Separate Lives



Chapter 1


Lauren Orton looked at herself in the mirror…She felt so fat.  She was 6 months pregnant with her first baby and she felt like she was as big as a damn elephant.  She was 24 and her husband was 25…He was Randy Orton pro-wrestling superstar that worked for WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) For the CEO, Vince McMahon.


Lauren stood at 5’10” and was normally anywhere from 125 lbs to 135lbs.  But not with the 90 pound watermelon she’d been carrying for the last 6 months.  Of course the baby wasn’t 90 pounds…it just felt that way, because she’d never been pregnant before.  Of course Randy thought it was the greatest thing in the world. 


Lauren and Randy had met in high school and had dated since then.  They’d been together for so long it was almost crazy for them to not get married.  She’d been with him for so long, they knew everything about each other…She had even stuck with him when he went to the United States Marine Corp.  Though he’d gone AWOL a couple of times and was sent to prison for 38 days.  He’d decided he didn’t wanna be in the Corp and was ready to follow in his father; grand father’s and Uncle’s foot steps and go into wrestling as they had.


About a year after Randy’s debut in 2000, while he was out with an injury Lauren and Randy were married in 2001…She was good for his physical therapy.  Randy was a big guy…6’5” and 250 lbs of nothing but beautifully sculpted muscle.  Of course when she wasn’t pregnant Lauren had a body to die for as well and the two seemed to fit together perfectly, they worked out together and stayed in shape together.  They’d been married for 2 years now and couldn’t have been happier.


Lauren looked at her belly one more time before she rolled her eyes and walked out of the bathroom.  Randy was sitting in the middle of the bed flipping through the latest edition of Rolling Stones…bored out of his mind.  Randy said, “Okay…So is this a chic thing or do you always stay in the bathroom for hours at a time?”  Lauren smirked and said, “I wasn’t in there that long!” As she swatted his shoulder…And continued, “Besides…I was admiring your demon child’s handy work with making me look like a damn whale.”


Randy laughed as Lauren crawled into bed and laid down on her side…Randy pulled the covers over her as he turned the light out…She loved sleeping in the hotel beds when she came on the road with him…She had to take advantage of it now, because in another month and a half or possibly 2, the doctor wouldn’t dare let her travel anymore…especially once she passed the 8 months mark…until then she had to play it by ear…Every once in a while she’d get Braxton Hicks contracts which were basically fake contracts…but they still hurt like hell!  She wasn’t sure who this guy Braxton was…but she’d wished on numerous occasions he’s take his fake contractions and shove them right up his ass.


Randy said, “I’m sorry baby…You should know already to me you don’t look fat…You look beautiful…I mean c’mon…There’s nothing better in this world looking at my beautifully pregnant wife.  I promise…Nothing sexier then my wife having our children…We’ve been together too long to come this far and not have kids or even a remote chance at a semi-normal life.”  Lauren said, “It’s not our fault…I’ve just been feeling really fat lately and I know I’m probably making you crazy.”  Randy rubbed her protruding belly and said, “I don’t mind…Drive me as nuts as you wanna.”  Lauren smiled as she leaned over and kissed his lips softly and said, “Get some rest your  dinner party is tomorrow night…and I’m gonna miss you for the 5 hours you’ll be gone…but it’s all good, Me and Jada are gonna sit by the pool and soak our swollen feet.”


Jada was Lori’s best friend and also married to Randy’s best friend John Cena.  The two couples were practically inseparable when they were around each other.  Jada and John were already working on baby number two, So Jada was practically a pro at this pregnant lady stuff…knew all the tricks of the trade and didn’t mind teaching Lori for one second.


When Lauren said dinner party…It was something the WWE company did once every 3 months…They had a huge dinner party with just the wrestlers to welcome new wrestlers to the company…No wives, husbands, or children allowed…It was strictly for the WWE wrestlers.  Some times Lauren and Jada both felt like something weird was up with the company and those damn dinner parties…But couldn’t really put their fingers on it.  No one knew…It was probably the best kept secret in any company!  Scandalous wasn’t even the word to describe what the secret was if it was ever leaked out.  None of the wrestler’s talked about it in mixed company…in other worlds not in front of their families…only other wrestlers. 


Oh no one definitely knew…And it would stay that way…


Possibly because it would ruin every life of every wrestler in the company!


Chapter 2


The following morning Randy and Lori were walking through the halls of the arena waiting for Raw to start.  And just happen to run into Jada and John.  Jada wasn’t nearly as far along in her second pregnancy as Lori was, but she was 4 months and climbing fast.  John and Randy joked between the two of them as Jada and Lori walked behind them talking about their swollen feet and achy backs and how much they both hated their husbands right now.


Jada said, “If I have to go out an rip one out of some other lady had have it permanently attacked inside John’s body somewhere then that man is getting a whole female reproductive system…Ovaries, Fallopian tubes and a damn uterus.  So he can rag once a month and so next kid that comes out…He’s the one screaming for the drugs and not me!”  John overheard every word and said, “I was screaming for drugs the last time honey…but it’s only because you bit my hand so hard during a contraction I needed stitches and Morphine.”


Jada fake laughed and said, “Laugh it up now while you still can boy…In 6 months, you may need double morphine and stitches when you see what I bite off NEXT!”  John eyes shot open as Lori and Randy chuckled at the couple…They really did fit together well.  The couples parted at their separate dressing rooms across the hall from each other…and Lori sat on the couch as Randy began warming up his muscles while getting ready for his match.  Lori said, “So what are we gonna do after Raw?”  Randy said, “Well…Me and John are sending you and Jada to the spa treatment at the hotel and we have to go to that stupid dinner.”


Lori grumbled and said, “Sometimes I think that dinner is a cult meeting of the Insane McMahon Clan.”  Randy said, “Nah…After dinner, Linda and Vince leave and Stephanie and Shane take over the parties.”  Lori scoffed and said, “Shane McMahon the head party man?  Get real…That man is as much fun as watching paint dry.  Same for Stephanie.  I mean their sweet and all…but they are both boring as hell.  Let them know if they ever wanna throw a real party they can catch me on my cell.” 


