Friday, 03-Nov-2006 11:34 PM
A Sad Day indeed!
*** If everyone can read this message please, as I have come to a decision on the future of the Top 50.
After 3 long years of running the Top 50, I have seen allot of legends come and go and i've had allot fun running this Group. But, due to overwhelming pressures, workloads etc, I have decided after the New Year to close the Top 50 down.
Starting this month I'm not accepting any new member applications or re-reviews so to those that are on my list this month, I'm truly sorry; This decision has been coming the last 6-7 months.
Stress is coming to me and I just don't have the passion to do this anymore.
What really makes me sorry to do this is i've received ALLOT of praise through e-mails and im's over this Top 50 site which has delayed my decision to close this site by about 7-9 months simply because it's helped inspire young / old writing minds alike and it has been a struggle both mentally and emotionally to keep this dream alive.
But! Hopefully If anyone who's visited this site has been inspired or truly loves this idea of an E-Fedder Top Table and wants to carry this on from me? Please feel free to get in touch and i'll provide you with all the html you need; I want to keep my web page for my character.
But I would gladly design a web site for you and alter the addy's for you on a fresh web space; You can take all my Top 50 pages, images etc. (Although I will have to delete the E-Mail addresses on the profiles. Data Protection you understand.)
Apart from that everything else will be provided for you, so no pressure. The only thing I ask is that you have a reputation among the E-Fed community for being fair, honest and that your rp skills are of Elite quality in order to be experienced enough to perform the re-reviews.
But all in all, good things must come to an end and the Top 50 is another tale to that chapter. I wish everyone Good luck and who knows, you might see me back in action sometime. ;)
Biggie B ***
Moving on to the activity of the Top 50, it was perhaps the poorest month on the Top 50 to date. Only several members were active during this month. One true winner in Robert Kaine showed his passion to be noticed. This month is for you.
Big B
What is TRUTH? Now added !!
You hear Boss talk about it all the time in UWA, but you never fully understand the true concept of it. So I decieded to give Bosses TRUTH concept a more solid form.
Thus I worked on what is TRUTH link on the Bio page.
What is TRUTH? gives you a more deeper incite into what Big Boss believes in and why he mentions it all the time in his promos.
Eventually I will add a forum with discussions about goings on in the World. Politics, religion, or anything else worth discussing that is of importance.