June 30th, 2002 | 8:00 pm EST | Workers' Stadium | Beijing, China

(Piano chords eerily fade in the background... "Only The Strong", the piano version by Flaw starts to play. Blue swirls over the screen, fading darker and lighter. In the background, shots play...)

What makes you think that
it'll all work out in the end?
Afraid to feel bad - better off
to try and pretend
I'm immortal, immune to all that is wrong.
Just keep on wishing...
crossing my fingers so long.

(La Envidia Mata meets Prime Tyme face to face as the two send blows back and forth, the ref climbs down the hill with the World title in his hand! La Envidia Mata is losing footing and falls onto the street a speeding car swerves out of the way and crashes into the opposite guard rail! More cars are coming and Prime Tyme comes out onto the street and punches La Envidia Mata! La Envidia Mata blocks one and goes for one of his own but Prime Tyme blocks it and grabs him by the hair and pulls him into the lane of on-coming traffic! La Envidia Mata flys onto a hood of a cab and smashes into the windshield! The car flys out of control and fishtails on the street and comes to a complete stop!)

Is this helping? I'm growing
weaker each day. Can't stop whining,
still afraid of what I might say.
Your reactions, that control us one and all...

(Craig Tycoon takes a wild swing at Fleshrender, but he in turn ducks the shot and lifts Tycoon into a crucifix position. He gets a running start a tosses Tycoon out of the ring with a crucifix powerbomb. Tycoon goes flying into Kevin CA$H and Tyrone Rahl! All three men hit the mat hard.)

It's mine, it's pure and
as decent as I can make myself
inside, we all know...

(Dynamite Newton shoves Or Da Raie away, backing him against a glass window. A split second later he rushes at him, spearing Or Da Raie and both of them go THROUGH the window, shattering it into pieces. Shards of broken glass now litter the floor, with both men bleeding from cuts in their forehead. Suddenly, shots from all the past matches flash up in succession, rapidly and almost too fast to make out what is happening... suddenly, it all stops, as the block white letters "CR" pound onto the black screen... The shot then cuts to the announce table where you see Joey Playa and Chris Cross.)

Chain Reaction

Joey Playa: WELCOME TO CHAIN REACTION! I'm Joey Playa: Alongside -

Chris Cross: Alongside Chris "With all the ladies begging for more, now they just check their pants at my door" Cross!!

Joey Playa: Tonight is our very first show in China! And it should be huge!

Chris Cross: Are you kidding me?!? Huge?!? It's going to be more then just huge! It's going to be.. umm.. really big!

Joey Playa: Oh like that's better then huge... dumba$$. Anyway let's get this started...

(Scene opens up showing the home of Chain Reaction, the Beijing CHinese arena! Various CWF superstars arriving for the big show tonight. Grim Reaper's and Lawrence Donavey's steeping from their limousines, being "attacked" by press and news reporters... Thousands of press and fans have gathered to get a glimpse of their heroes. A huge 32 window stretch Limo pulls up and the red carpet is rolled out fo who's inside... A huge gasp comes upon the fans on hand, and the flickering from the Polaroid's and newspaper cams begin to flash. Paul Duffy former CWF World Champion, and Brandon Justice, 2 time World Champion. Both men step out from the vehicle, and address the fans. A small reporter approaches Paul.)

Reporter: Umm.. Mr. Duffy, yourself and Brandon have been nominated for the Pay Per View press conference in 10 minutes. Do you wish to put on the list, you have to come up with a speech for the press?

Paul Duffy: Yeah sure why not! I got a speech!

(Twisted Steel, Brandon carrying his Intercontinental Championship, Paul posing for the cameras all round. Entering the arena Paul heads straight for a staged podium, where the press conference is being held. The ovation is massive, and the pops the team are receiving are outstanding, thousands on hand Paul passes by a few reporters asking various "asked before" questions. Paul steps up on stage and receives a massive ovation from the crowd.)

Paul Duffy: Hey all. Okay look, I've been told I have to stand here and say some dumbass speech, but umm.. Eh Eh, im off out to the ring, so whomever's wrastlin in a warm up match I suggest the get the hell out!

(Scene cuts to the inside of the arena, where it is already jam packed with fans all round. All of a sudden Ill Nino hits the PA System playing "Predisposed," The fans react in a respectful way, with a few boos here and there, Brandon was shown heading for the locker room, but appears on stage with Paul too. The pyro going off and the Music blaring as loud as ever, Twisted Steel make their way to ringside. Entering the ring, both threw the ropes, they pose around for a little bit before Paul grabs a mic.)

Paul Duffy: Well, jeez! It's been a long while since I've been out here on a warm up show. But umm, I got a few things I need to say, so umm, first of Brandon thanks for chumming be out here man. Appreciated, and now to the point. Tonight in less than 4 to 5 hours, myself and 4 others step in this very ring, in front of the eyes of you all. Each and every one of you, are going to witness the most historic match in the CWF's life! Over the past couple of weeks, it seems to be the talk of not only the CWF, but the wrestling world! Now umm, as I set foot in this ring, at this current moment in time, it feels nothing but great, not only because of the respect you people are giving myself and Brandon, but because I finally get a chance to feel what it's like to set foot in the very ring I KNOW I'll leave the champion, you see tonight I know for a fact that I'll deliver some ass kicking tonight, I know for a fact that I'll do that. But too get too cocky and say im leaving and winning back my title, well that just aint me.

(A bit of laughter comes upon the crowd after Paul tells a "lie".)

Paul Duffy: Well, hold up YEAH IT IS!! and Yeah I will!! Hah, you see, incase you aint informed, or aint too sure about the rules, let me just run them by you, you see there are 5 men, numbers 1 to 5, for all ya'll dumbasses. Competitor 1 will take on 2, the winner of the men will immediately take on number 3, and then forth. The man at the end even numbers 5 to 1 will be declared the winner. Now I bet your thinking lucky number 5, gets to pick up the pieces of what's been done, well Eh Eh, I've been told im number ... well, lets just say which it has it's good and it's bad points, I won't let ya'll know for now, but you'll find out soon enough. But whomever makes it to meet me... And believe me I'll go threw anyone and everyone when it comes to getting my title back. But the fact of the matter is, it don't really matter what number you are, especially number 5, cause it all comes down to how bad you want the to be, the best, and trust me once you've been there, you so want it again, it becomes part of your life, it becomes part of you appetite, you Need, to get it back, you need to once again become champion, not just because you look good carrying around 15lbs worth of gold with your name on it, Oh no, but because you wear it with pride, and because you show people whos the boss, and you show people who's the best in the business, by wearing the Heavyweight Championship declares you as the very best! Now I do not give a sh!t, if im out here and your booing me, chanting my name or calling me an A$$hole, because the fact of the matter is this. I am the very best in the business, I am the very best the CWF has to offer, and I will prove to you all, that I am just that, by winning the CWF title tonight, and once again becoming the World Heavyweight Champion.

(A mixed reaction come upon the crowd as a show of respect.)

Paul Duffy: You either love me or you hate me. I really couldn't give a damn, because at this precise moment, I am all focused on the title, I am 110% on target for the championship tonight, entering to you all, as an anonymous entrant, I will come out here, I will break someone down, I will take the belt, I will walk out, and I will go home a very proud and ever so respected man. So as much as you are all ready for the event tonight, get even more siked up. As much as I am preaching you all right here, I know most of you are a bit excited or two to see myself and my partner out here. But look here, you've all known Paul Duffy for over a year now, you've all seen my high points and you've seen my low points. You've seen me come you've seen me go, but dig this, I am here to stay and forever will be, you see what I intend on doing tonight is not only proving all the disbelieves wrong, but I intend on showing you all a different side of Paul Duffy, I intend on showing you a more feared Paul Duffy, a more, well as hard as it is to believe. Tonight im going to take more risks that EVER BEFORE!!!

(The crowd react in massive cheers after hearing what lies ahead of them.)

Paul Duffy: So I aint got much more to say, as far as my opponents are concerned well, they know what I got in store for them, but now atleast it's off my chest, my strategic form, and my feelings towards the biggest event to ever hit Beijing! Ladies & Gentlemen!! ARE YOU READY FOR CHAIN REACTION!?!?!?!

Crowd: YEAH!!!!!!!!

Paul Duffy: Maybe you didn't hear me, I asked ya'll a question, this is CWF's at it's best and Beijing is da Place to be, Beijing ARE YOU READY?!?!?!

Crowd: YEAH!!!!

Paul Duffy: Well, with that in mind, as part of the CWF... LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEE!!!!!

("Predisposed" By Ill Nino begin to play, as Twisted Steel pose in the ring, to a massive pop from the crowd, they leave the ring, as the Pay per View is counted in to air across the World...)

(The camera fades from ringside to Gary Auger. Gary is walking through the hallway and he makes it to a locker room with the Canadian Flag on it. Gary notices the door is a crack open, so he's pushes the door fully open and sees Canadian Perfect Chris Wrestling sitting down getting ready for his match.)

Gary: Excuse me, Chris but can I get a few words with you?

Canadian Perfect: Sure, what's on your mind... ?

Gary: Well I and the many CWF fans would like to know why you think you're the real Canadian Icon and your feelings towards your opponents.

Canadian Perfect: As we all know I am the only REAL Canadian here in the CWF, who is also perfect. I represent Canada more then Clark or Stroker do. I've already been in a match with Stroker and last I remember he almost became roadkill courteous of me and my car. And as far as Eric Clark goes... he's just a want to be Canadian trying to make a name for himself. And if he gets in my way, he will feel the pain of the Canadian Shooter. Is that all Gary?

Gary: Well I'd also like to ask you about...

(Before Gary could finish Rich Stroker burst's into Canadian Perfects locker room.)

Rich Stroker: I heard your big mouth in the hallway Chris, and I just came in to tell you that tonight's match won't be a repeat of our last meeting. We both hail from Calgary Alberta Canada, and only one of us will go back with the pride an honor of carrying the name of the Canadian Icon, and it sure as hell won't be you it will be...

(Before Stroker could finish Eric Clark walks in the doorway.)

Eric Clark: ME! I will be the one with to carry the name of the Canadian Icon! I might not be from Calgary Alberta, but I am from the best city in Canada... Toronto Ontario Canada! I am "The One" Eric Clark and soon I will be known as "The One Canadian Icon" Eric Clark! And both of you will feel the silencer and YOU both will be silenced!

Canadian Perfect: Say what you will, but both of you will find out why I am the sole Canadian Icon and why I am THE perfect Canadian!

Rich Stroker: I love your imagination... both of you... you both will simply be the next two contestants on the Stroke-a-thon!

(All three men form a circle and begin yelling back and forth. Gary runs out of the room and back into the hallway. Then all of a sudden all three men begin punching and tackling each other around the room. Stroker throws Eric into the wall and then nails him in the mouth. Canadian Perfect then picks up a lamp and smashes it over Stroker's head.)

Canadian Perfect: I'm the only REAL Canadian in the CWF and in just little while I'll show you both why I am the Canadian Icon!

