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CBW's Halloween Show Oct.26th(SAT.)3:00pm:

The show gets off to a start with Mike Noland entering the ring to argue the fact that he shouldn't have to defend his title tonight. he also states he will come out on top as allways.

Just after Mike left the ring area Dustin Saylor came out to demand an Extreme Title shot. Mark Brown made his way to the ring and told Dustin that he would have a #1 continders match against a surprize wrestler latter tonight.

#1 continder's match for Exrteme Title:

Dustin Saylor vs. Kid Rage

Kid rage shocked everyone by steping back into CBW action including his oponent Dustin saylor. Rage hit Dustin with every thing in the book the leathal kicks the 666DDT and a big running Senton Bomb. Just as Rage was about to finish Dustin off with the Tragedy Twist Mark Brown ran in and hit Rage in the head with a kendo stick. Dustin hooked on his summision finish and Rage had nothing to do except tap out. Before Mark and Dustin could go to the back Rage grabed the Mike and told Dustin his Extreme Title match would be right now so Johnny-D made his way to the ring. Rage told Johnny-D he could make any match stipulation he wanted and Johnny-D declared a pumpkin match.

Extreme Title (PUMPKIN) Match:

Dustin Saylor vs. Johnny-D

A very tired and worn out Dustin Saylor was an easy victim for the massive man Johhny-D. Dustin gave it all he had but it wasn't enough for the power moves of Johnny-D and after Dustin got a pumpkin smashed on his head the 123 was easy.


Mike Noland vs. Morbid

The match was off to a slow start with Morbid getting the best of Mike. Then the 5 min time limit ran out and the lumber-jack's were allowed to enter the match and things started to really heat up. As soon as the entered Mike got visious payback for his comments made about the other CBW superstars at the begining of the show. Mike became the victim of stups from everyone followed by a Money Maker Moonsault, Frog Splash, Trash Compactor, and last a defestating Swonton Bomb of the ladder. It was an easy win for Morbid after that.

Tag Title (STREET FIGHT) match:

Eaztziddazz vs. Davis Dong & Viper

This match was one hell of a fight. Ca$h took the fight to the street and weapons were everywhere. During the action Dong missed a kendo shot to Ca$h and hit Viper his own partner. The match still continued for a while with many near pinfalls. Then the match came to high point when Dong was down and Viper made his way to the top looking to save his partner, but instead he desided to deliver his V.I.P. Splash on Dong then he left the ring area. Dong left unable to deffend himself was Powerbombed by Johnny-D then he got the Money Maker Moonsault. New Tag Champions were Crowned.