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(Scenes open up in a dark hall way there is little light and a dripping sound in the background, there seems to be a few trash cans lieing on the ground like dead bodies after a war, the words "Return to the house of Dan Sawyer" it seems its an episode of a television show from the eighties... the scenes fade out, then the camera fades in to a second class house, much like Dan Sawyer's house, basic set up, Dining room, living room, kitchen, bathroom, and the bedroom where most of the action in the house goes down..scene's fade out to blackness then to an HWA locker room where a man wearing a black robe is sitting on a chair, the robe is much like a robe The old Undertaker from the WWE, known at the time as the WWF, would wear as he walked down the ring with his manager Paul Bear... the man looks up at the camera, there is a light now over his head, the man appears to be a heavy weight around six feet or more, the song Leaveing Part 2 by AFI begins to play as the man starts to talk to the camera.) Man:Hello fellow friends, current HWA wrestlers, staff, interviewers, you might know me as "The Deadly One" Dan Sawyer or maybe, Danny Storm, you might also know me as X-Factor if you were in the EWF, yes the EWF, the (E)treme (W)restling (F)ederation under control by Sir Daniel Starr, "The Sensation" he might be a great wrestler, but he has to much money, he can buy his way out of anything, is that what you look for in a super star, who you love and cheer for? or how about some one who has never had a world title shot ever? why cheer for a winner? It's because all you bloody people want is to feel like a winner... Now see I am just a simple man who got into this profession with luck, not with money or a connection on the inside, I got in here with my luck, and a little of my skill's and effort, now it seems to me that people have some problems with me such as Blue Thunder, Kevin Conner, Danny Starr, and Mexican Dream Why do these people have a problem with me? What did I ever do to them, sure they might have beaten me once, except The Mexican Dream. Conner, I heard what you said and you had what was coming to you, Blue Thunder I destroy'd you in the match we had that was a fluke, so I cracked a baseball over your head, Danny Starr You talked about me behind my back and I made you look like my little bitch! Now HWA this is all I have to say for now but you will here from me again! and to my opponents make this Thanksgiving a good one because it might be yourn last one! (Dan Sawyer gets up out of the chair and walks out of the door, you can slightly here the door shut behind him as the camera slowly fades to black the word "Beware" flashes accross the screen in bold white letters..) |