This Woman


Chapter 1


Taylor and Mina stood looking at each other...


It had been a couple of years since they’d seen each was right after their mother’s funeral.  Taylor yelled at Mina for not being responsible enough...Taylor had called and called when their mother was sick with throat cancer. 


Unfortunately Mina’s tour manager Jack never let her answer her own cell when Taylor started calling and telling Jack to have her sister call her...He would just push Mina out onto the stage and let her have a ripping concert and then just conveniently forget to tell her about the phone call.


Taylor called their father...although their parents had been divorced and their father had remarried...but he was still very much involved in his daughter’s lies...even though his new wife and their 3 daughters mostly came first...when it came to Taylor and Mina...he was always quick to help them no matter what.


It took Bruce a few days, but he’d finally cussed and ranted his way through several phone conversations with Mina’s manager before he finally handed over the phone and Bruce told Mina her mother was dying and that she had a limit amount of time.  Mina didn’t realize how limited...She stepped off the plane in Hollywood California and a limo picked her up and took her straight to her mothers.


Unfortunately...It was too late...her mother had passed away.  She never got a chance to be there...and her mother would never know how much she loved her.  Taylor yelled and screamed about how irresponsible she was, and Mina walked away without looking back...when she found out it was Jack who kept her from seeing her mother before she died...she fired him.


Silence in the room was deafening.  The silence was broken when a whistling and foot steps entered the room.  Mina looked over and seen her father. 


Taylor scoffed and said, “Bruce what is she doing here?”  Bruce Willis looked up when his daughter from his first marriage called him by his name...He gave her a sideways glance and said, “The name is dad sugar...and what do you mean what is she doing here...she’s your’s Christmas in 5 days...kiss and make up and let’s have a nice Brady bunch family Christmas.”


Taylor rolled her eyes and said, “Fine, whatever...Just stay out of my way...I’m going to go pick up Johnny, he’s flying in from Europe.”  Taylor stomped off like the true Diva she was.


Mina walked over and put her arms around her dad’s broad shoulders and kissed his cheek.  Bruce smiled and hugged his daughter back and said, “So you two still aren’t talking?”  Mina made a face and said, “Yes...and after that warm welcome I don’t think well be kissing and making up anytime soon.”


Bruce kissed his daughters temple and said, “Mina I wish I could make her listen to you...I mean...I know what happened but even I can make her listen to me...and I’m Bruce...I’m not dad to her anymore.”  Mina smiled and said, “What was up with that anyways?”  Bruce laughed and said, “I don’t know...she just started calling me that a few months ago...I think it’s because Rumer started calling Demi by her first name.  She thinks she’s just going through a phase and she’ll come around soon.”


Mina laid her head on her dads shoulder and said, “Sorry pop, but I seriously doubt Taylor is going through a phase...But I’m glad to see her and Mr. Depp are still dating...The only man I looked at and can’t help but think...Damn why doesn’t Johnny Depp’s mother tell him to get a hair cut...or at the very least wash his hair.”


Bruce couldn’t help but laugh at his cheeky daughter as she walked away to unpack in the spare room.


Chapter 2


Mina’s cell phone started ringing and she picked it up and saw who it was calling her.  She said, “What’s up ya bratty bitch?” 


Dathan laughed and said, “What the fuck?  You’re in town for Christmas and you can’t even call a sista?  I have to find out from your pops that you’re in town...what a cheap bitch...”


Mina laughed and said, “Yea...suck a tit man.”  Date laughed and said, “Dayum, I could use a drink...and I don’t mean one of those shitty little lemonade beers you drink...I mean something with one of those little paper umbrellas in it.”  Mina laughed at her best friend of 15 years and said, “Well...Shit you know Demi doesn’t allow alcohol in the where we steppin’ out?”


Dathan laughed and said, “Well First, We have to run to Tyler’s and then we can go where ever you’re little heart desires.”  Mina accepted and got a shower and dressed in her jeans, black steel toed boots and her black tank top that had white lettering on the front that said, ‘You’re mother never warned you about me.’  She ran a brush through her long hair and grabbed the keys to her new Toyota RAV4.  And took off and grabbed Dathan and then drove to Tyler’s house.


Mina said, “So how is the General Hospital stud?  Tell me...Any sudden coma attacks coming up for Tyler Christopher?”  Date laughed and said, “You’re insane...why would they coma Tyler?”  Mina said, “Well I just figured that MAYBE he’d get off his ass and finally as you to marry him and then whisk you away to Vegas for a quickie marriage and an even quickie know...just enough to give me a niece or nephew.”


Mina got a sharp smack in the arm from Dathan and when Mina looked over Date was bright red...blushing all the way to the roots of her ruby red hair.  Mina laughed and said, “You guys haven’t consummated the relationship yet have you?”  Date giggled a little and said, “Not exactly...We sort of came close a couple of times...but we’ve decided to keep it calm for right now...neither of us want this relationship to be only about sex.” 


Mina said, “With a man THAT hot...what else could it be about?”  That earned Mina another sharp smack.  They pulled up to Tyler’s house and as they walked up to the front door they saw a black Lincoln navigator in the drive that they didn’t recognize.


Mina fixed her jeans and said, “If you guys were having sex, I’d say this was a booty call...but hell I can’t imagine what y’all gotta talk about that can’t be said over the phone.”  Date turned and threw a glare at Mina as the front door swung open and Dathan was scooped up into some arms and went suddenly silent...


As Mina walked around Tyler who had Dathan smashed into the door frame she could see why her best friend was suddenly left non-vocal...because she was busy with her tongue down her mans throat making sure he ate something for dinner...Her tongue.


A blad headed, well built man was standing next to the huge stair case, his nice legs incased in some tight fitting jeans, a blue t-shirt stretched across his well-muscled chest and a black leather jacket...This guy was familiar to Mina...but couldn’t put her finger on it.


When the couple smashed in the door way decided to come up for air, Tyler went over and said, “Damn good to see you again Mina.”  And kissed her cheek...Mina looked at Date who was wiping the corners of her mouth with her fingers and Mina smirked and said, “What did that taste like?”


Mina had to duck the smack that was coming and bumped into the mysterious man with the leather jacket...he grabbed her waist to steady her and Mina said, “Sorry...I didn’t feel like being a punching bag tonight.”


