Dangerously In Love





**Wrestlers Real Names Used & Mild Language**


Alyssa checked her appointment book one more time to check over her appointments for the remainder of the night…Great…just great of all nights the worst person to try and give a massage to was scheduled on my fun night…Mark Callaway.


My name is Alyssa Parker.  I’m 21, 5’10” and 130lbs.  With violet eyes and long brunette hair to my waist…I always kept my hair up in a bun while I was at work, to keep it out of my face…and keep it away from the clients.


I double checked the book several times…yup…I had to deal with the American Bad Ass himself tonight…joy…right before I was about to go out with some of the others to a local club to do a little dancing, a lot of drinking…and relieve some…okay…tons of stress…I straightened my tank top, fidgeted with my jeans and tapped my steel toed boots in the leg of one of the massage tables…


I figured I might as well set up, I had an hour before he’d be coming in…No use in getting all huffy about it…he comes in twice a week for his massages…and besides the WWE hired me to do a job…I might as well just do it and get it over with…I might have disliked and dare I say hated the man with every fiber of my being…but his tattooed, well muscled body did things to me that were totally in explainable. 


Every time I gave that man a massage it was a friggen nightmare…he would gripe about things I wasn’t doing or he’d just call me little girl or honey…I REALLY hated that, I had a name…and it seemed every one knew what it was BUT him.  Mark was just…I guess strict is the word I’m looking for…he was always set in stone…he kept to himself…unless you was a wrestler seeking advice…also some what temperamental…he’d been known to have a pretty bad temper around everyone…and anyone.


When ever he’d talk to me he’d address me as little girl…I hated that…it was like he talked to me like I had no education what so ever…sometimes he actually got to me too…but I’d never let him know that. 


I was wiping down the massage tables and cleaning them with rubbing alcohol…When Jaden walked in and said, “Aly, you’re coming tonight right?”  I snapped from my thoughts and smiled and said, “Of course.”  Jaden walked in and sat down and talked to me while I finished cleaning and getting ready for Mark to come in…


Jaden said, “Remember when you danced with poor Jeff last week…you started gyrating and rubbing your pelvis bones against his and he freaked a little, he was not expecting it…”  I smiled and said, “Yea…he was practically ready to get engaged to me…Then Brock’s face when me and you started dancing all sexy together…Brock was practically drooling on himself…”  We were sent into fits of giggles…


Mark walked in and we were laughing so hard we had to lean on each other so as we didn’t fall over.  Mark had just a towel around his waist like always…he’d come to my office right after he showered.  Tattoos covered both his arms, wrist to shoulder , plus one across his 6-pak and one on the back of his neck…he was 6’10”  nearly 7 feet tall…he weighted any where from 300 to 325 lbs…he had dark auburn hair to the middle of his back, which he usually either kept braided or pulled back into a low pony tail.


Mark’s low southern accented voice said, “When you ladies are done fuckin’ around on the job…I’d like my massage.”  Jaden leaned over and said, “Grumpy ass…”  We stifled our laughs when he shot both of us a glare with those Emerald green orbs.  Jaden jumped off the table and said, “Aly, I’ll see ya in an hour right?”  I checked my watch and said, “No, actually an hour and a half.” As my eyes darted towards Mark and she said, “Okay…See ya back at the hotel.”  I smiled and nodded.


I said, “Sorry to keep you waiting Mr. Callaway…hop up on the table face down…you know the drill.”  He didn’t say a word…just did as I instructed.


Chapter 2

**Same Warning**


I poured a little lightly scented oil in my hands and rubbed them together to warm the oil and my hands…I slowly started touching Mark’s back…his voice bit out, “Shit woman….your hands are like God damn ice.” 


“Mmm-hmmm.”  Was my response to him…I kneaded and worked the tight, stressed muscles with my hands and fingers…over his shoulders, down his well defined broad back…around his well muscled neck, shoulders and arms…down to his lumbar region…I repositioned myself next to the table and I could seen just the tops of his beautifully well defined ass…


And I had to exhale slowly or I was going to literally cream my jeans…Like I said, I may have disliked or hated the man…but his body did things to me that was just uncontrollable.  I was on shaky legs and said, “Okay Mr. Callaway, turn over.” 


