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Legends Of Wrestling:

The Dynamite Kid




Photo Gallery

In this, the first of our Legends of Wrestling series we feature The Dynamite Kid, Tommy Billington. A true legend in the mat game, Tommy gave his all to the sport and is now paralyzed from the waist down and remains in a wheel chair to this day as a result of the injuries he obtained while thrilling crowds for nearly two decades with his high flying and innotative matches. He has influenced countless current superstars including the likes of Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, The Hardy Boyz and many, many others.

Here you will find our small tribute to this true legend including his biography, interviews and some photos. As time gos by I'll add more to this section, hopefully some video clips so those who haven't yet had the pleasure of seeing any of his matches can see just why he is considered one of the best ever........ 




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