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Please cut and paste the following information into a email addressed to

Your first name:

Your email address:

Wrestler's name:

Wrestler's weight:

Wrestler's height:

What is your wrestlers style? (ie. Brawler etc.)

Ten moves your wrestler likes to use (if your character has renamed a move please tell me the original name of the move and your name for the move. Example being..Jacknife/powerbomb. If you character has invented a move once again describe the move.):

Does your wrestler have a taunt that he/she does in the ring? If so, describe it.

What move does your wrestler use as a prelude to his/her finisher?

Wrestler's Finishing move (name and description):

What does your wrestler wear? What does he or she look like (be as descriptive as possible):

Does your wrestler have a manager? If yes..

Manager's name:

Manager's weight:

What does your manager wear? What does he or she look like?

Roleplayer History (tell me about yourself. How long have you been efedding. How many feds have you been in. tell me anything you think I should know):

Sample Roleplay (This not only gets you in or also will decide what kind of push you'll get right off the bat. SO GIVE ME WHAT YOU GOT!):

Where did you hear of Bad Ass Fed?

Email Application 1