Corruption: Reanimation

I cannot believe how easily the mind can be manipulated. With the right tools and words, you can almost feel their weakness grow in the palms of your hands. Its amazing how short minded people can be; typical youth. If only they would look back to the past, they would see my reputation as a person and a worker. They would see what I have done… they would remember what I'm capable of, mind and spirit. Half of these tragic comedies could have been avoided if only people were so idiotic… if only their mindless dribble could cease long enough to clear their mind and think. If only they could concentrate on the foreshadowing, they could have stopped this force. You must think I am rambling much, but what better time to think of such inquiries… especially in my luxurious hot tub. It's where I do my most needed thinking and plotting… the warmth of the water and the relaxation the bubbles produce is enough to clear my mind of burdens. It's the one time in my day I can feel free from reality, and escape to the inside of my mind. It was to my acknowledgement; Mark Crow had apparently contacted the station, which our precious Hardcore Wrestling Alliance is broadcasted. After our pay per view's shocking revelation, they immediately sent a cameraman to my domain. Perhaps it was for the better, at a time of pure concentration… HWA could finally hear my most inner thoughts. "When you think of an Enterprise, it could mean one of two things. However, in this case it's both combined to make the perfect beast."

I take a sigh attempting to gather air to continue my speech. "The first definition of an Enterprise is obviously that of a business. A conglomerate corporation. The irony of this entire comedy is I, Danny Starr, own The Enterprise. It's my business that I have created; the business that over-took the Extreme Wrestling Federation because of its lack of organization and order."

I lean to the left towards the hot tub's control panel, so to say, and switch off the bubbles to allow more of my voice to be heard. "The second definition of Enterprise is an undertaking; project. Willingness to undertake new or projects. That project being the demise of President Neil's HWA and HWA Entertainment. The two definitions together are a conglomerate business fueled by a cause; a cause that all members are willing to fight for and stand by."

My right hand slides to my coaster, which is harboring a crystal glass of wine. That of which is half full, due to drinking before hand. I quickly take a sip of the burgundy, simply leaving enough to finish my session. I place the glass down, keeping my eye on the correct platform to make sure I don't spill it. "People who know me may have seen this coming. Others, who aren't quite familiar with my ways, may have been shocked by my actions… however; whichever you are… you were all confused on my motive. The true reason I am so bitter towards this federation. President Neil accuses me of not being loyal and rebelling against his monarchy. Fact or fiction…"


At the same time, from various areas in the crowd, SFXW wrestlers hit the ring as well, causing a huge 'all-out brawl' to take place, with everyone wanting a piece of everyone else. Kano fights with Icon, as RaiN and Curtis Biggz battle it out with Conner and Hero. Tony Sanders trades punches with
Johnny Arrow, and suddenly. Kato Kanemoto is seen in the entryway.

Trent: That's the SFXW President! What's he doing here? What is the SFXW doing here period? And what the hell is he laughing about? Thank GOD! Ron Royalty is out! WHAT THE HELL????? Ron Royalty just shook Kato's hand? What in Gods name is going on here?

Keith: A Ring full of some ass beatings is what it looks like to me, Trent.

A faint cry of 'Die Dirty American Scum, Die' is heard from the corner of the arena, as the fighting in the ring continues.


"Fact or Fiction? It's an understatement to say fact. There was a time when I was loyal, Neil. There was a time when you had my respect and obedience. There was a time when I didn't seek complete and utter obliteration to your corporation. I used to be a good boy."

A smirk emerges across my mouth. "I earned my way into title matches, and not a congratulations… not a compliment from the staff. Nothing from you, Neil. I earned my way, that's when I opened my eyes and saw the truth behind Neil's presidency. Corruption. He pushed who he wanted pushed; he made popular who HE wanted popular… not the ones who earned it; the ones who deserved it the most. It took me three times to finally realize my true calling in life. To finally create a wave large enough to get noticed. As my attempts to get noticed became more extreme and intense, the more heat I received from the fans and locker room. It's sad when a talented wrestler with charismatic microphone skill and has the mean streak and strength to make it to the top is held back because he wasn't buttering our honest President up enough."

