Giving In
guess I was given the short end of the stick for the first 17 years of my
life…My mother never really loved me, well she said she did, but would start
drinking and then would verbally abuse me…so there were times that were
extremely bad…When I was 17, I left my mother and her drinking problems behind
me, and went to college, medical school to be exact…I was happy to finally be
away from her…I had been working and saving my money for my whole life, just to
go to college, to be away from her for 5 years…I graduated with Medical
degree…and got a job right out of college…at first I was working for the WWE
(World Wrestling Federation)…So I’m officially a doctor now after my 5 years of
college and medical school and internship…I’m a Trauma doctor…In other words I
use what ever supplies are around me to patch up the wrestlers until they can
be taken to the hospital.
also had a dog that went every where with me…It’s a male all black rotwieler,
whose name is Max. I had had him for the
last 3 years…he was very obedient…and I very rarely put him on a leash, unless
I was out in public, away from the arenas, or hotel…When I did have the leash
off of him, he knew his head had to touch my finger tips…
name is Dr. Nyla Hill (Has a lovely ring to it…doesn’t it?), most people call
me, Lala…I’m 23, 5’9” and 125lbs…I have brown hair with blonde highlights, and
dark blue eyes…my hair goes all the way to just the top of my rear-end. I was never seen without my laptop…I had
pretty much gotten to meet all the wrestlers and speak with all of them except
a few…
night, I was in Matt and Jeff Hardy’s dressing room, sitting on the floor
talking with Matt’s girlfriend and fellow wrestler Amy (Lita)…The guys were
getting ready for their match, and I said, “Ames, you wouldn’t believe who I
had my first encounter with…” She said,
“I give up who?”
I said, “Mark.” She almost spit
her water out and said, “Callaway?” I
nodded and said, “Yup…I walked around the corner with Max and ran right into
him and my ass hit the cement.” Amy
said, “No shit…what did you do?”
said, “What was I supposed to do…I fell back, managed to land on my ass and hit
my head at the same time…I sat up holding my head and saw these two feet, I
looked up his body and all I could say was ‘Holy Shit’…I mean here was this
almost 7 foot guy towering over me…and I swear for like 10 minutes I was a
temporary paraplegic. I literally
couldn’t move for some reason…He squatted down and before I had time to say
anything else he scooped me up and sat me on one of those big equipment trunks
in the hallway…I was absolutely stunned…he looked in my eyes and said,
“Darlin’, are you alright, I didn’t mean to knock you over.” I finally squeaked out a yes… he looked and
felt the back of my head to make sure I wasn’t bleeding, his hands were so big
said, “I know, they are huge…” I said,
“Hell, I’d just like to feel them on me again…anyways…he said ‘you’re gonna
have a bump on that pretty noggin of yours…do you want something for the
pain?’…Mean while I got my voice back enough to say
‘no thanks…I’ll live.’ We introduced
ourselves, and talked a little bit, then went our separate ways…” Amy by now was rolling on the floor with
laughter, I said, “So, not funny little woman.”
said, “Actually, yes it is…cause that’s exactly how every woman in this company
met him, they literally run into him at one point or another…all getting
knocked on their asses…the problem is, you can never hear him coming…I mean you
can see him…he’s 6’10” and 325 lbs of big nasty…The man doesn’t do invisible
tricks , but he’s so quiet it is scary, he could sneak attack you and you
wouldn’t know it was him until after it was over…” I said, “Just great…one more of those and
I’ll have a concussion…by the way if I haven’t already told you…my head hurts.”
laughed again and Amy said, “Don’t worry the pain will pass, but every time
he’s around you now, you’ll be embarrassed by knowing you was just another
victim of Mark and his walk by knock downs.”
We laughed even harder…
Chapter 2
couple of weeks later, I was sitting in the guys dressing room again and was
talking with Amy, when someone busted through the door and said, “Nyla, you
better come quick, Mark Callaway’s been hurt bad…” I said, “Okay, I’m right behind you…” I took off down the hall and got into the
medical room, where he was sitting on the exam table yelling at my assistant. I walked in and had my hands on my hips and
said, “Mr. Callaway, could you please not yell at Bridget…she’s my assistant
and she’s only trying to help.” Mark
said, “Okay, then you beat her…because I’m in pain, and want it to stop.” I said, “Mr. Callaway, calm down…getting
excited will only make your injury hurt more.”
Jacobs (Kane) was leaning against the wall and had taken his mask off and said,
“You obviously don’t know Mark too well…excited should be his middle name…next
to pissy.” I said, “You must be his side
kick Glenn…” He said, “Yes
Ma’am…anything I can help you with...” I
looked over and saw Amy standing there, and I said, “Bridget go take a break,
I’ll handle Mr. Callaway…” Noticing she
was visibly shaken after his screaming at her…she nodded and left…I said,
“Okay, now, anyone who is here cause they’re hurt raise your hand.” Mark looked at me and glared and I said,
“Wow...if looks could kill…okay Glenn, get everyone out…except Amy and
yourself…and you can go ahead and leave Mr. Callaway here also…I mean, if he
must stay then I guess he must.”
shooed every one out as I began my examination…I said, “Amy, in that third
drawer there are a pair of scissors…How fond of this sweatshirt are you exactly
Mr. Callaway?” Mark looked at me and
said, “I can get another one…and stop calling me Mr. Callaway…I keep looking
for my father, just call me Mark…” I
said, “Fine Mark…the sweatshirt is getting shredded…” I cut the sweatshirt off of him and he didn’t
have another shirt underneath…damn that boy had a great chest, and arms…nice
tattoos…I don’t know why but there was always something about a guy who was
covered in tattoos…it always did something for me…ALWAYS!!
put my hands on his shoulder and Mark sucked in a gasp of breath…and said,
“Does that hurt?” Mark said, “No, you’re
hands feel like ice…Geez…what do you do soak them in ice water?” I said, “No, my hands are always cold…sorry I
should of warned you.” Mark said, “That
would have been nice yea…” I started
feeling around on his shoulder and shoulder blade area…and said, “Oh, I see
what the problem is…you’re shoulder has been
dislocated…” Mark said, “Shouldn’t I go
have an MRI done, or go see a real doctor…”
I was highly offended at that remark…and said, “Excuse me? I suppose after that last comment you’d like
to be left locked in here by yourself in pain…cause I have no problem doing
so…I did not attend Med. School so I could take shit from over grown, arrogant,
cocky wrestlers, whose egos are generally bigger then the cotton stuffing in
their head…I’m a doctor for a reason…it’s to help people who are hurt…and if
you’re not hurt you can get up and leave my office right now.”
eyes got big, there was no one in the world who had ever spoke to Mark like
that…he closed his eyes tight cause he was waiting for the state of California
to blow up along with Mark’s head…
Chapter 3
stood in front of Mark and said, “Now, would you rather be pain free…or can I
jerk around on your arm and instill a little more pain…charge free, no
less…from me to you…” Mark’s first
thought was ‘damn, she’s HOT when she’s mad’…but the second thought that
actually made it past his lips were, “Please help me.” I squinted my eyes
at him to see if he was screwing with me, but he wasn’t…I said, “Fine, lay
down…” I walked over and grabbed a jar
of Icy/Hot and a towel and walked back over to the table and said, “Glenn, put
your arm across his legs and hold him down…and Mark I hope you don’t mind me
sitting on you…” Mark said, “Sure, why
not, c’mon up.”
jumped up and sat straddled over Mark’s chest…my rear-end was planted at the
base of his rib cage…My hair was in my face, so I pulled it back with a pony
tail holder…and then I proceeded to rub the icy/hot on his shoulder and then
started massaging the joints back and forth, and I said, “Is you shoulder warm
or cold?” Mark said, “Warm.” I leaned over him and pushed down gently to
not hurt him, but forcefully enough that I heard a huge thundering ~~CRACK~~ I
said, “Okay, done…” Glenn grabbed my hand
and helped me off the table…and Mark sat up and said, “That’s all?” I said, “What were you expecting, lightening
to crash and the earth to shake?” Mark
said, “I dunno…”
said, “Well, your all fixed…how in the world did you do
that?” Mark looked at Glenn and said,
“Someone, who shall remain nameless, shoved me into the ring post.” I looked at Glenn and he said, “What? It was in the script…I was supposed to shove
him, so I did…” I said, “Honey, into the
ring post, not through it.” The
“brothers of destruction” were about to leave when I said, “Mark, can I talk to
you real fast.” He said, “Sure, I’ll
catch up with you in a minute Glenn…”
Amy walked out and waiting by the door and I closed it…and said, “By the
way, the next time you make a crack about going to see a real doctor, I swear
as God as my witness, I will hand you, your head in a ziploc
bag.” Mark said, “Sure.” And suppressed a laugh and left the room…
can already tell that boy is going to stay on my bad side for a while…Mark and
Glenn played brothers on camera, but off camera they were best friends…It was
uncanny how much they looked alike, same color hair, small muscle build except
for Mark was the tattooed boy, and Glenn was tattoo free…
waited for Mark just down the hall and as Mark walked up he was laughing, Glenn
said, “What’s so funny?” He said,
“Nyla…she just threatened to remove my head and give it to me in a ziploc bag, if I ever made a crack about going to see a
real doctor again…” Glenn said, “I think
she might be serious about that…” Mark
said, “Shit…I know she is…but I can’t help it…dude she’s gorgeous when she’s
angry.” They both laughed and continued
to go get cleaned up…
Raw was over I walked out to the ring with Max, and the crew had already taken
down the ring ropes, and all the fans were gone…it arena was quiet and
empty…this had been my ritual for a while…I sat in the ring with Max and would
check my e-mail…
we were sitting there, Max started growling, and said, “Whose ever there, stop
antagonizing my dog before I let him bit your ass off…” A deep southern accented voice said, “Well, I
hope you don’t let him do that…it would hurt like hell…” I said, “Mark, is that you?” Mark said, “Yea, Doc, it’s me…sorry didn’t
mean to make your pooch go wild…” I
said, “No problem, so what bring you out here?”
He said, “Nothing in particular…just trying to walk off the tension a
little…showers don’t help nearly as much as they used to…I also wanted to
apologize for the remark I made about going to see a real doctor…” I said, “Wow, all is not lost…you’re
stood in front of me…and I couldn’t help but stare at his…everything…his chest
and noticed he was wearing another Deadman Inc sweatshirt with the hood…his bi-cepts and arms…wow huge…was all I could think…I kept
looking at his hands and was thinking…god he’s got huge hands…He had his hair
braided…it was roughly to the middle of his back…I ran my eyes over his eyes,
nose, lips, ears and even eye brows…I said, “You’ve got some serious
eyes…” Mark said, “Why do you say that?” I said, “Because everyone with green eyes is
extremely serious…” I still could never
get over how tall he was…I said, “Damn boy, you been eating your wheaties. I can’t imagine anyone whose 6’10” Mark
laughed at me and said, “How tall are you?”
I said, “5’9” Mark said, “Hell, half the girls in this joint aren’t over
5’4” except for Amy, she’s 5’7” and Stacy is 5’11”.” I said, “Yea, I know, I always feel like I’m
talking to a tree when I talk with Stacy…”
walked over and sat next to me on the ring and we talked a lot and when it was
about 11pm…Mark said, “Well, I should get going, I’m beat, I need to get back
to the hotel and get some sleep, you want a ride?” I said, “As long as you don’t mind Max coming
along.” Mark looked down and Max was
sitting between us and he had put his head on Mark’s lap, I looked down and saw
it too and started laughing…Mark said, “I don’t think it’s going to be a
problem…” So Mark gave me a ride back to
the hotel and we said out goodnights and went our separate ways...
I woke up the next morning someone was knocking on my door…so in my extremely
too short, red shorts and matching tank top, hair all crazy from sleep, I
walked over and opened the door…and nearly jumped out of my skin in the process
I whacked my hand on the door, when Mark was standing there looking back at
me…I said, “Oh Jesus, Mark, what are you doing here…good lord, what time is
it?” Mark laughed at me, Hell I would of
laughed at me too…Mark said, “10:30…I came to see if you wanted to go to lunch,
but you don’t even look like your alive enough to go anywhere.” I said, “Well, I actually have a million
things to do online with my laptop before we catch the flight to Seattle at
4…so why don’t you c’mon in, watch some TV, order lunch and we can eat lunch up
Mark said, “Are you sure? I don’t want to be a bug..” I said, “I’m a huge multitasking fool, I can
do 90 million things at once. And you
won’t be a bug…so c’mon…I’m going to go take a shower, wake myself up and wash
the last 12 hours of funk off of me…watch some TV.” Mark said, “Okay.” He came in and sat on the couch and turned
the TV on, and watched me as I walked back into the bedroom pulling my tank top
off…I obviously wasn’t too shy, I had my back to him…I showered and then
remember my suitcase was out in the other room sitting next to the couch…I
wrapped the towel around me, and walked out to the other room…Mark nearly lost
it…I squatted down and was getting my clothes out of my suitcase, when I looked
over and Mark said, “Are you missing something?” I said, “Yea, clothes…” I could tell he was just getting a little
uncomfortable…I said, “Mark, chill out…I’m not a shy person…and I’m covered
up.” Mark said, “Yea, not much
though…besides you’re the doctor no one expects to see you that way…”
I said, “Mark, am I seeing
you with a shy side here?” Mark said,
“Only in certain situations…this very well might be one of them..” I patted his leg
and said, “Easy boy…I’m gonna go finish getting dressed…Go ahead and order
lunch if you’d like.” Mark said, “What
would you like?” I said, “Just tell
them, roasted chicken breast on sourdough with creamy dill sauce…no cheese or
mayo…and lemon twist Pepsi…I’ll be right back.”
I went back and got dressed…I had on a red sleeveless t-shirt, Levis and
tenny shoes…I knotted the t-shirt cause I hate leaving it hang or tucking it
in…which bugs me…so I tied it in a knot.
I dried my hair and left it down.
