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The show started out with the arival of Mike Noland. he made his way to the CBW arena in a Taxie. He had a few words on his mind about Viper his opponent for tonight. Then he declared something big was going to happen.

Match#1 Lightweight Title Match:

Viper vs. Mike Noland

Mike sufering from his injuries from Deadly Deed strugled to keep controle of the match. Just when it seemed Mike had the upper hand Devan Dream a past CBW/YCW wrestler ran in and hit Mike with a kend stick. After Devan Dream along side of Viper made the anounment that the West Coast Boyz are in town and he put out a warning to the Eaztzidazz.

Match#2 One Fall:

Cold Hard Ca$h vs. R.P.M

Intrestingly enough besides the fact that R.P.M. was wearing a plastic bag on his head inplace of the usual helmet. R.P.M. really got his act together and had his game face on. Ca$h put out some of his bigest and best moves but R.P.M. still came out with the win with the Crash and Burn.

Match#3 #1 Continder for Extreme Title:

Davis Dong vs. Mike Noland

the match went back and forth Mike hit the Canadian Coma but still Davis Dong managed to hit the Dong Driver and then he even used the post to apply leverage to his pin on Mike. After the Match Mark brown told Mike Noland that unless he started doing something to impress Mark Brown he would be fired.

Match#4 Grudge Match:

Kid Rage vs. Mark Brown

Before the match Rage anounced that since alot of the CBW titles were being replaced thanx to cheap skate Mark Brown. Rage was going to be a nice guy by giving Mark a special belt that only he deserves. The title was the CBW Asshole Champion.

The match started out with a cheep shot from Mark on Rage. Mark then ran around the ring untill Rage was able to catch him. Once Rage did he had his way with Mark Brown delivering the Trash Compactor then the Tragedy Twist. Mike somehow apeared ringside and told Rage to go to the top of the latter to finish Brown off with the High Time Splash. Just as Rage was about to jump Mike hit him with a kendo stick. Mike then continued the assult with a TKO and that left Rage easy pickings for Mark Brown as he delivered the Pink Slip for the win.

Match#5 CBW Title Match:

Johnny-D vs. Morbid

Both men gave it their all but it all came down to Johnny-D when he turned to his extreme tactics when he enitvertenly closelined the reff. Then he slamed Morbid on a ladder and took another ladder and laid it on top of Morbid and made aMorbid sandwitch. Johnny then woke up the reff to gain the pin fall making him CBW Champion. Unfortunitly for Johnny-D, Mark Brown was watch an ordered it be continues as a No DQ's match. Morbid gave everything he had he would't give up. It took a bag of flour some well placed kicks and some nice shots to the head with a ladder. In the end Morbid retained his title.