(Canadian Perfect then walks out the room as Clark and Stroker lye on the floor.)

Boiler Room Brawl Match for the CWF Xtreme Title
Grapevine v. Lawrence Donavey v. Johnny Blood

(As the broadcast cuts to the dimly lit boiler room, all three competitors are looking around, each in a separate place in the boiler room. Lawrence Donavey is sitting on top of a metal barrel, staring at Johnny Blood, who is crouched over by the open door. Grapevine is sitting on the cold, hard cement, his head turning back and forth as he keeps an eye on Blood and Donavey.)

Chris Cross: What's going on? Is this a staring contest?

Joey Playa: In case you didn't notice the match hasn't even started yet, the door is still open.

(The door slams and all three men rush for it. Blood is first at the door, and grabs the handle right as Donavey and Grapevine crash into him. They both toss Blood backward onto the concrete and exchange right hands.)

Chris Cross: Here we go!

(While Donavey and Grapevine continue to trade punches, Blood locates an iron rod. He grabs the weapon and charges at Donavey and Grapevine, smashing them both on the back with the hard metal. Donavey and Grapevine go down in a heap, each grabbing his back. Blood focuses on Donavey, rapidly punching him in the face. Donavey does his best to block the shots with his hands, but it isn't working very well. Finally he is able to push Blood back off of him and get back to his feet. Blood charges at Donavey, but is hit with a punch to the gut. He staggers backward, sucking for air. Grapevine comes from behind Donavey and nails him with a forearm. He picks up Donavey and rams him hard into the wall.)

Chris Cross: Ohhh, so that's what it means when an athlete "hits the wall."

(Donavey's forehead is split open after making contact with the wall and he dabs the area with his fingers, noticing the blood. Blood scampers toward the door, crawling on his hands and knees. Grapevine grabs his legs and drags him backward into the center of the boiler room.)

Joey Playa: Not so fast!

(Donavey feels for something inside his boot and pulls out a set of handcuffs.)

Chris Cross: Kinky!

(He wraps the cuffs around his fist while he approaches Grapevine, who has Blood in a sleeper hold. Donavey gives Grapevine a shot to the kidneys with the cuffs and follows that with a shot to the back of the head. Donavey picks up Blood, who is noticeably dazed after the sleeper hold. He walks Blood over near a large pyramid of barrels. Instead of facing the barrels, Donavey turns his back to them and sets up to powerbomb Johnny Blood.)

Joey Playa: J Blood is in a bad way Chris!

Chris Cross: He's going to splatter on the concrete!

(Donavey thrusts upward, lifting Blood up, but instead of slamming him down for the powerbomb Donavey let's go of Blood. Blood flies over Donavey's head and crashes into the metal barrels!)

Chris Cross: Sweet mother of Patrick!

Joey Playa: How? How!?!?

(Grapevine stares on in amazement from the other side of the room, as Blood lays motionless. Donavey slowly turns around and stares at Grapevine. Grapevine motions for Donavey to "bring it." He's hiding the handcuffs Donavey used on him behind his back. Enraged, Donavey charges at Grapevine, setting up for a spear. Donavey is met with a hard, left hand full of handcuff. He hits the concrete like he was shot.)

Chris Cross: KO! KO!

Joey Playa: Donavey is pulling a Tyson!

(Grapevine rubs his boot across Donavey's face as blood pours heavily from Donavey's forehead. In the background, J Blood can be seen moving legs.)

Joey Playa: Johnny Blood is moving I can't believe it!

Chris Cross: Maybe he's a vampire...

(Seeing that Donavey is down and bleeding, Grapevine confidently saunters toward the door. Right at the door, he looks back to make sure Donavey is still down. No movement from Donavey. Grapevine smiles, but right as he touches the door handle he is annihilated by a flying clothesline from the suddenly reappearing Blood! Blood grabs the handcuffs from Grapevine's hand and looks around. He sees a steel ladder, fastened to one of the walls. Snapping one handcuff on Grapevine's right hand, Blood walks the stunned Grapevine over to the ladder and locks the other side of the handcuff on the ladder.)

Chris Cross: Brilliant work by Johnny Blood! Grapevine is more or less out of this match!

(Blood stomps away at the handcuffed Grapevine. He backs off a little bit and then charges at Grapevine, nailing him and the nose and mouth with a knee. Grapevine coughs as blood splashes from his mouth. His nose is now crooked and bloody.)

Joey Playa: Grapevine is going to need some serious facial work after this, I think his nose is broken Chris!

Chris Cross: I don't even think his own mother could recognize his face right now!

(Donavey is now back to his feet, stumbling around. Blood spits on Grapevine and turns around, catching Donavey's boot in his gut. Donavey quickly hits Blood with an implant DDT, bouncing his head off the hard concrete. Blood rubs the top of his head, ending up with a crimson-coated hand.)

Joey Playa: Everyone is busted open!

(Donavey begins to work on the legs of Blood, kicking at them vigorously. He picks up Blood's right leg and slams it hard onto the concrete and repeats this one more time. He does the same thing with the left leg as Blood cries out in pain. Blood rolls away from Donavey and struggles to his feet. Donavey grabs the iron rod that was used earlier in the match and cracks it across both of Blood's knees, bending the rod. Donavey rubs his bleeding wound again and curses to himself. He kicks at Blood, flipping him over onto his back. Donavey takes Blood's arms and lifts them up perpendicular to his body. He grabs Blood's legs, and brings them up to the arms, and then flips over the legs into a bridge, focusing all his weight over the opponents body, and putting all the stress on Blood's limbs. Grapevine comes to and finally realizes he is handcuffed to a ladder. He tugs and tugs at the cuffs, trying to break them.)

Chris Cross: He's not supposed to bend like that! Ewwwww... .

Joey Playa: It's the English Tea!

(Blood cries out in pain and tries to get out of the hold, but he has no leverage. After about 20 seconds of this extremely painful submission, Donavey breaks the hold. J Blood grabs at his legs as he cries out in pain.)

Joey Playa: This is sick, plain sick, I don't think Blood can walk.

Chris Cross: Go for the door!

(With Grapevine handcuffed and struggling, and Blood unable to walk, Donavey heads toward the door. Grapevine cusses at Donavey as he turns the handle. Donavey casually walks out the door and shuts it behind him.)

Joey Playa: Lawrence Donavey is the new Xtreme Champion!

Chris Cross: He should be the Ultra-Super-Hardcore Xtreme Champion, he punished, and I mean PUNISHED Blood and Grapevine.

(Amber and Salene sit in there dressing room, getting ready for their match, the two of them have pretty confident looks on there faces as they start to talk to one another.)

Amber: You're sure you're feeling up to this tonight, right?

Salene: Feeling better then ever! Nothing could go wrong tonight. We are about to become three time Tag Team Champions.

(Amber smirks, pulling a hair brush out of the make-up case in front of her. Brushing her hair up into a ponytail. Showing of a tattoo of a purple rose surrounded by flames.)

Salene: When did you get that?

Amber: A little bit after the first time we won, I wanted to wait awhile till I showed it to you. I was thinking you could get one just like it.

(Salene smiles and then tilts her head to the side.)

Salene: You're not gonna make me get that and then toss me to the side weeks later are you?

Amber [gasping]: Me? Do something like that? Salene you know I am better then that. Hell, I might be a b!tch, but not to you, well not to you when you don't deserve it.

(The two girls laugh at there little joke as the camera fades to ringside.)

Joey Playa: Well it's time for the match that all Canadians have been waiting for. The match that will determine the one true Canadian Icon!

Chris Cross: Hey Joey, how do you know you're from Canada?

Joey Playa: How...

Chris Cross: If all you do is watch hockey, drink bitter beer, eat bacon bits as breakfast, lunch, and dinner and drink syrup straight from the bottle. HAHAHA!

Joey Playa: Sure Chris... I'm sorry for all you Canadian fans that had to endure that idiotic joke.

Chris Cross: STUPID!? HAHAHA.

Joey Playa: Yea, what you just said only made you look more of an @$$ then you already are!

Triple Threat Canadian Icon Match
Canadian Perfect v. Eric Clark v. Rich Stroker

(Chris and Joey begin to bicker back and forth as "Time to Play the Game" by Motor Head hits the sound system as the lights begin to flash red and white. Canadian Perfect steps through the curtains carrying a Canadian Flag and his Lightweight Title. The red and white lights flash on him as he walks down the ramp to the ring with the flag. He then hands the flag to someone ringside as his music stops.)

Joey Playa: Canadian Perfect has really been on top of his game as of late.

("Rivals School" by Used for Glue hits the sound system and Stroker walks through the curtains and onto the stage with a Canadian flag draped over his back and over his shoulders. He walks down the ramp as a spotlight follows him. He raises the flag as he stands on the steel steps and then kiss's it and throws it into the crowd, and all of the Chinese fans fight for it around the twelfth row.)

Chris Cross: Candain Perfect is truly going to kick Rich's and Eric's a$$ with ease...

("Oh Canada" blasts through the sound system and Eric Clark walks out on stage wearing a Canadian Pride shirt. He stands at the top of the ramp and pulls the shirt off and flings it into the crowd. He then looks up to the sky closes his eyes and then looks at the ring, and then charges down the ramp and slides into the ring as his music fades away. The referee calls for the bell and the match is on.)

Joey Playa: Here we go... this will determine the man who is tough enough to carry the name of the Canadian Icon.

Chris Cross: Joey... like them Calgary Flame... ehh... HAHAHA!

Joey Playa: I'm glad you find your self amusing... because no one else doe's.

(Eric Clark and Rich Stroker both begin to double-team Canadian Perfect. Both Clark and Stroker attempt to double suplex Perfect, but he blocks it and hits a DDT on each man at the same time. Perfect then rolls to his stomach and pushes him self-up. Perfect drags Clark over and picks Stroker up. Perfect pushes him in the corner and begins to jab him in the chest. He then walks over to Clark and he lifts him up by his neck and hits an old school neckbreaker. He then turns around and begins walking back to Stroker. Stroker pushes him self out of the corner runs at Perfect slides under his legs and then low blows him. Stroker then wraps his arms around Perfects waist. But from behind Clark rolls up and then pushes him self up off the mat and wraps his arms around Stroker. Stroker then delivers a German suplex to Perfect as Clark German suplex's Stroker at the same time. Stroker and Perfect both go flying as Clark holds on to Stroker and try's to get a pin fall.)

Ref: 1.... 2... KICKOUT!

Joey Playa: Wow! I've never seen that before, a man giving a German suplex, GETTING German suplexed at the same time!

(Clark then gets up but as he does Canadian Perfect knocks him right back down with a power closeline. Perfect then picks Clark up and throws him to the ropes and as he bounces back, Stroker on the floor, kicks Perfect in back on the knee causing him to tumble down, and as he doe's this Clark trips over Perfect and Clark's entire body lands on Perfects face. Clark then rolls off of his face and trys to get up as Perfect rolls around holding his nose. Stroker gets up and goes over to Clark and picks him up, but as he does Clark back kicks Stroker striking him right between the legs, he then follows it up with a snap mare. He then goes to Stroker's legs and locks on an elevated crab. Meanwhile Perfect is pulling him self up on the ropes, and as he stands up it is clearly seen that blood is pouring from his nostrils.)

