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On December 19th, CNS took on Fulton, for their first home match of the season, and were defeated, 48-3. This drops CNS to 2-2 on the season. The match started at 189 so thats why the matches are listed starting at 189.

189: Marcus Taormina (Fulton) dec. Mike Wagner 3-1
215: Harry Merritt (Fulton) dec. Greg Mills 10-4
103: Derrick Bartlett (Fulton) dec. Kyle Brisson 10-6
112: Bernie Hammond (Fulton) pinned Christopher Raulli in 4:44
119: Dillon Shue (Fulton) pinned Nick Lostumbo in 2:42
125: Josh LeVea (Fulton) dec. Danny Pauley 9-3
130: Ryan Brewer dec. Scott Drake (Fulton) 7-3
135: Ed Parkhurst (Fulton) dec. Matt Weber 4-2
140: William Hudson (Fulton) dec. David McLeod 4-0
145: Tyler Shue (Fulton) pinned Shawn Swartsfager in 3:19
152: Zach Bogardus (Fulton) pinned Adib Sarakby in 1:33
160: Mike Vant (Fulton) dec. Joe Dolson 9-3
171: Charlie Diefenbacher (Fulton) dec. Brett Welch 14-11