His deep voice rang through her ears as he said, “No problem.”


Tyler said, “Oh Mina I’m sorry, this is Vin Diesel...He was here seeing if I wanted to be in a movie that he is getting ready to shoot in San Francisco.  It’s about an undercover cop infiltrates Los Angeles street racers to bust a hijacking ring.”  Mina said, “Yea...I know you...I just saw Pitch Black...That was a great movie.  You should do a sequel.” 


Vin looked at the woman in front of him and she was unbelievable gorgeous.  Long legs, even longer hair...and the most amazing grey eyes.  Vin said, “Thank’s in the works...You’re Mina Willis...the singer right?”  Mina nodded as they shook hands.


Mina looked around and noticed Tyler and Dathan had disappeared...and Vin said, “Do they do that often?”  Mina laughed and said, “All the time...C’mon and sit down Mr. Diesel, we’ll probably be here all night.”


They took a seat on the couch and just started talking.


Chapter 3


Vin and Mina exchanged phone numbers, but since it was close to Christmas they really didn’t get a chance to call one another. Almost a year later at the MTV Video Music Awards did they get to meet up again. This time Vin was an award presenter.

Mina was standing back stage, she had on black plastic pants with matching steel toed boots, and matching black plastic tank top. Her hair was pulled into a pony tail with tons of spiral curls.


Vin saw Mina standing back stage…he walked over and said, “Good Evening Miss Willis.”

Mina looked up and said, “Oh my gosh, Vin…How are you?” They shook hands and Vin kissed her cheek. Vin said, “So you’re performing tonight?” Mina said, “Yea…I got this really hot song I just recorded and I figured what the hell…The VMA’s is the best place to try it out.”

Vin smirked a little and then agreed with her. A stage hand walked over and said, “Miss Willis, you’re up in 3 minutes.” Mina said, “Okay thanks.”

Mina turned towards Vin and said, “I better get…Look, you’ve got my number call me some time…I’m going to be off the road for about 6 months…I just finished my tour…We should get some coffee or a drink one night.”

Vin said, “I’m going to hold you to that.” Mina said, “Good.”

Vin watched as she walked away. He stood back stage watching her performance…he couldn’t believe how much energy she had…

This is sick
Attention; it's time to dance…

Work it like you're workin' a pole
Shake it 'til you're shakin' the floor
Pop it like you're poppin' a cork (Ohhh)
Don't stop, don't stop
Jerk it like you're makin' it choke
Break it like you're breakin' a code
Drop it 'til you're takin' it lower
Drop it, drop it

This is serious
I'm delirious
So oblivious
I could dance all night
With you
As long as it funky
This rhythm just makes me high
I'm like a junkie

I could dance all night

Work it like you're workin' a pole
Shake it 'til you're shakin' the floor
Pop it like you're poppin' a cork (Ohhh)
Don't stop, don't stop
Jerk it like you're makin' it choke
Break it like you're breakin' a code
Drop it 'til you're takin' it lower

I could dance all night
Ohhh…Like that…Like that
Don't stop don't stop

So intoxicated
I'm so stimulated
Feel so X-rated
I could dance all night
As long as it's funky
This rhythm just makes me high
I'm like a junkie

I could dance all night

Work it like you're workin' a pole
Shake it 'til you're shakin' the floor
Pop it like you're poppin' a cork (Ohhh)
Don't stop, don't stop
Jerk it like you're makin' it choke
Break it like you're breakin' a code
Drop it 'til you're takin' it lower

I could dance all night

Everybody on the floor
Let's get hardcore
Make my sweat pour
Don't stop
Ooh my body's yours
Spank that back door
Drive me like a Porsche
I could dance all night
Can we take this party higher
Now just put your hands to the sky and
Clap it up clap it up
Don't stop don't stop

I could dance all night

Work it like you're workin' a pole
Shake it 'til you're shakin' the floor
Pop it like you're poppin' a cork (Ohhh)
Don't stop, don't stop
Jerk it like you're makin' it choke
Break it like you're breakin' a code
Drop it 'til you're takin' it lower

I could dance all night

Work it like you're workin' a pole
Shake it 'til you're shakin' the floor
Pop it like you're poppin' a cork
Don't stop, don't stop
Jerk it like you're makin' it choke
Break it like you're breakin' a code
Drop it 'til you're takin' it lower
Don't stop don't stop

Vin thought, ‘She was right the song was hot.’ He’d have to remember to call her over the weekend.


Chapter 4


- -1 Year Later- -


June 2001


“Honey have you seen my black dress’s the premiere I don’t wanna look like a grease monkey bum.”


Mina was fastening her earring in her left ear and walked towards the low voice and said, “Yea...but you look like such a cute grease monkey.”  Vin turned around and smirked at her.  He said, “Yea...but that’s a biased opinion.” 


Mina shrugged her shoulders and said, “Sorry, but that’s all you get from paraded around in front of me for several months in wife beaters, grungy t-shirts and jeans, grease covered work overalls...And so now I’m not supposed to be biased.”


Vin walked over and wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer and said, “No...You can have any opinion you want...I never said I didn’t want your opinion...”


Mina ran her hands over his newly shaved head and said, “Don’t worry so much...everyone is going to LOVE the movie...I guarantee it...It’s a great movie...romance, fast cars, and action...all the makings of a HOT film.”  Vin said, “You think?”  Mina smiled and brought his head down and kissed the top of his bald head softly.


Vin said, “Awwww, ya messing with the bald head.”  Mina started giggling as Vin lifted her off the floor and walked backwards into his closet and pushed the door closed with his foot.  Mina squealed as he kissed her next.


Mina said, “Vin, I just got into this dress”  Vin chuckled and said, “You don’t really have to get out of it...Just move it out of the way.”  Mina laughed and said, “Mark Vincent Diesel!  It took me an hour too look like this.”  Vin looked down and said, “You’re right...I don’t wanna mess anything up.  You look really beautiful.” 


Vin leaned over and kissed Mina’s lips softly and she wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.  When Mina pulled away Vin smirked and said, “I thought you didn’t wanna get messed up?”  Mina smacked his arm lightly and said, “What can I say...I missed you today.”


