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Blast From The Past

Welcome to the past , a land that time has already visited and has no intention of having a return match. A place where predictions are pointless and successes and failures are littered all over the place. In this new column I’ll be looking back at WWF/E history to find out just what was happening at this time in recent and not so recent years.

This week, it’s time to look back at a surprising heel turn on Raw in 1995, a man in a dress in 1997 and just who’s driving the hearse back in 1998?

We start in August 1995 when Diesel (Kevin Nash) was WWF Champion, and you thought Triple H was bad! We were just days away from the worst ever Summerslam main event of all time:  Diesel v King Mabel.  Oh Vince what were you thinking of?

Not a great card that evening on Raw. Would you be staying up late to watch the 123 Kid (X-Pac) beat The Brooklyn Brawler and the Pirate Jean Pierre beat Scott Taylor. At least there was The Undertaker beating Tatanka, but it was the main event that produced the big shock.  The British Bulldog tagged with Diesel against Men on a Mission and he turned heel on the champ!! Oh poor Diesel!

Forward a couple of years to August 18th 1997and a sad edition of Raw. Sad because the card  that night featured Rick Rude, The British Bulldog, Owen Hart and Brian Pillman, great talent no longer with us and in the case of Brian Pillman, his death was just weeks away.

Rick Rude had just rejoined the WWF but was there for protection not wrestling. He’d attacked Mankind the week before and was on his way to joining DX.  Great main event that night with Shawn Michaels and Triple H meeting The Undertaker and Mankind.

Lots of misused talent back then, especially Flash Funk (Too Cold Scorpio). I was just waiting for Vince to bring back Terry Funk and say he was his half-brother Dudley style. Hey, Flash and Terry Funk, what a tag team that could have been!  As for Rikishi, well he was in a silly mask with stupid shoes and was ‘The Sultan’ jobbing to Ken Shamrock.

Big news that night was a new member of The Nation of Domination, you might have heard of him, his name?  Rocky Maivia!  Back to Brian Pillman, he was in a dress and would stay that way until he won a match, he lost to Jesse James (Road Dog) and kept the clothing.  He began his feud with Goldust that would be tragically cut short. Bret Hart was turning heel and about to feud with Vader and Stone Cold was talking about that match with Owen Hart at Summerslam that nearly paralysed him.  As for the main event, Undi and Mankind won by DQ thanks to a chair shot by Michaels.

Finally this week it’s 17 August 1998 and Stone Cold’s feuding with Mr McMahon, Undertaker and Kane. He arrived in the arena driving a hearse, then got on top and opened a few cans!

The Brawl for All tournament was at the semi-final stage with Bart Gunn beating The Godfather and Bradshaw defeating Droz. Making his Raw debut that night was Gangrel who beat Brian Christopher. Dan Severn won a triple threat against Ken Shamrock and Owen Hart setting up his feud with Shamrock that never really worked.

DX won a street fight against the Nation, Jeff Jarrett and Southern Justice interfered and cut off some of X-Pac’s hair. Sable was still around and a face, believe it or not she was in an arm wrestling match with Jacqueline, who was siding with her husband Marc Mero.  Jacqueline won the match setting up a Summerslam feud.  Val Venis lost a gauntlet match to Kaientai and finally Austin attacked Undi who turned out to be Kane, put the monster in the back of that hearse, only to find Undi in the driving seat!


More memories next week, if you’ve got any opinions
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