When I walked back out the food was there and so
were Matt, Jeff and Amy…with more food…I said, “Morning kiddies.” Jeff said, “Morning was over a long ass time
ago babe.” I said, “Yea, yea, I was
tired…I sleep in when I can you know that.”
We all plopped on the floor and started eating…Mark and Matt were having
a conversation…Amy said, “So have you gotten any interesting e-mail
today?” I said, “I haven’t checked
yet…hand me, my laptop…” Amy grabbed it
and I set it up and got it connected online and was going through my e-mails,
when I found one from my best friend Vanessa…It said:
know your Miss WWE doctor now, and can’t worry about the little people anymore,
so I figured I’d send you a really funny e-mail so you wouldn’t miss me as
much…I miss ya girl…call sometime…Anyway here’s the list I made for you…hope
you enjoy it…
Drinks not to
order in front of Wrestlers
Okay, Lala we
know that at the club everyone partakes in spirits to get in the mood. However,
there are certain drinks that leave you wide open to be hit on. We have
identified the wrestler, the drink and his pick up line.
Absolute Stress
~ Shawn Michaels ~ I know a better way to relieve that stress
Bend Me Over ~ Billy Gunn ~ Well, that would be awkward. How about I
bend you over?
Between the
Sheets ~ Shane Helms ~ Okay but I am not sure you can handle all this man.
Blue Motorcycle ~ Undertaker ~ I have a motorcycle but that’s not
what’s blue right now.
Screaming Lizard
~ Triple H~ Are you sure? You may not walk for like the next 12 hours.
Mai Tai ~ Funaki
~ Your Tai, my house, your house, let me show you the warlord.
Vulcan Mind
Probe ~ Test ~ Yes, I want to probe you… I guess if you want me to start with
your mind then that’s cool.
High Street
Connection ~Rob Van Dam ~ Dude, you know it is pass 4:20 but I can light you
Slow Screw Against the Wall ~ Jeff Hardy ~ Don’t worry, you’ll enjoy
it. I promise some southern comfort afterwards.
Blowjob ~ Kane~ Really? Are you offering?
Kumoniwanalaya(Actually says c’mon I wanna lay ya…just spelled different)~ Edge ~
Okay if you are going to be blunt about it
Slippery Nipple
~ Christian ~ I can help solve that problem.
Screaming Orgasm
~ Chris Jericho ~ Oh yeah I can give you one and it is Y2J complaint.
Weizenbier ~ Albert ~ I knew the moment I saw you. That you were into S&M!
Orgasm ~ Kevin Nash ~ I promise you’ll do more than shudder.
Vampire ~ Gan
Grel ~ I promise the only thing I won’t suck is
your blood.
Sex on the Beach
~ D-Von Dudley ~ That’s right baby… all pain all gain on the beach and in the
Sicilian Kiss ~
Chris Benoit ~ I am not Sicilian but I am very kissable.
Eat Me Cherry
~Rey Mysterio, Jr. ~ Only because you
asked nicely.
Winky Dink
Mirzen ~Rock ~ I can make you wink alright.
Why Don’t We Get
Drunk and Screw ~ Matt Hardy ~ Ooo way to be blunt. Are you sure you can handle
this Hardy boy?
Duck Fart ~
Bub-Buh Ray Dudley ~ Smells like roses, I promise. Here smell my finger.
Jell-O Shooters
~ Brock Lesner ~ I don’t drink but I will take a shot of you.
Singapore Sling
~ Taz ~ I can sling you to Singapore and back plus you’ll enjoy the ride.
Peppermint kiss ~ Goldust ~ All the ladies
love to go down and kiss the peppermint.
Chapter 5
and I sat there reading the e-mail and we started laughing so hard, we
practically had tears sliding down our cheeks…We could actually picture the
guys using those pick up lines for those drinks…Amy said, “Oh my god, why isn’t
she writing for WWE?” I said, “Possibly
because she’s already got a cozy job for Rolling Stones Magazine.” Amy said, “I can’t get over how funny that is…I
mean where did she come up with all of those…it’s like it fits every wrestler
to a T.” Mark said, “What has got you
two in hysterics over there?” I said,
“Oh nothing Mr. Callaway…just a really funny e-mail…” Mark said, “Stop calling me that.” I giggled a little more.
came over and was reading the e-mail over our shoulders and said, “Blue
Motorcycle…Undertaker…I have a motorcycle but that’s not what’s blue right
now…oh my god, Lala…what is that?” I
looked over and Mark had perked up in his seat, folded his arms across his
chest and said, “Excuse me?” I said, “Oh
my god Jeff you wasn’t supposed to read that.”
Jeff said, “That’s a dirty pick up line isn’t it...oh my god, Lala, I
didn’t know you had a dirty side to you..” I said, “You Dingus…I didn’t write it…my best
friend in New York wrote it…She does this all the time, she makes up these
little list about you wrestlers, nothing personal, she just likes to make me
said, “Well, let’s see what’s got you guys laughing so hard…” He snatched my laptop, being careful not to
disturb it…and sat it on his lap and was reading it…I jumped up and said,
“Mark…no…” I jumped on the couch and
after struggling for about 5 minutes, with his huge
arm that wasn’t budging…I finally gave up and leaned against his arm looking
defeated. I was sitting on my knees next
to Mark and had my arm propped up on his shoulder…Amy said, “Lala, you look so
defeated…” I said, “I feel defeated…God
I’m glad I’m not a wrestler, cause my ass would be worn out before the match
was even half way finished…I honestly don’t know how you guys do that every
night.” Jeff chimed in and said, “Energy
kido…pure energy…”
Mark could smell my perfume lingering around the collar of his shirt…and
his censors were going wild…Mark finished reading the list out loud and the
guys were dying laughing by the end of it…he handed me my laptop and said,
“Cute…very cute…but it does sort of go with all of us, doesn’t it?” I smiled and said, “Yea, it actually does…you
each have a different personality…so it just comes out like that…”
stood up and said, “I better get going, I have packing to do before we
leave…thanks for lunch and the laughs I needed it.” I smiled and said, “Anytime.” And walked him to the door, and said, “I’ll
see you at the airport.” Mark said,
“Okay…see ya..”
I said, “Bye.” And watched him walk
away…Amy came over and waved her hand in my face and said, “Excuse me you
wouldn’t have by any chance seen my friend, she’s about 5’9” long gorgeous
hair…and answers to the name Nyla, would you?”
I looked at her and smiled and said, “You know something…Mark is a
pretty nice guy.”
said, “Oh my god…you are so falling for him…”
I said, “Me? Never…I mean, yes
he’s a nice guy and he’s really good looking, but how many girlfriends could he
possibly have…he’s a wrestler…I mean, look at you and Matt, you’ve managed to
nail each other down for 3 years…and then look at Jeff, they are brothers, but
Jeff is clear the playboy of the family, he’s got at least one girlfriend in
every state…” Amy said, “Mark, never
talks about having a girlfriend or anything…maybe he doesn’t..” I said, “Get real…an attitude like his, he’s
probably got a million…Of course I wouldn’t mind being one of the many…but I’d
rather have him all to myself…I don’t like sharing…” Jeff said, “Don’t play well with other’s do
we?” I said, “Nope…but it’s never gonna
happen…I mean why have someone as plain and as ordinary as me, when I’m sure he
is probably already dating the latest playboy playmate…girls, like me don’t
date guys like him…just like guys like him don’t date girls like me…”
wrapped his arm around my shoulder and said, “Lala, you don’t give yourself
nearly enough credit for looking gorgeous…”
I said, “Jeff, you cracked your head on too many tables while going
through them, I’m not gorgeous…I’m just plain old ordinary me.” Jeff said, “But your not…you’re so much more
then that…I mean, you’re funny, sweet, caring, lovable, you have the best
laugh, a great smile, a REALLY great body, beautiful…the one word that should
always be used next to your name in a sentence…” I said, “Oh yeah, definitely one to many slap
shots to the head…Jeff, I think you need a cat scan…I won’t argue with you
cause I don’t want you brain cells to over load and start leaking out your
ears…well get you some help it’s alright.”
Chapter 6
was getting frustrated and said, “ARRGH!, Nyla, have
you ever actually looked at yourself in the mirror?” I said, “Yea, and
it’s usually just my reflection staring back at me…going ‘once again this is as
good as it gets’…” Jeff grabbed me and drug me over to the full length mirror and stood behind me
and said, “What do you see?” I said, “I
see you and I see me…” Jeff said, “You
wanna know what I see?” I said, “Sure,
this oughta be good for a laugh.” Jeff
had his hands on my waist and said, “I see this incredible woman, whose got the
most unbelievable blue eyes I’ve ever seen, and the longest hair that lays
against the beautiful curves of her body, and her rock solid abs…I mean you’ve
actually got hard abs, like Amy…most girls don’t have those…you’ve got full poutty lips, that would be great for kissing, and also
pouting with to get your own way with any man…plus the best thing for last is,
you’re a doctor…you actually went through 5 years of medical school, to get a
title that no one…not even a wrestler can take away from you…you’re so gentle
with the wrestlers when they’ve been hurt, and you soothe pain like I’ve never
seen anyone…it’s like a magical touch…I don’t know how you do it…”
said, “You know what I see?” Jeff said,
“No what?” I said, “I still see that
little girl I used to be…stuck in a house with a drunk mother, who would
verbally abuse me every chance she got…and in some ways, I still feel like her
too…Even though I don’t even live there anymore…I got away, I left the town,
county, and eventually the state…There are so many things I have yet to
experience…I had a boyfriend when I first got to college, but he was a jerk,
and I thought I didn’t deserve anyone better…until I meet Vanessa…I met her and
she change my whole perspective on everything…I was more confident after we
met, but now I’m in different settings and surroundings and I feel like I’m
starting all over again.”
said, “Listen, you’re not starting all over, you’re just continuing your
life…you’re getting to meet more people who are all your new friends and
family, who will take care of you, because you take care of them…don’t be so up
tight, relax a little…and just go with the flow…” I nodded and said, “Yea, I guess so.” Jeff said, “Yup.” He started tickling me, and I fell over on
the floor, and Matt jumped on Jeff, and Amy on Matt…I made it out of the pile
and jumped on Amy…Jeff said, “Wait a minute…Lala, you was supposed to be down
here under me.” I said, “Slippery little
sucker aren’t I?” And giggled a
little…He said, “Pay backs are a bitch baby…”
I said, “Yea, yea…whatever.”
stood up and went on to finish packing and meet in the lobby to get to the
airport…while we were sitting on the plane waiting for everyone to get on, I
was talking with Amy when I saw Mark walk on…Amy looked over and saw what I
saw, and said, “Lala, I swear, you’re so falling for him…” I smacked her arm and said, “No, I’m not…stop that.” Jeff
leaned over and whispered in my ear… “We so need to get you into a top that
shows some cleavage…” I smacked him next
and said, “I don’t think so…oh my god…Matt, help me please…” Matt said, “Sure thing…” He put Jeff in a head lock…and Amy said,
“Mathew…stop that.”
Matt said, “Uh can’t make me.”
And stuck his tongue out at her…
said, “Uncle…Uncle…dude, my head is going to explode…” Matt said, “You shouldn’t of
said that to her, you whisper like a freakin’ elephant…I even heard what you
said to her…” Amy said, “Will you two
stop acting like children.” She reached
over me and smacked both of them…I said, “Good lord you three…will ya’ll just
chill out for a few…Matt let go of your brother, lord knows we wouldn’t want
his head to blow up.” They continued to
pick on each other for the rest of he flight…me and
Amy fell asleep…but I was soon awakened by my cell phone going off…
I reached over and grabbed it out of my backpack and
said, “I really hope someone is dead.”
When a familiar voice came back and said, “Girl, don’t you get an
attitude with me…” I said, “Oh my god
Vanna…” We had this thing where we would
talk in Portuguese, so people wouldn’t understand what we were saying… I said,
“Menina, que voc? foi acima de demasiado?” (Girl, what
have you been up too)
She said, “Nada, apenas come? ando pronto para
emitir-lhe um outro E-mail... que eu o conhe?o realmente apreciar? este." (Nothing, just getting ready to send you another
e-mail and I know you’ll love this one)
I said, “Sim, eu amei ?ltimo, mas alguns dos
guys come?aram uma preens?o de meu laptop e leram ?ltimo... que pensaram d eram
hilarious..”(Yes, I loved the last one, but a few of the guys got a hold of my
laptop and read the last one...they thought it was hilarious)…
Little did I know but Mark was watching me, he was
mesmerized, by me speaking to a friend in a different language...we ended our
conversation and hung up…Amy said, “Okay, I know that was Vanessa, what’d she have to say?”
I said, “That she’s sending me another e-mail, and said this one is
funnier then the last one…” Amy said,
“Oh, now I can’t wait until we get to Seattle and we read her e-mail.” I said, “Yea, I know huh…thank god Smackdown
isn’t until tomorrow night…” We fell
back asleep and were rudely awakened by Jeff and Matt belching as loud as they
possibly could…Amy said, “Oh my god, you guys…that’s disgusting.” I said, “Stop, it’s just their matting
call.” Amy giggled and so did I…of
course they boys were not amused…hell we didn’t care
as long as we were.
We got to the hotel and Mark, Glenn girlfriend Lisa
(Ivory), Amy, Matt and Jeff were all in my room (Of course I would be the only
one unattached)…why everyone picked my room was beyond me…but they did…As
usually the girls ended up on the floor around my laptop…and the guys were in
some kind of deep heated discussion about wrestling…naturally…I connected to
the internet…and checked my e-mail right away…and sure enough there was another
one from Vanessa…this one said:
going to be in Washington @ the same time you will…let’s hook up and see the
sights, maybe I’ll even let you take me to one of those silly wrestling
thingies…I’ll give you a call tomorrow and we can set it all up...miss you…by
the way here’s another know, they girl here @ the stone all watch
that stupid wrestling every Monday and Thursday…we’ve been coming up with some
really good lists…
All I Need To Know About Life I Learned From
I’ve learned
that elderly people can still be active.