Joey Playa: I wonder if he broke his nose.

(Perfect then sees Stroker fighting the elevated crab, so Perfect pushes off the ropes and runs towards them and flips over Clark griping his neck on the way down snapping it. Clark then falls over holding his neck as Stroker crawls a little bit tying to catch a breather. Perfect meanwhile picks Clark up backs up a little bit and connects with a super kick to his jaw. He then looks at the crowd and raises his arms up high. Then from behind Stroker drop-kicks Perfect, sending him over the top rope and onto the floor. Stroker then turns around and picks up Clark, as he does Clark hooks Stroker's arm and then delivers a firemans carry. Clark then pulls him self up on the ropes, and rests on the turnbuckle as Stroker begins to get up. As Stroker is getting up Clark elbows Stroker in back of the neck and then hits The Silencer, his version of the swinging neck breaker. He then goes for the cover.)

Ref: 1.... 2.... Thre-

Joey Playa: Damnit! Eric Clark had that won!

(Right as the Referee was going to hit the mat for a three, Canadian Perfect who was on the outside, pulled the Referees leg breaking the count. The Referee then jumps up and begins yelling at Perfect, then all of a sudden Clark runs and trys to connect with a base ball slide, but Perfect dodged it and pulled Clark to the outside. Clark goes for a punch but Perfect once again dodges but this time countering it by spewing red mist into Clarks eyes.)

Chris Cross: HAHAHA... Perfect wants to be the Canadian Icon by all means necessary.

(As Clark is rubbing his eyes, Perfect kicks him in the gut and then connects with the Perfect Move. He then slides into the ring, only to be greeted by a big boot from Stroker. Stroker looks down at Clark and smiles and then turns around and picks Perfect up and then flings him over his head attempting an Alaba... err.. Canadian Slam, but as he goes to slam Perfect, he counters it and flips over Stroker landing a sun set flip. The Referee goes down for the count, but Perfect stands up and grips Stroker's legs and locks in the Perfect Shooter. And the Referee begins to ask Stroker if he submits, and Stroker then taps out.)

Joey Playa: Well... Canadian Perfect is now the only Canadian Icon here in the CWF.

(Canadian Perfect signals a ring attendant for something and the ring attendant pulls something out from under the ring and it's the Canadian flag, and he hands it to Canadian Perfect. "Time to Play the Game" hits the sound system as Canadian Perfect marches around the ring waving the Canadian flag around. Then all of a sudden the lights go out and the crowd becomes silent. Then all of a sudden "Break the Walls Down" blares throughout Workers' Stadium and the crowd begins to go wild.)

Joey Playa: IT CAN'T BE!

Chris Cross: NO... IT ISN'T!

(Then all of a sudden a spotlight hits the stage and a figure stands there with his arms out. He is wearing some sort of toga with the words God of Wrestling on the back in a shiny gold color. Then all of a sudden words shoot out of the sound system.)


(Then the figure turns around and its La Envidia Mata!)


Chris Cross: I DON'T BELIEVE IT!

(Canadian Perfect jumps out of the ring and walks up the ramp. Mata and him embrace as the fans cheer. Mata drop's the mic. as "Break the Walls Down" hits the sound system again.)

(The camera fades over to Lisa Dunn who is walking down a hallway when she stumbles by Evil Arrogance, SeVen and Jeremy Diaz. She then turns and looks at them.)

Lisa: Hi, I'm Lisa Dunn the CWF Female Correspondent. I just wanted to know what is on your mind tonight, as you debut here in the CWF.

(Jeremy screw's the cap on his Pepsi as he answers Lisa.)

Jeremy: Hey mamacita, tonight me and mah homie SeVen take on these two perras and the CWF tag-team champion's, the Ca$h Brothers. The stipulation has yet to be decided... but I can tell you this mamacita, any type of match it is your sure to see Evil Arrogance walk out with the tag-titles around our waist! Tell dem homes...

(The camera switches over to SeVen as he stares into the camera.)

SeVen: Tonight we will make those two bitc*hes cry and those two rich pric*'s bleed! This is our first match here in the CWF, and after our first match tonight... we will become the NEW CWF Tag-Team champions! The Ca$h Brothers choose not to say anything, and those two sl*t's choose not to speak about us. So tonight we're going to show them how we feel about them, not by words... but by our actions of inflicting pain upon them!

Jeremy: Yea homes! Yea!

(Evil Arrogance then walk away as Lisa stands there looking into the camera shrugging her shoulders.)

(All of a sudden, the lights in the arena go black, with the exception of the hundreds of camera flashes.)

Joey Playa: Dammit, did they forget to pay the electric bill again!?

Chris Cross: I'd bet that somebody's about to make their appearance. Dim the lights, show up in the middle of the ring . . . it's the oldest trick in the book.

Joey Playa: I knew that. I was uh . . . just testing you. Yeah!

(While everybody stops to see what happens next, "Toxic" by Crazytown starts to play in the arena as orange lights pulsate through the crowds. The fans immediately jump on their feet and cheer as loud as possible.)

Joey Playa: Wait a minute, isn't that . . . ?

Chris Cross: It is!

Joey Playa: Is it?

Chris Cross: It is! It is!

(After the song hits a climax, Fury struts his way out from the back and onto the enterence ramp. He stands at the angle, and pumps his hands in the air signaling for more applause. The fans respond and start to cheer "FURY! FURY!" Fury gives a bit of a smile and laugh, waves a little bit to the crowd, and then the music dies out as the lights come back on. Fury pulls a mic from his back pocket and aims it toward his face.)

Fury: Now hold on just a damn minute. That's all the jubilation I get after walking out here? You can do better than that. Beijing, China, lemme hear your voices!!!!

(Again, the fans respond with an array of cheers and chants. Fury just stands back and soaks it all up.)

Fury: Ha ha ha ha ha, that's what I like to hear... Anyway I'm out here for one reason and one reaso...

(All of the sudden, someone from the backstage nails Fury in the back of the head with a steel chair! The thud could be heard from miles away. The man picks Fury up and begins to pound on him again. He then bodyslams him hard on the cold steel ramp. He then holds his arms out as Fury screams in pain! He then picks Fury up and pushes him towards the edge of the ramp but Fury stops in time. But before Fury can turn back around the man is already running towards him and bulldogs him off the edge of the ramp onto and through a table filled with wires. The two mens bodies are all tangled up in the wires but the man managed to get to his feet almost right way. But you can see the gash on his arm has started to bleed again. He looks at Fury with disgust and walks to the back with the fans booing him all the way. Fury is tring to pull himself to his feet as the camera cuts back to the ring.)

Chris Cross: Moving on!

Joey Playa: You are one cold blooded man, Chris.

Chris Cross: Why? What I do this time?

Joey Playa: Ay... nevermind... Anyway Our next match is really going to keep us on the edge of our seats. We have just found out that this match is going to be a TLC Match!

Chris Cross: Man! I Love TLC Matches...

Triple Threat TLC Tag Team Match for the CWF Tag Team Titles
All Girlz v. Evil Arrogance v. CA$H Bros.

("My Way" by Limp Bizkit hits the sound system and everyone in Workers' Stadium gets on their feet and begins to cheer loud as Amber and Salene burst through the smoke of the entry way. They both run down the ramp and slide into the ring, Salene jumps on the lower left turnbuckle as Amber jumps onto the upper right turnbuckle.)

Chris Cross: Remember when they destroyed the Thunders!? Hahahaha...

(All of a sudden SeVen and Jeremy Diaz hop over the guardrail and both pick up chairs and slide into the ring, and just as they're about to hit All Girlz, the lights dim... "Here comes the money" by Limp Bizkit hits the sound system and the crowd boos like crazy. Johnny and Kevin drop their titles on the entryway as they run into the ring. The referee calls for the bell and the match is underway.)

Joey Playa: Here we go...

(Diaz and SeVen both are about to swing their chairs when the Ca$h Bros. slide into the ring and go to closeline All Girlz, but they roll out of the way and connect on to Evil Arrogance. Then as the Ca$h Bros. Turn around Amber kicks Kevin in the gut and connects with a DDT as Salene does the same with Johnny. Amber then slides to the outside and sets a table up, meanwhile on the other side of the ring SeVen has picked up a ladder and slides it into the ring as Diaz is slides a table into the ring.)

Chris Cross: Damn I sure do love T.L.C matches!

(Inside the ring Johnny and Kevin are double-teaming on Salene, until from behind SeVen picks up a chair and swings it and connects with Kevin's skull knocking him to the corner. Amber then hops on the apron, and before she can get in. Johnny drops Salene and runs and dropkicks Amber off of the apron through a table. Then as Johnny stands up and turns around SeVen swings the chair but Johnny ducks out of the way and delivers a drop toe hold to SeVen, with SeVen falling face first into the chair he was holding. Meanwhile Diaz has set up a ladder in the middle of the ring and a table. Diaz begins climbing the ladder already and Johnny then sees him, so he runs to the ladder and begins climbing as Kevin is pulling himself up on the ropes and it is clearly seen that he is bleeding from the side of his head near his right ear. As Johnny is climbing Salene who is lying on the floor, attempts to grab his foot but Kevin bounces off the rope and short drop kicks her right in the face.)

Chris Cross: Damn! Kevin could've taken her head off of her shoulders. She's already lying on the ground with her head up and then a dropkick to her face... DAMN!

(Diaz then makes it to the top, but Johnny is up there as well. They begin to exchange punches. Then back on the mat SeVen gets up and runs at Kevin and slides between his legs and then attempts a reverse suplex, but Kevin reverses it into a reverse DDT. Then all of a sudden Salene gets up and sees Johnny and Jeremy Diaz fighting on the ladder. So she runs at the ladder and pushes it and the ladder falls over the table that was set up in the ring, and Johnny goes flying from on the ladder into the ring to the outside through the Spanish announcers table as Diaz goes crashing through the Chris Cross' and Joey Playa's announce table.)

Chris Cross: Jesus Christ!

(Chris and Joey hop up out of their chairs and move over. They then sit back down in their seats as Diaz lies in the remains of there announce table.)

Joey Playa: Salene really knocked Johnny and Jeremy Diaz off that ladder.

Chris Cross: No really dip shi*! The b*tch had Jeremy go right through OUR table!

Joey Playa: This leaves one member of each time in the ring, unless Amber gets up.

(Back in the ring SeVen and Salene are double-timing Kevin, kicking him in the corner. SeVen then backs away as Salene chokes Kevin with her boot. SeVen then moves the set up table a few inches behind Salene. He then picks up a chair and smacks Salene from behind. SeVen then drops the chair and picks Salene up and delivers a running powerslam onto another chair in the other corner. SeVen then runs toward the ropes and dives through them knocking Amber over as she was standing up. SeVen then picks Amber up and throws her into the ring. Just as he slides in, Kevin runs from the opposite corner and hits the gold rush [spear] on SeVen right into the corner and then scoop slams him onto Salene. Kevin then picks Amber up and super bulldog's her to the middle of the ring. Kevin then picks her up and rolls her onto the already set up table and climbs to the top rope.)