Mina turned and opened the closet door and said, “And if you’re looking your pants, dress shirt and jacket are hanging up I had them cleaned and pressed.”  Vin kissed her neck and said, “You’re the best.”


Vin finished getting ready and they walked out the door for the Fast and Furious Premiere. 


Chapter 5


Vin and Mina’s limo pulled up to the red carpet…This would be their first appearance together since they hooked up 12 months ago.  It had been a great 12 months…


Mina had gone and watched him filming The Fast & The Furious…it was cool…She loved the fight scenes and the racing scenes…and when him and Michelle Rodriguez, did their big hot and heavy make out scene…Mina watched quietly…she didn’t get jealous…she knew it was nothing but professional.


After the big make out scene…Mina waited at the hotel for Vin…as soon as he walked in she jumped on him…He laughed at her, but couldn’t help but be turned on by her…cause he knew that she’d gotten turned on by watching him to a make out scene.


As a result…they spent the rest of the night in bed.


As they stepped out of the black limo, Vin laced his fingers together with Mina’s…He made sure to keep her close…he didn’t want anything happening to her…They stopped for photos and Vin wrapped his arm around her waist…He could smell the lilacs in her hair. Her long brunette hair swept over his arm as she looked up at him.

Vin couldn’t help but smile down at her…They had only been together for 12 months…and it was true they’d moved in together after only dating for 4 weeks…but anyone who saw them together could tell that they were in their own special world.

Anyone who asked Vin…he would tell them he knew he loved her after dating for just a week…They liked so much of the same thing it was incredible how they’d not gotten together before. They weren’t like a regular couple…they liked going out to movies and dancing with friends…but most of the time they really enjoyed just sitting at home wrapped in each others arms talking, cuddling…whatever their hearts desired.

They finished up with the photos and walked inside and sat down next to Dathan and Tyler. Mina leaned over and said, “Wow you actually got your lips detached from each other long enough to make a public appearance…I’m thoroughly impressed.” Date leaned over and said, “Suck my toe.” Mina said, “No way sister…I’ve seen where you’re toes have been. I don’t want Tyler Christopher breath.”

Vin said, “Yea…thank you…I have to kiss her later.” The foursome busted out laughing as Mina looked at Vin and said, “Or you could kiss me right now.” Vin leaned down and captured her lips in a nice soft sensual kiss.

Mina looked up as her enemy and arch rival walked in…Taylor…her sister. Taylor was arm in arm with the love of her life Johnny Depp…And Mina was shocked to see he’d finally pulled his hair out of his face.

Mina said, “Oh look it’s the hoity toity society y’all.” As she took a clump of her long hair and threw it around her neck and over her opposite shoulder so it looked like a scarf. Vin chuckled at her antics…and said, “One of these days you two are going to have to talk.”

Mina looked at Vin and said, “Not bloody likely.” In her best English accent. Vin smiled widely at her and said, “Maybe not now…but eventually.”

Unfortunately Taylor was standing close enough to where she heard what was being said…and she looked over and said, “Think again you grease monkeys…Now shut up and watch the damn movie.” Mina leaned over and said, “Hope you enjoy my mans movie you cow.” Taylor said, “Sure…why not…Johnny’s movie will squish this one like a bug.”

Mina said, “You know something Taylor…I could of sworn you was more fun when we were growing up…but now you’re about as much fun as snot filled shit.”

At that moment the preview started and silenced both girls.

Vin and Johnny looked at each other and just shook their heads. They knew like everyone else…Taylor and Mina would probably never recover the sister relationship they once had.

Not yet at least.


Chapter 6


Vin watched Mina when the movie got close to the big hot and heavy make out scene…he knew if it effected her, when she was watching them shoot it…it would effect her just as much while watching it now.

Vin looked down when he saw something move out of the corner of his eye…Mina had her legs crossed right over left and was slowly sliding her right leg up and down her left…Vin stifled a laugh and knew she was getting turned on.

Vin leaned over and said, “See something you like.” Mina swallowed hard and without looking away from the screen she said, “You just wait until I get you home boy…I know you can’t rape the willing…but I’m willing to try if you are.”

Vin leaned over and kissed the spot on the side of her neck below her ear knowing it would make her crazy and then in his deep whisper said, “When ever you’re ready baby.” He watched as a full body shiver took over her. Vin smirked and she smacked his leg.

After the movie, Vin answered some interview questions and more photos…After which they were allowed to leave…On the way back to the house…Vin had Mina in a mean lip lock, make out session…hands were touching and caressing every body part they could reach.

When they got to the house…Vin calmed himself and sat in the den to watch the news. Mina walked down to the bedroom and changed into one of Vin’s t-shirts she linked lounging in the house in. Mina walked down into the den and Vin had taken his dress shirt and jacket off…so they wouldn’t get wrinkled...Along with his shoes.

Mina smiled as she walked over and sat straddled on his lap, while slowly running her finger tips over his bald head. Mina leaned over and started kissing along Vin’s jaw line…Vin said, “What are you doing?” She said, “Nothing…” He said, “You know, it sure doesn’t feel like nothing.” She said, “Good, it wasn’t supposed to…” Vin said, “Oh, good…that means I haven’t lost any nerve feelings from my fight scenes in the movies.”

Mina sat up and felt Vin’s erection growing harder and harder as she moved around a little on his lap…moving her hips just enough to brush against him every once in a while, making him insanely crazy with passion. Also managing to make his hormones run wild…

Mina looked in Vin’s eyes and said, “Vin...” He said, “Yes?” She said, “Kiss me.” Vin smiled and said, “My pleasure.” They started kissing, and Vin was feeling her breast on the outside of the t-shirt…they stopped kissing and he had a puzzled look on his face…and She said, “What?” Vin said, “Well, I have a bit of a dilemma…” Mina said, “Oh really what’s that?”

As Mina shifted on his lap, rubbing against his hard on again…and could feel him breath in pretty deep…Vin said, “Well, I want to rip that t-shirt off of your body and ravage you while I make love to you, but you look so good in my t-shirt, I don’t really wanna get rid of it…besides…you fill it out so nicely, much better then I ever could.” Vin hooked his index finger in the collar of the t-shirt pulled it away from her body and looked down the front of her shirt…

Mina had her hands on her hips and said, “Enjoying the view?” Vin said, “Well, I like what I see if that’s what you’re wondering…” She tapped him on the chest and said, “By the way my eyes are up here…” As she pointed to them…Vin said, “Believe me, when I say I know where every part of your body is…I just so happen to be a bit pre-occupied with two parts in particular at the moment…” She said, “Oh really...”

