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YCW, now CBW, was started in 1993 as a group of young fans trying to do in their backyard what they had seen on TV. It started with only four guys only about 12 & 13 yrs. old. The first YCW matches looked a lot like street fights, but with some wrestling moves here and there. Through the years, word got around about the weekly contest. A lot of people came and went, but the truly dedicated wrestlers stayed.

In 1998 YCW had it's bigest show ever, "March Madness". It was a highly promoted show through our school and we ended up getting around thirty fans. Our ring area was surrounded with fence entangled in barbed wire. A lot of kids who thought we were a joke, had challenged some of our wrestlers at this show. There was blood. There was madness. But, when the dust had cleared, YCW had earned the respect from their fans and of those who had challenged them.

In 1999 they had grown to have over twenty wrestlers, ranging in age from 14-22, holding large shows on a monthly basis. Their name was known all around the Hagerstown Area. In 2000 the local news paper came to one of their larger shows, "Friday Misfortune". A picture from the main event was the largest article on the front page the next day.

In 2002 they have signed deals with the "Best of Backyard Wrestling" videos and will be appearing in vol.5 and/or vol.6. Shortly after, YCW owners decided that Young Championship Wrestling was growing up, so here they are today as Championship Backyard Wrestling.

8/17/03 was the very last ever CBW show. After 10 years of putting backyard shows on the owner desided that doing backyard shows was just getting to be a big frustration. These are his own words: " Yeah I know some people say what is so hard about putting on a backyard show...well to tell you the truth after ten years of setting up things, cleaning up things, contacting people, having people not show up, getting fans to come, allways wondering in the back of your head if someone is going to get hurt, making videos, keeping the site updated, no one in the fed. getting along, and not to mention the constant rants of my parents. I can say yeah it's a little hard to deal with some times and I have been dealing with it for ten years." Now the once talented roster is moving on from backyard wrestling to go into the world of pro more below.


Click on the media link and see the CBW Final Hours inrto video.. CBW says goodbye!!!


The Sept. after CBW shut down CBW stars Prime Time, Kid Rage, Nightmare, and Devan Dream started wrestling at the Five Star Wrestling Academy in Greencastle, PA. You can see these former CBW stars doing shows for Five Star Wrestling and other feds. in the MD, PA, WV, and VA areas.