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The Brooklyn Brawler vs Tazz

American West Arena in Phoenix, AZ
September 17, 2000

Earlier in the night: Just Joe caused trouble between Tazz and The Brooklyn Brawler which led to a strap match tonight. Joe said it's a real honor to meat such a real legend in the Brooklyn Brawler. Brawler says he is the true king of Brooklyn... that's why he wears the Yankees shirt. Joe says the Yankees play in the Bronx. Brawler tells him to shut up. Joe says Brawler is the true king of Brooklyn no matter what Tazz says. Brawler says to tell Tazz he'll meet him anytime in the ring. Joe leaves.

Joe comes across Tazz in the hall. Joe asks how he's doing. Tazz asks if Joe is trying to punk him out. Tazz asks if Joe would like to be just another victim. Joe says he doesn't, but he knows someone who does. Tazz asks who. Joe says it's the Brawler. Joe said, Brawler says Tazz would be better off representing Connecticut. Tazz says Mr. Happy Jack should find out what Thug Life is really about.

The Match
They get the strap tied to both competitors wrist and Tazz hits a clothesline to start the match. Tazz wraps the leather around his hand and starts punching Brawler with it. Tazz then whips Brawler with the strap before choking him. More whips from Tazz to the back of Brawler's back. Tazz starts to celebrate and Brawler hits a low blow. Brawler now has momentum and he starts beating Tazz with the strap. Brawler starts choking Tazz with the strap and the goes with the right hands. Brawler knocks Tazz down with a clothesline and starts whipping him again. Another choke by Brawler and this time he rakes the eyes. Snapmare with the strap by Brawler. Brawler goes for a clothesline, but Tazz ducks and slaps on the Kata Hajime.
Winner: Tazz via Tazzmission

Post Match: Tazz grabs a microphone and says it's simple. He is the one man crime spree. His life is Tazz and he's thug life born, thug life bred and when the time is right, he'll be thug life dead.

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