Mark held the towel…as he turned over onto his back and readjusted the towel to cover up the goodies he had in the front…I say goodies…like he was smuggling candy or something…but of course to the average horny 21 year old female…it was candy…lollipop that needed some lickin’ to be done on it…


Mark laid his head back and closed his eyes…and I couldn’t stop my tongue from darting out to wet my lips…all of a sudden I was starting to get cotton mouth fast…I couldn’t take my eyes off the towel…Oh how I’d wished numerous times…the towel would fall off, evaporate, disappear, vanish…catch on fire and burn off his body…I exhaled again trying to keep my composure as it was slowly slipping away as I started massaging his shoulders, down his arms, chest, his tight 6pak muscles…to the sides of his hips but never the fronts…


I actually made the mistake of doing that once and brushed against his penis that was casually laying against his thigh…and he shot up like someone had cut the damn thing off and growled at me…backing me into a corner and threatening to tan my hid if I’d ever done that again…I didn’t even know what I’d done.  I just threw out a ‘yes sir’ as he growled a little more and walked out of the room after only 15 minutes…which wasn’t like him…he always stayed for his full hour and a half…


But needless to say that day…he just stalked out of the room and the next time I seen him, we didn’t talk again…Mark used to actually talk to me…he’d come in for his massages, and we’d talk a little…not much but enough to know how he was and what not…but ever since that day…he’s pretty tight lipped around me.


I snapped out of my thoughts…of that nightmarish day and started with his feet and worked up his huge calves, to his knees and then to his thighs…once I got to the bottom of the towel I said, “Okay done.”  I walked over and washed my hands and dried them…I threw a towel to Mark as he dried the excess oil from his body, I walked up and dried his back like always and as he finished.


I grabbed my backpack and opened the door and said, “Turn the light off and close the door when you leave please and thank you…See you in a few days.”  I’m not all that sure but I think I got a some what growl ‘uh-huh’ from him.  I walked out and left back to the hotel and got ready for the clubbin’ scene.


Chapter 3

**Wrestlers Real Names Used & Mild Language**


I met Jaden and Heidi in the lobby of the hotel and said, “Where are the guys?”  Heidi smiled and said, “Oh they were trying to get a few more people to come and blow off steam…so they will meet us there.”  I said, “Okay…sounds good…Let’s get outta here then.”


I had on Black Leather pants with steel toed boots and a black leather tank top that let 2 inches of my bare mid-drift show plus my navel ring.  I let my hair out of the bun and straightened it.


We got to the club and immediately started downing shots of Tequila with salt and lemons…We had about 10 shots in us and were already dancing when the guys finally got there…The great thing about the club was during certain songs they were turn the sprinklers on…and you could dance your little heart out soaking wet, cause it got so hot in the club…


Mark walked into the club and figured, what the hell…he doesn’t dance…but he could use a drink and if he looked hard enough he was pretty sure he could find some girl willing to jump him and help him forget about Alyssa’s magical hands…they did things to his body…even now he still remember the day she got too close and brushed against his groin…He wanted to throw her on her own massage table and fuck her brains out…but he went for the scare route instead…he hadn’t meant to lose his temper with her…but then he wouldn’t let himself apologize for being such a bear towards her…Every time he thought about how her hand brushed up against him…his cock twitched, and sent him into a full body shiver…


Mark shook his head trying to put thoughts of Alyssa out of his head…as he walked up to the 5 tables pushed together with most of the wrestlers and their girls friends or wives sitting at.  Brock and Jaden, Glenn and Heidi, Jeff, John and Brittany, Steve and Brandy…but the girls were missing, chances are they were either dancing or they were drinking.  As Mark sat down someone handed him a beer, and he heard a squeal come from the bar…He turned and looked and sure enough it was the girls…they probably had been living it up with some Tequila…it was their drink of choice when they were all partying.



I Love to love you baby
I Love to love you baby
I'm feelin sexy
I wanna hear you say my name boy
If you can reach me
You can feel my burning flame
I'm feelin’ kind of N-A-S-T-Y
I might just take you home with me
Baby the minute I feel your energy
Your vibe's just taken over me
Start feelin’ so crazy babe
Lately, I feel the funk coming over me
I don't know what's gotten into me
The rhythm’s got me feelin’ so crazy babe



Mark watched as they walked past the tables and out to the dance floor…the guys nearly fell on the floor as the girls started moving slowly and grinding in a long line together…as the song came on the sprinklers came on with it…and the girls dancing was now dripping with sexuality, but they were also dripping wet.



