A warm spring day in Hamilton, Ontario, and Zen Kyosaku comes roaring up a hill on his Ninja 360. He's back in the expensive part of the city, back up that long, tree lined street. He is heading to that big estate at the top of the hill, the one with the Asian architecture and the huge black gates. He is heading to a place where he never thought he would go, a school that teaches a special brand of martial arts, one that many would consider evil or destructive. As the Ninja 360 takes that final curve onto the main road and stops in front of the Black Dragon Society's gates, Zen thinks about his past teacher,Master Chung, and if he would agree or disagree with this decision. He realizes, of course, having thought this over a million times in the past 24 hours, that no matter what anyone thinks, he thinks this is right, so it must be.

Zen steps over his bike, parked right to the side of the black gates on the sidewalk, and unzips his leather jacket. He takes off his helmet and places it under his left arm as he walks over to the black gates and the symbol, molded into black bronze on the front of the iron portal. He runs his leather gloved hand over the symbol.

He wonders what secrets, what mysteries, and what tricks he is going to learn here. He wonders if this is a big change in his life, and if he is making the right decision... again. He gets angry at himself, and without a second hesitation, rings the doorbell.

The sound of Chinese gongs or drums is heard as we sweep up over the gates across the beautiful gardens and past the koi ponds and over the and above the estate itself, the black buildings with the slanted roofs and the dragon statues and the gate swings wide open.............. BLACKNESS.

Taming Power of the Small Part 2: Test of the Ninja

The sound of onrushing dogs is behind him, and they are getting closer. Before him, Koji "Zen" Kyosaku sees a maze, a labyrinth, with walls made of brick, and a dirt floor. The path leads one of three ways. Dead end? Trick? Trap? Which way to go, which way is out? No time to think, just to react. He runs.

There is a sound ahead of him as he rushes forward, ignoring all turns, just going straight forward. The sound is that of running water, and soon, he stumbles into an area of the maze where there is a large marble fountain. Maybe 50 feet across, with a huge statue of the Buddha decorated with flowers and beaded necklaces. Water spouts out of his ears and mouth as he sits there in the middle of the fountain, smiling. Zen finds comfort in at the sight of the statue of his God there. Up above, the maze's roof has changed as it suddenly expands 20 or so feet high, and way up above is a sky light. All to accommodate the huge fountain. Zen thinks how strange it is to have this fountain here, in this labyrinth of death. He walks over to the edge of the pool, lilly pads floating in the dark waters.

The dogs barking grabs his attention again. The peace he found here, but this fountain, is fleeting. It must be here to do just that, distract someone to give the do---


It slow motion, Zen spins around, right as two figures explode out of the water. Zen jumps onto the rim of the fountain, with a springboard-type maneuver, hits a jumping back brain kick on one of the figures, sending him flying right out of the fountain and onto the maze's dirt floor.

With water splashing all around, Zen emerges from the depths of the fountain to a kick right in the face. He sputters and heaves in a breath of air as he fights to get to his feet as another strike catches him in the face. He spins low, fighting the force of the water, and as the next blow comes, he hits an over the shoulder arm drag on his still unseen opponent.

In front of him someone jumps on the edge of the fountain, and Zen catches a glimpse of what appears to be a shiny, long, metal sword. A katana? Or a ninja-to. Short sword. Ninja-to. The words race through his mind, as the blade rushes towards his head. He ducks but moves forward and connects with a monkey flip, sending the attacker flying back first into the Buddha statue, then head first into the water and the hard marble bottom. If he's lucky, this one will stay down for a while.

Zen jumps up high onto the edge of the water fountain, and behind him, the second Nina does the same. Zen executes a back spin kick, blocking an arcing sword swing. Zen moves in close, knowing it is no true defense against a short sword but better then getting cut to ribbons if he stays too far away. Punches are thrown and blocked, Zen ducks one sword swipe, leaps over another, He gets kicked in the face for his trouble but handsprings back to lessen the blow and comes up in a defensive stance. The Nina twirls his blade in his hands and does his own single-handed cartwheel, looking for an overhead attack with the Ninja-to. Zen had no time to waste.


Eagle's Talon, to the chest. The Ninja flies into the air and lands, knocked out. Zen breathes a sigh of relief, just in time to see the shadows of dogs being led on chains coming for him. He runs.

Is this all worth it? Is the nBk worth it? Is the CHZ worth it? The pain and agony, the fear, the panic? Is Crimson Lord worth all of this? This so-called monster who dares everyone to challenge him and guarantees he is going to send Zen to an early grave, is he worth all of this, just so Zen can shed his former self and become the human weapon that he needs to be to end to evil that has surrounded his life? No, Crimson Lord isn't worth it, and that will be proven at May Hay Day. Crimson Lord is just another talker, another bully, another big mouth, no dick fighter that Zen has seen over and over and over again. There are weaknesses written all over this guys. If he's big, he is slow. If he is strong, he is rigid. If he is fast, he is weak. For every strength, there is a vulnerability, and he knows how to exploit them all. He is Koji Kyosaku. Carrier of the legacy of the Eagle's Talon, and if he does not get out of this maze soon, he will take that legacy to his grave. But he doesn't think so, not now, he has positive thoughts, Positive he will past the ninja's test, positive about this new training, positive about the Black Dragon Society, and positive that come May Hay Day, Crimson Lord learns that Zen Kyosaku fears no man. Crimson Lord becomes a crimson smear on the mat, or on the floor, or in the seats, wherever he lands when the Eagle's Talon strikes.

Zen continues to run forward, but suddenly, he runs smack into a brick wall, he has to turn back, find a different way. He makes it back to a small turn in the maze, looks to where he had come from, the wet footsteps of his own feet showing him where he had just passed, and again he sees the dogs and the runners, their shadows. They are right behind him!!!

He turns to head down this new passage, but stops short after a few steps. The maze ahead... is DARK! No light! He walks slowly forward, his heart racing, his inner-conscious screaming at him that the dogs are getting closer and closer. The darkness falls all around him. It could be worse, he thinks.

Then, he sees them. Right before it goes pitch black, the walls of the maze, embedded, with razors. Razors. He turns around. This was not what he expected. He could be injured for life, or worse, if he enters that maze, the darkness, with walls covered in razors. He turns but it is too late, they have found him.

They have found him.

To be continued..........