I push my back up against the hot tub to get leverage to match my attitude. "We talk about loyalty, and loyalty is all I ever could give. It's all I ever gave to this damned federation… and in return what do I get? Nothing! Hollywood D gets a title shot, and I have to concentrate on the midcarders. The ONLY Last Man Standing in HWA history… and what did I get when Neil decided to resurrect this company? I had to face Dan Sawyer in a street fight at a pay per view while Kevin Conner is leading my stable. I had to turn on Kevin Conner, and kill Heather just to get the heat I once had. Did I get my world title shot? No… I was given the Aftermath to handle while Ryan Maxem, a ROOKIE, received a shot." The heat from the water was beginning to anger me, along with what I was feeling inside. Nothing annoys me more than not being recognized for who I am, and whom I deserve to be labeled as.

"Where was I? Babysitting my nephew while my colleagues were granted what they deserved. Neil had to punish me for killing the HWA… he had to make me pay for ever creating the Foundation Of Sensation. It was disgusting. The only way I was able to ever have a title shot was to win MY tournament… so I went through Jason Mysterio. I went through Ryan Maxem… Neil saw fit that Ryan Maxem, despite his failure in the tournament, get a world title shot anyway. Is this fair? Is this justice? Is this rules and regulation of HWA? This is corruption. So I figured I would give President Neil a taste of his own corruption."

I climbed out from the hot tub, and walked towards a wall which had a white towel hooked. I retrieve the towel, and wrap it around myself, attempting to obviously dry myself of the water. After wiping my forehead of the dripping sweat, I proceeded to wrap the towel around my waste and lower stomach. "It turned out, not only I was being shunned of my true opportunity… people like Fudge were being disrespected. People like Tommy Romeo, and Unknown Ninja… Neil was walking all of these young superstars and their abilities. So you know what I did? I rebelled against his corrupt monarchy. I rebelled against him with powerful force…physically with my Enterprise… and mentally with his best friend. Now that we're free of his perverse puppet mastering, we all have seen the true light. The Enterprise has been formed… and the cause is evident. Nothing President Neil does can stop us from having justice against his corruption. Denying IPW didn't kill HWA is enough to embarrass you. Perhaps your corruption to shake hands with Kato made it look like you were in on it, but you had a reputation to worry about, didn't you? However, either way, with the harsh blow EWF did to HWA was enough to knock it off it's orbit just enough to alter its fate. Thanks to me, HWA died! You know it died… you KNOW it was bound to die when Kevin Conner is your main eventer. When you depend on Kevin Conner to entertain audiences and boost ratings, consider your business bankrupt." I pause after the previous statement.

"Now, Ryan Maxem. Was it really worth it in the very end? Perhaps you finally defeated your rival, Judge, so to say. You have finally won the World Championship; your name is in the record books! Now with that simple fact, your fate is sealed. You see, along with my new control over things with The Enterprise… I also won Last Man Standing, as you know. I want you to enjoy your name being lighted up by that title, Maxem… because soon, "The Sensation" is going to obliterate you mentally… emotionally… and physically. We're both labeled because of our arrogance… however, unlike you… I'm not arrogant. I'm not conceited… it's simply reality! People say it's blasphemy for me to claim I am god, well... I am not Him. However, God felt my creation was necessary for divine competition." I take a short pause as I completely dry off.

"The demise of HWA through Ryan Maxem? Great… The demise of President Neil's monarchy? Fantastic… Danny Starr leading the Enterprise into victory against Neil William's corruption? Now THAT'S Sensational!" I believe the camera was faded to black as I walked out of the scene. I demanded they leave my house immediately, for their essence was beginning to make me nauseated.