Randy said, “I don’t think so missy…You’ve got 3 months until your party in life is having our kids…or kid…at least one to start with.”  Lori stuck her tongue out at Randy and said, “I don’t wanna just sit at home Randy you know that…I’m not one for sitting much…Shit now a days I’ve got cabin fever from not being able to go to work.”  Randy said, “I’m pretty sure the law firm understands the situation, baby and family first then you’ll be back…You know once the kids get in college.”  Randy chuckled to himself as Lori placed her foot on his hip and shoved him off the folding metal chair he’d planted his butt on in front of her.  And smirked at him when he sat up in amazement…Like he was trying to figure out if his wife had done it or a gust of wind.


Lori said, “Awwww…Poor baby fall down go BOOM!”  Randy said, “Damn…I wasn’t expecting that.”  Lori laughed and said, “You weren’t supposed to…That’s the whole idea.”  A few minutes later a stage hand called Randy away for his match.


An hour later Lori found herself sitting next to Jada as their feet, calves, knees and thighs were being massaged…thoroughly!  Jada moaned low in the back of her throat and said, “Okay I don’t mind this at all…Maybe I don’t mind having the babies as long as I can get this kind of treatment every time…Once a month my fat chubby pregnant ass would be set with one of these massages.”  Lori laughed and said, “Yea…Me too.”


Meanwhile at the dinner party across town…Vince stood up and said, “Ladies and Gentlemen I’d like you all to welcome the new wrestlers.  Make them feel like part of the family…Tonight me and Linda are not staying for dinner like we usually do…We’d made other plans and therefore we must bid you a good evening so we can make them on time…But please…Stay drink and eat as long and as much as you’d like…We’ll see you all at the PPV on Sunday.  If anyone has any questions about the PPV you can turn your questions to Shane and Stephanie.  Enjoy you’re evening everyone.”


As Vince and Linda walked out the back doors of the banquet hall, Stephanie walked behind them closing the door with her evil smile and devil horns showing.  As Shane said, “Everything ready?”  Stephanie smirked and said, “Of course…”  As the door shut completely and are locked.


Chapter 3


The following morning…Lori woke up and felt around the bed, noticing Randy was missing from it…



Don't think I can't feel that there's something wrong
You've been the sweetest part of my life so long
I look in your eyes, there's a distant light
And you and I know there'll be a storm tonight

This is getting serious
Are you thinking 'bout you or us


Don't say what you're about to say
Look back before you leave my life
Be sure before you close that door
Before you roll those dice
Baby think twice



Lori yawned, stretched and rolled around on her side a little, before rolling to the edge and slowly getting out of bed…She walked over to the bathroom door which was closed and tapped her fingernails on it.  The bathroom door opened and Randy stood there in nothing but a towel, shower water still glistening on his chest and abs…his hair had been towel dried but was still damp and in a mess, because he hadn’t combed it yet.  He leaned down and kissed her lips softly, lingering for a few minutes…Before he went back over in front of the mirror as he began combing his hair.


Randy said, “Did you sleep good baby?”  Lori moved around a little and said, “Good?  More like GREAT…I didn’t even hear you come in last night…That was one fuckin great massage…Me and my body that you.”  Randy smirked at his wife and said, “You can personally thank me later.” As he winked at her.  Lori laughed and said, “Yes…Well in the mean time…Get your cute little pretty boy ass out of the bathroom, before we need a row boat to get around the room.”  Randy said, “Yes ma’am.”  As he stole another kiss before walking out and letting his wife have free reign over the bathroom.


As Lori used the restroom and freshened up Randy got dressed and had nothing but guilt running through his veins….And the worst feeling in the pit of his stomach….Sometimes he wished a black hole would just open up somewhere and swallow him whole….But no such luck.  Half the time he couldn’t look at himself in the mirror because he’d take a good look at his face and be truly disgusted at himself as not just a loathing human being…but as an asshole as well.  HE was disgusted by himself, at the things that went on at the dinner parties…HE was disgusted by every individual who was involved…be it wrestlers, participators, or the ring leaders Stephanie and Shane McMahon.  He couldn’t believe was miscreants Stephanie and Shane turned out to be in life.



Baby think twice

For the sake of our love…for the memory
For the fire and the faith…that was you and me
Baby I know it ain't easy

When your soul cries out…for a higher ground
'Coz when you're halfway up…You're always halfway down

But baby this is serious
Are you thinking 'bout you or us


Don't say what you're about to say
Look back before you leave my life
Be sure before you close that door
Before you roll those dice
Baby think twice



Lori walked out and saw Randy in deep thought she couldn’t explain it…But there was something about the look on his face…almost as if he looked ashamed or even guilty…maybe.  Lori walked over and laid on the couch with her head in Randy’s lap as he rubbed her belly they just sat there in silence.  Lori knew something was wrong…She just couldn’t put her finger on it…She just brushed it off as him being stressed from his hectic work schedule…Nothing big.  Lori soon slipped into a sweet sleep as Randy watched ESPN on low volume as to not wake his wife.  He knew the baby had been keeping her up at night with kicking and being extremely mobile.  He couldn’t wait to be a father to a son or daughter and teach them the entire do’s and don’ts of life…Which would be good, since he’d done almost all of them in life.


Randy couldn’t get over the disgusted and vile things that he’d done the night before…He could feel the chunks rising in his throat and had to seriously swallow a few times to keep from dumping his pregnant wife on the floor and running to puke in the bathroom.  He’d remember the way Stephanie looked at him after their last conversation…like he was nothing…Which was pretty true…If it wasn’t for the WWE he would be nothing…Just like every other wrestler or diva on the roster.  In their last conversation he’d informed Stephanie that he could absolutely not attend the next dinner party in 3 months…Because by then Lori would be due any day and there was no way he was going to miss the birth of his first child and not be there completely for his wife for that day. 


