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[- Scene -]


The XWF show has just returned from their commercial break. The camera is getting a shot from the parking lot, and it looks like the wrestler known at Rob Van Dam has just arrived. Just as RVD is about to leave the parking garage, Michael Cole approaches RVD, hoping to get an interview with him, and his thoughts on his upcoming match with Scott Steiner.

Cole-Rob!! Rob, hold on!! I was hoping to get a quick word with you.

RVD-Oh, What’s up Michael? Well, I would, but I really got to get to my locker room. Word is that Steiner said some nasty things about me earlier. And I have to find out what those things were. I’ll tell you what. Come by my locker room later, and I’ll let you do your interview.

With that being said, RVD leaves the parking garage, and head off towards his locker room.

You know, I wonder where The Coach has been in the last couple of days???


Michael Cole is now being seen approaching Rob Van Dam’s locker room. Cole knocks on the door, and RVD answers the door, not looking to be in a very good mood.

Cole-Well, with the way you look right now, I’m guessing you got a hold of the footage from earlier tonight. What are your thoughts on what Steiner said?

RVD-Well, since you mentioned the name Steiner, then you must be talking about Big Poppa Dump. Earlier this week, I made a comment about Steiner being paranoid. Wanting to know where I was every minutes of the day, because he was afraid of me. And just as I thought he would, he goes and denies it. He comes back with his first comment, and says that I’m still afraid of him. Fact of the matter is Steiner, if I may quote one of the most legendary wrestlers in the history of our business: I am not afraid of you, I never was afraid of you, and I will never ever be afraid of you!!!

Cole-Okay Rob. Um, another thing I noticed is that it looks like you’re ready to compete. You don’t have a match tonight, do you??

RVD-No Michael, I don’t. But I do plan on going out there, and calling Big Poppa Dump out. And speak of the devil that time happens to be right now.

Just as RVD is walking away, Michael pops in one last question.

Cole-Wait a second Rob! I have just one more question. Have you seen The Coach around? The last time any of us saw him was during your interview with him at your Dojo.

RVD-Well, for all I know, he can still be inside that punching bag back at the Dojo. And for all I care, he can stay there, until he learns my ways, and stops smoking that joint.

With that being said, RVD heads out towards the ring, while the camera fades out into a commercial break.

After the break-

The show has just returned from the break, and we are now out at the ring area, with the crowd anxiously awaiting RVD to head out to the ring, and call out Big Poppa Pump, Scott Steiner.

One of a Kind begins to play, as every single fan in the arena rises up to their feet. Fireworks then explode out of the Titantron. And finally, Rob Van Dam makes his way out onto the top of the entrance ramp, receiving a huge and thunderous ovation from the fan there at the arena.

J.R.-Well, just like RVD said a while ago, he’s on his way out here. And he has intentions of calling Scott Steiner out here.

King-You know, I just like RVD. He shouldn’t be going around, and making fun of someone like Big Poppa Pump, Scott Steiner. No one in the XWF can overcome those peaks J.R.

J.R.-Well, you may be right King. But if anyone in this company can, that person has to be Rob Van Dam.

RVD makes his way down, while the fans continue the huge ovation. RVD then enters the ring, raises his arms up in respects towards his fans, and does his trademark thumb pointing, to those world famous words… ROB…VAN…DAM!!!

RVD then grabs a hold of a mic, and address his situation at hand.

RVD-Scott Steiner.

The crowd begins to boo, from the mention of Steiner’s name.

RVD-Yeah, I know how you all feel. Anyway, I know that you came out here, and told the world that I’m supposedly “afraid of you”. But in actuality Steiner, it’s actually you, who’s afraid of me. How else would you be able to explain the fact that every time Steiner comes out here to talk crap about me, I’m either not here, or haven’t arrived in the building yet. You also have the fact of him wanting to know where I am, every single second of the day. But like I said before Steiner, I not the type to attack someone from behind. I would approach you face to face, and then beat you into the ground. And that’s why I’m calling you out here, Big Poppa Dump. So you can approach me face to face, and then all of these fans here can witness your beat your beat down at the hands of Rob…Van…Dam!!!

RVD the throws the mic down on the ground, and waits for Scott Steiner to approach him in the ring.

[%]Disclaimer [%]:{ This Disclaimer as written by the maker of this layout wMe's Rikishi!!! I would like to thank Kish for letting me use his layout!} This Layout was made by me, and was made by me only. There are other layouts like this in efederations, but I personally made this one so to whoeevr thinks im using there’s, I got two words for ya, and they aint pretty. All banners and pictures were made by me, and I spent a bit of time perfecting them so don’t steal them. This roleplay was made by me and is intended to abuse the rest of the roster. If you ant to use anything then you can ask me at and mark your message subject as WOW Layout. Thank you, and thanks for reading.