Mina shifted on his lap again on purpose…Vin really drew in a deep breath, and said, “Okay, that’s it, I’ve really got to stop you from doing that…cause I know, that you know, you’re making me insane every time you brush up against me…”

Mina said, “I am?” With an innocent look on her face. Vin said, “You are not that innocent baby, I know you way to well…” She smiled and leaned over and slowly outlined Vin’s bottom lip with her tongue…making him crazy and wanting to kiss me, as she pulled away…Vin said, “And you sure don’t act innocent either…” Mina smiled and said, “I never claimed to be innocent…I can only try and look the part.” she leaned over and kissed Vin’s lips…

Vin’s hands were roaming her body as he intensified the kiss…one of his hands made their way down her body and she moved on his lap again…which made him intensify the kiss even more…and he started messing with her panties…and finally got them moved out of the way, and started rubbing on her clit…which was now making her insanely crazy…

Mina felt him slide two fingers into her wetness…and while they were kissing, her grip on his shoulders got a little tighter…as his lips kissed down her neck…Mina finally pulled the shirt up and over her head…Vin started going after her nipples with his tongue and teeth…

Vin noticed her moans were getting a little louder, with each thrust of his hand…while he kissed her neck, Vin whispered in her ear, and said, “What do you want baby…you gotta tell me what you want…” She said, “I want you.”


Vin shook his head no and said, “No, you have to tell me exactly what you want.”

Mina said, “I want you inside of me…I want to feel all of you inside me right now.” Vin said, “Oh, I believe that can be arranged…” Vin undid his pants which was a good thing cause she thought his cock as about to bust through the zipper of his dress pants.

Vin removed his finger and pushed his erection all the way into her…which made her gasp for air, cause she just never expected it…Vin was kissing her ear and said, “Damn baby, are you always so tight…” Mina said, “If we keep this up, I won’t be.” They started kissing again, and Vin said, “That’s a chance I’m willing to take…”

Vin moved them, onto the floor, so he could lay between her thighs…and have much better leverage…and then just started thrusting in and out like a wild man…Mina absolutely loved feeling Vin’s huge strong body on top of hers…it always turned her on more to have that much power between her legs…

Vin was thrusting into her so hard…Mina never felt so much pleasure in all her life…she was so caught up into having this man buried deep inside of her…she never noticed that their hips were crashing together as she met him thrust for thrust…Vin grabbed her waist and rolled over with Mina straddled on top of him and said, “Ride.”

Mina laced her fingers with his as she started riding him hard…She wanted him to feel as much pleasure as she was feeling when he was on top of her…pretty soon…Vin’s hips were coming up off the floor to crash into hers to make the impact more intense…They were both out of breath…In short gasps Vin said, “God, baby you don’t know how long I’ve wanted to make love to you…just wanting to feel my cock deep inside of you…makes me insane…Watching you get turned on tonight…”

Mina kept slamming down on top of him and said, “I know baby…I’ve waited so long…too feel you going deep and hard into me…God you feel so good baby inside of me…” Vin grabbed her hips and flipped them back over and said, “Cum for me baby.” Mina whimpered at the dirty talk…his voice was so low and the thoughts that went through her head…especially when he would whisper about his cock being inside of her…he pushed her legs apart and started thrusting harder and deeper…

The last couple of thrusts and Mina flew over the edge screaming…With a very loud yet deep growl, She felt Vin empty himself into her…Vin didn’t collapse on her like she figured he would…he held himself up and they just stared in each others eyes, for what seemed like an eternity…until their breathing regulated…

They started kissing again, but Vin got up and picked her up and carried her into the bed room, turning off the lights along the way…they made love 4 more times that night, not to mention the 2 times in the shower the next morning…


Chapter 7


- -3 Months Later- -

September 03, 2001

Vin stood at the airport with Mina wrapped in his arms and said, “You sure you have to go beautiful?” Mina nodded and said, “Unfortunately I do…but you’re joining me in8 days…Besides…You can wait for 8 days…it’s not even a full 2 weeks.”

Vin leaned his forehead against Mina’s as they called her flight to New York City. She had a couple of songs she was going to be recording there for 4 weeks…Vin had to wrap up the Knock Around Guys…Then he’d be joining her…so they could have a little time alone where they knew no one could find them.

Mina’s dad was wrapping up Bandits and getting ready to start Hart’s War and Grand Champion. Vin kissed Mina’s lips softly one more time and then she brought his head down and kissed the top of his bald head and said, “8 days big man…8 short days…I promise…Besides…what could go wrong?”

Little did she know.

- -September 11, 2001- -

8 days later, Vin was awakened by the sound of the phone ringing…He rolled over and picked it up…his deep voice thick with the sound of sleep…he looked at the clock it was nearly 7 am…as Vin said, “Hello.”

A familiar voice said, “Vin…Vin…Are you awake?” Vin’s eyes snapped open and said, “Mr. Willis?” Bruce said, “Yes…it’s me…you need to get up and turn the TV onto a News channel…some terrorists drove a couple of planes through the World Trade Centers.”

Vin flipped up to a sitting position and flipped through the channels of the TV…and just cause the news cast as they were showing the planes flying through the 100 story buildings. Vin said, “Have you tried calling her?”

Bruce said, “Yea…but all the communications are down…most of them were through the world trade buildings. I even tried to get a flight to New York but it’s a no go after it happened they immediately shut the airports down…no flights are going to be going any where for a few days maybe even weeks.”

Vin thought for a second and said, “Feel like taking a road trip?”

Bruce looked at his watch and said, “Absolutely…See you in what 45 minutes?”

Vin agreed and jumped into the shower…it was a good thing he packed the night before…Afterwards he dressed and jumped in his Lincoln Navigator and took off the Bruce’s house. Bruce was standing outside next to his bag sipping on a cup of coffee…

Bruce got in and handed Vin an extra mug of coffee…They drank coffee as they headed off to New York…Vin and Bruce were never very patient men.

