
      Ben Jackman's taxi pulls to a stop outside the Nassau coliseum in Uniondale, New York. The door swings open and Jackman steps out empty-handed already dressed in his ring gear. Jackman walks slowly up toward the Nassau coliseum a look of deep concentration on his face. He slides his left hand inside the door of the coliseum, and pulls it open. Jackman pauses, the open door in his hand and takes on last look over his shoulder at the street outside the Nassau Coliseum.

      "Well here we go."

      Jackman walks slowly into the building the door closing behind with a soft thud. Jackman again pauses inside the coliseum, his eyes swinging from right to left watching the steady flow of traffic as people scurry here and there in a last second attempt to prepare for Oblivion. Jackman starts to continue through the main lobby before a SHOOT Project camera crew approaches him. Jackman stops, leaning against a wall and waits patiently for the crew to get set up. As the crew sets up, the lead camera man turns toward Jackman a smile on his face.

      "Hey Ben, you see Raymond's comments from last night?"

      Jackman nods, his face umemotionless.

      "And Roland and Del's last batch of comments?"

      Jackman nods again

      "Yeah, I caught those too, Mike."

      The cameraman's smile fades a bit in response to Jackman's mood.

      "Alright,Ben. Looks like we're just about ready. Whenever you're ready."

      The cameraman steps back behind the camera, giving Ben the thumbs up.

      Jackman clears his throat and begins.

      "Well gentlemen, here we are. The Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale, New York. Tonight's the night of my most taxing, and in more ways than one, most important match of my SHOOT Project career."

      Jackman grimaces.

      "Tonight I step into the SHOOT Project ring for another Oblivion Main Event, which is simply nothing new to me, but the situation that I'm in now is totally unlike anything I have ever been faced with before. Tonight I take on two of the most talented, and underappreciated superstars in the SHOOT Project. Tonight I step into the ring with my tag team partner, former SHOOT Project World Champion, and current Rising Sun Champion, Del Carver. A man I have quite simply trusted completely for the entirety of his career and mine here in SHOOT. And on top of that I'm facing off with a former Rising Sun Champion, and an absolute monster in Roland Caldwell."

      Jackman steps away from the wall, shuffling his feet, obviously a little nervous.

      "Normally, a three way match wouldn't be anything that would cause me any form of mental anguish. You simply prepare as best you can, and take your shots where you have them. Its that simple, but that is not the case tonight, at least not on the surface its not. Tonight, it would seem that our friendship would keep us off our normal game. But like Roland said yesterday, in a way, if we change even our styles in the slightest then that is in a way bending to Raymond's will."

      Jackman frowns, a look of anger on his face.

      "And that is something I absolutely refuse to do. I refuse to let some sawed off little power-hungry shit head in a cheap suit sway me toward anger and frustration at my friends. So I will go out to the SHOOT Project ring tonight, I will shake Carver and Roland's hands mid-ring and I will go back to my corner until the bell rings. And with the sound of that bell I will go to WAR. Not out of anger or spite toward my opponents, but out of spite toward Ed Raymond's secret hope to split our group built on trust and friendship apart."

      Jackman pops his neck back and forth.

      "Raymond has come on the air proffesing his innocence in our match this Sunday, and as much as he wants to bullshit the fans, and the boys in the back. I for one, and I'm sure Carver and Roland feel the same. I'm not buying it. I won't believe it when I see it either, I know for a fact that Raymond is completely and unremmitingly full of shit, its just his nature. So Raymond, if you want me to believe your innocence toward then stay the fuck away from my matches, and don't book shit like this. This match screams screwjob, and both you and I and the fans know it. You may believe that the fans are idiots, that anything you run out in front of them is going to sell. That everything you tell them is going to be taken as the gospel. Its a goddamn shame your dead ass wrong."

      Jackman runs his fingers through his goatee braid, his fingers spinning and twirling in and out.

      "So I will do as I, Carver, and Roland have said all week. I will do exactly what I do best. I will get in that ring and beat the hell out of people, because simply put thats what I've made a name doing. I can expect the same from the other two men, and they will deliver. Without a doubt. And then when all is said and done, we'll pull ourselves up off the mat, head to the back, and out for a beer. Perfect way to end a fucked up night."

      Jackman steps away from the wall, preparing for his final comment.

      "Just a few hours away, I step into the ring and go to War...A war of friendly competition."

      Cameras fade to black.