At first Stephanie was disgusted and questioned where his loyalty laid with the company that gave him the money to afford the house and vehicles he owned or to some girl he’d known since high school…She’d warned him to choose his life style wisely.  Randy put his foot down and said if she didn’t leave it alone he’d go to Vince and ask her father how he felt about the way his daughter was treating soon to be parents on the WWE rosters.  She clamed up…But wasn’t happy…As you’d almost expect.  But said for just this once he could miss it and she’d make an excuse up for his absence…But swore he’d have to attend every single one afterwards…No if and’s or but’s…



Baby this is serious (this is serious)
Are you thinking 'bout you or us…Baby

Don't say what you're about to say (no no no no)
Look back before you leave my life (don’t leave my life)
Be sure before you close that door
Before you roll those dice
Baby think twice

Don't do what you're about to do
My everything depends on you
I depend on you
Whatever it takes…I'll sacrifice
Before you roll…those dice

Don’t do it baby…No don’t do it baby…



And she was NOT joking.  And he knew it.


Chapter 4


A couple of months had passed and by now Lori’s doctor had said absolutely no more traveling…She was nearly 8½ months…It was getting too risky with the baby…Her Braxton Hicks contractions were coming more frequently and the doctor could not figure out why.  Randy had been worried about Lori…Jada was worried about Lori…John was worried about Randy’s mental state. 


John had noticed he’d not been there completely for a few of his matches…He wasn’t sure what was plaguing Randy more…The fact that Lori wasn’t doing well or the fact that they both wanted out of the dinner parties completely but knew they couldn’t.  By now Jada was 5½ months along.


John and Randy wanted out of the dinner parties so bad they could taste it…Them and everyone else involved with the sick minds of the terror twins Shane and Stephanie…They had fake black mail video tapes and pictures on everyone…that had to do with either the WWE company or the use of the company name and even as far as the wrestlers cheating on their wives with divas…Which every one knew was fake…There was only a hand full of wrestlers who would date another wrestler…otherwise most of them dated and married outside of the company.


The fake videos and pictures looked so real there was no way no one out side of the company would ever believe they weren’t real.  They had been done professionally which is why they looked so real.  John and Randy had talked a few thousand times about leaving the WWE and going to TNA….but they would both be in breech of contract and then WWE could sue them for basically everything they had, which was basically everything they’d earned while working for the company.


Around 3 am Lori woke up to stabbing pains in her stomach and had to literally shove Randy out of bed to wake his ass up…Once he hit the floor though he was fully awake.  He jumped up and dressed and helped Lori dress and grabbed her bag of whatever it was she’d packed for the day of the birth…Randy was so excited he nearly forgot his own wife.


Once they got to the hospital, Randy called John and Jada while the hospital staff got Lori situated and comfortable…She was definitely in labor.  Jada sat in the room, while John took Randy for a walk…A few times, A nurse had come in to check and see how dilated Lori was…She had to be at 10 before they could even let her attempt to have the baby.  At one point the nurse came in and slipped under the sheet to check her and ended up staying down there longer then Lori expected.


Lori sat up a little and said, “Excuse me…Ma’am…Is there some reason you’re down there that long…Not sure which instruments to use on someone with my foreign looking anatomy or what?”  Jada smirked and said, “Shhhh…She’s on her lunch break.”  Lori said, “Considering she didn’t have anything with her when she went in…If she comes out with a sandwich…You need to call National Inquirer…Because someone shoved a vending machine up my vagina without my permission.”  Jada chuckled and said, “It would be even worse if someone stuck a dollar in your ass and your vagina spit out change.”


Both girls were laughing so hard by the time the nurse left she’d come back and had a doctor with her saying she was ready to have the baby.  Jada waddled down the hall and told Randy to haul ass or he was going to miss it.  Jada sat next to John and he kissed on her neck as she giggled…It was one of her sensitive spots…Which would be how they had acquired baby number 2.


After 10 full hours of Labor 6lb 4 ounce Lacey Lauren Orton was born into the world at 21 inches, big beautiful blue eyes and fuzzy brown hair.  Lori held their daughter…Her most prized possession in the world.  She just wished she’d known where Randy’s mind was…Because it definitely wasn’t on the woman who just brought his daughter into the world…His mind was long gone…Where?  No one knew.  Though physically he was standing in the hospital room…He was mentally a million miles away.


When would he be back?


No one knew that either…


Chapter 5


~ ~Nearly 2 Years Later ~ ~


Randy was already dreading yet another dinner party.  He stood watching Lori dace around the room with Lacey in her arms…He couldn’t believe Lacey was a year old and soon to be two…It felt like the time was just flying.  Maybe it was…Randy didn’t feel like the last 2 years was real…It felt like one big dream…His whole life he’d wanted no one else but Lori and wanted to have tons and tons of babies with her and now that he had every thing he’d ever wanted…He felt like he wasn’t enough for either of them.



It's not…What you thought
When you first began it
You got…What you want
Now you can hardly stand it though
By now you know

It's not going to stop
It's not going to stop
It's not going to stop
Till you wise up.



In some ways he wasn’t enough either.  The things he’d been black mailed into doing for Stephanie and Shane McMahon were atrocious and appalling and he wasn’t fit to be anyone’s father or husband.  Sometimes Randy wished God had never brought him and Lori together then he wouldn’t have to hide everything that happened at those God forsaken dinner parties from his wife.  Randy walked over and took Lori and Lacey into his arms as they all danced in the living area of the hotel for a few minutes before he walked away to get ready for yet another party.  Randy knew John was just as unsettled as he was…Jada like Lori had been getting nosey as to what really went on at the dinner parties.  Randy knew there had to be some way to get out of those damn dinner parties he just couldn’t figure out how. 