All Vin could do was Pray her record label cancelled her autograph signing near the towers, before it happened…They kept trying to call but the signal was not strong enough to get through…Vin remembered packing the ring in his bag…he’d decided a couple of weeks ago he was going to ask her to marry him…he just hoped she was still alive for him to ask her.


Chapter 8


The red and yellow morning horizon came up over the east the sun came up for the day to help shine the way to New York loved ones drove to find their families and other loved ones and Fire departments drove to get to the World Trade Centers to help their brother Firemen look for survivor hopefuls.


It had been a long and grueling last 48 hours...New York City survivors held candle light vigils in Central Park, other numerous parks and random sidewalks all around New York...and all over the United States praying for survivors and the demise of the one man who caused so much unsuspecting chaos and pain in a few hours.


Vin and Bruce had been taking turns sleeping and driving all the way to New York...Satellites and cell phone companies were still down...the airports were still closed...They weren’t about to not go...They knew Mina was in New York City by herself...she was supposed to have a autograph signing at a store in the two towers that had been demolished 48 hours earlier...they could only pray it was cancelled and she was safe in her hotel several blocks away. 


During the trip Vin and Bruce had done a lot of talking and Bruce even threatened an ass whoopin if he broke Mina’s heart.  Vin laughed but said he fully understood.  Vin knew where he was coming from, if he had a daughter and some roughen wanted to date her...he’d throw out threats too.”


They finally hit a major road in New York and Vin gave out a sigh of relief when it was bumper to bumper trying to slow him down from getting to her...From getting to HIS Mina...he’d actually mentioned to Bruce that he was asking her to marry him...he was just praying that with everything inside of him...she’d actually say yes.”


They decided to head to her hotel first...she was on the 3rd it wouldn’t be too hard getting to her room.  The town was just eerily one rushing around the streets of New York to get to their jobs, or to get to Starbucks for their morning coffee...


Mina was standing on the balcony of her hotel room at the Hilton...looking out across the ocean and staring at the Statue of Liberty...and thinking about everything it stood for...she glanced down at her cell phone...Damn...still no signal...she’d been trying to get one since the whole mess started...She was desperate to talk with Vin...For the life of her she couldn’t remember if she told him she loved him before she left.


Bruce and Vin pulled up to the Hilton hotel...Vin looked up and damned if she wasn’t leaning on the railing of the balcony...Vin said, “I’ve got to go talk to her...Can you give us a few minutes?”  Bruce smiled and nodded...then looked up to where his daughter was and called her name.


Mina snapped out of her thoughts as she heard someone say her name...she looked around for a few minutes and then finally looked down and it was her father...she said, “DAD!”  She suddenly recognized the Lincoln Navigator...She yelled down, “DAD WHERE’S VIN?”  Bruce pointed into the lobby of the hotel.


Mina couldn’t believe it...she ran back into the hotel room and pulled on some jeans and a tank top...and in bare feet ran through the hotel and out the door...she remembered the elevators hadn’t worked...she ran down the hall trying to find the stairs.


Vin ran through the lobby and found the stairwell and started taking the stairs two and three at a time.  He was totally possessed by the fact that he needed Mina in his arms and NOW.


Mina stopped in the hallway when she didn’t find them...she thought maybe she’d passed them.  She was just about to turn around when she heard something crash...she looked down the hall and Vin had just popped out of a door and yelled, “MINA!”  And started running towards her...Mina couldn’t have stopped her feet if she wanted to...she ran to him...and as Vin stopped in front of her, Mina jumped into his arms...


Vin held on to her for what seemed a life time.  Mina wrapped her legs around his waist and didn’t want to let go.  Vin kissed her lips a thousand times and would kiss her a thousand more times if it meant her staying in his arms for the rest of his life.


Someone cleared their throat, Mina looked over and saw her dad...Without unwrapping her legs from Vin...she pulled her dad over and hugged him so tight.  He hugged her back thankful she was perfectly fine, without a scratch on her.  Mina moved her upper body back to Vin and he carried her down the hallway back to her room...


The threesome sat in the spacious living room of the hotel suite and tried to relax and watch the news and see what all was being done about the terrorist attack...


Chapter 9


2 weeks later, Mina and Vin were engaged and back in California. Bruce was back home with Demi and the girls and was happy Mina escaped New York without being hurt. He was also glad to see her doing a lot of charity concerts for the victim’s families and what not. He was really glad to see Vin supporting her so much.


- -1 Years Later- -

Vin and Mina had been married for 6 months now…and were about as happy as they ever could be…After spending the day in the recording studio…Mina was at the Staples Center rehearsing for a Special one year remembrance concert that some musical artists had gotten together to put on…Raising money for the families, survivors and troops over in Iraq who were fighting to bring down the man who single handedly took so many lives.


Mina went home and as she kicked off her sandals…she walked around the condo looking for Vin…he’d just finished shooting 2 movies…one that would come out in 2002 called Triple X…and the second coming out in 2003 called A Man Apart…Mina had been to the screening of both and loved them.

Vin was sitting in the living room relaxing in the corner of their L shaped couch…Mina walked in and he had a serious look on his face…she walked over and sat straddled on his lap. His hands automatically went to her hips…and pulled her closer to him. Mina placed soft kisses over the surface of his bald head…and said, “What’s got my baby lookin’ so serious this afternoon?”

Vin touching my lips and said, “Can we talk…seriously?” Mina ran her hand through her long hair and said, “Sure baby…what’s up?” Mina moved off his lap to the side and said, “You’re my wife right?” Mina nodded and said, “Yes…6 months now.”

Vin said, “I know when we came back from New York last year…we were engaged and just happy neither of us were hurt…and we felt bad for every one who’d experienced 9-11 on a personal level. I started thinking about a way to help ease the pain of others. I’ve made a decision…and I hope you support me on this.”

Mina watch as Vin got totally serious…Mina took his hand in hers and said, “What ever it is…I’m telling you right now…I support you 100%.” Vin said, “Why you don’t know what it is…” Mina said, “Because 1…I love you and 2…you’re my husband. And those are the only two reasons I need to have.”

