Your Hollywood Icon


The camera shows a clear blue sky with barely a cloud. Then the camera shows a beautiful white 4 story mansion with dark green grass and lots of flowers. You then see the Mailbox say "The Hollywood Icon- Leave Before I Realise The Hounds" on it. You see the paper boy try to get past the gate to collect his money. Finally the gates open but a bunch of Greyhounds run after the 7 year old boy. You hears screams and such as the camera fades inside the Hollywood Mansion. You see Christian Matthews wearing his trademark blue bug eyed sunglasses. He is also wearing black jean shorts,a silk vest that as many lion type marks on it. Christian is alo wearing black boots with glitter type material and you also notice a bandage on his head from the steel chair shit from Tuesday. And of course you see him holding the North American Championship over his shoulder. You see Christian sitting down watching Crucifix or "Fix's" Press Conference. You can see Christian laughing a little bit and finally when the Conference is over Christian shuts off the TV and looks over at the camera.

Christian Matthews: Lots of things happened.. Austin Decrees was the attacker,the true D.o.D came back to life,and finally Crucifix got into my buisness and made his return. Well let me tell you people a little story that you people should know. When a man first joined the XWC.. He was nothing..Nothing but a cocky man that said one day he'd be the center of attention. His first match was with 2 men that didnt suceed in that match and were never saw from after. Many people thought this man was only going to last a week or two. the next match was against a skillful man named John Simmers. He lost the match but he showed people that he could one day be a big player. After a couple matches and wins later this man began to go no where. He never was booked in Championship matches even though he won nearly every match that was given to him. Well the man didnt give up.. he kept dreaming and day.."I'll be one of the top men in wrestling". But even he realised he couldn't complete his dream in XWC. The man joined an up and coming Federation that looked to wipe out any other federation in it's way. This man tried his best and he began to slowly rise..Soon he was one of the top seeds. But on July was officially the birth of the man... And for you dorkiknights that don't know already..that was me,your Hollywood Icon!! I worked my way to the top and now it's my job to stay there...

Christian gets off his couch and stands up. He walks over to his small private kitchen bar. Christian pours some wine in a glass and begins to speak again.

Christian Matthews: Right now I'm a marked man.. I have Austin Decrees, a man that is a total chumpstain that prolly never scored since he's too busy hanging with CorX and..Ohh I take that back..he probobly did score. Austin, you think you may be the best..but yourforgetting one thing.. I'm the North American Champion. And what that means is..right now I'm better than you. So go ahead and say all you want..but I have proof that I'm better..and it's right here.

All of the sudden you hear a car pull up and you hear rap music playing very loudly. Soon you hear the car shut off and you see Krook walk in the door with 2 woman. Krook walks over to the bar wear black baggy jean,a pair of Iverson's,and his new shirt that says "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY??!!"

Krook: Matthews,man..I brought "dinner" home if you know what I mean man.

One girl has blonde hair and is wearing a pair of high heel boots and a skirt,the other has brown hair and is wearing high heel,and a white T-shirt and jean shorts. The two girls laugh and giggle.

Christian Matthews: Damn, Krook I really did mean for you to get dinner..The cook is sick..

Krook gives Matthews a blank stare..

Krook: Alright....thats cool I'll be back from KFC..

Christian Matthews: Hold on!! I'm not eating that greasy shit from there!! Just forget it..

Krook: Ok man.. I'm going to go.

Christian Matthews: don't have to take the ladies home..

Krook: WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY!!??...No way in hell I'm taking back these honeys.. Me and the girls are going to go out and celebrate the return of Krook and how me and you are going to kick CorX's and Austin's ass!!.. Lets go ladies..

Krook and the girls walks away from the bar. You hear Krook begin to laugh as he escorts the ladies to his Porsche. Christian grins to himself..

Christian Matthews: Speaking of ass..Those girls have a fine piece of ACE!!

You hear the Porsche start up and peels off as the rap music beats through Krook's stereo system.

Christian Matthews: Now I want to talk about ATM. A man that says he was wrongfully accused.. Well let me just start of by saying,ATM we didn't kick you out simply because we thought you ran Krook over..No no no.. We kicked your ass out because you held the group back..But this is before I was in D.o.D.. I was too busy dominating the IWA and taking control of High Society. ATM, you were/are a joke. Your red curly hair makes me puke,your awful stench makes me want to commit suicide. ATM, your not going to be able to touch D.o.D without making a sacrifice with your body and if you wrestle'l just lose like you always do. Face it.. you couldn't beat me at Uprising and you will never be able to..And the same is said with my fellow stable mates.

Christian Matthews: Then another dorkchop would be Austin Decrees. Austin a person that wants to rip my title off my waist and claim it as their own. Well,Sir Assiknight I can honestly say that you are a complete moron. Yeah you can beat....Pariah..maybe. Austin, your just a man that is desperate for attention..but don't blame me that you never got hugged by your mom or your dad bursting the door down at midnight and do "naughty" things to you. Austin you'll be getting just a small sample of what will happed at Blood Bath..and that is me kicking your dorkus assious! Make all the alliances you want..but it's not going to stop my reign because I'm the greatest IWA North American Champion..because I'm the first.. And I will remain the only NA Champion! And on Tuesday and at Blood Bath I'll show you the meaning of Dead on Demand.

Christian Matthews: And last but certainly not least we have Crucifix, a man that I scouted very well..just in case some day we crossed paths. And soon that day may come. Sure, at one time he supassed my skills..but times change and time is in my favor. Speaking of time.."Fix" always says "When The Clock Strikes 5 You've Just Benn Crucified" well I got a saying for him "When The Clocks Strikes 3 You'll Be Crying after My Victory!". But thats if your even worthy enough to face me..Maybe the people you face will beat you..who knows.. And I really don't care because it doesnt matter. I will retain my title against anyone and anybody.

Suddenly you hear screaming from the basement. Christian runs over to the basement door and slowly walks down the long stairway. The basement is dark yet it's just like any other room in the house. It has carpet,it's furnished,and it has a big movie type theatre. You hear the scream going closer and closer. Finally Matthews sees what is happening.. He sees the butler screaming at a spider. You also see Night Stalker there..

Stalker: Damnit man tell your butler to shut up!!

Butler: S-s-spiders s-scare me..

Christian Matthews: Consider yourself a moron..

As Christian says that he steps on the spider and grins..

Christian Matthews: A preview of Revolution..not to mention Bloodbath..By the way what the hell are you guys doing in here anyways??

Stalker: I was just setting some things up just in case I want to do a promo in here..Everything was going fine until this pussy screamed his lungs out.

Christian then grows an even wider grin and the butler looks kind of offended.

Butler: I not a pussy!!!

Stalker then stands right in front of the butler. The butler back up..

Christian Matthews: Uhh...yeah you are..Now get up stares before Stalker and I beat your ass just for the fun of it..

The butler quickly runs upstairs as Stalker and Christian begins to laugh.

Stalker: It's good to have you back in D.o.D, it wasn't the same without you.

Christian Matthews: Damn right it wasn't!!

They exchange a blank stares all of the sudden they crack up and shake hands. (not hugging and kissing like Austin and CorX do). Soon Christian walks his way upstairs while Stalker continues his work. Christian returns upstairs and goes over to the living room. Christian sets his title down and lays down on the couch.

Christian Matthews: Tuesday me and Krook will show Austin and CorX who the superior alliance is..And soon everyone will fear the D.o.D.

Suddenly you hear Stalker yell from the basement..

Stalker: Like the matthews World order!!

You hear Stalker cracking up. Christian sighs as the camera fades to black.