
      Ben Jackman walks back into his Tampa condo after spending the early part of the week in New Orleans at Mardi Gras. Jackman is cleans shaven, he looks vastly more relaxed than usual albeit more than a little bit tired from several days of partying in the Big Easy. Jackman trudges slowly to his bedroom, a crooked smile on his face. He tosses his bag on the bed and sits down with an audible thump. Jackman lays back on the bed for several minutes staring at the ceiling his eyes blank and unmoving. Eventually he sits up again, and tosses his bag to the floor unzipping it and pulling his clothes and various other articles out of the bag. Everything else out of the bag, Jackman reaches in again and wraps his hand around a VHS tape. A confused look passes over Jackman's face as he pulls the tape from the bag and holds it up in front of his eyes.

      'True Relaxation'

      Jackman shakes his head in disgust.

      "Fuck. I could've sworn I mailed this bitch off while I was in New Orleans. Now I'm gonna look like I'm slacking off on my mic work. Well I'll mail it off tommorow with the next one."

      Jackman sits the tape down on his bedside table, and lays back against the pillow, falling to sleep almost instantly


      Jackman wakes up several hours later, the sun slowly begining to set over Tampa Bay. He pulls himself up out of bed and walks slowly to the kitchen where he reaches into the fridge and pulls out a bottle of water Jackman walks out onto the balcony and watches the sun slowly begin to fade away over the horizon.

      "Just three days away now, and I step into the ring for the biggest matchup in Iron Fist Title history. How else could they have the biggest match ever without including me. Can't fucking happen, and won't. But its not the title I'm worried about this week. As much as I'd love to have that one back, as much as I'd like to snap the Iron Fist Title around my waist again its only secondary this week."

      Jackman pulls the lid off the water bottle and takes a long drink, the cool water coursing down his parched throat.

      "Thats more than a little uncommon for me. I've made a career of keeping my distance from all the drama built into this shit. I've made myself by keeping my eye on the prize when everyone else had something else taking all or part of their thoughts. You're in my head Darkbriar, and thats right where you want to be. Congratulations. That how you want it? Thats just fine, but remember however you want it, you don't want it cause when you get it its gonna hurt. You may think you want to fuck with me, you may think you want to fuck around and piss me off, you may think you want to use me to prove yourself. But, you're out of your fucking mind. Not that we didn't know that already."

      Jackman laughs, pausing to take another drink of water.

      "Maybe after I plant you on your ass Sunday night, maybe, just maybe you'll realize your beyond outclassed. That you don't have a chance in Hell of coming anywhere near what I got. But your welcome to try to prove me wrong, just like dozens of others. And just like those dozens of others you'll try and you'll fall flat on your face...just like everyone else. And maybe if your smart as some of them were, you'll let your little beef with me go and find something better and more fullfilling to do with yourself than getting your ass embarrased by me week in and week out. Maybe, you're that smart, but then again judging by what I've seen of you thusfar, maybe you're not that smart. Maybe you'll still not get the picture after Sunday, and maybe you'll just keep fucking with me. But to each his own, until I get sick and tired of fucking with you and just put your sorry ass out of your misery, and send you back to Louisiana to fucking rot.".

      Jackman takes another drink from his bottle as the last rays of sunlight fade over the horizon turning the sky just over the horizon to a deep purple.

      "You entertain me...for now, Darkbriar. You've given me ample reason to enjoy tearing your head off your shoulders. You given me all the reasons to sit back and laugh at you actually thinking you can fucking touch me. You don't have what it takes Kyle...and you never ever will. Sorry to break it to you. But once you wear out your welcome, once you've outlived what little usefulness you have. I'll come out, balls to the fucking wall, and break you down piece by piece by piece....just...because...I can."

      Jackman flashes his now patent cocky grin, draining his water bottle before standing to his feet and walking back inside his condo.

      "Don't think I've forgotten about you J.D. Not by a long shot. You're the reigning Iron Fist Champion and on top of that the only man to ever beat me in any kind of Triad matchup much less my speciality the Iron Fist match. I've heard the whispers in the back. "Ice may be a better champ than Jackman was." "Ice has got nothing but momentum behind him." "Ice is on fire." All that may or may not be true, but talking about whether it is or not doesn't accomplish a damn thing. at all. And both you and I know that. When you and I step into the ring across from each other its all business, and nothing more, thats the way I like it. But I'm not gonna do myself the disservice of not going out there and throwing everything I've got at you. And I wouldn't expect any less from you, unless you want to lose your Iron Fist Title, then I guess thats your business."

      Jackman laughs thickly as he walks back into living area of his condo and turns the TV on in hopes of catching the newest round of SHOOT Project promos and the usual Oblivon hype.

      "You've got the obvious advantage of having beaten me before coming into this matchup, but I'll be damned if I'll go down again. So...its as simple as this Ice, you wanna beat me, you wanna keep that Iron Fist Title around your waist, you better be prepared to kill me. Because thats just about how much its gonna take to keep me down for a ten count again. Good luck, you're gonna need it."


      Kyle Darkbriar's first promo of the week comes on the TV and Jackman sits up in the chair, his interest immediately piqued. The door swings open and little Jonny Jackman steps into the room, urging Ben to sit bolt upright in his chair his face contorting with anger. Jackman winces backward reflexively each time Stephanie hits their son, his eyes slowly welling with tears. The video slowly fades out several minutes later...leaving Jackman with only two words stuck in his mind.

      "You motherfucker."