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Example Promo: Choice Promo




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It is a bright sunny day in Germany and the handsome figure of Joel Pitt, movie star and pro-wrestler walks out of the airport, bags in hand. He breathes in the crisp air and stands at the roadside, awaiting the arrival of an EWF courtesy car to come whisk him away to his hotel.

He puts his bags down and puts on his designer shades; a minor effort to hide his identity from the passers-by.

He looks round and spies a soda dispenser. He picks up his bags and puts them down before the dispensing machine. He puts a few marks in the machine, buying a can of Coca-Cola and as he bends down, he sees his reflection in the metal of the machine.

He frowns and takes out a comb from the back pocket of his jeans and begins ‘neaten’ his perfectly styled hair.

His grooming is interrupted by the ringing of a mobile phone, the tune of which appears to be ‘My Time’, the theme for the WWF Superstar Triple H. He takes the phone out from his jacket and presses a button, answering the call.

Joel: “Hi, Joel here. Fire away...”

Joel pauses whilst he listens to the voice on the other end of the phone.

“Oh, Estelle, Hi…yeah…fine. Give my love to Josie and thank her for getting me on that flight at the last minute, she’s a treasure.”

The voice says something.

“Yeah. Fine.” Joel continues to check his hair in the reflection of the can machine.

He looks around for the courtesy car: still no sign. “I left Las Vegas last night. Yeah, had some loose ends to tie up.”

He kicks his bags out of the way of the can machine. “The DiMarcos? Please, Estelle, you may be my agent but that doesn’t give you the right to bring them up.”

He listens for a moment. “Okay, you told me so, you told me so, you told me so. How many more times do we have to go over this? I made my decision to ally myself with them thinking that they were friends and that it’d help me make it in this wrestling business.”

A pause to listen. He smiles and pulls down his shades to get a better look at a passing blonde woman. She walks over to the can dispenser and buys a diet Pepsi. Joel takes the opportunity to get a good look at her as she bends down for the can, a wide grin on his face. “Hey! This wrestling thing was YOUR idea, Estelle. Don’t give me that crap. And next time you get something sent down for me, mark for it for the attention of Choice, I don’t want my Mountain Dew going missing because some delivery boy is looking for a Mr Pitt.” He says, suddenly drawn back to the conversation.

“I’m contracted now…you know…OBLIGATED. You made me sign the stupid thing. Said it’d be free advertising. Well…I don’t see the movie parts rolling in…”

The woman gets her can and opens it, closing her eyes as she, slowly, lingeringly, takes a deep, refreshing drink. She licks her lips after her drink and sighs slightly.

“Uh-huh…oh…well…you didn’t tell me that did you…okay…shoot…what you got for me?”

He listens for a moment, the woman next to him runs the cold can across her brow and down her neck, in an attempt to cool herself down.

“Hmmm…The lead in Godfather 2055? Where the mafia is infiltrated by killer robots from the future? This film going to be big?”

While Joel is on the phone the woman ‘accidently’ spills some of her diet Pepsi on her tight-fitting top. She gasps and puts the can in the bin and shortly afterwards, she takes off her top, stripping down to her bra.

“Senior Spielbergo? Didn’t he do that film…um…A Star is Burns? You know, for the millionaire Monty B? Hmmm…put me down for a maybe. If you can get the right money, I’ll do it.”

The woman uses her top to mop up the Pepsi spillage off her chest. Joel tries to keep one eye on her and one on the road, looking for the courtesy car which has still to arrive.

“The EWF? Oh…I’ve had an offer from someone but I don’t know whether to take it. It could lead to big things but I am reluctant to do anything after my dealings with the DiMarcos. I really don’t know to do.”

A black Mercedes E240 pulls up outside the airport, a man gets out of the car and Joel nods approvingly. “Gotta go Estelle. And thank Josie for the car, she knows how much I love the 240. Watch Danger Zone on Sunday, that’ll tell you what my decision is.”

The man walks over to Joel and asks, “Mr Choice?”. Joel nods. “Your keys.” He proffers him the Merc’s car keys which Joel takes with a grin. He takes his bags and loads up the car.

Joel gets in his car, starts her up and gives the engine some wild revs. He casts a glance over his shoulder and then tears out of the airport.

Oddly, the half-dressed woman has vanished.
