
      Ben Jackman strides confidently down the aisle of American Airlines flight 4433 from La Guardia Airport departing for Cleveland for the week's Oblivion show. Jackman finds his seat in the third row of first class and pulls the overhead compartment open, tossing his single bag into the apartment and closing it behind him with a click. Jackman turns back around in the aisle, smiling at a young woman as she squeezes by him and up the aisle. Jackman, well dressed as usual in a navy blue suit jacket and matching slack with a light blue shirt underneath, slides into his window seat. Jackman peers out the window at the tarmac below before turning back around in his seat with a contemplative smile. Jackman rolls his neck from side to side amazed at the looseness his massage earlier in the day had afforded. He hadn't felt this good in weeks, and he for one was almost discouraged that feeling this good wouldn't last long after his match started at the next Oblivion. Jackman had spent the entirety of the second half of the week training like crazy. He knew full well that even a win in this match would take more out of him that probably any match he'd been involved into date, but for some reason being aware of that fact made him strangely comfortable. The voicee of the plane's captain popped on over the intercom with a faint crackle, causing Jackman to look up toward the voice.

      "Ladies and gentlemen, we'd like everyone to buckle their seatbelts as we will begin our flight in just a few seconds."

      Jackman reaches to both his sides bringing the seat belt together in his lap and tightening it down to his comfort. Jackman gives the belt a few sharp tugs before laying back against the back of the chair and closing his eyes. The plane begins to slowly roll, taxiing down the runway before the wheels lift off the ground with a small jerk and the plane turned upward flying over the Big Apple. Jackman readjusts in his seat as the plane makes a hard right turn and sets its course for Cleveland. By the time the plane reached its cruising altitude Jackman was fast asleep.


      Ben Jackman woke up somewhere over the outskirts of Cleveland. He slowly rubbed the sleep out his eyes, and looked out of his window watching as the streets of Cleveland came steadily more into focus as the plane came in for a landing. The plane hit the tarmac in Cleveland with a soft thud, bouncing the passengers around only slightly before slowly taxiing to a stop at one of the many gates outside the airpiort. Jackman sat in his seat for several minutes as the other passengers began to slowly gather their things and file off the plane. After several minutes, and most of the passengers gone, Jackman stepped to his feet sliding quickly out into the plane's aisle where he reached again into the overhead compartment, and pulled out his one bag. Jackman shouldered his bag, and walked purposefully off the plane, and into the maddening crowd waiting inside Cleveland Hopkins International. Jackman paused just outside of the gate, trying in vain for a few moments to get his bearing inside the airport. What gate was he at? Where was the nearest exit? Hotel Reservations? Rent-a-car? Where is that fuckstain, Darkbriar? Jackman's head swirled with questions before he finally snapped back to reality at the sound of another voice.

      "Hey! There he is."

      Jackman looked up, not sure who the voice was talking to or about when he sees a SHOOT Project camera crew hustling across the crowded airport atrium toward him, there packs of equipment swinging hazardously from side to side. A faint smile crossed Jackman's lips at the camera crew running for him almost buried under what had to be massive amounts of equipment. Jackman continued through the airport looking for a quieter spot to talk to the crew when his eyes slid upward and found themselves resting on just what he wanted to see. An "Exit" sign. Jackman turned back toward the crew still hustling through the airport not too far behind him now. Jackman caught there eyes and pointed upward at the exit sign before heading outside. A few minutes later a horribly winded camera crew pushed open the glass doors and walked out in the cold Cleveland afternoon. The camera crew set up hastily while Jackman stood back against a column, patiently watcing the constant ebb and flow of traffic picking up and dropping off people at the airport curb.

      Several minutes later, the camera crew was finally all set up and they gave Jackman the thumbs up with a winded smile. Jackman cleared his throat and began.

      "Well..here we are, gentlemen. Cleveland, Ohio. Home of the Gund Arena. The first arena in the United States to earn a return visit from the SHOOT Project since the kickoff of our World Tour back right after Under Siege. And if I remember the crowd from the last time we were here then its deservedly so."

      Jackman leans back against the column, his attention again turning to the cars at the curb. After several moments, Jackman turns back to the camera.

      "And tommorow night the people of Cleveland are in for one HELL of a treat. Tommorow night, in Oblivion's Main Event its Ben Jackman versus Kyle Darkbriar versus the defending SHOOT Project Iron Fist Champion, J.D. Ice. A match where every single man involved has something to prove to themselves, and to others."

      Jackman again looks back toward the cars, as if expecting someone.

      "Kyle Darkbriar. He has something to prove. He has to prove that he's in my head. He's on my mind, thats for goddamned sure. But he has to prove that his little childish attempt at mind games will work. Sadly I have to let him down. You may be in my head, you may think you've got me right where you want me, Darkbriar. But your little games. Your little line of bullshit, your pathetic attempt at using me to better yourself. None of it will work. And I will prove that you are simply not worth the effort once again. You're not going to drive me crazy with games, Darkbriar. Its simply not going to happen, I've been trained to keep cool under pressure, and as I'm sure you've learned at some point there is a difference between losing your temper and you patience and losing your mind as I'm now sure you've done all three. Games will only drive a man crazy when he can't hurt those who are attempting to hurt him, which is most certainly not the case with me and you. Quite the opposite in fact, tommrow night I can and will hurt you. Its the nature of the beast, Kyle, and the biggest reason why your games are pointless. You do not control me, you do not have me where you think you want me. You are shit out of luck."

      Jackman smiles into the camera, pausing again his eyes once again sliding over the cars at the curb before he turns back to the camera and continues

      "J.D. Ice. He also has something to prove. He has to prove the critics wrong. He has to shut them up, because as much as a man will detract his critics, as much as a man says that nothing and noones words bother him. They do, always. They pick at you, and slowly chip away at your pride until you absolutely cannot stand it. J.D. Ice has to prove that his last victory over me was in fact not a fluke. I say that flukes do not, and cannot exist in Iron Fist rules competition, but that fact alone cannot quiet the critics. That is up to J.D. Ice, himself. Can you do it, Jake? Can you prove them all wrong? Good luck...champ."

      Jackman pauses again, staring at the cars at the curb for a long time, still hold the look of someone looking or waiting for someone. Minutes later, Jackman turns back to the camera and continues.

      "And I...Ben Jackman. I have something to prove. I have to prove everything I've said this week. I don't like to be called a liar, and with all my talk this week if I don't get the job done, I'll be called just that, just another blowhard that couldn't get the fuckin' job done. I have to prove that I am still the GREATEST Champion the Iron Fist title has ever seen, and what better way to do just that than by knocking out two men at one time. The difference between the three of us is this. I will prove myself. I will answer the doubters, and I will give everyone of them the finger. There will be no stopping me. Gentlemen, its only a day away now. Get your rest tonight, you're both gonna need it."

      Jackman turned back toward the curb and jumped into an empty cab slamming the door behind him. The cab pulled out into traffic and within a matter of seconds dissapeared from sight.