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Stacy Keibler The Leggy Blonde Bombshell

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.:.{Disclaimer}.:. This RP was written entirely by me, Miss Stacy Keibler aka Miss Courtney. If you have a problem with this RP and need to contact me send an e-mail here: Full credit for the layout of this RP goes to JJ A.K.A Jennifer so if you have any questions about the layout, contact her at ThaFNGame69. This role play has no affiliation with WWE. Also sorry to anyone who faced me and won... Because I'm still crappy at this lol but I'm getting better!.:.{End Disclaimer}.:.

Another day, another show. The location is Fleet Center in Boston,MA. The Center is filled to near capacity as it is rumored a well known, well liked Diva will arrive and make her debut tonight. The question on every male fans' mind is, which diva? The show gets underway with a few backstage promos along with some matches. Suddenly after a commercial break the massive TitonTron screen goes blank then backstage as a long black limo pulls up. A figure gets out in the shadows and we see a definante female body sillohutte with seeminly long legs, could it be? The crowd cheers as the femme walks in the shadows before slowly stepping out into the light, revealing herself. She smiles widely as she skips by everyone as the tech guys stare watching her from behind. The crowd goes crazy as Stacy turns to the camera and blows a kiss into the camera before giggling as the scene slowly goes to ringside.
.::Good Ol JR::. Jim Ross
Well folks we've already seen debuts from "The Road Dogg" Jesse James, that stuck up SOB Chris Jericho, the talented Rob Van Dam and the always popular People's Champion, THE ROCK!
.::Puppy Loving King::. Jerry Lawler
Yea yea Jim but the best debut BY FAR is going to be this debut of my favavorite kind of wrestler, DIVAS! And we just saw backstage arriving Stacy Keibler! Not only does she have those puppies but her looooong legs are always on my mind!
.::Good Ol JR::. Jim Ross
When aren't puppies or divas on your mind? I mean yes Stacy is a very attractive female but King, your just a LITTLE old for her. I'm sure she plans on managing a wrestler anyways.
.::Puppy Loving King::. Jerry Lawler
I am not too old for Stacy! What about Anna Nicole Smith and that one millionaire that died right after she married him? And I was a wrestler at one point but now I'm stuck sitting next to you.
.::Good Ol JR::. Jim Ross
Yes King we all know you would hold your own against today's superstars *voice filled with sarcasm* Well folks we'll be back
The scene fades out into commercials for Lugz, Stacker 2, Joe Millionaire, and vairous other products and shows.
The scene comes back from the commercials and we see a promo by none other then RaVen before we go back to ringside where the lights dim to a softer, pinkish hue. Then pyro begins to shoot off as we hear Christina Aguilera's "Dirrty" begin to play over the PA system. The crowd stands up on their feet, looking at the entrance to see which star with debut tonight. The camera zooms in on some signs reading "What about RaVen?" "Y2Jerk" "I LOVE ROAD DOGG" and a few others before zooming back on the star who has stepped out, revealing the person as Stacy Keibler! The crowd goes nuts as Stacy looks at the camera and giggles a bit before sautering down the ramp, slapping high fives with a few of the fans before walking up the steps. She looks at the crowd and grins as she puts one leg over the middle rope. The crowd goes nuts as she winks and bends under the upper rope and stands up, pulling her other leg in. She stands in the middle of the ring, one hand on her hip, the other held above her head.
The crowd goes crazy as Stacy turns to the other side and does the same thing before walking over to Lillian Garcia and getting the mike before standing against the turnbuckles, bring the mike to lips, she begins to speak.
[-Leggy Blonde Bombshell-] Stacy Keibler
Hey hey everyone! Don't adjust your televisions all you fans at home watching because you are seeing me, Stacy Keibler, here in the World Wrestling Organization.
Now this coming RAW, which happens to be our very first show, I have been put in a match against the two biggest bimbos in this business! Yes folks I am talking about Trash Stratus and the biggest drag queen in the business today, Torrie Wilson! I mean someone of my caliber and looks facing these two!? Its a disgrace to me. I'd rather be competeting against people who are actually a good wrestler. These two prance around calling themselves a diva and acting like their hot stuff but we all know the truth. I mean first off Trish Stratus is nothing but a slut who goes around sleeping with any guy. And Torrie, she thinks she is sooo beautiful, if you like the plastic drag queen look. Come on Torrie, you know it and I know it, you were born a hermaphrodite! Don't deny it, you told me back when we used to be friend.
Trish Stratus..Little Miss Priss. You can try and make me scared of you but all that scares me is your face. Your so damn full of plastic you can't go swimming cause all you do is float! Trish your a nothing to mean! Your useless in this federation, well unless the guys want a {BEEP} Thats right Trish, I've heard your nickname from a lot of people backstage. No one respects you for what you do. Well at least I never have and never will respect you because your simply a slut. You give the word "diva" a bad name, in fact you give all female wrestlers a bad name! I come in here and work my butt off to show little girls that look up to us how you should act but then you just waltz in and strut around with your boobs sticking out like your hot stuff but you can't even wrestle and when the little girls look at you, they think thats how they are supposed to act and this world wonders why our little children are dressing like sluts. Its because of people like you TRISH! I hope to God you never have a child, you Trish are digusting to me! I almost feel sorry that you have to sleep with every guy to make yourself seem pretty but then I realized its not my fault your a Canadian whore!
And Torrie Wilson from IDAHO! Well I'm sure when you said Idaho, you didn't mean the state, you ment yourself! Oh man I crack myself up. Yea anyways Torrie you my dear are simply well a slut. Your not even a wrestler, you should pack your bags and hide behind some dumb azz guy who can't even fight, like you always do. You put the meaning of dumb blonde to work, I mean you think two plus two is twenty-two! Come on we all know its four. And weren't you like really fat as a kid? *laughs and shifts the mike to her other hand* Thats right, you were like aneroxic cause some modeling company said you were fat. Well honey you still haven't lost any of that baby fat because you still a chunky piece of white trash! So go and crawl back under the rock you came from, oh wait your daddy might not like you trying to get up his butt! Torrie, Trish you two plastic clones better watch out because when I use my long legs and be the bombshell I am, you two will be over and I will reign supreme!
Stacy smiles and throws the mike to Lillian before blowing a kiss into the camera. She exits the ring and goes backstage, slapping high fives with the fans before going behind the curtain as the show goes into another promo.
We go backstage to where we see RaVen walking towards the parking lot when Stacy comes around the corner and runs into him. She aplogizes before smiling at him.
[-Leggy Blonde Bombshell-] Stacy Keibler
Oh hey Raven..Whats up? God I can't believe how sueprfical Torrie Wilson and Trish Stratus are. Their not real, like me. Or like you. They live sheltered lives, never seeing what outsiders feel like. Their the kind of girls I hated and always will hate, the stuck up plasticated Barbie doll wanna bes. You Raven, you are somewhat similar to me, we're different, and those two, those two are unoriginal and just plain weird.