Chris Cross: I smell a pay day coming on...

(Then off the top rope Kevin connects with the payday onto Amber through the table. Kevin then rolls over to the corner and try's to catch a breather. Meanwhile on the other side of the ring, SeVen has pulled him self up off of Salene. He then notices Kevin sitting in the corner. SeVen then begins to walk over to him. When from behind, Salene gets up and runs at him and nails him with a face crusher onto a chair.)

Joey Playa: Damn, Salene's a real man beater. She took it to the Thunder's and now to SeVen!

Chris Cross: Like I said last time, she belongs in a kitchen!

(Salene then gets up and pulls the ladder off of the ropes and begins climbing. Kevin notices her so he pulls him self up with the ropes and climbs up the same side and pulls her down. He then delivers a T-bone suplex to her. He then begins to climb the ladder. Then on the outside, Johnny Ca$h shows some life when he rolls over on his stomach and then pushes him self up.)

Joey Playa: Damn, Johnny really got some sense knocked out of him when he fell. The same with Jeremy.

(In the ring SeVen has gotten up and has also begun to climb the ladder. He meets Kevin at the top and just like Jeremy Diaz and Johnny before, Kevin and SeVen begin to exchange punches. On the mat, Salene climbs the turnbuckle behind SeVen and Amber has rolled over and has climbed the turnbuckle behind Kevin. Johnny on the outside, notices what's going on so he pulls two tables out from under the ring and sets one up right near the guardrail behind Salene and sets the other one up on top of that one. He then pulls a chair out and slides it under the first table. In the ring, Kevin and SeVen are still punching each other until SeVen miss's a punch and Kevin takes advantage of his mishap and elbows him in the eye and then pushing him off the ladder. He then notices Salene and she is about to jump off the ropes and attempt something to SeVen. Johnny on the outside yells behind you and Kevin looks over his shoulder and Amber is about to jump off of the ropes and dropkick the ladder sending Kevin off. So Kevin climbs to the top step and jumps off as Johnny holds Salene's right foot so she can't jump off. Amber dropkicks the barren ladder sending it into the ropes and Kevin from the top of the now fallen ladder connects with another Gold Rush and sends Salene off the top rope through the two tables that Johnny set up on the outside and Salene goes crashing through both of them with her back smacking off of the chair at the bottom. Kevin is a little dizzy on the outside as Johnny is holding him. Johnny then smiles and slides into the ring.)

Joey Playa: Oh my God! I think that had to be one of the most innovative double team maneuvers in TLC HISTORY!

(Meanwhile as Kevin is shaking off his head trying to see straight, Jeremy Diaz rolls off of the American announce table that he went through before and sees Kevin. So Diaz punches the timekeeper and then throws him into the steel steps as he takes the ring bell. He then runs as Kevin and smacks the bell right into the face of Kevin. Jeremy then pulls out a table and sets it up and then lifts rolls Kevin on it and then climbs on it himself. He then delivers a cradle piledriver to Kevin right through the table. Jeremy then rolls over and stands up when all of a sudden from inside the ring, Johnny gorilla press slam's Amber from inside the ring into the arms of Jeremy Diaz. Diaz catches her and then flips her around delivering a devastating tombstone onto a closed chair. Jeremy then gets up and pulls another ladder out form under the ring and slides and slides it into the ring. He then slides in himself.)

Joey Playa: Jeremy has really been cleaning house on the outside of the ring with Amber and Kevin.

Chris Cross: Now those two bit*hes Amber and Salene are both out on the outside as well as Kevin Ca$h. Leaving Evil Arrogance with Johnny in the ring alone.

(Inside the ring, Johnny is being backed up into the corner by SeVen. Jeremy sets up the other ladder and then puts the other ladder beside it. Jeremy then walks over to Johnny who is getting pummeled in the corner by SeVen. Then Evil Arrogance double brainbuster Johnny onto a chair. Jeremy and SeVen both look up and smile as SeVen slides to the outside and pulls yet another table out and slides it into the ring. SeVen then slides back into the ring. Jeremy Diaz then picks up one side of the table as SeVen picks up the other. They walk to the side by side ladders and SeVen climbs up the left ladder as Jeremy climbs up the right, both still carrying the table in one hand. They get to the top and lay the table down ontop of the ladders. SeVen then climbs down and extends the ladders securing the table above.)

Joey Playa: With all this extra stuff they're doing, they could've been champions by now.

(Then from behind, Johnny low blows SeVen and then pushes him over. Jeremy then looks down and then jumps off connecting with a double ax handle do the head of Johnny. SeVen then pushes off the ropes with a very red face and picks Johnny up. He then delivers a powerbomb from inside the ring to the outside. SeVen then goes over to Jeremy and help him up. On the outside Kevin Ca$h gets up and rolls into the ring as Salene is showing some life as she begins to roll around. Kevin notices SeVen helping Diaz, so Kevin takes advantage of the situation and begins climbing the ladder closest to him. SeVen then turns around, as Jeremy is up, he sees Kevin on his way up and he immediately charges up the other ladder with Jeremy behind him. SeVen and Kevin both get up there about the same time and both begin fighting on the table that is being held up by the ladders. SeVen gets the upperhand and kicks Kevin in the gut and then choke slams him from the table on the ladders all the way onto the mat. On the outside Salene crawls to the apron and slides into the ring. She begins climbing the ladder just as Jeremy Diaz pulls one title down and SeVen pulls down the other.)


Chris Cross: This I have to say was one of the greatest TLC matches off all time.

(Back in the ring as Jeremy and SeVen are celebrating on the table. Salene makes her way up, both men notice and SeVen drops his title as he pulls Salene all the way up by her hair. He then takes her by the hair and flings her off back down to the ring near Kevin. SeVen then picks up his title and climbs down as Jeremy does the same. They both get back to the mat and toss the titles to the corner. SeVen then goes to the outside and pulls out hopefully the last table, And slides it into the ring. Jeremy sets it up and then SeVen pulls a red container out and puts it on the apron as climbs back into the ring. Jeremy then pours whatever liquid that was in the red container all over the table. SeVen then pulls a little white packet that was in his boot.)

Joey Playa: You got to be kidding me!?...

Chris Cross: YES... YES... FLAMING TABLE!

(SeVen pulls a match out of the white packet and lights the match and then toss's it on the table and it ignites on fire. SeVen then lifts up Kevin as Jeremy runs to the other ropes and then connects with a 3-D, and Kevin crashes through the flaming table. Emergency Crew ringside, immediately puts out the fire with fire extinguishers and Kevin seems to have only gotten a few minor burns. SeVen and Jeremy pick up their titles and exit the ring they raise their newly won titles up high as they walk up the ramp backwards. Evil Arrogance finally exits to the locker room area as the crowd is still stunned from the match. All Girlz and the now former champions, the Ca$h Bros. Are all helped to the back.)

Joey Playa: That match was a truly great one!

Chris Cross: Evil Arrogance are the BEST tag-team in the CWF right now in my books. That was the most action packed TLC match ever, and to finish it off with an aftershock like the legendary flaming table!

Joey Playa: Yes this was truly a match to remember. I've seen other TLC matches in other federations and by far this one tops them all!

(The camera fades to Gary Auger who is standing by with Croc in his locker room.)

Gary: Hello everyone... I'm standing here with Croc. Tonight he will be facing Zodiac for her Television Title. What are your thoughts about your match tonight Croc?

(Croc looks up and flings a towel over his shoulder.)

Croc: Tonight I will become the CWF Television Champion... It is that simple! Tonight I will be victorious, signaling my successful return to the CWF, after a brief stint back in my homeland. Zodiac you will have no say in the matter! Why? Now remember I am not a sexist, but you are a woman and I am a man, meaning I am better than you! Don't like that? Well it is the facts of life honey and I didn't make them up, I just enforce them! I have been watching you as of late, and unlike yourself, I have not been just simply gawking, but instead I have been studying, and I have solid findings as a result of my study! My findings are that you are the CWF Television Champion only for how can I say this... T&A! The CWF went into panic mode when I left the organization, as the prodigal son had left! As a result ratings plummeted as people turned off their televisions as the news had filtered through that their favorite hero was no longer apart of the CWF! So in an act of desperation the CWF management decided to put the CWF Television Title around the waist of you Zodiac! Why? Because they had felt it would bring in two kinds of viewers! Firstly you being a champion would bring back the women who had left once I did, as they could finally see a woman being a champion, and give them a false hope that they were just as good as men! The other viewer group management hoped you would bring back would be the seedy old men and teenage boys group, who would not really watch the show, just simply use their own personal self gratifying methods during your matches! Well that didn't work that well because ratings never really went back to the original levels. Why? Because the women were smart enough to realize that they are not better than men and thought it was fake. They also did not watch because they still desired to watch me, the man who fills them with self-pleasure in a second of my beautiful face coming onto the screen! Secondly, Zodiac you failed to spike the ratings up, because even though many old men and teenage boys did watch your matches they turned off as soon as they blew their loads and probably went to sleep! That was not the reaction the management was looking for. Sponsors were dropping out left and right, and the only new sponsors that they were getting were from Hand Lotion companies and tissue companies!

(Croc shakes his head in disgust)

Croc: But I have come back to save the day! The face of the CWF has returned and management is rejoicing! And come later on tonight, the whole world will be rejoicing, as I become the Television Champion, finally putting some respect and credibility into the Television Title Division!

(Croc then walks out of his locker room otward the ring...)

Gary: Thank you Croc... back to you at ringside.

Normal Singles Match for the CWF TV Title
Croc v. Zodiac

(Back from the backstage area, and the Television Champ, Zodiac, has already entered the ring. The lights begin to dim as the fans begin to scream at the top of their lungs. After a few moments, red then blue lights begin to flash in sequence as "Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit hits over the speakers. Croc then walks out onto the stage, smirking as he rocks to the beat. He then walks down the ramp and rolls into the ring.)

Chris Cross: A big w00t for Croc!

Joey Playa: Woo-f*cking-oot.

Chris Cross: Now Joey, that's not very nice.

(Zodiac quickly tries to catch Croc offbeat, knocking him with some quick jabs. Croc takes a few of them, but then stops her momentum and tosses her into the corner. Croc runs in to follow and as Zodiac bounces of the corner, she's met with a big knee to the gut from Croc. He whips her again to the opposite turnbuckle, and follows up with a big clothesline. Croc quickly climbs onto Zodiac and lay punch after punch into her forehead.)

Chris Cross: Holy hell! Croc off to a real quick start here.

(Croc gets pushed off Zodiac by the referee, and he quickly picks her back up, whipping her into the ropes. Zodiac pulls a big surprise though, dodging Croc's back body drop and instead grabs Croc for a sunset flip pin...)

Ref: 1... TW-KICKOUT!