I’ve learned
that mentally insane people attach themselves to inanimate objects Example: A
severed mannequin head or mop.
I’ve learned
that pimpin’ ain’t easy.
I’ve learned
that women can only wrestle in mud, water, snow, gravy and pudding.
I’ve learned
that during a marriage, when the wrestler walks down the isle their theme music
must play.
I’ve learned
that poontang pie is the best pie that a man can have.
I’ve learned
that you never cross the Acolytes on a bad or good day.
I’ve learned
that drunken old women are the funniest people in the world.
I’ve learned
that when the Mean Street Posse states "Everyday, someone’s gotta
pay," they are referring to themselves.
I’ve learned
that to succeed in life I need to follow the 3 I’s….
there are….umm…I forgot!
I’ve learned
that when Jericho says "never eeeever!" he means what he is saying.
I’ve learned
that The Rock is the most electrifying man in sports entertainment today.
I’ve learned
that it doesn’t matter what my name is.
I’ve learned
that the Rock is not the best at remembering things.
I’ve learned
that depends are now available as edible.
I’ve learned
that it is okay for a man to dress in drag.
I’ve learned
that it is perfectly acceptable to grab another man by his crotch if I have a
sock on my hand.
I’ve learned
that you should n-n-n-never make fun of a
s-s-s-stuttering problem and that it is a part of Ten Commandments.
I’ve learned
that it is okay to mispronounce people’s name that shows their insignificance.
I’ve learned that it’s okay to throw someone
off a bridge, hit them with a chair a dozen times, hang then from a noose, drug
them, hit them with a sledgehammer, kidnap them, try to embalm them, hit them
with a car, drop a cement block on their head, throw them down a flight of
stairs, abduct them, throw them through a table, throw them off a stage, kill
their dog, hit them in the face with a hammer, drug them and then marry them,
throw tear gas in their locker room, break their hand with a hammer and bury
them alive. But if Vince McMahon goes within 50 feet of Triple H, then damn it,
he’s going to jail.
By the time we got to the end of the list we were
laughing so hard, and e-mailing it to everyone in the company…Amy went ahead
and read it out loud for the guys, who were cracking up so hard they had tears
sliding down their cheeks…After everyone had left me and Mark were the only two
left and were sitting on the couch talking…
Mark said, “You know that friend Vanessa of yours,
she’s a spit fire…I can’t believe all the funny shit she came up with…” I said, “Well, that’s just Vanessa for
you…she’s been like that since college…”
Mark said, “Well I can see why you guys have been friends for as long as
you have…” I said, “Yea, she was the one
who made me more confident about things…and she’s the one who every time I thought
about the way my mother treated me, would go out of her way to make me laugh my
ass off…she’s really not into the whole wrestling experience…but she supports
me cause she knows I love working here…”
Mark said, “Well, I’d say she’s a keeper as a best friend then…” I smiled and said, “Yea, actually she
is…” We talked a little more and then
Mark left for his room…
next night was a Smackdown taping…everyone got their match done and over with
and on the way back to the hotel I noticed Mark was missing, so I caught up to
Glenn and said, “Hey, where’s Mark, I haven’t seen him all night?” Glenn said, “His girlfriend from Texas called
right before his match and said she was tired of him always being on the road
and was packing up her shit and leaving as they were talking…she even asked him
if he loved her and he couldn’t say yes…I didn’t think they would last too
long, she really wasn’t aware of his working situation when they first started
dating, and when he finally did tell her, she just blew it off as no big
deal…figuring they would have plenty of time together…but not realizing, not
enough time…so she booked it tonight…so he’s been at the hotel bar since after
his match…”
I said, “Poor Mark, that so sucks…So wait he’s been
in the hotel bar since after his match, he’s gotta be shit faced by now…” Glenn said, “Oh you just ain’t a shitten…he’s
so far gone, it’s not even funny…” I
said, “I’ll stop and check on him…if I need your help I’ll give you a
call…” Glenn nodded and proceeded to the
elevators with the others…
I walked into the bar, and sure enough Mark was
sitting at a dark table in the corner, he had about 3 empty Jack Daniels
bottles sitting on the table, and was staring at the last full shot glass in front
of him…I walked over and sat next to him and He said, “Hi, Nyla…” I said, “Hi Mark…Glenn told me what
happened…Are you okay?” Mark said, “I am
now…” I said, “How numb are you right
now?” He said, “Pretty numb, I could
probably have my balls ripped off and wouldn’t even feel it…” I said, “Oh, I think you might feel it…it
would hurt an awful lot…you wanna talk about anything…or do you just want to
stay drunk..”
Mark said, “I’d prefer to stay drunk thanks…It feels
better…Would you like a drink?” I said,
“Sure, why not…I usually don’t drink, but what the hell, if it makes you feel
better then I’ll have Tequila…” Mark
order more Jack Daniels and a couple bottles of Tequila…So we drank…and drank a
little more…and not surprisingly enough we drank a little more…So we were both
pretty shit faced…and walking down the hall to our rooms…I was walking Mark to
his room…and we stopped in front and I unlocked the door for him…and said, “So,
you wanna talk about it yet? Or stay
drunk.” Mark said, “What the hell, I’ll
stay drunk and talk about it…” I said,
“Good…” We went in his room, but as soon
as the door closed…
Mark’s lips were on mine…I wasn’t sober enough to
say no, and he wasn’t sober enough to stop himself…we peeled the clothes from
each others bodies, and ended up in his bed have sex like a couple of wild
maniacs…I mean it was absolutely madness…Needless to say, after we both
climaxed, we passed out in each others arms…
you know exactly what the morning brought right sistas? Of course, headache, heartache and of course
hangover…BIG TIME!!!
I woke up around 7am, when I felt some pretty big
arms around my waist…I looked down and saw the arms had tattoos…and I said, “Oh
my god, this is not happening to me…it can’t be…no I refuse to believe this…I
know it’s not real…If I just go back to sleep and wake up, I will see it’s
nothing but a dream…” I closed my eyes
and opened them again and the arms were still there…I looked behind me and came
face to face with Mark’s sleeping figure…I looked down and noticed, no apparel
was being sported…I said, “Oh lord!…” I
moved around a little as to not wake Mark up…I slithered out of bed, and
crawled on my hands and knees into the living room, picking up pieces of my
clothing as I went along the way…
I closed Mark’s bedroom door and dressed as fast as
I possibly could…and took off down to my room…leaving Mark with his naked
self…If I was extremely lucky Mark wouldn’t remember a thing…if he couldn’t
remember I wasn’t about to tell him…
As soon as I got to my room, I sat in a bathtub full
of hot water, and started crying…I called Vanessa…she woke up to hear me,
crying and sat up like a bolt of lightening had hit her and said, “Lala, is
that you?” I said, “Yes..” I managed to whimper out…She said, “Lala, what’s wrong,
honey what happened?” I was sobbing
uncontrollable…and said, “You remember that guy Mark…I was telling you
about?” She said, “Yes, oh my god he
didn’t hurt you did he…that dumb son of a…”
I said, “NO…No…He didn’t hurt me…We got drunk last night and we sort of
had sex…” She said, “What do you mean
you sort of had sex?” I said, “I woke up
this morning, and we were both completely naked…and I can faintly remember, screaming
his name last night…and well, I’m so soar I can barely walk or sit down, which
are possible signs of sex.”
Vanessa said, “So, I’m guessing this is a bad
thing…” I said, “Vanessa!…Of course, it’s a bad thing…OH MY GOD…what the hell am I
going to do…what if he remembers…”
Vanessa said, “What if he doesn’t?”
I said, “Well, I’m not going to remind him…Vanessa, what am I going to
do…I mean I’ve really been attracted to him lately…but I never imagined that
things would get so out of hand last night…and even go that far.” She said, “What if…just by some miracle…what
if, he wanted it as much as you did…” I
said, “Vanessa Marie Sampson…He’s a guy…guys always want
it…” She laughed and said, “No, just
listen…what if he feels the same for you…and wanted it to happen…and not just
because he was horny and you was there…” I sighed heavy and said, “I don’t know.” I cried even harder…
We finally hung up…Mark didn’t remember a thing,
THANK YOU GOD…for answering my prayers…When we flew into Washington DC, Vanessa
was at the gate waiting for me…her flight got there 25 minutes before mine…The
whole week leading up to us seeing each other, she would call and check on me,
she knew I was really distraught over the whole having sex with Mark thing…and
I kept crying…It seemed like I was crying for no reason…Amy, Matt, Jeff, Glenn,
Lisa, and Mark all noticed a slight change with my emotional status…As soon as
I saw Vanessa, I started crying again, and she held me in her arms while I
Amy was picking up her bags with the guys when she
saw me…Amy said, “You guys look, Nyla’s crying again…something is so up with
her…there has to be something wrong…I’ve never seen someone cry so much in one
week…” Matt said, “Yea, tell me about
it…she’s been on one huge emotional roller coaster.” Jeff said, “Mark, do you know why she’s been
like this?” Mark said, “I don’t have a
clue…she’s usually always so happy…I haven’t talked to her in a week…” Glenn said, “The last time I talked to her,
she went to talk to you, while you was drinking in the
bar.” Mark said, “I wonder if something
happened that she’s not talking about?”
Amy said, “Well, there’s only one way to find out…Go and talk to her
once, we get to the hotel…” Jeff said,
“Yea, it’s all you can do right now…”
Mark said, “Yea, I’m gonna have to ask, I hate to
see her so sad..”
Amy said, “All of us hate to see her this way…” They watched as Vanessa grabbed our bags and
we continued to leave the airport for the hotel…I laid with my head in
Vanessa’s lap on the way to the hotel, in the back of one of the limos limo,
that Vince had gotten for all the employees…Vanessa said, “So, which one was
Mark?” I said, “That one who had the
Deadman Inc sweatshirt on.” Vanessa
said, “And you’re depressed about this why again? That boy was fine…a little on the older side,
but damn he was fine…” I said, “Yea,
tell me about it…” She said, “At least I
can see why you was so soar, I can’t imagine how big that boy is…good lord, you
should be lucky you survived that, you know…not being drilled through the floor
and into the room below his.” I couldn’t
help but laugh at her remark and she said, “See, that’s my girl…I know you had
a smile in you somewhere…I know this last week has been really hard on you
sweetie…but listen if he doesn’t remember, then just let it pass…”
I said, “I know…I don’t know what bothers me more,
that he should of remembered…or that he didn’t all
together…” I sat up and said, “You know
what I mean?” Vanessa said, “Yea, I
know…That’s how it was with me and Jakie’s father…remember, we got drunk and
did the whole Wham, Bam, Thank you Ma’am…and he was born 9 months later…but I
don’t regret it…I got a wonderful son out of it…even though his father leaves a
little something to be desired…” I said,
“How is my Godson?” She said, “Growing
like a weed…he’s excited to see you…he hasn’t seen you since you left with the
wrestling tour…” I said, “So, you’re
going to go pick him up and bring him to the arena tonight?” She said, “Yea…he’ll enjoy it…he knows all those
dumb wrestlers by name anyway…smart as a whip for only being 4…” I said, “Of course, he’s my Godson...” We laughed a little more..
When we got to the hotel we had enough time to check
into our side by side rooms…and leave for the arena…one we got to the arena…I
had the limo take Vanessa over to her ex’s house to pick up her son…I was in
the medical room and noticed I had been nausea’s all day…I just figure it was
from my consistent crying for the last 7 days…I thought good lord, with as
emotional as I’ve been these people probably thing I’m on my period…they are
probably scared to death to come see me…
I was getting all the medical supplies out and
trying to get the room in order…when I heard boots thudding against the floor
behind me…and I turned around I came face to face with…who else??? Mark…I said,
“Oh, hi Mark.” Mark looked at me and
said, “Oh Hi Mark? Honey, are you
feeling okay…some of us have noticed you’ve been a little down lately…” I said, “Yea, I’m fine…” Trying to avoid eye contact, I turned around
to face the counter again…Mark said, “So, if you’re so fine, why is it, for the
last 7 days every time I see you…you’ve been crying…” I said, “It’s just a moment I’m having right
now…” He could hear my voice cracking. He walked over and put his hands on my
shoulders…and I almost lost it…he could feel me shaking…
Mark said, “Glenn told me you came to talk to me
last week when I got drunk, I don’t remember a thing, did I do something to
you…did I hurt you or say something to you…”
I said, “No of course not Mark…”
Mark said, “Why are you shaking…what is going on with you? I’ve never seen you like this…” I pulled away from him and said, “Mark,
Really I’m okay…I just…I’m just really having a bad week…and a really bad life
to go along with it…” I had tears
sliding down my cheeks…and Mark took a step towards me, and I took a step back
away from him and could heard Jakie’s voice down the
hall…and I said, “I have to go, my Godson is here…” Mark said, “Nyla, please…don’t do this, just
tell me what’s wrong…” I said, “Nothing
Mark…I told you…just a bad week in my life…I’ve had a few of those…but thanks
for caring enough to ask.” I walked away
and ran down the hall to where Jakie was…
I said, “Where’s my Jakie?” Jakie said, “Here…Here…I’m over here…” Mark watched me from the medical room. Jakie ran to me, and I squatted down and
picked him up into my arms…and he hugged me as tight as he could and kissed my
cheek…He said, “Aunt Lala…are you sad?” I said, “Yes, I am.” He said, “I don’t want you to be sad…” I said, “Well, give me a big hug and kiss,
and I promise I won’t be sad anymore.”
