to the ground. Cena then goes back into the ring with the singapore cane in hand, and waits for Rey to get to his feet. When Rey does, Cena draws back and NAILS Rey upside the head with the singapore cane, knocking Rey down. The fans begin to cheer more now, because they want to see Rey get his ass kicked, but still are upset with John Cena.

John Cena then starts to set the ladder up in the middle of the ring, and begins to climb upward. The crowd begin to boo lightly as Cena reaches the middle of the ladder. All the sudden, Mr. Showtime slides back into the ring, and pulls Cena down to the approval of the fans. Showtime starts to stomp away at Cena, and Rey get's to his feet, and joins Showtime in stomping away at The Doctor Of Thuganomics. Mr. Showtime picks John Cena up, and Rey jumps into the air, and nails a perfect snap DDT as Showtime and Rey have somehow managed to work together.

Joey Styles: Rey and Showtime are taking it to John Cena!

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: Yeah, but only one man can leave this match as the Undisputed Anarchy Champion.

Rey points at Mr. Showtime to hit the Showtime split on John Cena, and when Showtime goes to pick Cena up, Rey NAILS Showtime right in the balls! The crowd boo's Rey loudly as Rey pushes Mr. Showtime into the turnbuckle ropes. Rey then takes the ladder, and lays it down in the middle of the ring. He then runs against the ropes, and runs back towards Mr. Showtime, and out of nowhere nails Showtime with a huge 619 knocking Showtime spine first into the ladder! The crowd goes, "OOOOOOOOOH!" from the impact of the move.

Rey then pushes Showtime off the ladder, and set's the ladder up right under the AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Championship which is hanging downwards. Rey begins to climb the ladder, and actually makes it to the top of the ladder. He get's a big smile on his face as he touches the AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Championship, but John Cena grabs one of his legs, and yanks him down, right on his shoulders! Cena then throws Rey down with a huge F-U! The crowd erupts in a mixed reaction as Cena locks in the STFU on Rey in the middle of the ring!

John Cena pulls back as hard as he can on Rey, and Rey screams in pain from the STFU submission hold. Mr. Showtime then get's on his feet, and begins to look at what is going on with Rey and Cena, and then looks up the ladder. He begins to make his way up the ladder as Cena still has the STFU locked on Rey Mysterio Jr. Mr. Showtime finally reaches the top of the ladder, and turnss around to see John Cena still locking in on Rey with the STFU. Mr. Showtime takes a moment to think, then he begins to smile. Mr. Showtime climbs to the very top of the ladder, with the AwF Undisputed Anarchy Championship in arms reach, and instead of going for the title, he performs a huge MOONSUALT OFF THE TOP OF THE LADDER, AND CRASHES ONTO JOHN CENA AND REY MYSTERIO JR! OH MY GOD! Showtime is hurt from the move as well, as the crowd erupts in "A-W-F" chants.

AwF Fans: A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F!

Mr.Showtime holds his midsection in pain from the move, and looks back up at his championship which is still hanging high above the ring. Showtime desides he is going to put an end to this match once and for all, and he lifts Rey Mysterio Jr to his feet, and and NAILS him with the SHOWTIME SPLIT! Rey is finished! Mr. Showtime then grabs John Cena and attempts another Showtime Split to him, but Cena counters, and NAILS him with a huge F-U, to the mixed reaction of the fans. Cena rolls Mr. Showtime to the outside of the ring, and comehow, Mr. Showtime rolls right on the three table's which are sitting side by side by side, and John Cena grins as he thinks of a way to eiminate Mr. Showtime from the match. John Cena climbs to the top rope, and makes sure he is in the perfect position. He waits untill Showtime stops moving, and he is just about to leap off with a slash when Trish Stratus runs down to the ring! What is Trish doing here!?

Joey Styles: Wait a minute..what is Trish doing? Why is she here?

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: I guess she is here to support John Cena..

Trish runs to ringside, and begins to curse out Mr. Showtime as he lays motionless on the three tables. John Cena looks at Trish curse Showtime out as he finds this entertaining. Trish then goes into the ring and walks up to Cena as he sit's on the top rope, and tells Cena that she wants to nail Showtime in the head with a steel chair. Cena gives Trish his blessings, and Trish picks up a steel chair which is laying right beside a beaten up Rey Mysterio Jr. Trish walks on the ring apron beside John Cena, and points at Showtime, saying that she is about to make Showtime her bitch one more time. Out of nowhere, Regina DiMaggio comes out of the crowd with a steel chair in her hand!

