Last updated:
November 3, 2006
Next Update: December 3rd, 2006
Added to Top 50 This Month CLOSED Re-Reviews this Month CLOSED |
*** If everyone can read this message please, as I have come to a decision on the future of the Top 50.
After 3 long years of running the Top 50, I have seen allot of legends come and go and i've had allot fun running this Group. But, due to overwhelming pressures, workloads etc, I have decided after the New Year to close the Top 50 down.
Starting this month I'm not accepting any new member applications or re-reviews so to those that are on my list this month, I'm truly sorry; This decision has been coming the last 6-7 months.
Stress is coming to me and I just don't have the passion to do this anymore.
What really makes me sorry to do this is i've received ALLOT of praise through e-mails and im's over this Top 50 site which has delayed my decision to close this site by about 7-9 months simply because it's helped inspire young / old writing minds alike and it has been a struggle both mentally and emotionally to keep this dream alive.
But! Hopefully If anyone who's visited this site has been inspired or truly loves this idea of an E-Fedder Top Table and wants to carry this on from me? Please feel free to get in touch and i'll provide you with all the html you need; I want to keep my web page for my character.
But I would gladly design a web site for you and alter the addy's for you on a fresh web space; You can take all my Top 50 pages, images etc. (Although I will have to delete the E-Mail addresses on the profiles. Data Protection you understand.)
Apart from that everything else will be provided for you, so no pressure. The only thing I ask is that you have a reputation among the E-Fed community for being fair, honest and that your rp skills are of Elite quality in order to be experienced enough to perform the re-reviews.
But all in all, good things must come to an end and the Top 50 is another tale to that chapter. I wish everyone Good luck and who knows, you might see me back in action sometime. ;)
Biggie B ***
New Rules on joining the Top 50... PLEASE READ!!!
* UPDATED * A) Re-reviews and new entrees are closed due to the above. Apology's.
* ADDED * B) For this month and the last,it's going to be 'All out' every rp counts as 1 point!
* ADDED * C) Must have more than 20 lines for the Rp to count as 1 point.
Any attempts to get round this by posting multiple, short and poor quality roleplays to try and steal genuine efforts and sneak the monthly award for yourself. I will take this as cheating and each Roleplay that fits this rule will not count.
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~~ November ~~ |
8 Roleplays |
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-- XPWA -- |
BIG BOSS TOP 50 ARCHIVE OF 2005 (Notice:- Sept 3rd Update, decieded to just scrap 2005, Everything is backed up for this year so no worries of a repeat performance from our resident D&D Sea Monkey Abuser :D)
*NEW* November's Score Card can be found here.. November 2006
October's Score Card can be found here.. October 2006
September's Score Card.. September 2006
August's Score Card.. August 2006
July's Score Card.. July 2006
June's Score Card.. June 2006
May's Score Card.. May 2006
April's Scorecard.. April 2006
March's Score Card.. March 2006
Febuary's Score Card.. Febuary 2006
January's Score Card.. January 2006
Rank | Wrestler | Base |
Bio |
Ranking |
1 | "Ravishing" Robert Kaine |
Chris Masters |
2 | Night |
Bill DeMott |
3 | Jason Sparks | Kid Rock |
4 | Nic Totopolous |
Chris Jericho |
5 | "The Outlaw" Nicky Mills |
Bret Hart |
6 | Damian Gray | Jesse Metcalfe |
7 | Spitfly |
Sonny Moore |
8 | Michael Edwards |
The Rock |
9 | Rilo |
Low-Ki |
10 | Jonny Fly |
Grand Master Sexay |
11 | Alexi Draconis / Rubeus Dahrkov |
AJ Styles |
12 | 10 MM |
Great Red |
13 | Jason Wright |
Val Venis |
14 | Jimmy Vetalo |
HHH (Game) |
15 | Andy "The Puppet" Gorgadore |
CM Punk |
16 | Arch Angel | Brad Pitt |
17 | Azazal | Abyss |
18 | "Hardcore Legend" K-Dogg | New Jack |
19 | Bucky |
Raven W.W.E |
20 | Mighty Whitey |
White Power Ranger |
21 | Max Power |
Jeff Hardy |
22 | Doc Placebo |
Christopher Bale |
23 | Midnight Felon | Goldberg |
24 | Mike Wilson |
Josh Matthews |
25 | Kevin Cosmos |
Jeff Hardy |
26 | Jeremy Cundiff | Himself |
27 | Kris Korps | Undertaker (Gothic) |
28 | Minds Eye |
Ray Liotta / Spawn |
29 | Rollin' Thunder |
30 | Hellraiser | "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels |
31 | Luke Meznik |
Chris Kanyon |
32 | Steve Xtreme |
Buff Bagwell |
33 | Diablo | Kurt Angle |
34 | Freedom Morelez | 50 Cent |
35 | Legacy |
50 Cents |
36 | Krypto Kalpaxis |
Will Martin |
37 | Kaos Chase |
Johnny Nitro/Shane Helms |
38 | Chris Van X | Perry Saturn (ECW) |
39 | Jesse Westcoat |
Sharmen King |
40 | Reed "Real Man" Harrington |
Scott Steiner |
41 | CJ Anarchy |
??? |
42 | Many Names |
Gas Masked Man / Steven Richards |
43 | Mr Fozz |
Randy Orton |
44 | Cappy |
45 | X-Kalibur |
Jay-Z |
46 | Adam Lax |
Raven E.C.W |
47 | Havoc |
Goldberg |
48 | Ultimate Dragon |
Ultimo Dragon |
49 | Jason Compton |
Hardcore Kid |
50 | "The Natural" Jake Kenney |
Kurt Cobain |
The Big Boss Top 50 has undergoing a few changes to how Role players progress the Table.