So he did…and I forced a fake smile and said, “Oh my
gosh Jakie look, you cured me…I guess that makes you a doctor now
too…you can be my assistant…” Jakie
said, “Really Aunt Lala?” I said,
“Absolutely…” I put Jakie down and he
said, “Mommy, I get to be Aunt Lala’s assistant…” She said, “I know isn’t that great
Jakie…” Jakie nodded and by the time we
went down to the medical room, Mark was gone…
Vanessa noticed I had been crying again and asked
what happened, so I told her the whole thing…She said, “Maybe you should tell
him Nyla…” I said, “Are you out of
what’s left of your mind?” Vanna said,
“I’m serious Lala…he’s obviously concerned and worried about you…maybe you
should just be honest and tell him, if not him, tell one of your other
friends…I mean they all care about you as much as I do…one of them is bound to
understand what happened and help you through it…” I said, “Vanna, I don’t want anyone to know,
I mean I might consider telling Amy…but I’m just so undecided about it right
now…” Vanessa nodded her head and said,
“Well, when you’re ready…I’m sure any one of them would be happy to listen..” I agreed, but
just wasn’t ready…
A week later, at the airport I said my good-byes to
Vanessa and Jakie, Amy was standing next to me…and the guys were waiting for
us, by the gate…I squatted down and said, “Jakie, my little man…take care of
your mother, lord knows she takes care of both of us enough to last a life
time…” Jakie hugged me tight and said,
“Promise you’ll write Aunt Lala…” I
said, “I promise sweetie…I’ll e-mail you as soon as I get to the hotel later…”
I stood up and said, “And you…would you stop making
me cry already…” Vanessa laughed and
said, “I wish I could say something to make the pain go away, but I know that
there are no words of wisdom for something like that…all you can do is roll
with the punches honey…it will probably get harder before it gets easier…but
other then that, sleep when you can…sit in hot baths, and relax…just let what
ever happens…happen…it’s all you can do…”
I said, “Why is it, I’m always telling you good-bye…I hate
good-byes…” She said, “Then don’t say
good-bye, good-bye is forever, say…see ya later, cause you know you will…I’ll
get the ladies in the office started on another list…and get your happy ass
laughing and smiling again on a regular basis…”
I said, “Okay, that’s a great idea…” Amy said, “Yes, it is…I can’t wait now…” We all laughed and they got on their plane,
and we got on ours…and went our separate ways…Vanessa and Jakie back to New
York…me and the gang to Michigan…for the next Raw…
know what happened next right…of course…I went to the doctor thinking, silly
me, I have the flu…WRONG! Boy was I ever
wrong on that one…When I got to the arena…I went down to see Amy, she was in
the ring, practicing for her match later that night, and all the guys were
there too…naturally…I walked up to the second floor of seats and sat in the end
seat, leaning my chin on the seat in front of the I was sitting in…Mark had seen
me walk in up there and was wondering what was going on…Amy saw too and said,
“I’m taking a break…Guys why don’t you practice a little…I gotta see a dog
about a friend.”
She walked up to the seat and sat on the step next
to me…I got up and sat down next to her on the steps…Amy said, “Okay, girl
what’s up…I know you’ve been going through some things lately…and I’m not one
to push you into spilling the beans…but I have to know if everything is
ok?” I smiled and said, “Yes, of course,
everything is okay…I just found out some very interesting news…” Amy said, “Good or bad interesting news?” I said, “Well, I’m guessing good for me, but maybe bad for someone else…” She said, “So, now I’m being nosy…what is
it?” I laughed and Mark and every one
else almost had a heart attack since it had been 4 weeks since they’d heard me
laugh that loud or hard…
I smiled and said, “Can you keep a secret?” Amy said, “Of course not…but you have to tell
me anyway…” I laughed a little more and
said, “I’m pregnant.” Amy nearly fell
off the steps and yelled, “WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!”
It echoed through the whole building…I said, “A little louder Amy, the
people in the cemetery didn’t hear you…”
We looked at each other and started laughing hysterically…as we walked
down the stairs…Amy had her arm around my waist…and said, “So when are you
planning on dropping the bomb on everyone?”
I said, “I figured right now, is as good a time as any.” She stopped and said, “Wait a minute…when did
you have time to have sex and get pregnant…and what about the father?” I said, “Right now, I’m choosing to keep the
father’s identity a secret…and obviously I had time to do it…I’m almost 4
weeks…” We laughed a little more as we
continued down to the ring…
Jeff said, “Oh my god…Nyla, are you feeling okay…I
mean I thought hell was going to have to freeze over before you’d smile or even
laugh again.” I said, “Yea…bite
me.” Jeff came over and I said, “If you
even think of biting me, I’ll knock your teeth out…” Jeff said, “Damn…touchy…” Amy said, “Yea, well most pregnant women are
moron.” Everyone’s eyes got a little
bigger…Jeff said, “Did I hear her right?”
I said, “Well, what did you hear?”
Matt said, “I could have sworn I heard her say something close to the
fact that you could be pregnant..” I said, “Well, then you’d be correct to that
in hearing her right.” Glenn said,
I said, “Is that you best Steve Austin impression
Glenn?” Glenn said, “Okay young lady,
out with it right now…who, what, where, when and how…” I said, “Well, the who is me…what is the
baby….where obviously a bed…when well that would be 4 weeks ago, and if you
don’t know how it happened, then I’m not going to explain it…” Mark said, “Oh, you’re such a smart
ass…” I smiled and said, “Yup, I
know…” Mark folded his arms across his
chest and said, “So, who did it?” I
said, “It’s not important right now…”
Glenn said, “How could it not be?”
I said, “Cause it’s just not…I want to have this baby…but if by telling
him, I ruin his life…then I’ll spare him the ruining…and keep it too myself for
a while…and maybe even forever.”
Mark said, “You know that’s not right Nyla…the
father has the right to know…” I said,
“How would he ever know if I don’t tell him…My body, my business…and besides,
even if he did ask me, I can always lie and tell him it’s not his…simple as
that…” Mark said, “Yea, but he’s got the
right to know, I mean, if there was a girl out there running around carrying my
child, I’d damn sure want to know…” I
said, “Yea, well you and me are two different people Mark…and right now, the
only people I want to know about this, are my friends…point, blank and
period.” Mark rolled his eyes and looked
at me in total disgust…he got up and walked to the back…
A couple of weeks later, Mark was still giving me
shit about not wanting to tell the father about the baby…We were all sitting in
Mark and Glenn’s dressing room one night…and Mark had been giving me glares and
disgusted looks all night…I stood up and said, “Okay, that’s it…I’ve had enough
of your looks…Just say what ever the hell you just got to say and get it over
with…” Mark sat up and said, “I’m
telling you right now, this is such bullshit…You should just tell the God Damn
father about the baby…he’s got every right to know he’s got a child coming into
this world…”
I said, “You think so huh? Even at the expense of ruining his life, his
career, everything that he’s worked so hard for…I should just pop up and say
hey guess what…that one night we had sex, that you don’t remember…Well surprise
I’m pregnant…that’s not how I work Mark…you should know that…” Amy said, “What do you mean, he wouldn’t
remember having sex with you?” I said,
“Just cause he wouldn’t…hell, I barely remember it…” Jeff said, “Are you saying, you was drunk and
so was he?” By now I had tears sliding
down my cheeks…
I said, “I’m not so proud of it you know…it’s not
one of my finer moments in life…I got way too drunk one night with a friend of
mine and things got way out of hand…more so, then I ever imagined they would
and It just happened…In the morning I vaguely remember what happened, but the
longer I laid in his arms, the more it came back to me, so I left without so
much as a trace…and if he couldn’t remember it, I wasn’t about to shame myself
by telling him what happened.” Mark
said, “So, you went on a drunk sex fest…and he didn’t
remember but you did, and in the process got pregnant…Real smooth Nyla…I still
think he has a right to know…” I said,
“It doesn’t make me some kind of whore…I was too drunk to say no, and he wasn’t
sober enough to stop himself…There’s not a minute that goes by that I don’t
regret everything that happened…I mean he was a really great friend of mine…I
can’t imagine ever telling him…”
Mark said, “I never said, it made you a whore…I just
would of thought you would have been more
responsible…” I said, “Oh really
Deadman…” Mark stood up and started to
walk into the bathroom…when I said, “You wanna know who the father is…you know
the guy who just needs to know that their going to be the father…huh Mark, you
really want to know?” Mark stopped in
his tracks and said, “Yes, god damn it, so I can go
tell him…” I said, “Okay, Mr.
Responsible, it was you…” Every one was
really quiet…
Mark walked over and got in my face and said,
“You’re a liar…” I said, “It was you
Mark…It was you I got drunk with cause your girlfriend left you, it was you I
had sex with my really good friend, it was you who got me pregnant and it was
you who didn’t remember any of it…don’t you even remember waking up naked, the
next morning after your hard night of drinking…” Mark said, “You’re such a fucking lying
little bitch…” I said, “Boy, am I really
glad I told the father Mark, he’s just so overjoyed to know he’s going to be a
father…really, I’m so glad I took your advice…What would I do without your
I walked over to the door, and opened it and said,
“Mark, I don’t care if you believe me one way or the other…but I’m telling you
right now…I’ve never lied to anyone in my whole life…and I sure as hell
wouldn’t start now, not something as important as this…I’m pretty offended that
you’d ever think that, much less say that…either way…I quit…you guys can tell
Vince McMahon, he needs to get a new road doctor…cause his old was is quitting
to have a baby…” I walked out and closed
the door behind me. I walked down the
hall and left…I went back to the hotel and was packing my stuff up and called
Vanessa and filled her in on what went down…she was the first to know about the
baby and now the first to know I was coming back to New York…
was walking around my hotel room, when there was a knock on my door, I went
over and opened it hesitantly, and was met by Amy…she said, “Girl, are you
alright?” I said, “I’m not really sure,
but given the situation, I’m thinking it’s the only thing I can be right now
and not feel like my life is falling apart…”
Amy said, “Well, I guess you really gave Mark something to think about…” I said, “Yea, I guess so…” She said, “And I guess you’re going back to
New York…” I said, “Yea, I think I’ll
just live out the rest of my life as some upscale Manhattan doctor…Vanessa and
Jakie are excited for me to be coming back…Even though Vanessa is sad about the
way it’s going down.”
Amy said, “I wish you wouldn’t leave…you know over
the last 8 months that you’ve been here, you’ve become a really great friend to
me…and I don’t know what tour life is going to be like without you…” I said, “Yea, I know…crazy huh…I wouldn’t
leave if I didn’t have too, but for right now, I think it’s really for the
best…You know I’ll keep in touch and everything…I’ll even call and let you know
when the baby is born.” Amy said, “You
better…I want to be the next in line to see the little critter after Vanessa
and Jakie…” She walked with me
downstairs and we hugged for the longest time, and I got in the back of the
limo, and took off to the airport…since the airport was on the way to the
arena, Amy was following the limo past to the arena…
I was sitting in the back and it was way
too quiet cause I immediately started crying…so I leaned over and turned the
radio on and set it for a local station…The DJ came on and said, “Here’s a
great all around song for anyone who needs either a good cry, or just needs to
feel loved…It’s K-Ci & Jojo
with they smash hit Crazy from the movie soundtrack ‘Save The Last
I don't know why,
I'm doing- what I'm doing
See, baby I…apologize
For all the things that I've done- that I've done
See I've known that I've been a fool for far too long
And baby you have it, I go around to wait, just come back to papa
Please baby, baby won't you stay
If you really love me then why are you leavin me
I can't think, think about this crazy day
I lose sleep just to daydream about you babyyyyyyyy
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, just to thinkin
about you lately (crazy baby)
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, just to thinkin about
you baby(I don't know what to do)
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, thinkin about
you lately (crazy, crazy, crazy)
I'm going crazy, crazy, (crazy, crazy) when I can touch you
Crazy, crazy (I'm going crazy) when I can hold you
Crazy, crazy, (I'm going crazy) when I can see you again
Said I'm going crazy - baby, baby, baby, baby, baby - Said I'm going crazy
I've finally realized, that you are my true love
And I had a lot of time to think, and you're all seem to keep thinking,
To keep thinkin of, yeahhh
And now I know I need you each and every day
I can't live without you, so don't run away
Baby you say that you love me, so why'd u leave me, why, why, why, why, why
I can't think, think about this crazy day
I lose sleep just to daydream about you baby
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, just to thinkin
about you lately (just to think)
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, just to thinkin about
you baby
I'm goin crazy, I'm going crazy
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, thinkin about
you lately
I'm going crazy, crazy, (crazy, crazy) but I can't touch you (I'm going crazy)
Crazy, crazy (crazy, crazy), when I can hold you
Crazy, crazy, when I can see again
If I can see you, if I can see you if I
can see you, if I can see you
If I can see you, if I can see you again
I would go, if I could see you again
I'd go craaazzy
As soon as the song was
over…I heard aloud crashing noise, and remember being thrown out of my seat and
hitting the floor hard…the next thing I remember was being pinned to the floor
of the limo, face down…by something, but I couldn’t see what it was…and the
pain was terrible…I finally passed out from the pain…
Amy had been driving the rental car behind me and
saw the whole thing do down…she nearly had a wreck herself…a drunk semi driver,
crossed over the medium so fast that the tracker jumped over the hood of the
limo, and by the time the limo driver stopped, the back of the limo was pinned
under the trailer that the semi was pulling…Amy was in hysterical tears when
she called Matt cell-phone…
All of them were still sitting in the dressing room
trying to talk with Mark, and help him remember what had done down that night,
but were interrupted by Matt’s cell phone ringing…When Matt answered the phone,
he could hear Amy sobbing hysterically on the other end…Matt jumped up and
said, “AMY…what’s wrong…baby…what happened…where are you…” Everyone stopped and noticed the urgent tone
in Matt’s voice…Mark said, “What’s going on?”
Matt said, “I don’t know, she’s crying so hard she can’t talk…” Mark took the phone and said, “Amy, its Mark,
what’s going on?” She managed to get out
‘Nyla…car accident…St. Luke’s hospital’…and that was about it.”