Vin took a deep breath and said, “I’m going to sign up and join the army.” Mina nodded and said, “Okay…Then go for it.” Vin said, “Can I be even more honest with you?” Mina nodded and said, “Sure.” Vin said, “I signed up a few weeks ago and I leave for basic training the day after tomorrow for 6 weeks.”

Vin watches as s few stray tears slide down his wife’s face and he said, “It’s only 6 weeks…and I’ll be back until they assign me.” Mina nods and said, “I know…I’ll miss you. I wish you wouldn’t told me before…Then I would’ve just sat home with you for the next 2 days and been with you instead we’ve got that remembrance concert.” Vin said, “No, you’re doing that concert for the same reason I joined the army…I think it’s why I love you so much…and fall deeper in love with you every day.”

Mina touched Vin’s cheek and kissed his lips softly and said, “I love you.” Vin said, “I love you too.”

The following night was the concert…Vin watched as Mina got up there and said, “As all of you know Vin has decided to go into the army and put his acting career on hold for a while…This song was going to be dedicated to 9-11…but now it’s dedicated to Vin and 9-11…”

I remember the first day
I met you
We were so young
You were a blessing
And there was no guessing
You were the one
Love is so crazy
We had a baby
And said our vows
That's when you told me
Should anything happen
I can hear you now
You told me

If the sun comes up
And I'm not home
Be strong
If I'm not beside you
Do your best to…Carry on
Tell the kids about me
When they're old enough to understand
Tell them that their daddy was
A good man

First anniversary
Remember we
Chose a star
And as i stand under it
I can't help but wonder if
You see it where you are
For whatever reason
We don't see the seasons
Change again
Go there with peace of mind
We'll meet on the other side
Cause true Love don't end
And baby

If the sun comes up
And you're not home
I'll be strong
If you're not beside me
I'll do my best to…Carry on
I'll tell the kids about you
When they're old enough to understand
I'll tell them that their daddy was
A good man

Two eyes…Looking…up at me
Pointing to the picture like where is he
Mamma are you OK
What did the paper say
To make you cry that way
It said your Daddy lived for you
And your daddy died for you
And I'll do the same
Now baby

If the sun comes up
And I'm not home
Be strong
If I'm not beside you
Do your best to…Carry on
Tell your kids about me
When they're old enough to understand
Tell them that your daddy was
A good man


Chapter 10



Remember all the times we used to play
You were lost and I would save you
I don't think those feelings will ever fade
You were born apart of me
I was never good at hiding anything
My thoughts break me, do you understand
What you mean to me
You are my faith

Won't you cure my tragedy
Won't you cure my tragedy
Don't take her smile away from me
She’s broken and I'm far away


Won't you cure my tragedy
Won't you cure my tragedy
If you make the world a stage for me
Then I hope you can hear me scream
Won't you cure my tragedy


- -6 Months Later- -


Mina had just finished reading the latest letter from Vin...After his 6 weeks of basic training they’d went ahead and sent him to Iraq...the military officials claimed he’d only be there for 2 months...but here is was nearly 4 months later. 


Go figure.


She’d written him often telling him how much she loved and missed him, and not to mention how PROUD she was to be his wife...and how proud she was he’d volunteered for all of it.


A few minutes later, Bruce was sitting in her living room and they were laughing and talking, trying to catch up, since he’d been gone taping his latest movie...Mina was convinced it was going to be a sell out everywhere.  Bruce beamed at his daughters praise, she’d caught part of the filming a few months ago, trying to keep her mind off Vin.  It usually worked, but only for a while.


What happened next no one could have expected fully.  As Bruce was talking with Mina, there was a knock on the door...Mina thought it was strange cause she wasn’t expecting anyone.  Bruce and Mina walked over to the door, and opened it...and there were 3 Fully dressed in full military uniform.


When I sit and think of the days we shared
And the nights you covered for me
Every little thing that I ever did
You would stand by me
Every time you would cry it would take my wind
My heart would break
If I could be strong like you were for me
You are my faith

Won't you cure my tragedy
Won't you cure my tragedy
Don't take her smile away from me
She's broken and I'm far away
If you made the world a stage for me
Then I hope that you could hear me scream

Can you hear me scream

Can you hear me scream


Mina couldn’t imagine what they were doing a split second her whole world fell apart...As the men started talking, Mina couldn’t believe the words that were coming from their mouths, she was trying to block out everything that was being said to her at that moment.  In the end of their visit they handed her an envelope, and gave her their condolences and sympathy and walked away to continue running the war raging over seas.


Bruce could see his daughter starting to sink to the floor and he gathered her up in his arms and helped her to the couch...she sat trembling on the couch...she felt so small on such a big couch...and she suddenly felt very empty.  Stray tears kept sliding down her she stared at the enveloped that had her name across the front of it.


With a shaky breath and hand she opened the envelope and pulled the piece of folded up paper out...she unfolded it and slowly began to read the words that had be written on it with such care.  It said:



My love,


You must know by now, that if you’re reading this, I must have been killed.  I know this isn’t something you want to read after just finding out I was killed, but I had so much that I hadn’t told you in the year and a half that we’ve been married...You used to make me feel so energetic and full of I could do anything if I wanted it bad gave me strength, hope and faith, every time I decided to do a new movie that I had reservations about.


I had a couple of rotten relationships, but as soon as I met you I knew God brought me to you...he was telling me it was okay to fall in love with you and give you my heart, cause he knew you’d take care of it and he knew you’d take care of me.  Since the day I met you, I’ve loved you with my heart, soul and damn near everything I have and am.  And you loved me right back.


You never wanted anything out of our marriage except me and maybe some children...I think you’re going to make a wonderful mom some day, the kids will be twice as lucky to have you to love them.  You love unconditionally, no matter what.


When I came to you about going into the army to give back to the people who were fighting for our questions asked, no reservations, you was right there by my side supporting me every step of the way and for that I’m truly grateful...I know it might seem pointless now...but I swear in the long run, I did some good over here...I didn’t stop the war...but I made a difference and having you by my side helped me believe in my ability to do anything.


I never wanted to leave you like this...and obviously if you got this letter, I had no choice in the matter.  Mina, I love you and I always will in life and now in death...Losing me may seem like the end of the world, but believe me it’s need to keep going...You need to keep making great songs you can sing with you’re beautiful voice...and warm the heart of people who will listen to you.