Tonight…I'll be your naughty girl
I'm callin’ all my girls
We're gonna turn this party out
I know you want my body
Tonight…I'll be your naughty girl
I'm callin’ all my girls
I see you look me up and down
And I came to party



Brock shook his head a few times…trying to make sure that was actually his girlfriend out there dancing like that with the 4 other girls…The last time they’d done that at a club, every guy within an eye shot had boners…and he had to help Glenn, Jeff, Steve and John practically beat the guys off with a stick, cause not only did they go after HIS Jaden…they went after Brandy, Alyssa, Heidi and Brittany.



You’re so sexy, tonight I am all yours boy
The way your body moves across the floor
You got me feelin’ N-A-S-T-Y
I might just take you home with me
Baby the minute I feel your energy
The vibe's just taken over me
Start feelin’ so crazy babe
Lately, I feel the funk coming over me
I don't know what's gotten into me
The rhythm’s got me feelin’ so crazy babe



Mark’s eyes seemed to latch onto a brunette who had long hair to her ass…and he just watched as her hips curved and twisted against the other girls…He didn’t know who she was…He figured it was Jeff’s new girlfriend or something…but damn she had long legs that went on for days, and her curves just seemed to jump right out and begged to be touched.  Mark followed every drop of water on the girls body, watching as it slid down her tight 6-pak stomach, and then on her leather clad hips and ass.



Tonight…I'll be your naughty girl
I'm callin’ all my girls
We're gonna turn this party out
I know you want my body
Tonight…I'll be your naughty girl
I'm callin’ all my girls
I see you look me up and down
And I came to party



Steve ran his hand over his bald head trying to make sure that was actually his wife Brandy moving like that with the other girls.  For the life of him, Steve couldn’t remember Brandy moving like that against him when they danced at the wedding reception…or maybe he just hadn’t noticed…



I Love to love you baby
I Love to love you baby
I Love to love you baby
I Love to love you baby
Tonight…I'll be your naughty girl
I'm callin’ all my girls
We're gonna turn this party out
I know you want my body
Tonight…I'll be your naughty girl
I'm callin’ all my girls
I see you look me up and down
And I came to party


As the song came to an end, there was not a guy at the table who didn’t have a hard on…as a matter of fact there was a guy in a the club who didn’t have one…All the guys stood up and decided now would be a good time for a really, REALLY stiff drink. (no pun intended).



Tonight…I'll be your naughty girl
I'm callin’ all my girls
We're gonna turn this party out
I know you want my body
Tonight…I'll be your naughty girl
I'm callin’ all my girls
I see you look me up and down
And I came to party



Chapter 4

**Same Warning**


As we walked back to the table ringing the water out of our hair and clothes…we looked up and noticed all the guys had disappeared to the bar…we couldn’t help but laugh…Mark was making his way back to the table when I noticed him and said, “Alright, who invited the asshole?”  Jaden looked over and said, “I didn’t know Brock was going to invite him…I’m sorry Aly.”  I said, “Oh it’s okay…I’ll live until he annoys me…Maybe I should save face and leave now.”  Heidi came over and said, “If you move one inch from this chair…I shall tackle your ass to the ground…and let Glenn sit on you.”


I said, “You’re idle death threats do nothing to me.”  The girls started laughing so hard and Heidi said, “It wasn’t a death threat…it was just a plain threat.”  I said, “Heidi, darling…if Glenn sits on me…it will kill me…he weights 200 lbs more then me…”  Heidi got this big smile on her face and all of us started laughing while the guys came back to join us…Mark sat next to me and I cringed…I just decided to ignore him and finish ringing the water out of my hair.


I finally said, “Hey, has anyone heard from April and Shane-o?  I mean…they have been on their honeymoon for the last 3 months…they have to come up for air sometime right?”  Heidi laughed and said, “Well…When Glenn and I got married you guys didn’t see or hear from us in 8 months.”  I said, “Yea, but it was only because dingus there was also out with an injury.”  Jaden said, “Well, neither of them are out on injury, but if they keep it up, one of them is gonna be sore.”  Everyone at the table started laughing…


Another really great fast song came on and Jeff said, “Aly, wanna dance?”  I smiled and said, “Hell yes.”  Jeff walked around the table and grabbed my hand…all eyes from the table were on us…Jeff bowed to me and I curtsied to him…and then Jeff threw me over his shoulder and carried me out to the dance floor.  We could hear everyone at the table laughing at our fun demeanor.