You're sure…There's a cure
And you have finally found it
You think…One drink
Will shrink you 'til you're underground
And living down

But it's not going to stop
It's not going to stop
It's not going to stop
Till you wise up.



He looked at himself in the mirror and was disgusted by what he saw looking back at him.  He stood there in a suit as Lori held Lacey behind him smiling at how nice he looked.  Randy turned and Lori fixed his tie and he leaned down and pushed his forehead against hers and said, “I won’t be in until late…don’t wait up for me.”  Lori smiled as she kissed his lips softly and saw what she could only detect as regret in Randy’s eyes.  That night they were in Stamford Connecticut, which was the home of Titan Towers, the home base of WWE.  Jada and Lori stood and watched as Randy and John disappeared down the hallway of the hotel.  Jada looked down at Jonathan and then looked down at her baby girl Jennifer who was fast asleep in her arms…Then looked over at Lori who had Lacey on her hip…Lacey with her head on her moms shoulder…watching her dad walk away.



Prepare a list of what you need
Before you sign away the deed

Cause its not going to stop
No, its not going to stop
Till you wise up
No, its not going to stop
Till you wise up
No, its not going to stop

So just give up



Once they guys had gotten on the elevator, Jada turned to Lori and said, “Well…Are we both absolutely sure we want to know what’s going on at those parties?”  Lori said, “4 years of lying to my face is pretty much enough for me…What about you?”  Jada said, “5 years is basically enough for me too…I just hope it’s not as bad as we both have been thinking it is.”  They both left the kids with David Bautista’s wife Angie.  As they got ready and left for Titan Towers…They were going to get to the bottom of those damn parties whether it killed them or not.  Them and every other wife and husband married to a wrestler or diva were fed up with these parties.


The real question was…Once they found out what had been going on…


What do you do about it?


Chapter 6


Jada and Lori stood in front of the Titan Towers building…It was locked up tighter then Fort Knox.  Lori looked at Jada and said, “Well?”  Jada smirked and said, “It was really like taking candy from a baby.”  As she pulled out a set of keys.  She’d sweet talked the guard earlier and then also slipped him two 100 dollar bills if he’d give her a set of keys to the building and went on a 3 hour lunch break around 9pm.  Jada unlocked the side door and entered the security code 66639 – Which spelt out MONEY…Yea Vince wasn’t deluded or anything right…HA!


They made their way to the elevator and hit the 3rd floor which was where Stephanie’s office was.  As they got to her office they unlocked the door and went in…They closed all the blinds and turned on their flash lights.  There was at least 50 or more filing cabinets in her office and then there was a spare closet as big as the hotel rooms they were staying in at the Hilton with more filing cabinets.


Jada said, “Why does someone need this many filing cabinets?”  Lori said, “Some place to stuff the bodies of the assistants who flunked the Billion Dollar Princess test.”  Jada smirked and said, “Maybe were thinking too much into these parties…Maybe it’s like one big jerk off and egg collection party…The filing cabinets could be refrigeration for sperm and eggs...”  Lori said, “Oh yes!  I can just see it now…Every thought of making your OWN WWE wrestler…If you have a turkey baster,  ovulating eggs and a 9 month vacation coming to you…You too can order your own WWE Superstar Sperm…For ust 10 easy payments of 19.95…One application per house hold.”


The girls couldn’t help but laugh at that thought.  They started rummaging though the filing cabinets and most of it was just wrestlers on file, injury leave, up coming wrestlers to the business, they were all categorized.  Then Jada opened the cabinet up that said Dinner Party’s on the label.  Jada said, “I believe we’ve struck Gold.”  Lori walked over as they each grabbed a file on one wrestler and flipped it open.  Taped to the front of the folder was an envelope with either pictures or a video tape marked blackmail.  They looked through it and it had special contracts signed by the wrestler and by Stephanie and Shane McMahon.


They started looking through the papers and came across the first parties and details…The wrestlers were taken to a different hotel and given a suit able to fit at least 20 plus people, then ladies or gentlemen who were signed up with that wrestlers fan club paid $5,000 cash, 1,000 went to the wrestler and then 2,000 to Stephanie and 2,000 to Shane.  Then the wrestlers had protected sex with each fan club member.  In all No more or no less then 10 fan club members were seen the night of the dinner parties.


Jada and Lori just stood there completely speechless…They didn’t know what to say or do…Completely dumb founded.  No words or thoughts could come or go…Then they pulled Randy and John’s files.  They couldn’t believe it…Stephanie and Shane had actually blackmailed nearly every wrestlers on the WWE payroll to participate in the dinner parties or rather the extracurricular activities parties. 


Lori couldn’t believe it…For 4 years Randy had been sleeping with 40 different women a year, 10 women every 3 months, 4 times a year.  He’d been with 160 women!  What the hell was the use of them being married…Obviously the vows meant squat.  How the hell was he going to explain it? Were Vince and Linda aware of what their children had been doing?  If not, who the hell was going to tell them?


Jada and Lori made 2 copies of Randy and John’s files and then headed back to the hotel.  Once they were both there…They both didn’t have a clue what to do…Jada sat in Lori and Randy’s hotel room as they stared at the files and each other in silence.  Jada stood up finally breaking the silence and said, “I’ll tell you one thing…I’m not about to just sit around here waiting for John to come back here…No way in hell.  I’m leaving…If you want you can come with…We have a vacation house in South Carolina.  You and Lacey are welcome there for as long as you like.  I refuse to sit here and wait for John to show up and be a husband and be a father.”


Lori said, “I’ve got a better idea.  Let’s check into a different room under assumed names and I’m going to visit Linda and Vince in the morning…Then we’re out of here.”  Jada said, “I love the way your mind works.”  They grabbed their things and the kids and went to a suite on the top floor and charged it to Randy and John’s credit cards…But warned the management to not to inform Mr. Orton or Mr. Cena where their wife’s had gone off too…It was no one’s business but theirs.