Mark jumped up and said, “Amy, said something about
Nyla and a car accident…and St. Luke’s hospital…” Once it all finally sank in
they all took off to the hospital…Matt found Amy, sitting in the ER waiting
room, still crying…They all rushed over to her…Matt said, “Amy, what the hell
happened?” Amy calmed down enough to
tell them what happened…every single one of them had this stunned look on their
face…they couldn’t believe something like that had happened…cause stuff like
that just doesn’t happen…
Mark said, “What about Nyla and the baby?” Amy said, “I don’t know Mark…the last thing
they said was that she was pinned in the car by the roof…and they could see her
coughing up blood…they thought she might have a punctured lung from a couple of
broken ribs, but they wouldn’t be able to tell, until they got her in
there…” Mark closed his eyes and thought
‘this is a dream and only a dream’…but of course he was brought back down to
reality, when the doctor walked out into the waiting room…
The doctor said, “I’m guessing you’re all here for
Nyla Hill…” They all nodded…and he
continued and said, “I’m Dr. Alexander…I’ve been working on Nyla since she came
in here…she’s extremely lucky to even be alive…the way that roof had her pinned
in there…if it would have been any heavier or if the trailer would of tilted a
degree either way she could have been either paralyzed or crushed to
death…right now, she’s up in surgery to repair two puncture holes from two of her
ribs being broken and pushed through her lung…but the most serious thing is
that she lost the baby…we weren’t able to save it as hard as we tried…being
injured is never nearly as hard to come back from, then it is for a mother to
miscarriage. I recommend all of you
rally around her and support her if she needs it…don’t baby her or coddle
her…but support her…let her know you’re there if she needs anything…”
Matt said, “Thanks doc…” Amy said, “I should call Vanessa…she’d want
to know…” Jeff said, “I’ll call her, I
don’t mind…”
As soon as Jeff called Vanessa, her and Jakie were
on the first flight out…by the time they got to the hospital, I was out of
surgery and in a room…They were all waiting for me to wake up, before they went
in to see me…Jakie immediately went to Amy, she held him, while Vanessa didn’t
wait and come down to see me…I was just starting to wake up when I saw her walk
in the room…
walked over and took my hand and said, “Girl, are you trying to make me have a
heart attack?” I smiled a little and
said, “No…I’m not the one who wrecked the limo…I wasn’t driving…” Vanna said, “Well, thank goodness for
that…how are you feeling sweetie…did they tell you about the baby?” I said, “Yea, they told me about the baby
before I went into surgery…I’m okay with it…I realize I wasn’t ready to do the
whole motherhood thing…I’m not feeling too bad, I have enough drugs in me to
kill a small village, but I’m feeling okay.”
Vanessa said, “Well, if you need to talk you know I’m here…You do have some
visitors out in the lobby, who’d like to come in here and see that you’re
alright…do you mind?” I said, “Yes, I
know…go ahead and tell them to come on back…”
Vanessa gave me a careful hug and then took off down
the hall…when she walked in everyone stood up…She said, “She’s awake…she’s
feeling okay from all the medicine they have her on…they told her about the
baby before they took her into surgery…she’s okay with it, cause she said she
wasn’t really ready for it…but she also said she’d like to see you, so go ahead
and go down to see her…”
As everyone was walking down the hall, Mark sat back
down in the waiting room, and Vanessa sat next to him and said, “Okay, Mr.
Callaway…why is it out of everyone whose here to see Nyla, you look the most
guilty.” Mark said, “I know she told you
the horrible things I said to her…and you know she was leaving the WWE because
of me…I just wish I could take it all back…I was just as stunned and shocked if
not more then the rest of those guys in that dressing room, when she decided
she’d had enough of my shit and told me I was the father…I mean how do you make
it up to someone after you’ve said such hateful things to them…”
Vanessa touched Mark’s arm and said, “Mark, if
there’s one thing you haven’t learned about Nyla yet, it’s that she’s very fast
at forgiving who ever…I also know that she told you she regretted what
happened…she doesn’t regret it…not the whole thing in a sense…the only things
she regrets about that night is that you two were drunk and that you didn’t
remember it…for the longest time she had been confiding in me about having this
strong attraction to one of the wrestlers, kept saying his name was Mark…I
don’t follow wrestling all that well, I mean c’mon my 4 year-old knows more
about all you wrestlers then I do…but the stronger her feelings would get, she
said the closer you two got…she was going to eventually just give up her
feelings for you and try to forget how she was really feeling towards you and
just move on…and then that morning after she called me…and was crying
hysterically...I didn’t know what to do for her…because I had gone through the
same thing 4 years ago…and I didn’t even know what to do for myself then…how
was I going to help her now…”
Mark said, “I had some pretty strong attraction
feelings for her too, but I was never going to act on them…never…not in a
million years, well one because I had a serious live-in girlfriend…and two
because, I technically work with her, I would of never started a relationship
up with someone who is under contract with our CEO…I mean, every day I was
around her, I was falling more and more for her, and my feelings kept getting
stronger and stronger…and they still are…I in all honesty don’t even have the
foggiest clue what the hell happened tonight…I was giving her some pretty bad
looks, and when she called me on it…one thing led to another and she was laying
it all out…I never really thought for a second that the baby wasn’t mine…I just
couldn’t get my brain to comprehend everything that was sinking into it at one
time…I mean I couldn’t understand how I had been drunk enough to not remember
what happened, let alone…not remember that I had made love to someone who I
held with such high respect and love…I couldn’t remember none of it…I don’t
know what scared me more and still scares me right now…not remembering I made
love to her or finding out I was actually going to be a father…”
Vanessa giggled and said, “You know something…you
and Nyla…are definitely soul mates…you
guys thing alike so much…when me and her were first talking about what went
down that night, she was sad, angry, frustrated…she didn’t know what bothered
her more…the fact that you should of remembered or the fact that you didn’t
remember…Girls, remember everything…always down to the smallest detail of what
was said…to how good your lips felt against each other, to just being
touched…she will never regret that one night with you, just the whole getting
drunk that led to it…I wouldn’t worry too much Mark…she’s a strong girl…but I’m
telling you right now…you should go down there, kick every one of those
wrestling bums out of Nyla’s room, close the door, turn the lights off, sit in
the dark with her and just talk…and if you don’t feel like talking…hold her,
and then talk to her in the morning…”
Mark said, “What if she doesn’t want me in
there?” Vanna said, “She can try and put
up an argument, but it won’t last long…she usually just rolls with it…don’t
argue back with her cause it will irritate her more…just sit there in
silence…if that’s how she wants to do things, then that’s how it’s going to go
down for a while…you know, don’t throw your Undertaker voice at her…just sit
and use your very calmest voice, like I just heard you use…the calmer you are,
the calmer she’ll stay.” Mark nodded and
said, “Thanks Vanessa.” Vanna said, “No
problem big boy.” Mark shook his head at
her while he smiled and got up and walked down to the room…
entering my dressing room…Mark said, “Okay…visiting hours are over, everyone
out…” I watched as Mark stood by the
door and shooed everyone out the door and then closed the door, and proceeded
to turn the lights off and the walk around the room and closed all the blinds…I
said, “Mark, what are you doing?” He
came over and said, “Making it nice and dark in here so you can sleep…you need
to get some rest if you expect the doctor to release you tomorrow
afternoon…” I said, “Oh…okay…I
guess.” Mark leaned over and kissed the
top of my head and was about to walk away when I grabbed his hand and Mark
turned and looked at my hand on his and said, “What?” I said, “Don’t go…stay with me…please…I hate
hospitals.” Mark stayed with me that night, he just sat in a chair next to my bed, and watched me
sleep for the longest time before he fell asleep himself…I was released the
next afternoon…
About 2 months later, my ribs had healed up very
nicely…Vanessa and Jakie had gone back to New York and kept e-mailing me…Matt
& Jeff won the tag titles, Amy snatched the Women’s title…Glenn grabbed the
IC Belt, and Mark…Well, Mark was jut plain old, American Bad Ass, Deadman Inc.,
Undertaker - Mark…We had talked very few times, but at least we were talking
again finally…the first couple of weeks, I think we really learned to avoid
each other well…We weren’t back in the old set of going to breakfast, lunch, or
dinner yet, but I was hoping sooner or later, we could just forget everything
that had happened, and just concentrate on being friends again…
It was close to Halloween, my absolutely favorite
holiday…when I received an e-mail from Vanessa…I was sitting down by the ring
the day before the October Pay-pre-view…everyone was down by the ring again
practicing for the following nights events.
I was watching as everyone was running around like a bunch of chickens
with their heads cut off…which was already funny to me…Amy was sitting next to
me with her head resting on my shoulder…I was checking my e-mail when I ran
across Vanessa’s….It said:
girl, hope you’re feeling really good, and up for a good laugh cause surprise
me and the girls are back with another list…this one I KNOW you will love…call
me later…Jakie sends his love…
With Halloween
around the corner, this thought is more prevalent than ever. Now considering
that this holiday falls on a Tuesday, most wrestlers are planning on hitting
the streets after their respective television tapings for a little trick or
treating of their own. Here are some of the ones we have caught wind of...
Triple H -- We are not sure about this one... it is a toss up
between a crying Kurt Angle or The Rock
Test, Albert and Trish -- Hans Solo, Chewbacca and Princess Leah
Shane McMahon -- Young Simba the Giant Killer
Matt Hardy – Pumba from the Lion King.
Shane Helms -- Green Lantern ... you thought I was going to say
a pimp right? That was last year…Besides Godfather already said he’d
Kill him if he tried takin’ home any of his ho’s this year after the
x-mas party.
Shawn Michaels -- Tinky Winky of the
Shannon Moore -- Laa Laa of the Teletubbies
Christian --Dipsy of the Teletubbies.
Rey Mysterio, Jr. --Po of the Teletubbies. (Cause he’s the only one
who could fit in the costume..)
Kane --Cartman from South Park.
Undertaker –What else? Biker
Stephanie McMahon -- Poodle dog... the hair is all I am saying.
Goldust -- Superman...
Billy Gunn -- He is going to retire the wrestling ring for the
g-string... so have singles handy ladies…instead of candy ...
Lita -- Nala from Lion King, cause who else
would she play other then Matt’s girlfriend…
Bub-Buh Ray Dudley -- This one is a toss up... he could be The Big
Boss Man or umm... we are scared to think of what else he could be.
Jeff Hardy -- We hear he planning to go as
Matt... now this is just what we hear... he could be
throwing us off.
The Rock -- He has confirmed without a shadow of a doubt that he
will indeed go as Kurt Angle.
Edge -- Mongoose of Fozzy Osborne…from what we understand he is a
huge fan.
Chris Jericho -- Who else would he go as, since he’s so in love with
himself…he’s going as Y2J…
was reading the e-mail along with me, and we couldn’t help but start laughing
so hard…I couldn’t believe what I was reading…I said, “I can’t believe she sent
that…” Amy said, “Believe it she’s your
friend.” When we were done laughing
ourselves nearly to death, the guys came over and sat down and it was the girls
turn next…Mark came over and sat by me and said, “So how have you been
feeling?” I said, “Better…I’m pretty
much all healed…I have my last doctor’s check up in 2 weeks..” Mark said, “That’s good…” Before we knew it we had been talking about
everything under the sun except for what we should have been talking about…and
we had been talking for an hour…
Chapter 18
was going to the back, so I closed up my computer and headed to the back…when I
got to the Medical Office, there was a dozen red roses in a beautiful blue
glass vase…I went over and saw there was a card…and it said:
I’m really glad you’re doing better…How about
dinner later?
out loud, I said, “That little shit…”
From behind me a familiar deep voice with a beautiful southern accent
said, “Yea, I know…but how do you break the ice to someone you hurt?” I couldn’t turn around for fear of crying…and
I said, “Mark, you didn’t have to do this, ya know…” Mark said, “Of course not, I could of just kept stalking around here like a raving lunatic for
a couple more months trying not to feel sorry for myself…that I said such
hateful, awful things to you…and not said anything close to I’m sorry, since we
started talking again.”
said, “Mark, you don’t have to apologize for what you said, you was only saying
what you thought…besides you had every right to say anything to me…I should of
told you what happened, when it happened.”
