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#61 Rolling Reverse Frankensteiner
#62 Breaker Chain Animation
#63 Sidewalk Slam onto Chair
#64 Powerbomb off Ring Through Table
#65 Frankensteiner off Top Rope
#66 Best of the Best Tournament - Round 1
#67 Hiptoss to Submission
#68 Best of the Best Tournament - Round 2
#69 Best of the Best Tournament - Round 3
#70 Reverse Frankensteiner Through the Ring
#71 Reverse Powerbomb Reversed into Reverse Rana
#72 Flip over Choke Lyger Bomb
#73 Powerbomb to Pancake
#74 Kung fu type chain ani
#75 Backflip to Frankensteiner
#76 Pump Handle Powerbomb