*The Scene Opens with a Camera waiting for someone out in the Parking lot. It looks around with nothing Coming then all of a sudden a Screech is Heard down the Street. Then a Black Dodge Ram 4X4 Turns the Corner into the Parking lot. It Comes right out in Front of the Camera, stops and gets turned off Immediately. The Door Opens and Out Walks Batista in Black Button up pants and a Muscle shirt. | "Batista Heading to His Locker Room!" | He then Slams the Door Shut and walks to the back of the Truck and Grabs a Black Duffle Bag with the Letter "B" on it in Big Bold Letters. Batista then puts the Bag on His Shoulder as He walks Into the building. The Camera Follows Batista into the Building until He turns a Corner. Secounds Later another Camera is in front of him. He drops his Duffel Bag to his hand and Starts Carrying it. Batista Continues Walking to his Locker room with the Camera in Front of him. Then they come upon the Door that Says Batista on the door. He opens it up and walks in the Camera Soon Following. Batista then Sits down and sets his Duffel Bag down. He slaps himself a Few times Then Shakes his head. Batista sits there for a minute or so and Begins to Stand up. He then Takes off his T-shirt and Throws it on Top of his Duffel bag, and Next he Rips off his Button Down Pants and Sets them on his Chair. Batista then Jumps nearly 4 Feet in the air and Streches out. The Camera Backs up out of the Locker room as Batista Heads to the door. Batista starts heading down the hall Towards the ring Area. All of a Sudden a Locker room Door opens as Batista walks by. Secounds Later Ric Flair steps out of the Locker room, then see's Batista. He stops for a Secound and looks the Big man up and down. Ric Flair then Begins to Speak to one-on-one with Batista!
Ric Flair
Well, Look who it is Dave Batista. Man I know a lot about you Big Man, I know how you grew up, how Hard it was for you too get to where you arre Today here in WWE.. | "Batista with Ric Flair!" | Trust me I have been doing some Research on you. Now Batista I as a Wrestler am Pretty Far over my time. I'm Done Finished over, but Just because I'm finished as a Wrestler does not mean I'm Finished with Wrestling oh no Woo. You see Batista you are Probablly the Biggest thing to hit this industry since "The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar. Hell you may even Be Bigger than him and from what I have seen of you in the Ring More Dominant then Bill Goldberg! I mean you are Just as Big as Brock, Indistructable like Goldberg and I would even Say just as Intense as "The Man Beast" Rhyno Himself. You see Batista I see a Lot of Potential in you. I believe that right now you have a Chance to prove yourself to me and Everyone else here by Challenging Scott Steiner to a Match! Batista I am Called the Dirtiest Player in the Game for a reason, and that is because I am willing to do anything I can to sneak in a Victory. You and I could Easily run this Place with out any problem, all you have to do is one thing. Let me Become your Manager and make sure that we Release the Potential I see in you. So Big man what do you say about "The Genetic Monster" and "The Dirtiest Player in The Game" working together to Destroy anyone and Everyone here! It is all up to you Big man, I just wanna Help you succeed here.
Flair I must Say I too Know a Heck of a lot about you as well. I know that you can be very Desisive in helping people win matches and come out on top. I like your style and Personally I was a huge fan of yours when I was a kid. Whether you where the Bad guy or the Good Guy Flair I would be Cheering for you, my friends sometimes hated me but I knew that you where the man. You see Flair I worked my ass off to Get here in the WWE and you know that. So Flair here is what I am willing to do. You come to the ring with me and after I get done calling out some low lifes, and making a propostion to Triple H, you are free to talk about whatever you want. So Follow me Flair and well The Sin Will begin!
*Batista then cracks his neck and turns towards the camera once again. He then Starts to walk forward as Ric Flair is seen Laughing behind him then starts to Follow the Big man down the hall. The two pass the Camera as they continue to walk down the Hall way Towards the ring. The Camera then Fades as the Scene Heads to a Commercial.*
*As WWE comes back from a Commercial The Camera is spining around the arena looking at the thousands of fans. They seem to be getting a little bored then the Lights turn Black. Batista's Music hits over the Speaker System as the Lights turn Back on. Secounds Later out Walks Dave Batista with his "manager" Ric Flair soon to Follow. They stop at the top of the rampway as Flair points to Batista and the Big man Raises his arms getting boo's from the Crowd. Batista then leeps into the air and when he comes back down Flair and himself start to walk down the ramp. Batista hops back and fourth as Flair smiles.. | "Batista and Flair heading to the ring!" | The two walk down the ramp and stop at the end of the rampway. Then the two begin walking to the ring from the bottom of the ramp. Batista and Flair reach the ring and look around. Batista then hops up on the ring apron and enters the ring as Ric Flair walks around to the ring steps. Flair walks up the steps and when he gets on the apron gives his "WOOOO" chant! Flair then gets in the ring and points to Batista who is Stretching out. Flair then smiles at Batista, then Flair walks over to to the announcers side of the ring. He requests a Mic but the guy sitting there had Fallen asleep. Flair yells at him to hand him a Mic but the guy looks to be out cold. Flair looks upset then steps on the ring apron and onto the floor. Flair walks over to the guy and shakes him. It barely Phases the guy, then Ric Flair Slaps the guy right out of his Chair and onto the floor. The guy wakes up wondering what is going on then turns around and slaps Ric Flair not even bothering to look who it was! Flar touches his face where He was slapped, as the Guy realises what he just did. Flair Kicks the guy in the Stomach and Throws him into the ring. The guy Struggles to get up, and when he does his back goes right into Batista. The Big Man looks at him Evily and the guy nearly starts to break down in Tears. Ric Flair Yells at Batista attack him, Batista smiles then Clothslines the announcer to the floor. Ric Flair tells Batista to stand the guy up, which he does then Flair tells Batista to Powerbomb him. Batista then Puts the guys head between his legs, lifts him up on his Shoulders and Powerbombs him so hard to the Mat below the announcer flips over! Batista starts to smile as Medics race down to the ring with a stretcher. They role the guy on the Stretcher and put him in a Neck collar as they take him away. Flair then grabs a mic of his own as he begins to climb back in the ring and Speak!