Mark said, “It was because of that night that you cried that whole week,
wasn’t it?” I nodded and said,
“Yea…” And kept my head down…Mark said,
“I wish, you would of just told me…I probably would of
taken it a lot better and easier for that matter…we could of dealt with
it…” I said, “Mark, I never meant for
any of it to happen…I don’t regret that it happened…I wanted it to…I just
wouldn’t admit it…I was in total denial about my feelings for you…and then the
morning after, I could of kicked myself, cause that’s not how I wanted things
to go down between us…I would of loved for you to remember…you was so gentle
and sweet, loving, caring…everything was perfect.”
said, “Screw me remembering…I could care less if I remembered, I am glad you
remembered and that you thought it was perfect…obviously no, I wouldn’t have
wanted us to be drunk when we did that…but it happened…if we can get past this,
I would really like us to try this again…and obviously from now on neither one
of us is allowed to drink before bed…” I
put my hand over my mouth and started laughing and said, “I can’t believe you
said that.” Mark walked over and turned
me around, and saw the tears sliding down my cheeks…he whipped them away and
picked me up and sat me on the exam table, then put one hand on either side of
my knees and leaned against it, making sure he was eye level with me and said,
“I said it…the question is, what are you going to do about it…and no more of
that crying shit…every time I see you cry it breaks my heart…”
didn’t say anything, I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him…he slid
me off the table and held me back…I wrapped my legs around his waist and he put
his hands under my butt so I wouldn’t fall…I said, “You know something…you’re
making me into such a girl…” Mark said,
“Good…I’d rather have you as a girl, then not one…I guess.” I leaned back a little to look Mark in the
eye and I said, “I think we could give this another shot…well since technically
we never had a first shot, then this would be a first shot…” Mark said, “I think that’s a great idea.”
set me on my feet and he started to walk away when I said, “Wait a minute…Get
your dead ass back over here…there’s just something I’ve been dying to
do…” Mark stood in front of me and said,
“What?” I put my hands on his cheeks and
slid them back and grabbed his hair and pulled him to my lips…and we stood
there in the medical room kissing for a good….oh…25 minutes…Before I heard
Amy’s voice say, “Damn, Lala…girl, get you some of that…” We looked over and everyone was standing in
the doorway watching us…Mark started to walk over and say something…when I
grabbed his arm and said, “Uh-uh, learn to ignore them I have…” Mark shrugged his shoulders and we went back
to kissing…Mark picked me up and held onto me as we were kissing…
went to dinner later that night and had a really wonderful time…as far as our
future…who knows…this isn’t the end…it’s just the beginning…
Girl, you better come back to reality…”
Amy said, while laughing at me…I laughed and said, “What?” She said, “Girl, you have not been able to
stop staring at that engagement ring that Mark gave to you for the last 3
weeks, since he gave it to you.” I
smiled and looked at the ring on my finger again and said, “Yea…well, it looks
so good on my finger…any one else’s finger would of turned green and fell off..” Amy laughed again
and said, “You are so crazy…I can’t believe Mark finally asked you to marry
him…I didn’t think he’d ever get around to it…I mean you guys have been
together for 3 years…you’re not getting any younger…and Mark sure isn’t getting
any younger…”
I said, “You know nothing makes me feel better then
having you point out I’m 26 and still not married…but this time I have the
perfect come back…” Amy smiled and said,
“Oh yea, what’s that?” I said, “You are
turning 28 in 2 weeks…” I started
laughing while Amy gave me the finger…and pouted a little…
I said, “I’m with you though…I thought I was gonna
have to drug the boy before he’d ask me to marry him…for a while there, I
figured we’d just end up with 13 kids, not married…and die together…” Amy said, “I’m glad me and Matt waited to get
married…we’re happier now then when we were still boyfriend and girlfriend…even
though we practically lived together and acted like an old married couple…and
now with us getting ready for this first kid…we’ve got so much to do to get
ready…and every time I go to start a project I get tired and have to take a
nap…Matt keeps laughing at me…” I said,
“Yea, he wouldn’t think it’s so funny, if it was him squeezing something the
size of a watermelon out a hole the size of an ink
Matt had just walked in the door with Mark and they
both heard what I had said…Matt said, “Damn…Lala…what a way to hurt a man
without even touching him…” I said, “Ah,
get over it…” Mark came over leaned down
and kissed the top of my head and said, “You ready?” I smiled up at him and said, “Sure…let’s
go…” I stood up and couldn’t find my
tenny shoes…Amy said, “You took them off and threw them into the
bathroom…” I walked back out carrying my
shoes…and Mark said, “Babe, put your shoes on, it’s cold outside…” I made a face and said, “I hate wearing
shoes…I don’t wanna wear them.” Mark
said, “You’ll get pneumonia…” I said, “I
don’t care…you know I hate wearing shoes…”
I started to walk past Mark and out into the
hallway, when Mark grabbed the hood on my sweatshirt and pulled me back in
front of him…Mark said, “Well, I do care…”
Mark picked me up and I said, “Oh, even better…” My shoes we in Mark’s hand as he carried me
down to the truck…I opened the door to his truck and jumped in and slid over to
my side…and Mark threw my shoes at me and got in…as soon as he was in, I moved
back over and snuggled close to him…the boy was nothing but a human heater…
I hooked my arm around his and laid my head on his
shoulder…he stuck his hand between my thighs…and I thought I was going to pee
myself…I said, “JESUS!!! God, Mark, you’re hand is freezing…” Mark looked at me and said, “Which is why I
put it in the warmest place on your body…”
I said, “Yea, one warning…don’t move your little finger too much, or we
won’t make it home in one piece…” Mark
let out a little growl and moved his fingers…I smacked his arm and said, “Stop,
or we won’t make it out of Matt and Amy’s driveway…” Mark laughed a little and said, “Hey, that’s
fine with me…” I said, “You are one big
hormone…” Mark said, “Hey, who attacked
who night before last?” I said, “What
was I supposed to do…you kept teasing me…and you know I don’t do teasing…I mean
how many times can you bump into someone with an enormous erection…I mean
without the person going completely insane…”
Mark laughed and said, “Okay fine…so I was trying to
seduce you, and obviously it worked…” I
said, “Babe, it doesn’t take much for you to make me horny…you’ll never have to
seduce me…” Mark said, “Oh I know, but
that takes away from the fun I have while making you insanely horny…” I laughed and said, “Thanks a lot
shithead.” Mark smiled and said,
“Anytime.” We took off and got home in
25 minutes…
Matt and Amy had moved to Houston before they got
married…and lived pretty much right down the street from Mark and I…When we
pulled into the driveway and Mark shut the truck off and we went inside…I said,
“I’m going to check my e-mail really fast sweetie…I’ll be upstairs sitting in
bed..” Mark said, “That’s fine, I’m
going to make sure the house is locked up…and that damn laptop better disappear
when I get in the room…otherwise it’s going to get a flying lesson…right out
the window…” I said, “You wouldn’t
dare…” Mark said, “Test me..” I said, “Damn you
big ole brut…” Mark leaned over and
grabbed my bottom lip with his teeth and sucked on it a little…and then kissed
me, I couldn’t help but let out a little moan…and I said, “You keep that up,
and the clothes my disappear with the laptop..”
Mark said, “I guarantee they will.”
I said, “Wow, someone is full of themselves tonight…” Mark said, “I know someone whose
going to be full of me tonight also…”
Mark walked away letting a deep laughing come from
the back of his throat…I smacked his ass and said, “You better watch it Mr.
Callaway.” Mark laughed harder…he always
laughed at me when I was trying to be serious…Just cause he knew I could never
get serious or tough with him, even with as hard as I tried…I went up started
and actually stripped all my clothes and got into one of Mark’s t-shirts…and
then got in bed and pulled my laptop out and checked my e-mail…I had an e-mail
from Vanessa…It said:
There Mrs. Undertaker…(aka Lala),
thought you’d like that…I know you’re laughing, so don’t try to deny it…Any
ways…me and the girls have been coming up with a new list…hope you enjoy
it…make sure you give it to all your little wrestling buddies…Jakie sends his
love…if this kid doesn’t stop growing he’s going to eat me out of house and
home before he turns 7…GEEZ!! Miss ya,
call me sometime kid…
All I Need To Know About
Life I learned From Wrestling Part 2
I've learned that it is okay to run a truck into an ambulance with
someone in it because he rock bottomed you.
I've learned that it is completely acceptable to drink beer while
working as long as you do it responsible.
I've learned that you should never hire an actor that promotes
vacations to portray a doctor.
I've learned that pimpim' still ain't easy nor legal but escorting
I've learned that the people's strudel is the female equivalent to
poontang pie.
I've learned that men like Billy and Chuck are just good friends.
I've learned that you must always respect the Undertaker. **Thought
Mark would like this one**
I've learned that Dudleyville is home of royalty.
I've learned that we are all good citizens protected by the
Hurricane and Mighty Molly.
I've learned that breast augmentation is a private thing.
I've learned that when things don't go your way, throw a tantrum.
I've learned that mops make excellent girlfriends and valets.
I've learned that too much power can go to your head.
I've learned that when you can't think of something to say, ‘Damn’
fits almost any occasion.
I've learned that seeing someone who betrayed you tombstoned off a
stage can repair any relationship.
I've learned that it is perfectly normal to drive your vehicle into
the stadium.
I've learned that even after you try to take over your father's
business, publicly say you want him to die, he will still forgive you and walk
you down the isle.
I've learned that when someone annoying is talking to you, ‘What?’
is the ultimate revenge.
I've learned that you are never too old to wrestle.
After I laughed myself nearly to death, I closed my
laptop and stuck it on the night stand…and laid comfortably in bed,
relaxing…waiting for Mark to come to bed…I could hear him walking up the
stairs, grumbling about something…I got up and sat on my knees at the end of
the bed…Mark walked in and closed the door behind him, and he said, “Glenn left
a message on the machine, vacation is over in 2 days…I’m gonna kill him…” I said, “Oh…chill out will ya…You knew there
was only 2 days left…not like anyone had to remind you…”
Mark pulled his shirt off and I watched the muscles
in his arms move…and almost climaxed on the bed without his help…in Ric Flairs
words WOOO!…Mark was still grumbling and he sat on the foot of the bed and was
taking his boots and socks off, when I moved over and leaned over his shoulder,
and touched his face and said, “You’re really not going to kill Glenn are
you? I mean, c’mon…he’s your little
brother…” Mark looked at me from the
corner of his eye and said, “Stop it…you’re trying to do that whole cute act,
so I will get him out of my mind…” I
said, “Actually, I was trying to get him out of your mind…but I was also trying
to put something else into it…”
I was nibbling on Mark’s ear, when my hand slid down
his chest, and casually brushed against the crotch of his levis…becoming
instantly hard at the light touch…Mark said, “If I were you I would go starting
something you couldn’t finish…” I traced
the outside of Mark’s ear with the tip of my tongue and said, “Now, when have
you even known me to start something I couldn’t finish…” Mark said, “True…” Well if his hard on wasn’t present before it
was after I brushed up against him…
Mark stood up and faced me, I stood up on my knees,
and we started kissing…Mark’s hands slid slowly down my body, making sure to
stop at my breasts and pay “the girls” as he liked to call them…a visit…then
after he had my nipples hard enough to basically cut glass…his hands slid down,
and he lift the back of my shirt up and grabbed my ass…noting I wasn’t wearing
any panties…also making a mental note to thank me for not wearing panties, so
he wouldn’t have to mess with getting them off…so with one hand on each butt
cheek, Mark picked me up and I automatically wrapped my legs around his
waist…and he proceeded to crawl across the bed on his knees with me wrapped
around him…
My hands had made there way down and into the front
of Mark’s levis and were teasing him with fingernails like crazy…making him
extremely hard and insanely horny…Mark placed on hand in the middle of my back
and slowly laid me down as he laid on top of me, kneeling between my thighs…I
loved him like that…so much power in one place…and you don’t even need
batteries…hehehe…we still hadn’t broke our kissing…that was one thing about
us…we could kiss for hours on end…and were never out of breath…we finally
stopped kissing long enough for Mark to pull my shirt off…and for him to
discard the rest of his clothing…
Mark just absolutely loved teasing me…he would get
in his erotic mode and was whispering in my ear… “Tell me what you want
baby…” Me going
crazy in ecstasy said, “Please…Mark…I want to feel you inside of me…now…I need
you now Mark…” Mark would start to enter
me and pull back…and he did that a few times…and I finally said, “If you do
that one more time…I’m going to go sleep in the spare room and you can have an
erotic moment with your hand…and I know it won’t be as good…” Mark laughed and said, “You never did like
the teasing…”
I said, “If I wanted to be teased, I’d go back to 4th
grade…” Mark said, “Are you sure you can
handle me…I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself…taking on so much at once…” I said, “Boy…if you don’t knock it off and
get to work…I’ll make you do some really hard work…” Mark said, “Yes…Ma’am…” Mark slowly and teasingly slid his erection
into me…and I wanted to scream out FINALLY!…but all I
really got out was a moan of pure pleasure…
Mark was thrusting in and out of me like a wild man,
and I was holding onto his shoulders…and then his back and butt…Mmm good
butt…we could both feel it building and finally both of us climaxed…and Mark
pulled out and collapsed on the bed next to me…and we were doing some heavy
breathing trying to catch up with out racing hearts…
Mark pulled me over and wrapped is arms around me
and said, “Oh yea, I still got it…” I
said, “Baby, you never lost it…” Mark
kissed my lips and said, “I love you.” I
smiled and said, “I love you too.” We
fell asleep in each others arms…trying to make the moment last, cause in 2 days
we were going to be heading back to work…OH Joy!
is right around the corner…about 4 weeks away…and Mark and I are getting
married in exactly 2 months…so were trying to get things ready…I’ve been
planning and getting everything ready since we got engaged 6 months ago…I’m a
little nervous about it…but I know deep down everything will go smoothly…With
us being on the road so much, I’ve been doing most of the planning from my
a new girl on the wrestling tour…her name is Sara…she’s a knock out…long blonde
hair…big brown eyes…skinny as a tooth pick…you know she looks like she starves
herself, but you know she doesn’t and she’s just naturally that thin…we all
hate girls like that, but she’s a sweet gal…we’ve talked a few times, when Mark
isn’t dragging me off in a different direction…Mark likes talking with her,
they seem to have a really nice friendship going…which is cool…cause ever since
we got engaged, he’s had this mysterious way about him…
then again that’s just Mark…Or so I thought.
e-mails have been coming once a week…and keep getting funnier and funnier…the
one night, while waiting for Mark to finish his match, I was sitting in the
medical room…and decided to check my e-mail and sure enough there was another
one from Vanessa…It said:
Mrs. Callaway (almost):
How’s everything going towards the wedding
planning…and you should know already that me and Jakie are going to be there…we
wouldn’t miss it for the world…hope everything is going great…I’ll be in
Chicago the same time as you, we’ll hook up then…later sweets…by the way, if
you already didn’t notice…here’s another list…enjoy..
Ways you know you work for Deadman's Inc
We are positive that you have heard of the Undertaker's new company.
He is all about making someone famous. Here are some signs that you work for
Mr. Taker.
1. When someone goes in the office to quit, they don't leave through
a door.
2. Probation is served in a coffin.
3. You work within hell in a cell.
4. When the elevator hits floors, it says ‘Deadman walking’.
5. Your in office memos end with ‘rest
in peace’.
6. When you have anger management classes, the source of everyone's
anger is towards Vince McMahon and Kurt angle.
7. It is required that everyone knows the words to ‘Rollin’ by
Limp Bizkit.
8. The company cars are motorcycles.
9. Everyone gets chew breaks.
10. You must have at least 3 tattoos.
After laughing for a substantial amount of time…I
went ahead and e-mailed it to Amy…she wasn’t allowed to travel anymore cause she was rounding her 7th month and wasn’t
allowed to do any more long traveling…even if it was by plane.