She’d called and left a message with Vince for an emergency meeting with the both of them specifically excluding Stephanie and Shane.  Lori couldn’t wait to get to Vince and Linda the following morning…


Chapter 7


The following morning, Jada and Lori sat across from Vince and Linda in Vince’s office at Titan Towers.  After having presented their findings and handed over the extra copies of Randy and John’s files to Vince.  The silence was deafening.  Vince and Linda didn’t have a clue that, that had been going on at the dinner parties…Since Stephanie and Shane came to them with the idea 6 years ago.  It took Vince 1.3 seconds to go from silent to stark raving mad!  From the roots of his silver/grey hair down turned 13 different shades of extremely pissed off red.  Vince said, “If you two ladies will please excuse us…I think I’ll be talking to my children now.” 



Confused?  Not anymore
I mean at one point I thought I was wrong
But you see he lied, he cheated, he betrayed me
Then he left but I won't hurt anymore
Cause now all my pain is gone so long

So long to all my pain
Good night to my heartache
Goodbye sorrow
I won't cry no more
I'm leaving...



Jada and Lori stood both and both nodded as they retreated out of the office and headed towards the elevators.  As the elevator stopped the doors opened Shane and Stephanie stepped out and Jada threw a glare at them and said, “Well…Well Look what the cat coughed up…or better yet the ring leaders.  Lori said, “Well if it ain’t Siegfried and Roy.”  Stephanie said, “Just what the hell does that mean?”  Jada said, “It means you two sick fucks are out of business and I predict a bitch slap heard round the world from your father in the VERY near future.”  Stephanie said, “I’m sure I don’t have any clue what you’re talking about.”  Jada said, “The jig is up…You’re precious money making dinner parties are no more Madame…You’re mother and father have both been informed of your disgusting parties.”


Jada and Lori walked onto the elevator and Lori couldn’t help but smirk and Stephanie caught it and said, “You have something to predict too?”  Lori smiled as she leaned her head out of the elevator and said, “I predict a lot of divorces that you and the heir to the McMahon fortunes father will have to pay for your fuck ups.”  All Stephanie could do was screech at the top of her lungs as the doors to the elevator closed.  When the girls got back to the hotel…They were really not shocked to find John and Randy sitting in their suite.  They both jumped up as soon as the girls walked in…They charged at them as Jada and Lori held up their hands to silence the guys and then handed each of them the copy of their folder they’d given to Vince…He’d given it back to them and invaded Stephanie’s office for all the originals.  The guys took the folders and plopped down on the couch as the girls left to get the rest of their things from the guy’s hotel rooms.



If you would only treat me right
I'd stay here by your side
But I am down to my last cry
So I'm leaving you goodbye
You turned away from opportunities
To sit and talk things through
But now when I say I'm leaving you
You have so much to prove

So long to all my pain
Good night to my heartache
Goodbye sorrow
I won't cry no more
I'm leaving tomorrow



Lori was finishing up her packing as Randy came into the room and leaned against the wall and watched her pack.  Lori said, “For the longest time…I thought I was wrong…That I was just imagining something bad was really going on…But those files pretty much proved me wrong…You already know what I’m going to say.”  Randy said, “That I’m the biggest jerk in the world and you’re leaving me.”  Lori said, “Oh you’re close…But extremely understated…I’m leaving you alright…But I want a divorce and I’m getting full custody of Lacey without visitation from you.”  Randy said, “You can’t do that to me Lori I’m her father!”


Jada whipped around and eyed John and said, “You just make a fuckin bet…There is no judge on this fuckin planet who would be stupid enough to give children to a man who slept with 200 plus women in the span of 5 years!  Lord when I think of the fuckin diseases you could’ve given me!  What if’s are far and few between in a regular life…but Damn it when it comes to this type of situation…What if the condoms busted and you got a hand full of those women pregnant…what if the condoms busted and someone gave you AIDS or an STD and you turned around and gave it to me you fuckin prick!  You didn’t think of that did you!  Hell no you didn’t…Why would you…It would mean you had some kind of heart or a sense of right and wrong.”  John stood there and opened his mouth to speak…



Stop writing me sweet letters and
Calling me on the phone
We argued constantly when I saw you
Always left me in the cold
I made the choice to finally go
Cause I can't stand this pain
It's time for my last tear to fall
And me to smile again

So long to all my pain
Good night to my heartache
Goodbye sorrow
I won't cry no more
I'm leaving tomorrow



Randy said, “What did you want me to do I was fuckin black mailed into the damn parties…You saw the folders, there was no way I could’ve gotten out of it.”  Lori said, “You are so full of fuckin shit…There’s always a way out…I saw some names missing from those filing cabinets…Which means some of the guys had big enough balls to tell the Prince and Princess to go to Hell.”


John said, “So this is it…You’re going to just leave and you’re gonna take OUR kids with you and pretend we were never married and never loved each other.”  Jada said, “You’re damn right I am.  I knew for the 5 years we were together when you’d come home after those fuckin parties that something was wrong and I’d try to get you to talk, but you’d snap at me and believe me I gave you plenty of opportunities to tell me the truth and talk things through…but you didn’t want to.  You made that choice not me.”


Lori said, “We argued constantly before and after those fuckin parties…For 4 years you lied and cheated on me…I spent the last 9 years of my life doing nothing but love you…And you didn’t even love me enough to tell someone who wanted to prostitute you out to go fuck themselves cause your marriage and life with me was more important to you…9 years Randy…I met you when I was 16 and I knew the first night we went on a date that I could love you the rest of my life…I knew I was going to marry you…Even when we split for the year you was in the Marine Corp.  I missed you so much…And you hurt me so bad.  I’ve wasted at least 10,000 kisses on you and double that in tears from knowing you were lying to me about something but couldn’t come clean with it.”