Joey Playa: Both of these two are out for a reason, and they're really getting at it evenly here...

(Croc kicks out and both are back to their feet again. Zodiac hits a dropkick, and this pushes Croc back into the ropes. Zodiac is up just as fast, pushing Croc and whipping him off for an irish whip. She drops to the mat and Croc hops over, and on the way back, she goes for a fallaway slam, but Croc shifts his weight and instead pulls it into an inverted DDT! Croc makes a weak cover...)

Ref: 1... TW-KICKOUT!

Chris Cross: Croc ALMOST had her there...

Joey Playa: Yeah, but almost doesn't matter except in..

Chris Cross: Except in your MOM! BOOYAH!

Joey Playa: Except in your mom? What're you talking about? What does that mean?

(Croc, upset now, pulls Zodiac up and puts her in a powerbomb position. He taunts the crowd and pulls Zodiac up for the bomb - Zodiac slithers out, dropping back to the mat and grabbing Croc by the head. She knees him to the skull a couple times, then bounces off the ropes and nails a swinging neckbreaker.)

Joey Playa: Big reversal by Zodiac...

(Zodiac quickly hops to the top turnbuckle and shortly thereafter leaps off with a huge frogsplash! She covers...)

Ref: 1... 2... KICKOUT!

(She gets up and lifts Croc up too. She locks him in a standing head sissors. But before she can do anything Croc reverses it and sends her high in the air with a flapjack! Croc gets up and waits for Zodiac. She slowly gets up and stumbles backwards right into a spinning wheel kick from Croc. They get up about the same time but Croc is waiting for Zodiac to turn around. And when she does, Crocx nails her with a perfect DVD! He then covers her.)

Ref: 1..... 2..... 3!


Chris Cross: Croc did it! He did it!

(The camera cuts to backstage. Steve is tying up his wrestling boots under his black jeans. A Crew member comes walking in to the scene and stands over Scythe.)

Crew Member: How are you doing?

(Steve doesn't say anything just keeps fiddling with his wrestling laces.)

Crew Member: You better be ready, Brandon is not going to be easy.

(Steve just takes his time and doesn't even look up.)

Crew Member: Your match is next, come on!

(Steve is done with his boots, he stands up and looks the crew member square in the eyes and then storms out. The Crew Member has a surprised look on his face.)

Crew Member: Heh. He's going to kill someone out there. For his sake I hope it's Justice.

Joey Playa: This next match is sure as hell going to be a good one.

Chris Cross: I know it will be... Because Brandon Justice is in it!

Joey Playa: It's going to be a mix of old school wrestling and new school.

Normal Singles Match for the CWF IC Title
"Sweet" Steve LaSalle v. Brandon Justice

("Money" by Pink Floyd hits the sound system in Workers' Stadium. Steve walks through the curtains with a big smile on his face. He begins to walks slowly down the ramp, he makes it to the ring and walks up the steel steps. He steps over the top rope and looks at the crowd as he stretches on the ropes.)

Joey Playa: Steve looks very confident tonight.

(Steve's music stops and then the lights dim and blue lights begin to flash around Workers' Stadium as "High Voltage" by Linkin Park hits the sound system. Brandon storms out through the curtains onto the stage and stares at the crowd and they erupt in boos. He then looks at the ring and charges down the ramp and slides into the ring. Steve immediately jumps out the ring as Brandon slides in. A spotlight hits Brandon as he stands on the middle turnbuckle yelling at the crowd. Brandon's music then stops as he hops off the turnbuckle and onto the mat. He cracks his neck and swings his arms around, loosening up before the match begins. Steve then hesitantly climbs up on to the apron and steps over the top rope into the ring. The referee for the match, Roger Williams, calls for the bell and the match has now begun.)

Joey Playa: Here we go! Let's see if Duffy interferes in the match.

Chris Cross: I doubt it... Justice can handle it himself.

(Brandon and Steve circle around the ring and then stamp to the middle of the ring and lockup. Steve gets the upperhand and locks Brandon into a headlock. Steve squeeze's tighter until Brandon counters it and throws Steve to the ropes. Steve bounces off the ropes and Brandon catches him into a powerslam. Brandon then elbow drops Steve right in the throat. Brandon then stands over Steve and slaps him in the face, Steve then pushes Brandon away. Steve then gets up off the mat as Brandon is laughing.)

Joey Playa: Wow... that made Steve mad.

(Steve's face turns apple red as he charges at Brandon. Brandon mover out of the way and Steve runs into the turnbuckles. Brandon then delivers a standing drop-kick to Steve and knocks him in the corner. Brandon then elbows Steve right in the face as he climbs through the ropes to the apron. Brandon then climbs up to the top turnbuckle and grips Steve's head. He then jumps off attempting to land the diamond dust but Steve counters it and delivers a super atomic drop to Brandon.)

Chris Cross: HAHAHA! Brandon didn't see that one coming did he! HAHAHA!

(Steve then shakes his head getting to his senses as he picks Brandon up. He sticks Brandon's head between his legs and then attempts a powerbomb, but Brandon counters it and hits an X factor. Brandon then picks Steve up and hits his Rude Awakening. Brandon then goes to Steve's feet as he locks in the sharp shooter. Steve begins to moan in pain as Brandon increases the pressure. Steve then begins to crawl to the ropes and eventually makes it and the referee pats Brandon on the back telling him to brake the hold. Brandon applies one last painful pull on Steve's legs and then brakes the hold. Brandon then begins to kick the left knee of Steve. Brandon soon stops kicking and picks Steve up and goes to hit the doomsday DDT, but Steve counters it and flips Brandon over into a northern lights suplex pin. The referee goes down for the pin.)

Ref: 1.... 2.... KICKOUT!

Joey Playa: That was a close one.

(Brandon kicks out at two and a half. Steve then rolls over and pulls him self up on the ropes. Brandon stands up on his own and looks at Steve. Brandon then knees Steve right in the gut and then walks back a few inches and then runs at Steve closlineing him over the top rope and onto the floor. Brandon then runs across the ring and bounces off the ropes and then flips over the top rope landing the rope flip and connect s on Steve. The referee begins the ten count as both men squirm around on the outside. Brandon is the first to rise, he field goal kicks Steve right in the face and then slides in and out of the ring re-starting the ten count.)

Joey Playa: A smart veteran move on the part of Brandon Justice.

(Brandon then picks Steve up and throws him towards the turnpost but Sweet Steve reverses it and throws Brandon into the turnpost. Brandon then smacks the turnpost and bounces off into the hands of Sweet Steve, Steve then scoop slams him onto the steel steps. He then slides into the ring as Brandon rolls around on the outside holding his back. Steve then attempts to go back outside but the ref. holds him in, on the outside Brandon pulls him self up on the guardrail, he then slides into the ring. Steve then pushes the ref. over and ax handle smashes Brandon on the back of the neck.)

Joey Playa: I think that scoop slam onto the steel steps was the major turning point of the match.

(Steve rolls Brandon over and begins to choke him. The ref. begins to count to ten, Steve finally lets go at six. He then picks Brandon up and delivers a military press gut buster to him. He then picks Brandon up again and toss's him to the ropes a hits the big boot to the face. He then runs to the opposite ropes bounces off and hits a leg drop on Brandon. He then goes for the cover.)

Ref: 1... 2... Arm up.

Joey Playa: YES!

Chris Cross: What are you saying yes for? If Brandon wins are you going to run out the nearest gay strip bar and celebrate or something?

Joey Playa: Save it Chris... just save it.

(Steve doesn't believe that Brandon raised his shoulder. He pushes him self up and begins yelling at the ref. cornering him. Brandon, then rubs his eyes and then pulls him self up on the ropes he sees Steve in the corner yelling at the referee. Brandon looks at the crowd and they cheer loud and then he pushes his hair back and charges at Steve and then jumps up high hitting a drop-kick to Sweet Steve's back, not knowing that the referee was in front of Steve. Steve crunches the ref. in the turnbuckles. Brandon then hops up and hits the Unlimited Slap on Steve. Brandon then walks to Steve's side and connects with a standing moonsault and stays down for the pin.)

Crowd: 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7...

Chris Cross: Brandon has it won right here. Even the fans have counted past 3! DAMNIT!

Joey Playa: Get over it, Chris.

(Brandon begins smacking the mat while still in the pin position. He then gets up off of Steve and walks over to the fallen Referee. Brandon begins to nudge the referee around and try's to pulls him up but the referee seems to be knocked unconscious. Steve meanwhile gains his consciousness and pushes him self up off the mat. He sees Brandon trying to awake the referee. He smiles and raises his right hand up high as he waits for Brandon to turn around. Brandon soon gives up from trying to awake the referee and turns around and as he does Steve catches Justice off guard and engulfs Brandon's head in his hand and lifts him up in the air and then slams him down on the mat connecting with his finisher... The Sweet Slam.)

Joey Playa: Sweet Steve's finisher The Sweet Slam is similar to a choke slam but instead of grabbing his opponent by the neck he grabs their face and lifts them up and then slams them down.

(Steve then drops a knee right on Brandon's face and goes for the cover and as he does the referee begins to gain consciousness and notices Steve going down for the cover. He then begins to count.)

Ref: 1.... 2.... Thre- KICKOUT!


(The Referees hand was one inch from the mat and one inch from counting three. But Steve thinks he counted to three and thinks that he got the win. Steve gets off of Brandon and climbs up to the middle rope with his arms in the air for victory. The referee has fully gotten back to his senses and has pulled him self up. Brandon rolls over to his stomach and pushes him self-up. He knows that it wasn't a three and he sees Steve on the ropes proclaiming victory. The crowd also knows he didn't get the full three count and begin to roar once they see Brandon on his feet. Brandon then runs and jumps onto the middle rope beside Steve who is on the middle turnbuckle. Brandon then hooks Steve's left arm around his neck and attempts to hit his Unlimited Slam off of the middle rope and he connects. He then covers Steve as the referee goes down for the count.)

Ref: 1... 2... 3!

(The referee calls for the bell and the referee raises Brandon's arm in victory as "High Voltage" by Linkin Park once again hits the sound system.)

Chris Cross: I knew Brandon could do it!

Joey Playa: Yea... yea...

(Brandon then jumps on to the middle turnbuckle and yells to the crowd with his arms up high, and the crowd hating each moment of it. He then climbs to the top turnbuckle and crouches down on it in a cat like position smiling to the crowd.)

Joey Playa: This was one of the best matches EVER in the CWF!

(In the ring Sweet Steve is complaining to the Referee, the Referee pokes him in the chest and yells at him. Steve turns his head and then delivers a short arm closeline to the referee. He then runs towards Brandon who is crouched on the top turnbuckle. He notices Steve running towards him so he stands up and jumps off connecting with a spear off the top rope. He then rolls out the ring holding his shoulder starring at Steve in the ring as he walks backwards up the ramp. And from the back a few CWF referees run out to go help Roger Williams, the referee that Sweet Steve knocked out.)