A couple of weeks later, Mark has been acting
kind of funny lately…I haven’t said anything to him, cause I just figured it
was the whole…wedding day getting closer thing…of course I’m pretty oblivious
about things that go on around me…I’ve been sticking to my medical office cause
a bunch of the wrestlers keep getting hurt…it’s like when x-mas comes around
every one starts getting sloppy…just cause they know they have the whole week
of x-mas off…and don’t have to worry about nothing until the first Raw at the
beginning of the new year.
I swear there is something really funny going on
with Mark…he’s really been acting weird…I can’t get it off my mind…something is
definitely up and it doesn’t seem like it’s the whole wedding thing…it seems
like it’s something else…I guess I should talk with him…so here goes nothing…
Mark was in his dressing room getting ready for his
match…so I walked down and went in…he was sitting in a chair pulling himself
together…getting himself into Undertaker mode…I said, “Babe, before you get all
Undertaker…can we talk for like 5 minutes?”
Mark said, “Sure, What’s up Nyla?”
I sat across from him and said, “Mark, are you feeling okay?” He said, “Yea, why?” I said, “Cause you
haven’t exactly been acting like yourself lately…” Mark said, “I think I’m just getting excited about
us getting married…I mean I wish it would hurry up and get here already…maybe
we should of eloped, instead of doing the whole guest list and stuff…it makes
me crazy…I’m okay though…” I said, “Are
you sure?” He said, “Yes…I’m sure
sweetie…” I said, “Okay…” Mark gave me a kiss and I said, “I’ll be down
in the medical room, when you get done with your match.” Mark nodded and took off to the ring…
Deep down I know everything was not as it seemed…I
knew something wasn’t as perfect as I had hoped it was…I was just waiting for
Mark to admit it to himself and eventually tell me…but I knew it wouldn’t be
soon…I went back to the medical room and while I watched Mark’s match on the
monitor, I went ahead and checked my e-mail one more time, expecting an e-mail
from Vanessa telling me what gate she’d be at when we meet in Chicago for next
Monday Night Raw. Naturally there was
one there waiting for me…It said:
chica…how’s everything going in the world of beat downs, choke slams and
tombstone pile drivers? I got those from
Jakie…he’s been teaching me a lot about wrestling lately…why I don’t know…I
think he’s wanting to be a wrestler when he gets older…which wouldn’t be too
bad, as long as he could promise me forever he wouldn’t get hurt…By the way…My
flight gets in about 10 minutes after yours…@ gate 16A…be there or I’ll beat
your ass…hehehe…I have one last list for you sugar britches…and just cause it’s
close to x-mas…I’m sure you’ll love it…Tis the season…to beat someone’s ASS…See
ya in 4 days…
12 days of
All the guys got
together and decide to sing what they wanted for Christmas instead of making a
list... So here we go...
Matt ~ On
the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me...anal beads and a pearl jam
Stephanie ~ On the second day of Christmas
my true love gave to me two breast implants, no anal beads and maybe a pearl
jam cd.
Shane ~ On
the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me three adult DVD’s, no
implants needed, anal beads and anything but a pearl jam cd.
Christian ~ On the fourth day of
Christmas my true love gave to me four calling cards, three adult DVD’s, two
sparkling shirts, and why did Matt have to go first?
Kurt Angle ~On the fifth day of Christmas
my true love gave to me five gold medals, four calling cards, three year supply
of milk, no implants needs, anal beads are for freaks... who still listens to
pearl jam.
Edge ~ On the sixth day of
Christmas my true love gave to me six mat dances I can do, five gold medals
(Kurt is obsessed), four booty calls, three adult DVD’s, where would I put
implants, and Matt is a sexual freak.
Undertaker ~ I refuse to sing this pussy
ass song so On the seventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me seven
biker's biking.
Test ~ On the eighth day of
Christmas my true love gave to me eight table dances, seven bikers... what is
that aboot?, six mat dances, five gold medals, four booty calls, three adult
DVD’s, no implants needs, Lita and some anal beads.
Jeff ~ On the ninth day of
Christmas my true love gave to me nine hair dying kits, eight table dances,
seven motorcycles, six mat dances, five gold medals, four booty calls, three
adult DVD’s, no implants needs, Prozac and wild turkey.
Triple H ~ On the tenth day of
Christmas my true love gave to me ten mirrors to flex in, nine hair dying kits,
eight table dances, seven motorcycles, six mat dances, five gold medals, four
booty calls, three adult DVD’s, no implants needs, and a woman who is open to
Jericho ~ On the eleventh day of
Christmas my true love gave to me eleven jerichoholics fighting, ten mirrors to
flex in, nine hair dying kits, eight table dances, seven motorcycles, six mat
dances, five gold medals, four booty calls, three adult DVD’s, no implants
needs, and the name of the person who let Matt go first.
APA ~ Damn...On the twelfth day of
Christmas my true love gave to me twelve cases of beer a'cracking, eleven
bar fights, ten cigars to smoke, nine ladies dancing (Why in the hell was that
taken out), eight table dances, seven motorcycles, six pack of beer, five card
stud, four booty calls, three adult DVD’s, and who in the hell wants implants,
anal beads and a damn pearl jam cd.
I immediately e-mailed that to Amy and everyone else
I had e-mail addresses for…I knew they’d love it and know it fit the wrestlers
Well all good things must come to an end…who ever
made that phrase up should be shot, or get the shit beaten out of them…I had a
good thing, and naturally it came to an end…It was after x-mas about 2 weeks
before the wedding…or what most labeled the wedding from hell…just because it
was Mark and because it was literally causing so many problems…and getting to
be one big stress attack after another for the both of us…Vanessa and Jakie
were on the tour with us…and then would fly back to Houston with us to be in
the wedding…
I had just gotten off the phone with the
caterer…when I walked into Mark’s dressing room and when I closed the door behind
me, I said, “Mark, I swear I’ll never question you again…the next time you want
to elope…just let me know…I’ll be all up for it…I was insane to thing I could
pull off this wedding with out any kind of drama…” Mark said, “Nyla, come sit down I need to talk
to you…” I said, “How’s come I feel like
the boom is getting ready to be lowered?”
Mark said, “I really have to tell you something…I can’t marry you…” I said, “The boom has been lowered…What are you talking about?”
Mark said, “I eloped about 5 months ago…” I said, “Wait a minute…how’s that possible…I
live with you…I’m engaged to you, so how did you elope without me knowing
it?” Mark said, “It was pretty easy,
especially when the tour drove right through Las Vegas…”
I swear to God I thought I was going to throw up…I
stood up and said, “You’re not even joking…you’re serious aren’t you?” Mark looked down and said, “I’m afraid
so…” I said, “That’s why you’ve been
acting all weird lately…how did you get married to someone else…and yet still
be engaged to me…” Mark said, “I fell
out of love with you a long time ago…I just didn’t have the heart to tell
you…” I could feel my heart beating
faster and faster inside my chest…I thought it was going to explode…I said, “Oh
you’re right about one thing…you don’t have a heart…Just who in the hell did
you run off and marry anyway?” Mark
swallowed hard and said, “Sara…” I put
my hand over my mouth, cause now I knew I as going to
A thought came into my mind and I had tears swelling
in my eyes, threatening to fall and I said, “Have you been having sex with the
both of us?” Mark said, “Afraid so…and
Sara just found out she’s pregnant…”
That’s all it took, the tears started to slide down my cheeks like a
huge waterfall…I said, “Jesus Christ Mark, what the hell was you waiting
for? I mean could there have been a
better time to tell me this bullshit…you know sometime like before we got
engaged and decided to get married…I can’t believe this…who knows about this?” Mark said, “Just me and Sara…no one else knows…I
couldn’t tell you, you were always so happy about the wedding…” I said, “What, were you just thinking about
leaving me at the alter, just not show up for the
wedding? Well, I have to be honest, I
would of rather you did that, cause at least I wouldn’t have to look at you
right now, and be so heart broken but yet disgusted at the same time…I’m gonna
be sick.”
I took off out and down the hall…and ran into the
ladies restroom…and held my hair back and just totally threw up about 7 times…I
sat on the floor leaning against the stall and started crying…Trish came in the
bathroom when she saw me run by and said, “Oh my gosh, Nyla, are you
okay?” I couldn’t even answer her cause
I was crying so hard…Trish didn’t know what to do, so she ran and got Vanessa…Vanna
ran in and she sat next to me on the floor…and just held me while I cried…she
didn’t push to make me talk, she knew what ever it was…it was bad…and as soon
as she found out what it was about, it was going to get a whole lot worse. Trish sat with us on the floor, when I
started to calm down I finally was able to tell Vanessa the wedding was off,
because he had actually gone and gotten married…and I didn’t even know…
Vanessa practically went shooting through the
roof…She said, “Tell me you’re joking...Lala…c’mon crack a smile…something…hell
anything!” I said, “No…it’s all true, he
just told me.” I continued to tell her
everything Mark had just told me…Vanessa’s eyes that were once a lovely
chocolate brown, looked like they were on fire, just two huge pools of burning
gasoline…Vanessa said, “I’LL KILL HIM!”
She left me on the floor with Trish and took off to Mark’s dressing
When she got there, Sara was sitting in front of
Mark and they were talking or whatever…Vanessa, just tore the door open and
said, “YOU SON OF A BITCH!…” Vanessa
grabbed Sara and shoved her right out the door and slammed it on her…and then
turned around to face Mark and he said, “You don’t have the right to do that,
she’s my wife…I can understand that you’re upset…” Vanessa said, “OH PLEASE, JUST SHUT THE FUCK
in the hell do you actually do something like that to Nyla…I mean hell, not
just Nyla but to another human being…she’s not just some toy you can play with
when you feel like it…she was supposed to be your wife in 2 weeks you asshole…I
have so much I want to yell at you about right now…but I really want to hit you
even more…I want to hit you so hard that your great grand father gets a
bruise…I want to hit you so hard you don’t wake up until there’s a new
president…so hard that you feel just as bad as Nyla does right now…how could
you Mark…you know you must be a really pro at this…because no one saw through it…every one thinks your
this really great guy, just cause the fans love you and they see your passion
in the ring…well I hate to tell you this…but what the hell do you think your
fans would say if they knew what you did…Mark what gives you the right?”
Mark cut her off and said, “What give me the
right? To what to be happy…to be in love…to
have everything I didn’t have…” Vanessa
said, “Oh don’t you hand me that crap…you’ve had everything for the last 3
years when you’ve had Nyla…and I do mean everything…she’s my best friend and to
see her go through this is going to kill me…I’ve watched her fall more and more
in love with you every second for the last 3 years and you will never know how
much she loves you…never…because you didn’t even give her a chance…you didn’t
even wait for the wedding to come around…you just made a decision and went
after it…there’s only one other person in Nyla’s life who treated her this way
and that was her mother…so I guess you really are no better then her mother…and
what I was going to say earlier is…what give you the right to just go and break
someone’s heart like that…I mean obviously you don’t have a conscious…and we
both know you don’t have a heart…all that’s behind that chest muscle is dead
black air…I hope you never have to feel so much pain one day to make you throw
up 7 times…cause if it ever does happen to you, I’ll be right there to laugh my
ass off at you…I just don’t get it.”
Mark said, “Maybe you’re not supposed to get
it…maybe it’s because it’s my life…and I’ll do what ever the hell I want…I feel
bad about what I did…but I just don’t love her anymore…and I haven’t for a
while…” Vanessa said, “Then you should
have told her then instead of stringing her along…acting like you was really
going to marry her…when the whole time you knew you wasn’t…and I can see just
how bad you really feel…I’ll tell you right now…it’s not even close to how bad
Nyla feels right now, sitting in the ladies bathroom crying and puking…you’re
just an asshole…that’s the only word I can think of right now…and you’re really
no better then her mother or any of those other loser boyfriends she had who’d
knock her around…”
Mark got defensive and said, “I never hit her or
knocked her around…” Vanessa said, “You
did to…you just didn’t do it physically…I’m sending two friends over to your
house this weekend to get Nyla’s things, I suggest you not be there…they are
friends of Nyla’s and mine from college…they will leave the keys and what ever
else she has of yours by the front door…I suggest you leave anything of hers
that you have there also…” Mark said,
Vanessa couldn’t even look at him anymore, and she
walked out…and came back down to the bathroom and got me…We were walking out
the backdoor with Jakie, when Mark ran up and said, “Nyla wait…” He grabbed my arm and I jerked away from
him…I said, “What ever you have to say, do it without touching me please…unless
you want puke on you…” Mark said, “I’m
sorry…” I said, “You’re sorry? Oh okay, yea well that makes everything just
so much better…” I took the engagement
ring off and threw us at him and said, “You can have that back, I have no use
for it now…but hey, maybe you could give it to Sara…since she is just too
perfect in her roll as your wife.”
We left…and went back to New York…I stayed there for
3 months…Vince understood what was going on after Vanessa explained all of it
to him…I veged out for 3 months, I was either sleeping or staring at the
ceiling…nothing more nothing less…did as little as possible…I cried a lot
too…Vanessa would come in and lay with me, trying to comfort me…and I would try
and act a little excited around Jakie…but it was really hard…
Chapter 26
was only supposed to have the 3 months off, but even after the 3 months, I
couldn’t shake how my brain, heart, body and soul felt after what Mark had done
to me…My heart just wouldn’t let me get over it on a time limit…So, I met with
Vince, the wrestling tour was in New York…I was just pretty basic…I had on
levis, tenny shoes and a hooded sweat shirt, since is was still a tad chillie…I
had pulled all my hair up into a ponytail.
