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CJ Roy

Name: C.J.Roy

Handler Name: C.J. Roy

Nickname: N/A

Height: 6'03"

Weight: 230 lbs.

Wrestler Age: 20

Handler Age: 15

Hometown: Prince George, BC, Canada

Alignment: Face

Entrance Music: Only For The Weak by In Flames

Wrestling Gear: trunks with flames at the bottom in all sorts of colors like Green, Black, blue, purple, gray, white, red...anything but Pink. The flame also is a diffrent color depending on what trunks. The also have CJ Roy written down the left pant leg and a cool coiling Dragon on the right.

.:Wrestling Style:.

High Flyer



Suplex Machine (ala Tazz, Benoit)

Experienced Boxer and Street Fighter


When In Flames "Only For The Weak" starts to play on the arena speakers, 3 massive Fireballs go off by the main entrance,when they stop, CJ Roy comes out from behind the curtain to cheering fans and then slaps hands with some fans on his way to the ring. He climbs his way up the stairs and then does what Jericho does on the side ropes, then climbs into the ring, and the gets on the turnbuckle and poses like Randy Orton.


GWA Cruiserweight Champion

Defeated Jason Hunter on a episode of GWA Chaos on October 18th 2004.

Looses the title to Tyrone Kidd in a 4 person Scaffold match also including P-Cool & Doug Crashin on GWA PPV Critical Mass on October 31st 2004.

GWA United States Champion

Defeated The Dawg in the GWA PPV "Genocide" on January 9th 2005 in a brutal and hellacious Dog Collar match.

Losses title to Scottie Wreck at GWA show Monday Night Chaos on Janiary 24th, 2005. Dawg Collar Match Here


1. Top Rope Leg Drop

2. German Suplex (sometime triples but in the rare occasion, even 4 can be hit!)

3. Eye Opener (Puts oponent in full nelson and uses foot to trip opponent so they fall on their face with CJ on top of them but before he hits CJ quickly puts his knee into their back)

4. End Game (When opponent's back is facing me, I put him/her into a Half Nelson, and then I pick the up and plant them into the ground face first.)

5. DDT (running or top rope)

6. Tornado DDT (running,top rope or ground)

7. Whirl Neckbreaker (F-U but with opponents neck hitting knee)

8. Spear (Top Rope as well)

9. Enzuguri (also running)

10. Dropkicks (ground running or top rope)

11. Flying Dragon (Shelton Benjamin's top rope clothesline)

12. 10 Punches on Turnbuckle

13. Vertical Suplex

13. Arm Bar

14. Arm Drag

15. Leg Lock

16. Dragon Sleeper

17. STF

18. Dragon Whip

19. Rear naked choke

20. Shining Wizard (turnbuckle, getting up from ground and off the top rope)

21. Belly to Belly Suplex

22. Northern Lights Suplex

23. CJ punches with his right, chops with his right again, punches with the left and then does a Spinning heel kick.

24. Trailer Hitch (Reverse Figure 4)

25. Dragon Whip (Shelton Benjamin's move)

.:Set Up:.

1. Tiger Driver- I put my opponent's head in between my knees like a Pedigree, hook the arms; then I pick them up like a powerbomb but dropping them on their head instead.

Usually used to set up both the Spin Cycle and the Dragon Lock

2.Suicide Dive- A Swanton Bomb but with a Leg Drop to the throat or back of head

Used after the German Suplexes like Chris Benoit

.:Finisher:. 1. Dragon's Rage- A very hard 180* Rock Bottom

Used Often like Angle's Angle Slam

2. Dragon Lock- When my opponent is on his stomach I put him into a One Legged Boston Crab but with a twist, there is also a very tight Anklelock in there as well. He can set it up like Chris Jericho sets up the Walls of Jericho except when opponent is flipped over CJ drops the other leg. He also does it if your unlucky enough to be laying on your stomach long enough, CJ has also pulled the manuver off after a sunset flip as well as other various manuvers.

Used Often like Angle's Anklelock