(The camera fades to Lisa Dunn who is searching for Paul Duffy. She opens a locker room door and to her amazement she finds The Grim Reaper siting on a chair wrapping his wrist with tape drinking a bottle of Red-Dog. She immediately turns around trying to leave without him noticing her, but he tells her to get back in. She walks over to him.)

Lisa: Please don’t hurt me I was looking for Paul Duffy.

Grim: Why are you looking for a pathetic waste of human tissue like him for?

Lisa: To interview him on your match later on.

Grim: Well since your already here... interview me real quick.

Lisa: Ahh... okay... well what do you think about your match tonight? Do you think you’ll win?

Grim: Finally after nine long months, I’m finally in a World Title match. As of right now the ball has been kicked into my side of the field, and as of tonight I plan on running right through the opposing team running full blast and scoring a touchdown. And that touchdown will give me the prestige honor of becoming CWF World Champion. And yes Lisa I KNOW I’m going to win, it’s just a matter of striking while the iron is hot! I will go through all four men and become Champion!

Lisa: Saying if you do become Champion, what kind of Champion will you be?

Grim: When I become the CWF World Champion tonight I plan on becoming a fighting champion. Taking numerous souls as I do. I will fight on every card defending it as well. And not just against main eventers, I will put my title against everyone here in the CWF from Amber Benson to Inferno to that @$$ clown Johnny Blood! Anyone!

Lisa: Well thank you Grim.

Grim: Yea whatever... just be glad you’r leaving with your soul intact.

(Grim leaves and heads toward the ring as we fade to ringside.)

Joey Playa: Are you reasy, Chris?

Chris Cross: I'm, ready for Grim to take home the gold...

Joey Playa: We will have to see... But my money's on Newton, the one standing in that riong right now...

Chris Cross: What a dumba$$! He can't even wait....

("Gently" by Slipknot blasts over the PA system and out walks Grim Reaper. He slowly walks to the ring and slides in.)

Joey Playa: HERE WE GO!

Main Event - 5-man Gauntlet Match for the CWF World Title
Grim Reaper v. Dynamite Newton v. Paul Duffy v. Dozer v. Mr. Jack Happy

(The Grim Reaper and Newton go nose to nose, where The Grim Reaper looks slightly down at the shorter Newton. Suddenly The Grim Reaper swings a wild righty as the crowd erupt. Newton blocks it with his left, rolls it over and hooks it under his left arm pit, he then digs his head down and drops him back over with a variant of a Back Body Drop w/ Arm Lock. The Grim Reaper slides across and is instantly to his feet, as Newton sneers and hits a The Grim Reaper-imitation pose as the crowd cheers. The Grim Reaper runs in and the two lock up, Newton tries to use The Grim Reaper's momentum with a hip toss, but The Grim Reaper hangs on and continues with the momentum, Hip-Throwing him over as Newton is back to his feet. The Grim Reaper stands again with a hint of a smile.)

Joey Playa: Um, what was that I just seen?

Chris Cross: A smile?

Joey Playa: No, I think I just saw technical wrestling from The Grim Reaper!

Chris Cross: YOU IDIOT. The Grim Reaper is the greatest, he can do it all, with all, he OWNS all.

(Newton seems to get slightly enraged, and runs in swinging a wild clothesline. The Grim Reaper counters with a perfect arm drag over, into an arm bar submission. Newton squirms around for a minute, before rolling up and over, turning it into a Chicken-Wing Submission on The Grim Reaper. The Grim Reaper, face first into the mat, rolls over and out before doing a Arm Whip variant of the Dragon Leg Screw, putting Newton onto his face. The Grim Reaper then lets go, and slides up onto a back mount, before holding Newton captive with a Chin Lock.)

Joey Playa: I'll give him credit.

Chris Cross: You should.

(Newton can't get out, with The Grim Reaper on his back, so, he starts to try and power out. Moments pass, as Newton finally get's to his feet, piggy-backing The Grim Reaper, before snap-maring The Grim Reaper off his shoulders, and grabbing The Grim Reaper in a rear-chin lock of his own. This doesn't really seem to affect The Grim Reaper as The Grim Reaper moves the chin-lock into a head-lock, and then powers out with a spinning back-drop. But Newton is right back to his feet.)

Chris Cross: Um, The Grim Reaper, your boring me for once. Hit him with a chair or something, please, no more technical wrestling or I'm gunna bleed internally to death.

Joey Playa: Shut up, this is a great match...

(The crowd, basically silent for the whole match, suddenly errupt as for some reason Newton rolls backwards out between the top-and bottom ropes and yoinks a Chair from a ring-crew man, and throws it in the ring.)

Joey Playa: Oh hail Newton!

(Newton hops up on the apron, as The Grim Reaper comes across, only to be dropped across the top rope with a Guillotine Drop, The Grim Reaper instantly flys back, holding his throat, as Newton slides in and lays a few kicks on The Grim Reaper. Newton then grabs the chair, and pry's it in between the bottom and middle turnbuckles. Newton picks The Grim Reaper up, and whips him into the ropes, on the return, drops him with a clothesline. The Grim Reaper gets up and stumbles back to the chair-corner for a rest. Newton walks over, and grabs The Grim Reaper, and begins to irish-whip him into the opposite far corner, mid whip however, he spins The Grim Reaper RIGHT BACK AROUND like a human hammerball, before slipping into a drop toe hold, and sending The Grim Reaper face first down into the chair in one full motion.)

Joey Playa: Okay Chris, is that the sorta stuff you want to see?

Chris Cross: DAMN YOU JOEY, if only the roles were reversed.

(Newton smiles at his act of violence, before picking The Grim Reaper back up. Newton arm-wrenches The Grim Reaper, and again, putting The Grim Reaper down on one knee...)

Chris Cross: What was that?

Joey Playa: An Arm-wrench...

Chris Cross: An Arm-whatty?

Joey Playa: A-N A-R-M W-R-E-N-C-H

Chris Cross: Whoa, that sounds difficult to me, I never knew such moves existed. What happend to the good 'ol days of Flying Body Splashes while on Fire and Piledrivers through tables, oooh don't forget DDT's onto C4 Wired Chair.

Joey Playa: Oh my Chris... (sarcastically) This is the future, the future of real wrestling.

(The Grim Reaper, drops down on two knees, then forward rolls over, on-wrenching the arm he then brings his other arm over, and turns, flipping Newton over with both arms. Grim Reaper slides out of the ring, and searches under the ring apron. Throwing in a few weapons of mass destruction - namely, a few cookie sheets, a garbage can, and then, another can full of goodies.)

Joey Playa: This match is going to get ugly, fast.

(But, the ref, just as quick as Grim Reaper throws 'em in, chucks them back out. DQ is enabled, and the weapons are not in use. Grim Reaper looks pissed, but aware, and slides up onto the apron, then runs up to the top turnbuckle. Instantly, Dynamite is to his feet, he runs over and dropkicks the top rope, sending Grim Reaper down onto his jewels of gold. Newton then scales up to Grim Reaper and superplexes him off the turnbuckle while landing and rolling backwards into a floatover pinfall. The pin is then instantly cradeled over into a Mahistrol Cradle type pin....)

Ref: 1....

(...then rolled back over in Newton's favor)

Ref: 1....

(...before Grim Reaper switches over and pins him in a Jacknife Pin....)

Ref: 1.... 2..

(.....and Newton rolls that over into a Elevated Boston Crab.....which Grim Reaper slides his head back out for safety.....and Newton drops back, Slingshotting Grim Reaper across the ring, face first into the top turnbuckle. As Grim Reaper stumbles backwards, Newton rolls backwards supporting himself on his upperback, he then hooks his legs up and rolls Grim Reaper backwards into a

(after sit-down powerbomb style) pin....)

Ref: 1..... 2..... KICKOUT!!

(Grim Reaper get's to his feet like a flash, and levels Newton with a clothesline that flips Newton over onto his stomach, just as Newton gets to his feet. Grim Reaper lands a quick legdrop, before scaling to the top of the turnbuckle. Grim Reaper turns around, face back to Dynamite. He then moonsaults, but the ref is in the way causing Grim Reaper's legs to knock the ref out, and himself land awkwardly on his face. Newton gets to his feet as Grim Reaper somehow slowly, rises, mainly on instinct. Newton does the 'ol "Come-On" pose, as Grim Reaper dazilly turns around, as Newton rolls Grim Reaper over into a Rolling Half Crab in the MIDDLE OF THE RING!)


(The agony on Grim Reaper's face is shown, as he struggles close to the ropes, but just as he get's close, Newton pulls him away.....)


Chris Cross: NOOOOOOO!

Joey Playa: The ref's out, Newton STILL hasn't won the match.

(Newton doesn't realize this, and let's the hold go, kicking Grim Reaper who is holding his thigh muscle, and does a Turnbuckle pose. Newton does the three of the four corner, before stepping over a fallen Grim Reaper, on the fourth however, Grim Reaper snaps and gets to his feet, the crowd start to errupt in boos, and Newton looks shocked, he drops from the turnbuckle, and turns.....WHAM....)

Chris Cross: Superkick! Superkick!

(Newton goes flying back into the corner, the impact of the Superkick bounces Newton forward, as Grim Reaper grabs him and Plex's Newton on his back. From the Northern Lights Bridge, Grim Reaper doesn't go for the pin, he instead, continues to roll over and thus ending near the legs of Newton. Grim Reaper is quick to grab the legs of Newton and twist them up into the dreaded Reverse Figure 4 Leglock.)

Joey Playa: Figure 4!!

(Newton's writhing around in pain, pulling his hair, doing anything to elevate the immense agony. Grim Reaper then bridges back, in a very painfull look as....)


Chris Cross: HE TAPPED OUT!

Joey Playa: You imBiscile, the ref is still out.

Chris Cross: Goddamnit.

Joey Playa: You could call that, One Fall Each, if this was a Two-Out-of-Three falls matchup.

(Grim Reaper realizes what's happened, and let's go, not before giving a kick to the diaphram of Newton. He then walks over to check on the fallen referee.)

Chris Cross: GODAMN, get someone from the back!

(The ref starts to stir, only slightly, as Newton also starts to stir. Grim Reaper by now is frustratlingly shaking the ref. Newton's right to his feet now, and taps Grim Reaper on the shoulder, who "Shoo's" him away like a fly. Newton then does it again, as Grim Reaper get's pissed and snaps around, as Newton grabs him in a front unarage/chinlock and jumps up, before hitting a kneeling position and driving Grim Reaper's jaw across his shoulder in a wicked Franchizer....)

Joey Playa: Perfection, that's gotta be it....

Chris Cross: NOOOO! It's not supposed to end like this.

(Grim Reaper drops down, flat on his back, as Newton drops down for the pin. He grabs the ref's hand and makes an asistant count as the ref is still down....)

Ref: 1.... 2.. KICKOUT!!

Chris Cross: GRIM KICKED OUT!!!

Joey Playa: That's amazing....

Chris Cross: He's my hero!

Joey Playa: This has been one of the greatest close matches I've seen, neither man can out-do the other!