Sorrows and heartache goodbye
I'm leaving you
Don't wanna meet again
Has got to be the end…The end
The sun will finally shine on me
And clouds will drift away
There's something that's in store for me
That's my brighter day


So long to all my pain
Good night to my heartache
Goodbye sorrow
I won't cry no more
I'm leaving tomorrow


Jada could feel the tears building and said, “You’ll never understand what it feels like to be lied to and hurt this way…Because it wasn’t you that was being hurt…You couldn’t even fight for me…Hell you couldn’t even fight for your own son and daughter...So I know you sure as hell wouldn’t fight for us.  I gave you everything I had in my life and then some…I married you and had two of your children…Two people who mean the world to me…But I can’t even look at you as a man anymore…Because you let some bimbo with money push you around and buy you out.”


Randy said, “Most of the money went into a trust fund for Lacey.”  Lori snapped around and said, “Randy are you hearing yourself…YOU SOLD OUT!  You let some fast talkin bitch with money buy you for 40,000 dollars a year!  She bought you for 4 years and pimped your ass out and you LET HER!  You didn’t even try to stop her…You didn’t even go to her parents.”


John said, “Oh yea…That would’ve worked out really well…I tell Vince and Linda that their son and daughter are pimping out 70% of their wrestlers and 50% of their divas and watch their heads explode and fire my ass for lying to them.  With no proof what so ever…Accusations can only be made not proven.”  Jada said, “Lori and I friggen broke into Titan Towers and got the proof we needed and told Vince and Linda…How is it that two non-WWE employees are so smart and clever to come up with that plan, but yet, you and Randy weren’t…And you work for them.”



So long to all my pain
Good night to my heartache


Now I just can't wait
Tomorrow's too late
I'm leaving you today



Randy said, “So what do you want?”  Lori said, “Don’t call me, don’t write me, don’t text me, don’t think about me, don’t talk about me…Say goodbye to Lacey, leave me the hell alone and pretend you never met me.”


John said, “How can I do that?  I love you.”  Jada said, “No you don’t…Because if you did…I wouldn’t be leaving you right now.”


It was Randy and John’s turn to watch as Lori and Jada disappeared out of sight…


Chapter 8


A year later and 30 divorces had been finalized in the WWE including Randy and Lori along with John and Jada.  Stephanie and Shane were brought up on multiple prostitution charges and racketeering (blackmail) and anything else the judge could think of throwing at them…



Close the door
Shut the world away
All the fight's gone from this wounded heart
Across the floor
Dreams and shadows play
Like wind blown refugees

Call the man
Who deals in love beyond repair
He can heal the world
Of hearts in need of care
Shine a light ahead
When the next step is unclear
Call the man
He's needed here



As far as the kids and visitations were concerned…Jada and John’s judge was a man and was more sympathetic to giving John visitations…Randy was a little less unfortunate…The judge was a woman and so was his lawyer and so was Lori’s lawyer…He walked out of the court house feeling like he’d been royally ass raped by three women with three very large brooms.  He was nearly tempted to ask the judge if she was going to sweep her court room with her broom before she rode home on it.  But he actually had a moment of intelligence and stopped himself from asking.


Once the judge had reviewed the divorce proceedings from Lori and Randy and the why for’s and how’s comes as to their divorce she got a full visual of why Lori filed for divorce in the first place.  To make matters worse when Lori started taking to the judge she asked one very specific question to the judge that pretty much sealed the case in Lori’s favor.  She looked the judge in the eyes and said, “What if the condoms he used busted and he retracted AIDS or HIV from one of those girls and had given it to me and I had intern given it to my own child…I don’t think I could live with myself knowing I gave my daughter a disease she’d die from…”



I close my eyes
I remember when
Your sweet love filled this empty room
The tears I cry
Won't bring it back again
Unless the lonely star should fall

Call the man
Who deals in love beyond repair
He can heal the world
Of hearts in need of care
Shine a light ahead
When the next step is unclear
Call the man
He's needed here



That was the clencher…Lori won full custody of Lacey and Randy got squat and with the squat…no visitation rights…So he was going to live the rest of his life knowing he had a daughter growing up out there somewhere and he wasn’t allowed to ever acknowledge it…at least not in front of Lacey…Who it was the only person it mattered to, to begin with.


As for John and Jada, the judge saw it mostly from Jada’s point of view…but when it came down to it…He knew every child deserved to have both parents in their lives when it was applicable.  He let John have instead of weekend visitations because that’s when he worked most he was allowed to have them for 2 days of the week, which were Wednesdays and Thursdays.  Anything else had to be pre-approved by the children’s mother and no women could be around John and the children…Which meant if he ever had another girl friend, fiancé or wife, they were not allowed to be within 500 feet of the children or John while in his custody or he’d lose custody all together.



Needed in the chaos and confusion
From the plains to city hall
Needed where the proud who walk the wire are set to fall

Call the man
Who deals in once upon a time
Maybe he
Can mend this broken heart of mine
Shine a light ahead
Now the future isn't clear
Call the man
He's needed here
Call the man
He's needed here



Vince had made it mandatory for all wrestlers and divas involved with Stephanie and Shane blackmail bonding attend a few months of therapy…It was largely needed and well overdue.


Who was Lori going to talk to now?  She was so used to calling Randy and talking with him…even when they were broke up for the year he was in the Marines…They still talking…no matter what and now for the first time in 9 years Lori didn’t have Randy by her side…



He's needed here
He's needed here
Call the man

He's needed here
Right here right now



And for the first time in 9 years…she felt truly alone. 


Chapter 9


~ ~2 years later~ ~


Jada and Lori both had jobs at TNA (Total Non-stop Action), which was a separate wrestling company based out of Florida…They seldom traveled and would every once in a while travel to a big named city to do a few weekend shows, but for the most part would stay stationary in Florida.  The company was owned by Dixie Carter and once she found out why the two young ladies had left Vince McMahon’s precious company she was only too happy to welcome them with open arms.