- A New Points System will be introduced. Each Ranked Rper get's a certain amount of points per Roleplay.. Example ELITE 5+ per Rp - JOBBER 1+ per Rp etc.
- Again if you want a Re-review of your Character's rank just ask me through word of mouth or through E-Mail.. But only one re-review a month per character please, I am very busy.
- If points are the same it'll be ELITE who gets the top slot.
- In the case of 2 of the same status, this will be down to personnel choice of my favourite storyline or gimmick that beats the other ELITE Rper.
I feel that the requirements for ELITE on the Big Boss Top 50 requires stern debate amongst UWA/TNT/XPWA's reigning Elite I figure that I need to set some guildlines, creating a list of requirements in order for those on the Top 50 to work towards.
- Having Excellent Spelling & Grammar. (Odd mistake's happen, you can never be Perfect. But obvious mistakes can stop the flow of a good Rp and kill it in it's tracks and can cost you points on the House Show.)
- Mastering Realism. (Unless your story is based on Fantasy i.e. Magic, Aliens, Comedy etc. You must follow certain rules of how the World Works in Reality in order to write an Rp that makes sense and makes readers wont to read more of your work)
- A Great Gimmick. (All Characters need a gimmick, a persona or a personnel background i.e. Wife was murdered, Character is a former Cop etc. In order for Readers to relate to the Character and understand what he's about and where he's from.)
- How well you work with other Members. (Feuds are a great way to show your Team Work Skills and your potential in making a good story Happen with a fellow Member. A greatly encouraged trait throughout all E-Feds and it has led to many great historical feuds in the Alliance.
Nic Totopolous Vs Michael Edwards, Minds Eye Vs Blaze, Minds Eye Vs Nicky Mills etc.
This also builds friendship, which is also the right mix to making a Great E-Fed Community.)
- Storyline Contribution. (Shows are based on Soap Opera, even after Rp Deadline what one does to contribute to the PPV Show through 'Segments' can also have your character greatly noticed as every member reads the Results and what you contribute can greatly increase your characters Popularity as well as chances of winning your match, thus more people will read your rps through reading good Segments.)
- Environment. (One who reads your Rp must have a good idea where the Promo is being made i.e. in a Forest, in the Ring, a Donut Shop etc.
Remember cutting a Promo is about 'Television Time, you in front of a Camera'. Reality is, your fans, members have no Camera's to see your Characters location, just a written promo in html.
So we must make up for that in Description of what the place looks like?)
- Way you Describe things. (Environment also plays in this skill. There is a description of things around you.. And there is bringing your surroundings to life.
This is perhaps one of the most hardest yet most rewarding traits in rping as there are few that have truly mastered this skill and those people are remembered as some of the greats in the E-Fed World and also a must to learn in order to become an Elite Rper and earn maximum points on the Table.)
- How your Words Flow. (This is also another trick to use when describing Environment and a way how you describe it.
The way the wind blows through the trees, to a thundering roar of the clouds as a storm approaches. If you can build up an rp, give your characters location substance, it feeds the imagination of all those that read it and you truly have become a talented young writer because that's all your doing, writing a story.
No different from J.R Tolkien, Stephen King or that Copy Cat B-iatch J.K Rowling. Try to aspire to that skill in everything you write and it WILL be noticed by your fellow Rpers and by me when I review you next.)
- Winning a Crucible (Or Highly Reputable Intra-Fed Tournament, full of the E-Fed Worlds Best Rpers, guaranteed Elite Rpers that will take part and by beating them proves you've earned an Elite Status)
- Choice of Language (No.. F**k! I'm gonna F**king kill you B**ch!!
In WWE, you wouldn't expect Triple H to shout obscenities like that after every sentence, so unless your character has Torret Syndrome, please be smart about how your Wrestler speaks. Wise men need not swear to get their point across and I've met them type of people who can verbally ass kick you with words without having to swear in the process..)
Right, that's it for now. Probably many more ideas that I have missed here but I will update when I can think them up.
I shall be discussing ideas with the Rping greats in order to make this better and make the Top 50 into a great source for Rp development.
Hopefully I can turn Rookies and Mid-Carders into future Rp Greats.. It is my dream, my aspiration to make the Alliance home of the Legends and bring Good Feds with Honest Owners closer together.
Biggie B
If you would like your wrestler to be rated in this table by me the Big Boss seeeee!! And prove you are capable of being in the Top 50 where I will help promote your creation contact me The Big Boss. Leave your address, Fed location and character stats, weight, height, Finisher etc and I will keep my eye out on your progress in whatever Fed your in and rate you. If your progress get's better you'll climb up the table and be up there with the best, inactivity of your character will result in your character dropping down the table.
Each character has a contact address, if they don't then he/she hasn't given me enough details to make a proper full report, some of the people wishes to keep their address secret. I respect the privacy of all fellow Fedders that wish to be kept anonymous and if anyone violates this rule via abuse or spam of that person then I will not hesitate in reporting you to the authorities or maybe worse if you force me too.
Enjoy! Que KnnnnnneeeeeaaaAAAAHHHHHH!!!