I know you’re probably crying right now...and it takes the wind out of my lungs...I hope someday you meet someone new and marry them and they make you as happy as you’ve made me.


I love you.






Won't you cure my tragedy
Won't you cure my tragedy
Don't take her smile away from me
She's broken and I'm far away
Won't you cure my tragedy
Won't you cure my tragedy
If you made the world a stage for me
Then I hope that you can hear me scream

I can't take this anymore
I can't feel this anymore
Won't you take and give her pain to me
Cause my whole life I've made mistakes

Can you hear me scream

Can you hear me scream



Chapter 11


- -1 Year Later- -


So, here she was Mina the fearless...a year after Vin’s death.  She was standing in the recording booth, staring at the mic...not really sure how she could be recording fun songs, when her husband had been missing from her life for a year now.


The blue eyed man stood on the other side of the mirrored recording studio wall, and stared at the beautiful girl in front of was probably a good thing she couldn’t see through the mirrored window, cause she’d probably get nervous at him staring at her.


He never realized how beautiful Vin’s wife was...Of course when they did that one movie together; she was just his girlfriend at the time.  When he’d found out about Vin’s death, he’d gone to the funeral and sent flowers to Mina.  He never knew how to handle things like death...of course dealing with it was never easy for anyone.


Ever since him and Vin had worked on the movie together, they’d been great friends...they went to the bar a few times together, and then had barbeques with their girlfriends...Mina always greeted him with a smile and a hug...she was such a warm and sweet sucked that she had to go through losing her husband after only being married a year and a something she had no control over.


He watched as she nodded and the guy had him sit down so he could concentrate on getting her band in when she was ready to sing.  He watched as she moved around a little stretching out muscles...and the whole time kept her eye on the she was waiting for it to attack her or blow up...Like she was scared of it.



Well, I couldn't tell you
Why she felt that way
She felt it everyday
And I couldn't help her
I just watched her make
The same mistakes again

What's wrong, What's wrong now?
Too many, too many problems
Don't know where she belongs
Where she belongs

She wants to go home
But nobody's home
That's where she lies
Broken inside
There's no place to go
No place to go
To dry her eyes
Broken inside

Open your eyes
And look outside
Find the reasons why
You've been rejected
And now you can't find
What you've left behind

Be strong, be strong now
Too many, too many problems
Don't know where she belongs
Where she belongs

She wants to go home
But nobody's home
That's where she lies
Broken inside
There's no place to go
No place to go
To dry her eyes
Broken inside

Her feelings she hides
Her dreams she can't find
She's losing her mind
She's falling behind
She can't find her place
She's losing her faith
She's falling from grace
She's all over the place, yeah

She wants to go home
But nobody's home
That's where she lies
Broken inside
There's no place to go
No place to go
To dry her eyes
Broken inside

She's lost inside
Lost inside, oh Ohhhh
She's lost inside
Lost inside, oh Ohhhh yeah



When she caught her breath and the recording stopped...she walked into the little technical room and grabbed her water...Her producer Nick said, “Mina, you’ve got a visitor...he’s down in the green room.”  She nodded and said, “Who?”  Nick smiled and said, “Matt.”  Mina stopped and said, “Damon?”  Nick chuckled as she took off down the hallway.


Matt Damon had been in Saving Private Ryan with Vin...she’d watch all his movies but that one, cause it was about war and Vin played a soldier who died in was almost as if his life repeated the movie.  Matt had been close friends with her and Vin since they worked on the movie.


Mina stopped at the green room door and said, “Hey stranger.”


Matt was pacing around the room when he heard her voice and stopped...his blue eyes twinkled and he smiled...and said, “Hey Mina.”  She immediately went to his arms...and he hugged her so tight.  She sighed shaky and said, “Where have you been?”


Matt smiled against the top of her head and said, “I’m sorry Mina...I didn’t want to come around and remind you of Vin...I was at the funeral way in the back...but I couldn’t bring myself to come up and bother you.”  She said, “I got your flowers...they were beautiful...thank you.”


Matt said, “I ran into your dad...Bruce said you might be having a hard time copping with everything and figured you could use a friend.”  She nodded against his chest and said, “Remind me to call and thank my pop.”


They just stood, there and Matt felt Mina crying against his was so hard to watch one of his friends mourn the loss of another...but he was bound and determined to help her even if it killed him.


Chapter 12


Matt and Mina sat in the living room as Mina looked around the condo she used to call home with Vin.  Matt said, “Penny for your thoughts?”  Mina said, “Look at this’s so dark, cold and unfeeling...this is not some place I wanna continue living.  Vin and I moved in here after only 3 weeks of dating.  I don’t feel right living here without him.”


Matt furrowed his brow and said, “Mina what are you saying?”  She looked around again and said, “I’m moving out.  I can’t stay here...Every time I turn around something else reminds me of Vin and the life we shared together.  Its not like I’m ready to move on, but I’m just tired of being held down.”


Matt moved over and sat next to Mina...he said, “Talk to me Mina...Tell me what’s wrong.”  She looked up into Matt’s beautiful blue eyes and said, “I’m tired...Getting two hours of sleep a night for the last year, really can wreak havoc on your system.  I spend nights walking the floors of this condo; instead of sleeping...I’m tired of being tired all the time.”


She ran her hand through her hair and said, “Vin has been gone a’s just time for me to move on...The way condos are selling, it shouldn’t take this one all that long to sell.”  Matt took her hands and said, “You’re absolutely sure?” 


Mina nodded and said, “Yea...I have nothing left in me, to just keep coming back to this it is...I spend more nights sleeping in the recording studio in between sessions, cause I can actually sleep there.”  Matt said, “Would you like to stay with me until you can enjoy living alone again?”


Mina said, “No I don’t want to make you miserable too.”  Matt said, “I’ll be miserable anyway, but I’d be more miserable if I didn’t know you was safe...and at least at my place...I’ll know you’re safe.  Plus, don’t forget my condo is huge and on the can’t pass up the beach.”  Mina debated for a few minutes and then said, “Okay, but it’s only until I can find a place that I feel safe staying in alone.”