Both girls had also moved on with their lives…Jada was a script writer and had met her new boyfriend Lance Hoyt when she’d written a part about him he wasn’t exactly thrilled about…He went barging into her office like he quite often had done to the last script writer and started demanding she change a part…She put her foot down…he called her a stuck up tight wad bitch and she called him an over grown rude ass ape…IT was basically love at first sight…They had a few more run ins with each other before their hormones got the better of them both and Lance just grabbed her and lifted her eye level with him and kissed her practically breathless and all Jada could honestly do was hold on and fully enjoy it! 


Lance Hoyt was the PERFECT specimen…He was 6’9” and 290lbs of absolutely solid well built muscle…He was beautiful sculpted and put any other man below him to full on shame.  His eyes were an icy blue and could pierce anyone with one glance…They didn’t exactly pierce Jada but they did make her melt into a complete puddle on the floor.  He had brown hair that went down to the middle of his back and he usually kept it in a low tail and loved it when Jada ran her fingers through his hair because there was so much of it. 


And he couldn’t help but love her two kids…He thought they were the greatest thing in the world next to sliced bread.  Jada could sit and watch Lance Play with John Jr who was 6 and Jennifer 4.  She had told him about her past with John Cena and Lance wanted nothing more then to take all her pain from her and help her get over him so fast her head would spin, but he knew after something like that…It would be a while before she’d be fully ready to even trust another man with her heart…Or what was left of it.


Lori on the other hand…Instead of going for a bigger man for her life…She actually went for a more mature on…and unfortunately he had slight ties with the WWE, simply because he was an ex-WWE wrestler and his older brother was still there.  She’d known that Jeff Hardy was Matt’s younger brother, but didn’t realize it was TNA where he’d gone to wrestler after leaving WWE.  She didn’t realize who he was until he walked up to her and said he was sorry to of heard about her divorce from Randy…Apparently Matt had told him what had been going on for the last few years.  Lori had been nice enough to send a yearly picture of Lacey to Randy…other then that…No contact was held between the two as per the divorce agreement stated.


Lacey was 5 now and Lori couldn’t believe how big she was getting…She would bring her to the shows and the wrestlers would watch over her as she played around the back stage area.  One night, Jeff stopped by before his match and laid on the floor and put Lacey on his feet and made plane noises and Lori listened to her giggle as she said “Mommy I’m flying.”  Lori smirked and said, “Yea…I can see that…I just hope Jeff knows you get air sick.”  Jeff’s whipped around and Lori busted out laughing.  Lori smirked and said, “Just kidding Jeff.”  Lori’s laugh and Jeff’s love for Lacey brought them together.  Lori couldn’t help but fall in love with him…He was so gentle with Lacey and out of all the wrestlers he’d spent the most time with Lacey while getting to know Lori at the same time.  They’d been dating a year and a half…same as Jada and Lance. 


One night they left Lacey with a sitter and went to the arena in South Carolina that the WWE was at…Jada had to drop off John Jr and Jennifer and Jeff wanted to go see Matt.  Lance stood in the hallway next to Jeff and Lori while Jada knocked on the door.  John and Randy came to the door as Jada handed over the kids.  Randy looked down the hall and saw Jeff Hardy…He wondered what he was doing there, but then remembered Matt was there so he was probably there to see his brother…no big. 


Meanwhile, John said, “So I hear your dating that big fuckin ape over there?”  Jada said, “Don’t you worry about me thank you…You just worry about keeping my kids away from any nasty little ring rats you might have hidden…I’m none of your concern anymore.”  John said, “Our kids.”  Jada said, “Nice try…If I’d a had it my way…My kids.  You just know how to get a pity party for yourself is all.”  She scoffed and walked away.


Randy started to walk away when he heard a woman laugh.  The laugh was so recognizable he knew immediately who it belonged to.  When he did a double take there was his ex-wife.  She’d dyed her hair some wicked dual color…The top half was blonde and the bottom half was burgundy.  She had up in a clip and the strands mixed…Jeff leaned down and captured her lips. 




Chapter 10


Later that night Jeff and Lori were sitting in the hotel room talking and relaxing when Lori’s cell phone started ringing…Figuring it was Lacey’s sitter, she picked it up and answered it.  The pissed off voice of Randy Orton came back through and into her ear…



You called me from the room…in your hotel
All…full of romance…for someone that you met
And telling me…how sorry you were…leaving so soon
And that you miss me sometimes

When you're alone in your room
Do I feel lonely too?



Randy exploded with, “So do you allow that fuckin FREAK to be around our daughter?”  Lori looked at the caller id and scoffed, “It’s really none of your business…And she’s not our daughter…She’s my daughter.”  Randy said, “She’s only your daughter because you knew how to kiss ass incredibly well with that judge…Somehow I think you paid the fuckin bitch off…But that doesn’t answer my question…Do you allow Jeff Hardy to be around our daughter.”  Lori said, “In the last year and a half he’s been around Lacey he’s been more of a father then you were the last 2 years of our marriage…Always fighting with me about those stupid parties and you getting mad cause I wanted the truth and you couldn’t handle telling me the truth…Our entire marriage was based on a big fuckin lie Randy…And I refuse to have this or any other conversation with you about my child…Because one it’s in the divorce agreement and two you have no place in our lives anymore.”


At that point Jeff slid the phone out of her hand and flipped it closed and then removed the battery from it and took Lori into his arms and said, “Don’t worry we’ll change the number on Monday.”  Lori said, “No…I know he’s just concerned…I’m going to give him a few minutes to calm down and then I’m going to call him back…I want to be completely honest with him about me and you and how Lacey fits into the equation…He is still her father…he might not have any rights…but I wouldn’t have her without him.”  Jeff nodded as he understood where Lori was coming from.  Jeff said, “I’m gonna go down and talk with Matt…Let you have your privacy…If you need anything call my cell.”  Lori nodded as Jeff leaned down and kissed her forehead and then softly kissed her lips.