(Newton nearly starts to cry, as he sits in a kneeling position, grabbing his hair and yelling. Newton then faces the turnbuckle, and looks back behind him at Grim Reaper who's still on his back. Newton then springs up and bounces off the top turnbuckle, before spinning around, froggy splashing and rolling over into a Off the top rope moonsault leg drop slamming straight onto.....)


Joey Playa: He missed it!

(....his leg...THUD. Grim Reaper, now as the ref is up, drops down for an instant quick cover...)

Ref: 1.... 2.... Thre- KICKOUT!!


Joey Playa: Ooooh, the ref says it's only a two count!

Chris Cross: Noooooooooooooo! God damnit, sooo close.

(Grim Reaper pleads his case to the referee, almost demanding it be made into a three count. But turns to lay some more smack onto Newton's body. Newton scurries away while Grim Reaper turns again to the ref, and boosts himself up on the top ropes. Grim Reaper desparishes the besmirched ref again with some verbal language and finger pointing, before turning to spot a groggy Newton back against the ropes. Grim Reaper runs and attempts a clothesline, but Newton reverses it, backdropping Grim Reaper over the ropes to the floor. But Grim lands on the apron, he then grabs Newton by the back of the neck and lifts him hgh into the air. He pulls him over the top rope and jumps off the apron. He drives Newton to the hard ground with the "Soul Reaver" [Reverse Baldo Bomb])

Joey Playa: NO WAY!!

Chris Cross: NO F'N WAY!!

(Both Newton and Grim are on the floor not moving.)

Chris Cross: I have never... ever seen something like that before!

Joey Playa: You know what's scary? This is only the beginning of this match. We still have Paul Duffy, Dozer and Jack Happy!

(Grim is the first to move as he uses the ring to pull himself up. He slowly picks Newton up and rolls him into the ring and follows soon after. He then rolls Newton onto his back and makes the cover.)

Ref: 1..... 2..... Thre- KICKOUT!!

Joey & Chris: OH MY!!

(Grim sits up and begins to pound the mat out of anger. He gets up and gets in the ref's face again. He begins to yell at the top of his lungs at the ref... by this time Newton slowly crawls over to Grim and pulls him down with a school boy pin but before the ref can start the count, Newton grabs Grim's legs and catapults him into the corner. Grim hits his head on the top turnbuckle and stumbles out, only to be met with sleeper hold.)

Joey Playa: Newton tring to slow down match even more...

(Grim begins to battle out of the hold with a couple of right elbows to the head. After 3 or 4 Grim ducks under Newton's arms and locks him in a waistlock. Before he can hit a German Suplex Newton goes for a right elbow of his own but Reaper ducks it and now has him in a belly-to-belly lock. He then picks Newton up onto his shoulders and slams him down with the "Last Breath" [DVD] in one fluid motion... He goes for the cover.)

Ref: 1..... 2..... 3!

Chris Cross: Grim did it! He moves on!

Joey Playa: MAN! Newton truly pushed him to the edge...

(As Newton slowly rolls out of the ring, "Roll On" blasts over the PA system. Grim stands up and waits for Dozer to enter. But unknowning to the Grim Reaper, fans, and even the all knowing Chris Cross, Dozer jumps the guardrail and slides into the ring behind Grim Reaper. He then nails Grim with a POWERFUL chop-block that turns Grim inside out.)

Joey Playa: Oh my! What a chop-block!

Chris Cross: Hell! I didn't even see that coming...

(Dozer then lifts Grim up and throws his limb body into the corner. Dozer takes a step back and charges at Grim, nailing with a HUGE Body splash! Grim stumbles out, right into a flapjack. Dozer then slowly lifts Grim up and sets him up for a powerbomb but Grim falls behind Dozer and nails a perfect kick to the groin!)

Joey Playa: OH MY!

(Dozer stumbles back up into Grim, who grabs him into a belly-to-belly and suplexes Dozer over, straining to finish the move. Dozer stumbles to the corner, and Reaper follows close behind, stomping at him. Reaper finally stops, lifting Dozer up and going for a DDT, but Dozer fights out of it. He punches Reaper in the ribs, and then backs up against the ropes and rebounds off, spearing Reaper down to the mat. Dozer grabs at Grim's foot for an ankle lock. Reaper fights away and gets up. Dozer quickly hits Reaper back down with a huge clothesline.)

Joey Playa: Dozer starting to get some offense in here.

Chris Cross: Bout time. I thought he's gone soft.

Joey Playa: You're such a bitch.

(Dozer is quick to pick Reaper back up, nailing stiff right hands, driving Grim back. Dozer pushes Reaper up to the ropes and whips him hard into the turnbuckles, immediately following with a huge boot to Grim's face! Grim stumbles out and Dozer quickly grabs ahold of him with a pumphandle slam! Reaper crashes to the canvas and Dozer quickly makes a cover.)

Ref: 1.... 2.... Thre- KICKOUT!

Chris Cross: Way too early. He might have gone stupid too.

Joey Playa: Damnit Chris... it's not to early. Grim had a great battle with Newton.

(Reaper jumps back up, clutching his neck. Dozer smiles and dives, taking him down with a spear. He locks on a Boston Crab! Reaper struggles against it, but eventually gets turned over. The crowd pops and chants "GIVE UP!" at Reaper. The ref checks.)

Joey Playa: Reaper might have to give up on this one!

Chris Cross: NO!

(Reaper slowly inches to the ropes. He finally grabs it, but Dozer refuses to let go. The ref starts counting and Dozer just stares at him.)

Joey Playa: Is he trying to get DQed?!

(The ref gets to a 5-count and then continues to yell at Dozer to break the hold. The ref pleads with him, threatens him with a DQ. Dozer just stares. Finally the ref pushes Dozer over, breaking the hold.)

Chris Cross: Oh he didn't...

Joey Playa: Run, little man. Run.

(Dozer gets up and can't believe what just happened. He gets up and gets right into the ref's face, whispering under his breath. The ref's face turns practically white. Dozer finally turns away from him - and recieves a huge clothesline from Reaper.)


Chris Cross: Joey, go cry.

(Reaper smiles and pulls Dozer back to his feet. He goes for an Last Breath...)

Chris Cross: YES!

(.. but Dozer blocks it.)

Chris Cross: DAMNIT!

Joey Playa: Hey Chris?

Chris Cross: Yeah?

Joey Playa: Go cry.

Chris Cross: Asshole.

(Dozer tries to elbow Reaper to the face, but Grim ducks and swings behind Dozer, grabbing him for a German Suplex. He hits three suplexes, each one seems to take a lot out of both wrestlers and he bridges the last one...)

Ref: 1..... two-KICKOUT!

Joey Playa: Wow, Dozer still with a lot of life after all that.

Chris Cross: He used to be one tough cookie, you know.

Joey Playa: Did you just say Dozer was a "tough cookie".

Chris Cross: Nooooooooooooooo...

(Reaper gets up and wastes no time giving Dozer a kick to the gut, grabbing him into a headscissors. Reaper underhooks the arms and lifts, slamming him down in powerbomb. Dozer lands hard, but the powerbomb is quite sloppy, allowing Dozer to roll with it and lessen the impact. Reaper stands over top of Dozer, just basking in the moment.)

Chris Cross: Lorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd Reaper.... STILL RULES!

Joey Playa: Lame.

Chris Cross: You're what?

Joey Playa: I said you're lame?

Chris Cross: You're what?

(Reaper reaches down, pulling Dozer to his feet, preparing for the Last Breath - but Dozer digs down deep and knees Reaper in the gut!)

Joey Playa: Dozer's still in this!

(Dozer backs up against the ropes and rebounds off, going for a big boot to the face. Reaper ducks it and swings with a roundhouse kicks of his own. Dozer ducks and grabs the back of Reaper's head for a neckbreaker... but Reaper stands and pushes away Dozer's hands. Reaper spins and ducks a charging Dozer, liftin him up over his shoulder, but Dozer never gets there, sliding off halfway. Dozer bounces off the rops again, going for a huge clothesline... but Reaper kicks Dozer SQUARE in the groin!)

Joey Playa: THAT IS EVIL!

Chris Cross: Man... no little Dozers'll be comin' along any time soon.

(Reaper wipes his face. He quickly snags Dozer and FINALLY hits a big Last Breath!)

Chris Cross: BOOYAH!

Joey Playa: Ugh, not like this... this is how Reaper always wins...

(Reaper makes a cover...)

Ref: 1... 2... Thre- KICKOUT?!

Joey Playa: Did Dozer kick out?

Chris Cross: No way...

Joey Playa: I'm not sure! It was so close!

(The ref pauses the slightest of moments... and says it was only a two count!! Reaper gets up and his face is red!)


Chris Cross: How did he kick out!?!?

Joey Playa: Umm... that can't be right!

(Grim gets up and lifts Dozer up and sets him up for another Last Breath!)

Joey Playa: Could two take Dozer out?!?

(Dozer begins to stir. He then falls behind Grim and slams him hard with the Throat Slam Suplex!! He then crawls over to Grim and pins him.)

Ref: 1..... 2..... 3!

(But before Dozer can get up, Paul Duffy comes running from the back and dropkicks him right suare in the face. Which not only stuns him but also hurts him. Paul Duffy then lifts Dozer up and nails a DDT!)

Joey Playa: Grim is out of here and Paul is already getting started on Dozer!

Chris Cross: See that's the making of a REAL champion.

(Duffy then lays down some kicks to Dozer then a couple elbow drops, trying to wear the big man down even more. He then drops a picture perfect flipping leg drop to the throat of Dozer.)

Chris Cros: Did you see that!? "The Foudation Of Sensation" Paul Duffy nailed a sensational leg drop!

(Paul then picks Dozer up and attempts to Irish whip him. But Dozer over powers him and sends Paul toward the ropes. Dozer goes for a Backdrop but Paul is one step ahead of him as he stops dead in his tracks. Dozer then raises up and sees Paul going for a clothesline so he ducks it and then nails Paul inb the back of the head with a clothesline of his own. Dozer stomps away at Paul Duffy, before then grabbing him by the hair and dragging him back to his feet. He forces him into the corner and there hammers away with a barrage of rights, wearing Paul Duffy down. Dozer then grabs him by the arm and whips Duffy across the ring into the corner opposite, doing so with such force that Paul then stumbled forwards and was scooped up and given a spinning sidewalk slam! Dozer then makes the cover.)

Ref: 1..... 2... KICKOUT!

Chris Cross: Aye curumba.... It doesn't look as if this is gonna last long.

Joey Playa: Aren't you the one always telling me not to count Duffy out until the bell has been rung?

Chris Cross: Yeah, but....

(Dozer then grabbed him by the hair, dragging him upright and then backing him against the ropes with a barrage of big time rights. He then whips his opponent off them and swings for a clothesline, only to be taken by surprise when Duffy ducked the shot, launched himself off the ropes behind him before delivering a spinning heel kick when Dozer span around!! The blow caught him off guard, causing Dozer to stumble backwards, before then being nailed with some punches from Duffy. He then tries whipping Dozer off the ropes, only to have him easily reverse before then going for a boot to the face!!! However, Duffy ducked it, bouncing off the ropes opposite, only to then run back and be lifted in the air, where Dozer held him in Gorilla Press Slam position. He dropped Paul Duffy so that he landed throat first against the top rope, before staggering about the ring, gasping for breath. Then, Dozer ran towards him and delivered a thunderous clothesline, sending his opponent over the top rope and crashing down to ringside. Dozer smiled as he climbed out after his opponent.)