Mark said, “Why does that name sound so familiar to me?”  Jaden said, “I would hope it sounds familiar…she just got done giving you a massage not more then 30 minutes ago.”  Mark’s eyes nearly popped out of his skull and he said, “That over there…on the dance floor with Hardy is Alyssa?”  Heidi giggled and said, “Yea…you didn’t recognize her?”  Mark said, “I’m so used to seeing her with her hair pulled up into a bun and jeans and a tank top or t-shirt…I’ve never seen her outside of work…Damn when she let’s loose she really lets it all go.”  Heidi said, “Alyssa is the big time party girl…she’s from some small town in Texas…and she grew up going to parties every weekend out in the country…she lives in Houston now…and her Nana lives in Austin.”  Mark said, “Houston?”


Britt said, “Ya know Deadman if you would get to know the people who work around you…you’d know Alyssa more.”  Mark knew she was right…


I walked back over to the table with Jeff and said, “Okay…so I don’t need to go for my jog or work out in the morning…I’m beat…”  I plopped down in the chair…Brandy said, “Oh hell no…your ass is going to be up and the butt crack of dawn with the rest of us…working off all the alcohol we drank tonight.”  I said, “Oh, alright…but no crunches…I don’t wanna crunch out my alcohol…”  Britt laughed and said, “Eww.”  John said, “What are you ewwing for…you’re the same one who said if I didn’t stop tickling you last night that you was going to stick your finger down your throat and puke on me.”


I said, “That’s not the first time she’s said that…she says that all the time.”  We laughed and then got really quite…and I said, “Well ladies…and gentlemen…I’ve had just about all the fun one person could stand with you all…I’m gonna head back to the hotel…and I shall see y’all in the morning at the gym.”  I stood up and made my way around giving every one a hug…I got to Mark and half smiled and said, “See ya.”  Mark nodded.  I left and fell right to sleep before I even got my clothes off…


Chapter 5

**S M U T  Warning**


A couple of days later, Alyssa was sitting in her massage room, waiting on who else?  The bear from Texas…Mark Callaway.  He finally came in but this time, he had on his jeans and no shirt…his rough voice said, “Sorry, no time for a shower tonight…let’s just get this over with fast please.”  I  shrugged and said, “Okay…”


Mark laid on his back and I started with his shoulders, arms and started moving down his chest…when he grabbed my hands…and sat up…I said, “What?”  Mark put his index finger on my lips to quiet me.  Mark got up off the table and turned me around to lean me against the table…


I just looked down at the ground.


Mark put his hand under my chin and turned my face towards him and he said, “Alyssa I love you.”  Mark leaned over and I was leaning over to move away from him…he looked over at the door to the massage room and reached over and locked it…Mark proceeded to push me all the way over and onto the massage table…he crawled up my body on his hands and knees…and grabbed one of my legs and pulled it up and over his one leg and then did the same with my other leg so he was kneeling between my legs…


I said, “Mr. Callaway just what do you think you’re doing?”  Mark said, “Well…first I’m going to kiss you.”  Mark leaned over and kissed me, and he took my arms and wrapped them around his neck…still kissing.


Then he slowly lowered his body to mine…and it felt so good to have him between my thighs…lots of power.  When Mark pulled away from the kiss Mark said, “Now…I’m only going to say this one more time…and if I don’t hear the response I want I‘m going to leave…Are you ready?”  I nodded and he kissed me one more time and said, “Alyssa…I love you.”  I looked deep into his emerald green eyes and knew he was telling the truth…I smiled and said, “I love you too Mark.”  Mark said, “That’s my girl…You know what I’m going to do now?”  I said, “No what?” 


Mark automatically moved his pelvis and I could feel his cock through his jeans and through the crotch of my jeans…Mark said, “You feel that?”  I said, “Yea…it would be hard not to.”  He said, “You did that to me…So in honor of the both of us coming to our senses, removing our heads from our asses…and finally admitting we love each other…I’m going to make love to you right here, right now…and make you all mine…you will officially be my woman, after I make you cum so hard you’ll be tired for days…So tell me now if you don’t want to do this.” 