Vanessa was on a huge date, so I had Jakie with me…we were talking back
and forth about his school and what not…he was almost 7…and was getting pretty
When we got to Vince’s office…I had Jakie wait out
in the little lobby for me…I said, “Please…Jakie don’t go anywhere, this won’t
take long…I promise…then well go get some sugar infested ice cream…” and I winked at him and he smiled…and said,
“Yes, Aunt Lala.” I walked into Vince’s
office and he was sitting behind his notorious big black desk…Vince walked
around it and greeted me with a huge bear hug…and said, “Nyla…I’m so glad to
see you back here…how have you been?” I
said, “Vince…I have to be honest…I’m really not ready to be back right now…no
matter how hard I try to get through this…it’s just not working…I mean I’d be
more then happy to forget that the last three years happened, along with the
last 3 months, but I can’t…and right now, I have to take care of myself…I can’t
get over the depression, and half the nights I cry myself to sleep…I think that
I want to take a year off…or at least another 9 months…I really need to get
myself back on track before, I even try to work in the same place with that
Vince said, “Nyla, if you can’t do it, then you
can’t do it…if you want to go ahead and take an addition 9 months off that’s
fine, we can get a temporary replacement…and when you come back, well get you
started again…I just want you to be comfortable in your working atmosphere…and
if you’re not comfortable, then well change a few things so you will be…I actually
think this is very adult for you to choose to do this instead of trying to
force yourself to come back too soon…if you need anything you call me…if you’re
ready to come back before the 9 months is up, then by all means call me and let
me know…but keep in touch so we know how you’re doing…” I said, “Okay…thanks Vince…”
I started to leave when Vince said, “Also, Stephanie
is here, you might wanna go down and talk with her before you leave…she’s been
worried about you, but she didn’t want to call and pester you…” I said, “Okay…I will, is she in her
office?” He said, “Yea, I believe she’s
there with Paul (Triple H)…those two have been inseparable since they started
dating…” I said, “Yea, who ever thought
your baby girl would fall in love with the Cerebral Assassin.” We both laughed a little and I said, “Thanks
for everything Vince.” He nodded and
said, “No problem…remember anything you need don’t hesitate to call.” I said, “Okay…” We said our good-byes and I grabbed Jakie and
we took off to Stephanie’s office down the hall a little ways.
On the way down…we actually crossed Mark’s path…He
was walking around the back area…We stopped and Jakie stood in front of me,
like he was going to protect me from Mark…which I thought was awful sweet…Mark
said, “Hello Nyla…” I said, “Jakie, Go
on ahead of me and find Stephanie’s office…you know where it will be…” Jakie gave me this concerned look and I
smiled and said, “It’s okay, I’ll be fine…go on.” Jakie nodded and said, “Yes, Aunt Lala..” And he walked off…
I said, “Hi Mark…”
He said, “You’re looking good…better then I saw you the last time.” I said, “It couldn’t be too much better,
since I’ve been the same since I left…”
Mark said, “I’m sorry…I realized I left things
really shitty between us, and I know I shouldn’t have done it…I should of just
told you what was going on inside me.” I
said, “Yea, it would have been nice…hell, just saying anything at all would of
really been nice…you know something…I didn’t even care that you fell in love
with someone else…you made me feel like a total fool, going on and on about the
wedding and getting things ready…and you just kept letting me tell you I love
you…and letting yourself say it back…that’s what really hurt the most, was
that, you lied to me…I will never know if you really loved me for those three
years, or if everything that came out of your mouth was a lie…I’m not like
everyone here, I will never see you as a bully, or a jerk for the things you do
to people in the ring…I’ll only see you as a huge liar from now on…because
there is no way to prove that you’re not…and once you lie about something as
serious as that…at a very serious time in a relationship…there’s no telling if
you’ll ever do it again…I mean in some ways I think Sara is very lucky, because
out of everyone here she got to marry my finance…but then again in some ways
she’s not all that lucky…because if you lied to me…what’s to ever stop you from
lying to her…”
Mark said, “I love her..” I said, “Yea…says you…haven’t you learned
yet, that just because you put a ring on someone’s finger, doesn’t always mean
you love them…I learned that lesson the hard way…as a matter of fact…I learned
that lesson from you…”
Mark said, “Nyla, I never meant to hurt you…I
promise.” I said, “Mark…don’t make
promises you can’t keep…because you promised me a long time ago you’d love me
forever…and look…you already broke that one…I don’t need anymore broken promises
in my life…I think a broken heart is just enough to have to deal with at the
I walked away…I was a lot sadder cause I talked to
Mark…but obviously I had some shit to get off my chest. Jakie came running
back over and as Mark was walking away he heard Jakie said, “So, you think I
could kick his ass, Aunt Lala?” I said,
“Let me see you flex those muscles…”
Jakie flexed his little 7 year-old biceps and growled, “ARRRGGH...” I jumped and said, “Oh yea, I so think you
could of kicked his ass…” Jakie said, “Aunt Lala…would it be okay for
me to become a wrestle when I grow up, so I can come back and beat Mark
down?” I said, “Jakie, I think you’d
make an excellent wrestler some day, but you also have to remember that by the
time you get all grown up and get your training in to be a wrestler…Mark will
probably be like 120, so he might not be a wrestler anymore…”
Jakie smiled and said, “Yea, now that you mention is
Aunt Lala…he does look like he’s a bit older then when he was with you…maybe he
should of stayed with you, cause he looked younger then…” I laughed a little and said, “You know
something Kid…I think you’re right…I never noticed it until you pointed it out
to me…but…yea it is true..”
All Mark could think was ‘God, you should kick my
ass Jakie’…and ‘I’ll always look older…I never feel younger then I look…and I
look pretty damn old right now’.
We went on to see Stephanie and Paul…and I told them
what was going on…and said she could call me anytime cause I wouldn’t mind…we
agreed the next time they came in town that we would meet up for lunch or
dinner…and that was my big night…thus starting my 9 month leave from the WWE…
we agreed the next time
they came in town that we would meet up for lunch or dinner…and that was my big
night…Thus starting my 9 month leave from the WWE…
So my 9 month leave went a little easier then
expected…Vanessa’s hot date was with Mark’s best friend Glenn…obviously some
serious sparks flew between them, because 3 months later, they got
married…Jakie was pretty excited about that, Glenn was pretty much a big kid
himself, and he loved Jakie as much as he loved Vanessa…
As for me when I left the arena that night, after my
encounter with Mark…I decided it was time for a few changes…no more of that
moping shit…I went to work for New York Memorial Hospital…working in the ER…I
loved it…naturally with my weird ass sleeping habits that I picked up while
working for the WWE…I worked all the funky night shifts…Which made me love it
even more…after being at the hospital for 6 months…I had exactly 3 months left
before going back to the WWE…
I was working in the ER really late one night, it
was probably around 3 a.m. it had actually been a slow night, the first in
several weeks…and I was trying to restock some of the trauma rooms…when my
hospital pager went off…I was tugging around on my purple hospital scrub
bottoms, when I checked it and it had the ER Trauma 1 number on it, which meant
they had someone in the room who needed to be looked at…it wasn’t a huge
emergency, cause if it would have been there would have been a little 911 after
the room number…I walked down and one of the nurses met me in front of the
room…I pulled my hair in a ponytail…and said, “What’s up?” The nurse said, “Dr. Hill, it looks like this
guy has been in some sort of fight…he needs stitches…but he won’t say what
happened…” I said, “It’s
fine Becky…Thanks…I’ll handle it…why don’t you go take launch…” She said, “Thanks Dr. Hill.” I said, “Stop calling me that…just call me
Nyla…” She smiled and said, “Sorry…I’ll
see you in an hour…” I said,
I took the clipboard and walked in, closing the door
behind me…said, “Okay, sir…” I looked up
when heard a familiar voice say, “Nyla…”
I said, “Oh my gosh, Paul (Triple H)…” That boy was looking damn good…tight ass
T-shirt, Levis, boots and hair pulled back…Mmmmmmmmmmm yummy…double yummy for
facial hair…Paul came over and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek…
I said, “Wow, I haven’t seen you in a while
sweetie…what’s going on?” He said, “I
had a small accident down at the ring tonight…I got whacked with a chair and
forgot to put my arm up…and got busted…it hurt like a mother.” I said, “Yea, I can imagine…you guys were in
town tonight?” Paul said, “Yea, we
actually have a PPV here at the end of the week…so we’ll be here all week…” I said, “How’s Stephanie?” Paul said, “I wouldn’t know…we’re not
together anymore…seems as though she was pulling a Mark…she got married to
Andrew Martin (Test) about 6 months ago…”
I said, “Wow, that was fast…and her father had nothing to say about
it…” He said, “Just the usual…as long as
you’re happy crap.” I said, “Damn…I’d
say poor you, but you never was one to dwell on anything…” Paul said, “Hell, I’ve survived matches worse
then finding out that she was cheating on me with Andrew…but we talked and
pretty much worked through all our differences…and we just decided staying
friends would be so much easier then trying to actually have a
relationship...” I said, “Well at least
you guys had a chance to work it all out…it’s always best to have a friend
instead of one more enemy to add to the list.”
Paul said, “True…So, can you patch me up?” I said, “Sure, go ahead and sit on the exam
table and lay down…cause with as big as you are…I won’t be able to reach
you…besides you look like you could use a nap.”
Paul said, “Shit, does it show really that bad.” I said, “Not at all…okay, at first I thought
you were JR…but now you’re starting to look like the Paul I know…” Paul said, “Oh that’s low…you are so going to
get it.” Paul laid
down…and I cleaned him up and we talked the whole time…while I put a couple of
stitches in his head…
Paul said, “Hey, when do you get off?” I said, “In about 3 hours…Why?” He said, “I’d say how about dinner, but
that’s a little late, so how about an extremely early breakfast?” I smiled and said, “Okay…I’m usually starving
by the time I get off work anyway.” Paul
said, “Okay…so you want me to come pick you up or you wanna meet somewhere?” I said, “You can actually pick me up at my
apt.” I wrote the directions and address
down, plus my cell-phone number…we said out good-byes and I went back to
stocking…and Paul left to go get a little cat nap in at the hotel…
at 6:15 a.m., Paul and I went to breakfast…but it really didn’t stop
there…cause then we went to dinner that night…the lunch the next day…then we
went to a few different places and had lunch and then dinner…we spent an
obscene amount of time together, since he was there for the week…I think it was
probably right after the 8 dinner, when Paul walked me to my apt door, and
suddenly it wasn’t two old friends having fun anymore…it got a serious tone to
went to say good-bye to me, but the words wouldn’t come out…instead he cupped
my face in his massive hands and gave me an earth shattering kiss…I swear, just
feeling his tongue move gracefully around inside my mouth to study it, was
enough to make me weak in the knees…which is probably why it was a good thing
that he wrapped his arms around my waist, cause I was just waiting for my legs
to give out on me…and have my ass end up on the ground…
I could think was ‘GOOD GOD’…When we parted I said, “Wow.” Paul said, “Yea, me too.” I said, “So, now that you got that off your
chest, you wanna tell me where we go from here?” Paul said, “I don’t know…I never intended to
just kiss you without warning…” I said,
“Its okay…I mean, do you hear me complaining?”
He said, “No, I guess not…but you are right about one thing…where do we
go from here..”
I said, “I don’t know…but where ever we do…let’s go slow…” Paul said, “I fully agree, I don’t want you
to be a rebound…if this is something really serious between us…then let’s not
screw it up, by not understanding everything fully.” I smiled and said, “I fully agree…”
we started dating a little…a little here…a little there…he would fly to New
York to take me out for special dinner dates that were absolutely the most
romantic things I had even been on with anyone in my life…I even told him he
didn’t have to fly out…Paul said, “If it’s worth doing…then it’s worth doing it
right…and you’re worth it.” Which was the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to me…
2 months of some shy-shy dating…we kicked it up a notch and got a little more
serious…we were constantly on one big fun date, talking on the phone…I don’t
think two people spent more time talking on the phone then us…AT&T and
Nextel were happy phone companies with our money in their pockets. A month later, I was back on the wrestling
tour and by now pretty much everyone knew we were a pretty easy going
couple…going every where…but constantly having fun, no matter what.
and I would walk back stage hand in hand, and he’d pull me behind a curtain to
steel a kiss…thank goodness, cause I really enjoyed his kisses…it was always so
nice to know someone cared about me…you know other then me…
Chapter 30
we’d been together for about a year…Paul asked me to marry him…Paul said,
“Nyla, I couldn’t be any happier…Well, I could but it’s only if you marry me…I
love you…and I know you love me too…the last 12 months have been incredible…and
I want the next 12 hundred years of our life to be just as incredible…and they
will be if you’ll be mine forever…” I
smiled and said, “Yes…” HA!…you thought
I’d say no…didn’t you…GET REAL…so on February 14th…Valentine’s
day…We were married…how great is that….getting married on the one day our of
the year for people who are in love…
and I have been happily married for the last 19 months, we both still work for
the WWE…naturally…I love being a doctor…and being able to be with my husband on
the road…and being able to sleep next to him every night…and be able to fall
even more deeply in love with him every second were married…
are also expecting our first baby in 2 months…Paul says he feels it’s a boy…I
say, who cares as long as it’s healthy…but I wouldn’t mind it being a boy
either…I keep thinking what a little tiny Paul would look like…I’ve got 2
months left until I find out…the suspense is killing both of us…
had some bad luck about 8 months ago when he pulled his quadriceps muscle in
his thigh…had surgery and therapy and went back to wrestling and kicking a
little ass about 2 weeks ago…still enjoying it as much as he did before…I stood
by his side the whole time and pushed him anytime he felt like giving up…but he
made it back, cussing and fighting the whole way…but hey sooner or later he
knew he’d had to just do it….
I guess for me, I always thought I’d never find someone to love after the whole
fiasco with Mark…but I was wrong…I found someone…well, he was actually there
the whole time…I just never noticed it until the time was right…I swore I’d
never fall in love with another wrestler…so now…not only am I married to a wrestler…and
not to mention fully in love with my husband…I’m having his baby…I guess that’s
what I get for giving in.