Chris Cross: Man.... This makes me feel sorry for Paul Duffy.

Joey Playa: What? You're usually singing his praises!!

Chris Cross: Yeah, but...

Joey Playa: No, answer me!

Chris Cross: Whoa! Did you see that?

Joey Playa: Ball-less freak...

(Dozer dragged his opponent back to his feet, hammering away with a series of punches, before then whipping him across ringside and into the safety barrier. He then methodically followed, catching Duffy with a boot to the gut, before hooking him up and then nailing him with a Front Reverse Suplex that sent him chest-first on top of the safety barrier. There Paul Duffy remained, as Dozer moved around the ring and then grabbed one of the TV monitor's from the Announce Table.)

Joey Playa: Hey!!! We need that!!!!

Chris Cross: Ha! I think he needs it more!!

(The ref jumps out of the ring and tries to talk some sense into Dozer. Dozer shakes his head and starts to put the moniter down as the ref begins to get back in the ring but Dozer then runs towards Paul just as he is pulling himself upright and catching Duffy in the side of the head with the monitor, causing him to fall forwards and land inside ringside! He laid there in a crumpled heap, barely able to move, whilst Dozer then gets in a few kicks before pressing his boot against Duffy's throat so as to choke the life out of him!!! Dozer holds onto the safety barrier, giving himself extra leverage, before finally releasing the choke and leaving Duffy lying there. He then bends over and grabs the corner of the protective mat around the ring, tearing it up and pushing it aside so as to reveal cold hard concrete beneath it! Dozer then grabs Duffy by the hair, dragging him back to his feet again and then leading him over the exposed concrete. He then places him in a standing head scissors, setting him up for what looked to be a Piledriver of some sorts. However, as Dozer reached down to grab Duffy around the waist, Paul Duffy fought back with a low blow uppercut, taking him by surprise!! He stands upright, and grabbed Dozer by the head, before suddenly delivering a DDT from out of no-where, driving him head-first into the concrete!!!! The fans actually cheered in response, as Paul Duffy then clambered back to his feet, trying to shake off the effects of the earlier attack, before grabbing the fallen TV monitor. He taunted Dozer to get up again, before then running towards him and smashing it as hard as he could against his head, knocking his opponent down in an instant!!! Paul tosses it aside and poses for the crowd, before beginning to pull Dozer upright once again.)

Joey Playa: Duffy's actually mounting a comeback.... Could we see a change in tides?

Chris Cross: Um, yeah, sure we could....

(Duffy rolls Dozer back inside the ring, before climbing onto the ring apron and then up onto the top turnbuckle. There he waits, as Dozer climbs back to his feet, looking pretty pissed off. He turns around, just as Paul Duffy launches himself off the top turnbuckle, nailing his opponent with a Missile Dropkick which caused Dozer to stumble backwards, bounce off the ropes and then walk straight into a drop toehold!!! He then gets nailed with a number of stomps, before Paul repeatedly bounced off the ropes to the side, hitting elbow drop after elbow drop in an attempt to wear his opponent out. Finally, he turns him over and makes the cover.)

Ref: 1.... 2.... Thre- KICKOUT!

Joey Playa: It'll take more than elbow drops to put away Dozer!

(Slightly annoyed, Duffy then drags Dozer back to his feet, getting behind him and placing him in a waist lock. He attempted to deliver a German Suplex, but then Dozer fights back with a flurry of elbow shots to the side of the head, finally managing to break Duffy off before then hooking him up and delivering a Side Russian Leg Sweep from out of no-where!!! He shrugs off the damage dealt, and then drags Duffy upright again where he hammered away with more stiff rights!! He backs him against the ropes and then whips him off them, before swinging for another clothesline! However, Paul manages to duck it, and then come back and catches Dozer with a flying forearm, not taking him down but still causing him to stagger backwards. Paul Duffy then bounces off the ropes again, charging towards him and going for a head scissors takedown, only to have Dozer counter in mid-air, instead bringing him down for a devastating tilt-a-whirl backbreaker instead! He hooks the leg and makes the cover.)

Ref: 1.... 2... KICKOUT!

Joey Playa: I don't believe it? How did Duffy kick out of that!?!?!?

Chris Cross: Resilience Joey.... However, it can only get a man so far.

(Angered, Dozer then drags his opponent back to his feet and whips him into the corner again. He then charged after him, crushing Paul Duffy with a huge body avalanche, before then then hammering away with another barrage of rights!!! Dozer reached back for one last shot, only to have Duffy somehow ducks it, reversing the situation and forcing Dozer into the corner instead!! He quickly kicks him right between the legs, taking Dozer by surprise, before then hooking him by the head and leading him out of the corner. Duffy did a U-turn and runs up the turnbuckles in an attempt to hit a Tornado Bulldog, but then Dozer pushs him off in mid-air, causing Duffy to land hard on his backside!!! He clambers back to his feet in pain, as Dozer comes towards him and goes for another big boot to the face, this time connecting. He then drops to the canvas, and hammered away at his opponent with a barrage of punches, before then choking him with his bare hands!! The fans boo in response, whilst Dozer finally released the choke hold, before rolling out of the ring and grabbing another steel chair. He then slides back inside the squared circle, taunting Duffy to get back to his feet.)

Joey Playa: Ah well, looks like it's nighty night time for Duffy.

Chris Cross: Nighty night time?

(Paul struggles back to his feet, not knowing where he was, as Dozer lungs towards him, looking to strike the chair against his head!!! However, somehow, Duffy ducked the shot, before then waiting for Dozer to turn around and pounding away with a series of rights, causing him to drop the chair whilst being backed against the ropes. Duffy somehow manages to whip him off them, waiting for Dozer to come back before catching him with a big time Powerslam!!! As if that wasn't enough, he then headed towards the corner, climbing all the way to the top turnbuckle, leaping off and nailing him with a huge Shooting Star Leg Drop!!!! The move took a lot out of Duffy as well, but not as much as Dozer. He crawls on top and hooks the leg.)

Ref: 1.... 2.... Thr- KICKOUT!

(Angered, Paul Duffy gets back to his feet and started complaining to the referee, telling him to count faster, before then returning to his opponent and stomping away some more. Duffy then signals for the end, before dragging Dozer upright and placing him in a standing head scissors. He then reaches down and grabs him around the waist, before then attempting to lift him into the air for a powerbomb!!! However, Dozer refuses to be lifted, and instead manages to counter with a big back body drop!! Both he and Duffy clamber back to their feet again, where Dozer catches him with a boot to the mid-section before setting him up for a DDT! He then drops him down with an Implant DDT. He then coverd him.)

Ref: 1..... 2..... 3!

(Just then, "Big Shot" by AC/DC blasts over the PA system and the world champion comes out running. He slides into the ring and gets right into the face of the tired Dozer. Dozer and Jack stare each other down as they slowly walk around the ring, quickly they take it to each other and lock up. Dozer takes the upper hand and takes Jack down onto the mat with a quick scoop slam, and Jack quickly gets back to his feet holding his lower back. They lock up again and Jack forces Dozer back into the turnbuckles, Jack breaks the grapple and tries for a chop on Dozer's chest. Dozer moves and turns Jack around and pushes him into the corner and lays a hard chop across his chest. Jack leans forward holding his chest and Dozer pushes him back into the corner and lays him with another one equally as hard.)




(Jack stumbles forward and Dozer grabs him by the head and slams him down face first into the mat and then climbs on top of him. Dozer grabs Jack by the head and starts planting some punches in his face, the referee forces Dozer to get off from Jack and he waits for Jack to get to his feet. Jack does and runs towards Dozer, he catches Jack and takes him down onto the mat with a power slam. Dozer follows it up with a few stomps by Jack and then nails him with a falling forearm shot to his forehead. Dozer waits for Jack to slowly get back up, he then runs towards Jack and gets tossed over the top rope and onto the outside. Jack holds his back in pain as Dozer slowly pulls himself up and rolls into the ring, Jack right away starts to stomp on Dozer as he rolls into the ring until the referee holds him back. Dozer slowly gets to his feet and Jack runs towards him, but Dozer catches him with a flashy DDT and drills him hard onto the canvas. Dozer pops back up and hits the ropes, nailing an elbow to the back of Jack's head as he gets up. He stands up again, pulling Jack up with him. Dozer lifts Lance up for a suplex, and nails a HUGE brainbuster! Dozer goes for a cover...)

Ref: 1..... 2..... KICKOUT!

Joey Playa: Jack can't be pinned this early!

Chris Cross: Yeah, Dozer must suck.

(Dozer continues his onslaught, pulling Jack up and back down with a snapmare. He bounces off the ropes, and as Jack gets up, Dozer nails him with a dropkick to the face! Jack falls back over, rolling and holding his face. Dozer jumps up and leans over the ropes, taunting the fans. He gets a semi-pop for beating the hell out of Jack, but then he flips off the crowd, garnering boos again. As he's doing all this, Jack gets up and hits the ropes, knocking Dozer up and over the ropes with a clothesline. Dozer lands on the apron, turning around. Jack grabs him again and pulls him back over the ropes, landing him hard on Dozer's back. He then nails Dozer with a series of forearms, finally lacing into him with a huge right hand, sending Dozer to a corner.)

Chris Cross: Dozer is getting stomped!

Joey Playa: Sure is, and it's by the world champion, JACK HAPPY!

(Jack follows up, grabbing Dozer in a lockup again. Lance snap suplexes Dozer... quickly, Jack is to his feet again and he grabs Dozer again, for another snap suplex!)

Joey Playa: Jack is keeping the pressure on...

(Jack gets back to his feet AGAIN and pulls Dozer up... Michinoku Driver on Dozer! Jack covers...)

Ref: 1... 2.... Thre- KICKOUT!

Chris Cross: *sigh of relief*

Joey Playa: Was that a sigh of relief?

Chris Cross: Yes, I believe it was.

(Jack gets up, ready to pull Dozer up for another devastating move... Dozer leaps into action, reaching around for a small package rollup!)

Ref: 1..... 2..... 3!

Chris Cross: NO!!


Chris Cross: NO!!

(Dozer is in the middle of the ring on his knees almost crying. The ref hands him the belt as he holds it into the air.)

Joey Playa: And the new and second ever 2 time CWF World Champion, Dozer!

Chris Cross: This sucks balls...

(All of the sudden the CWF-tron comes to life and says...

"The Ratings Riser"....


Is Back


Chris Cross: Wow! Joey can read...

(Dozer is still holding onto his title as he looks at the CWF-tron. As we fade to...)

[Fade to copyright.]

©2001-2002 CWF / CA$H Productions. All rights reserved.