You have no right

To ask me how I feel
You have no right

To speak to me so kind
I can't go on

Just holding on to times
Now that we're living…living

Separate lives



Jeff left the room and Lori took a deep breath and placed the battery back in her phone and turned it on…She took the big leap and called Randy’s number.  He picked up and said, “Sorry.”  Lori said, “I’m going to tell you something…There is not a day that doesn’t pass that I wish we weren’t still together…I mean you’re Lacey’s father…I wouldn’t have her if it wasn’t for you.  But you have to respect the fact that I don’t love you anymore…You betrayed our wedding vows Randy…You did this not me.  You have no right to ask about my relationship with Jeff and how it affects Lacey, because you’re not a factor anymore…And yes as cold and heartless as it sounds…It’s the truth.”


Randy said, “What’s so special about Jeff Hardy?”  Lori said, “He makes me laugh.  I haven’t been able to do that in a really long time…And he makes Lacey happy.  She doesn’t remember you because you weren’t around enough the two years after she was born…because you always had something more important to do.  I don’t hurt anymore; because there comes a point in time when you can’t cry anymore and you can’t feel the pain anymore…Because you’re heart and soul know it’s just time to move on.  Well love the idea or hate the idea…I’ve moved on…Holding on to nothing for 4 years is not worth it…It was wasted time that I used on you…It’s my turn for someone to love me.”  Randy said, “I loved you…I still do.”  Lori said, “No you don’t…You never did…If you did you would’ve fought for us…for our life together instead of letting Shane and Stephanie dictate your life.  You was a grown man…You damn sure knew how to make your own decisions.”



Well I held on…to let you go
And if you lost your love for me

Well you never let it show
There was no way…to compromise
So now we're living…living
Separate lives



Meanwhile, Jada was having a similar conversation with John and John said, “You can’t really be serious about this guy Jada…He doesn’t even work for a good company…TNA sucks.  I know he doesn’t get paid shit…How’s he supposed to support you and the kids when you get married?”  Jada said, “Who said anything about marriage?  John please…I’m still dealing with a broken heart served from you…Lance is the one helping me get over your snatchy ways.  He loves the kids like they were his own…And it’s very hard to find guys out there that still find you desirable when you’ve plopped out two kids from a different man.  Lance is slowly taking my pain into himself…Every minute I’m sitting next to him or holding his hand is another minute I forget about the heartache…It’s another minute I get back from the years I wasted on you and I’m able to smile again…I mean a genuine smile…None of those fake ones I had with you because I knew you was cheating.”


John said, “Does he really make you feel better?  Feel anything?”  Jada said, “Yes…I watch him with Jonathan and Jennifer and I’m simply amazed at how much one man can love and care for two children who aren’t his.  It’s absolutely amazing…He’s never going to hurt them…I never have to worry about that…They can depend on him fully, but yet so can I…You know I used to be able to depend on you fully at one point too…That first year we were married…I couldn’t see anything but love for you…But then you started changing and at first I thought it was because the company was messing with your character so much, but then I realized the changes started happening before and after those parties…then you started lying to me and I knew you were cheating…If we could go back and do it all over again…I wouldn’t have stayed with you as long as I did…As soon as I knew you were cheating I would’ve left…but I figured I could make it better by having Jonathan and Jennifer…I wouldn’t change having them…I just would’ve left before I told you I was pregnant with Jonathan and I know it’s fucked up…but think about it John…What would you have done if the roles were reversed?”  The silence on the line was answer enough for Jada as she hung up the phone.



Ooh…it's so typical

Love leads to isolation
So you build that wall

(You build a wall)
Yes, you build that wall

(You build a wall)
And you make it stronger



Randy was quiet on the phone and finally said, “C’mon Lori, you can’t be completely serious about this guy!  You are so much smarter then this.  You could have any man in the world.”  Lori scoffed and said, “You don’t get it do you?  I love him…And it took me a long, LONG time to even believe I’d let myself fall in love again after the disaster you put me through.  I figured I’d never fall in love again…NEVER.  But there was something about Jeff Hardy…I don’t know if it was his kindness or the energy he gave off of himself or maybe it was is ability to make me laugh anytime, anywhere.  But He did it…And unlike you he can work and not have to be a male whore for his boss to keep his job.  He can be honest with me about everything.  I can put 100% trust into him and know I’m going to get nothing but respect from him and I know he’s going to do the same for Lacey and she can honesty count on him for anything in life.” 


Randy said, “That’s low…I don’t even get a chance to be there for my daughter…At least John gets to see his kids and watch them grow up I get a fuckin picture once a year.”  Lori said, “Randy…We’ve had this conversation so many times…It’s getting old…You brought this on yourself…You take what you can get and that’s life. Whether you like it or not.  Who knows…Maybe in the future I’ll be able to trust you again and maybe even fall in love with you and Maybe we’ll end up being together in the long run…But those are a lot of maybes…and a lot of things have to happen…One of them is trust…I have to be able to trust you again and right now that’s not happening.”  More Silence…Lori heard dial tone in her ear knowing Randy had been hurt by what she’d said…but the truth had to be laid out otherwise he would’ve never gotten it.



Well you have no right

To ask me how I feel
You have no right

To speak to me so kind
Some day I might…I might

Find myself looking in your eyes
But for now…we'll go on living…separate lives
Yes for now…we'll go on living…separate lives
Separate lives



No one knew what the future held for Lori, Jeff, Jada, Lance, or even John and Randy…but whatever it was it had to have been better then there past right?  Someday there maybe a reconciliation of the couples…but the truth was the two relationships were so messed up they couldn’t be salvaged and no matter what they would’ve, could’ve or should’ve tried…The out come would’ve still been the same.  If it’s not meant to be…Then you can’t force it.  So for now…They’d have to live separate lives.


The End