I bit my bottom lip and Mark saw the look in my eyes and said, “What is it darlin’…What’s wrong?”  I said, “Damn Texans making me crazy…”  Mark growled and said, “What’ca it girl.”  I smiled a little and said, “Are you crazy?  I’d have to be insane to not want you to make me cum…” 


Mark said, “Then let the games begin.”


Marks hands roamed my body as his lips relentlessly ravaged mine. His hands went to the zipper of my jeans.   He could feel my nipples hardening through my tank top and lacy bra. He finally got my jeans unzipped and pulled them off with my panties.


"OH God! Darlin. I've thought about this every time you give me my massage.  I can't wait anymore. I want you now!" he whispered. My hands were roaming his muscled body and I placed soft kisses where my hands had been, knowing this combined with the knowledge that he was going to make me scream was driving him totally over the edge.   He lifted my bottom up, urging me to wrap my legs around him, this bringing my pussy in direct contact with the straining bulge in his jeans. I tried to get my hand between us as he laid there kissing my mid drift and pulled at my bra and tank top.  “You have too many clothes on!" I whispered urgently as he laid me back against the mat.


"Not for long, darlin!" he growled as he stood up, ripping his shoes and socks off, then quickly he discarded his shirt only having on the jeans. I was breathing hard as I watched his hands move slowly, teasingly to the button of his jeans. My legs parted wider in anticipation of their coming together. He unzipped his jeans and drew them slowly down his legs and his hand reached for his painfully aching cock, the jeans sliding down his beautifully sculpted legs. He kicked them into a pile over by his shoes and my jeans.  Mark watched me laying there, my long hair spread out around me and my legs parted just waiting for him to come inside me.


“You need to be naked too” he whispered as he slipped his big warm hands up under my tank top, feeling for the clasp of my bra.  He took everything off me, exposing me to his touch. My nipples hardened in the cool air of the room, and chill went up and down my spine as I looked into his eyes…Mark kissed my mouth, then moved down, kissing my breasts and the valley between them as he rolled my nipples with his long fingers. I whimpered as he continued his all out assault on my willing flesh.


"Do you like me kissin you? Touching you?" he murmured against my skin as he blazed a path to my pussy. I could only nod my head, no words would come. "What? I can't hear ya, baby? Do you like this?" he whispered, slipping his finger into me. "Yes!" I was barely able to whisper. "You are beautiful, and I want you so bad!" He was kissing me over and over, each kiss heightening in intensity, his hands running all over me stroking and tweaking. I was barely aware of someone moaning and pleading, then realized it was ME!


"Ahhh honey, you gotta tell me. I need to hear what you want. Tell me!" he growled. "Please!" I begged him, writhing around to get closer to his body to relieve the ache he was making me feel. He removed his fingers and moved slightly away from me.  "Well darlin, I'd love to help ya, but I don't know what cha want." he chuckled. I took my hands and placed them on either side of his face as my legs moved around his back.  I finally could not wait any longer, knowing he would not put an end to the torture until I said the words.


"Mark, fuck me." I finally whispered.


He closed his eyes, reveling in the fact that he got me to say it.  He eased his hardness into my slick opening, but didn't move any farther. He grinned as he looked down into my eyes. "What's the magic word?" he groaned as the tip of his magnificent cock eased a little deeper into my heat.  I knew then that I had him, and quickly slid my hands down his muscled back.  Through clenched teeth I said, “NOW!”


Mark pulled my thighs apart and up pushing his cock deeper into me…I was a writhing mess beneath him…I closed my eyes tight…


"Oh no, Now open your eyes, I want to look at you when you cum!" he said softly. The sound of his sexy voice and the feel of his cock filing me up inside was more than we could both take!  Mark moved slowly at first to let me adjust to him, but soon slow wasn't enough for either of us and I was urging him to go harder and faster. He could feel me beginning to explode all around him and moved deeper still.


"That's it! Cum for me! I can feel you are almost there, let it go! I will hold you." he whispered against my lips. I screamed out Mark’s name as my orgasm hit and all I could do was shake.  Mark’s cock kept pounding into me, riding out my orgasm…he sped his motions up. He could still feel my tight muscles contracting around him when he reached his own peak!  A few more hard thrusts and he was right behind me, filling my willing body with his exploding seed.


And that’s what happens when you have 2 people who are dangerously in love.


The End