Joey Styles: Hold on a minute now! What is Regina DiMaggio doing out here?

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: Now that i have no clue, but i can only think she is supporting John Cena too.

John Cena turns around, still sitting on the top rope, and looks at the new AwF Baddest Bitch Champion and Queen Of The Ring walk right beside him, opposite to where Trish is sitting. Regina looks at Trish and screams out, "This is my man you bitch!" Trish looks shocked as to what Regina is saying as Mr. Showtime quietly rolled out undetected from laying on the table. Trish tells Regina to get away from her future husband! Cena turns and looks at Trish with a look of suprise as Regina scream out, "He's coming home with me tonight!" John Cena turns around at Regina with a look of confusion and flattery. Cena tells both girls not to fight over him, and that he will settle this with the later. Both Regina and Trish began to nod their heads and out of nowhere WHAM!


Trish and Regina have just nailed John Cena in the head with a Con-Chair-To! John Cena stands on the top rope dazed as he slowely begins to wobble forward untill he loses his balance and FALLAS OFF THE TOP ROPE ONTO THE THREE TABLES! OH MY FUCKING GOD!





Trish and Regina drop the chairs and they walk up to Cena who is now busted out, laying with several peices of broken wood. Without warning, Trish and Regina both wave their hands in front of their faces, and say, "YOU CAN'T SEE US!" As the crowd erupts in cheers and laughs. Trish then get's in Regina's face, and tells her, "You and me aren't done with each other yet..we will settle this one day." With that, Regina turns around, and walks up the entranceway, right past Showtime as he lays motionless on the ground. Trish then bends down and get's close to John Cena's face, and yells, 'IT'S OVER!" The crowd erupts in cheers as Trish looks down on John Cena and begins to walk to the back.

Joey Styles: I think Trish has just dumped John Cena!

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: Well, i don't blame her, Joey! She was sick and tired of being treated like crap! It had to happen eventually!

Trish walks to the backstage area, and takes one final look at John Cena on the Anarchy-Tron laying motionless with blood dripping down his face, and she finally goes behind the curtians. Meanwhile, Rey Mysterio Jr, who has been playing possum for all this time looks down the rampway and smiles. Showtime get's to his feet as he is on the rampway, and starts to make his way towards the ring, but EDGE comes out of nowhere, and NAILS Showtime with a huge SPEAR! What the hell was that about!?


Rey set's up the ladder as the ring is a mess with dented chairs, broken singapore canes, blood and small peices of broken wood from outside the ring. Rey climbs up the ladder set by step, untill her get's to the very top. The fans begin to boo loudly as Rey is an inch away from the AwF undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Championship. Rey leans in, and unhooks the straps, and holds the title! REY MYSTERIO JR IS THE NEW ANARCHY WRESTLING FEDERATION UNDISPUTED ANARCHY WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION! OH MY GOD! WHAT A BATTLE!



Rey jumps off the ladder after the bell rings and he is announced the winner. Fans in the arena begin to boo loudly and throw trash into the ring as "Go To Church" by Ice Cube plays over the arena speakers. Rey lays down with the AwF undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Championship in his face. He kisses the title several times, and get's to his feet, looking down on his true love. He hugs the title, and holds it up high in the air as the fans boo loudly, throwing drinks and toilet paper into the ring. Rey rolls out of the ring, and walks down the rampway, looking at his newly won AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Championship. He get's to the entranceway, and kneels down with the belt in his face as fans throw drinks and trash at him, hitting his body. Rey is like a statue as his tears drop on the title, and onto the floor. He stands up, and holds the title up high as the fans boo loudly, cursing at him, and attempting to spit on him.

Joey Styles: What a night, folks! The road to WrestleMayhem has just started tonight! How will it continue!?

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: Only one place go if you wanna find out!Tune in this Monday to Monday Night Mayhem!

Joey Styles: From the Macho Man Randy Savage and Myself, Joey Styles, thank you for tuning in to tonights Pay Per View! Good Night Folks!

Da Baldies, Johnny Stamboli, and The Sinister Minister all walk out to the stage, and lift Rey up high in the air as Rey lifts the AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Championship in the air. The cameras view John Cena who is laying in the tables and Mr. Showtime who is starting to come to his sences. The show fades out with Rey back on the floor, kissing his new AwF undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Championship.

The Anarchy Wrestling Federation Presents...Summer Showdown 2006!

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