Matt smiled and said, “Good...I’ll make arrangements to have the condo sold, and your things moved to my place...what ever you don’t need, we can place in storage.”  Mina nodded as she hugged Matt tight and said, “Thanks Matt...I really appreciate’ve been so great.”


Matt rubbed her back and said, “Well what else am I good for?”  Mina giggled and said, “You make a hell of a movie...Hello...was that you the super ex-I don’t remember anything spy, I saw in Bourne Identity...”  Matt blushed a little and said, “Why yes it was...Please no autographs tonight.”


Mina fell back on the couch laughing so hard, she nearly fell off the couch.  She said, “What?  Is you’re hand too tired from...”  And before she could finish Matt put his hand over her mouth and said, “Don’t finish that thought.”


Mina giggled and said, “I was gonna say from signing all those autographs...but I can see now you’re brain was gutter bound from the beginning...Shame on you.  Here I am an innocent by standing fan...and you’re already trying to be perverted...I don’t know if I wanna be the room mate of a giant pervert.”


Matt laughed and said, “I know exactly what you were thinking.”  She said, “HA!  Not likely.”  Matt stood up and said, “C’mon if you can behave yourself for more then 5 minutes I’ll cook you some dinner.”  Mina giggled and said, “Oh wow, and I thought big stars like you ordered out.”  Matt said, “How do you think were gonna get the food here.”


Mina laughed as she followed Matt into the kitchen as he pulled out a phone book and started reading off the restaurants around town that delivered.


Chapter 13


~~2 Months Later~~


A familiar voice woke Mina up from a restful sleep…she looked at the clock on her night stand as she slowly sat up from bed…She could hear someone saying her name…the voice was so familiar, it was like a warm breeze during the summer…sliding through the hallway into her room.


Mina noticed the French doors were open…they go off her room into the patio outside her room on the sand of the beach.  She stood from the bed and padded barefoot over in her tank top and shorts and pushed the doors closed.  Making sure the lock was clicked.  She was sure she locked them closed before she went to bed.


Mina heard her name being called again and walked over and peeked out into the hallway.  The house was pitch black…she slowly padded down the hall when she looked at the floor and back up when she saw a light turn on…she was standing in the living room and Vin was standing in front of her in his army fatigues…he looked up at her and smiled. 


Vin dying was just a dream…it was all a bad nightmare. 


Mina ran to his arms and he held onto her like their lives depended it.  Her arms were wrapped around his neck so tight he could barely breathe…her body was shaking against his…and his deep voice rumbled through the house as he said, “I missed you so much Mina…” 


Tears sliding down her face her shaky voice said, “I missed you too Vin…please promise me that you’ll never leave me again!”  Vin said, “I can’t promise that…but I can promise I’ll never stop loving you…”  She said, “I could never love anyone but you.”


Vin said, “Why are you shaking baby?”  Mina said, “I had the worst nightmare…”  He said, “Tell me about it maybe you’ll feel better.”  She wouldn’t let go of him…or he of her…They stood in the living room clutching each other tightly…Letting their love recharge. 


Mina said, “I had this terrible nightmare that you’d been killed in Iraq…I got the letter you wrote me…I was devastated…it felt so real…I didn’t want to let you go so soon…and I wanted to say good-bye but couldn’t.”


Vin said, “But…I was killed…”


Mina’s eyes snapped open as she looked down and there was blood pouring out of Vin’s chest as he fell to the floor and Mina fell to her knees next to him, holding her hands over the wound…but the blood just kept coming, just pouring out of his body like water out of a bottle.


She cried and yelled for help, but nothing came…Vin’s hand was shaking as he caressed her cheek and said, “I won’t ever stop loving you…but you have to stop doing this to yourself…it’s not healthy…and you know it.  The sooner you move on the healthier you’ll become…and I promise over time you’ll find someone to love you as much as you should be loved…You have to let me go…if you don’t you’re gonna go down faster then I did.  I love you, but you need to live the rest of your life…starting now.”


Vin disappeared.


Mina sat straight up in bed breathing heavy covered in sweat.  She calmed herself down and went into the bathroom.  Her eyes were blood shot from crying during the dream…her body was just tired…it was the first night she’d been able to get any REAL sleep.  She’d been staying with Matt for the last month but had been at the recording studio 5 our of 7 days a week…she’d finally finished up her new album and was finally allowed to sleep at Matt’s.


It would figure that she finally got to sleep and she’d have a dream like that.


Chapter 14


Mina got in the shower…it was close to 4 am.  She let the warm water caress her sore muscles and tender flesh.  After washing her hair and rinsing the soap off her tired body, she got out and dried herself off.


She stood in the door way between the bathroom and bedroom staring at her night stand.  Vin’s dog tags had been laying there since he died.  She walked over and pulled her jeans on and slipped a pair of flip flops.  She picked up the dog tags and felt them, touched them, stared at them. 


Mina walked over and pulled the French doors open and walked across the short concrete patio slab and stepped off into the cool sand.  A storm was coming...she could see the black clouds rolling in the sky towards the small beach.


She walked over to the board walk and started walking down to the end...she stopped and watched as the wave’s crash in the ocean...and her hair was whipped around by the wind...


Mina looked down at the dog tags one more time...and then without even thinking about it for another second...she pulled her arm back and threw them as hard and as far into the ocean as she could.


Matt had been half asleep when he heard banging...He could imagine what it was...he sat up and slid from bed as he pulled some jeans on and wondered around the house in his bare feet and shirtless.  Matt could hear the wind outside and knew a storm was coming.  He walked down the hall to check on Mina and when he looked in, she was missing from her bed...and the banging that he heard was from her French doors being open and banging against the dresser.


Matt walked over to close the door and looked out and saw Mina sitting at the table on the had started to pour down rain...and she was just sitting in it getting soaking wet.  Matt walked over and he touched Mina’s hand...and said, “Mina...C’mon’re gonna catch pneumonia.” 


Mina said, “It was so real.”  Matt squatted down next to her and said, “What was?”  She said, “The dream...I dreamt Vin was here...and then suddenly he was gone again.  I’ve been hanging on to someone with both hands who just isn’t going to come back.  And tonight was the biggest life affirming wake up call I could have received.  Vin is never coming back no matter how much I beg and plead.  I thought I’d never love any one as much as I do Vin...But I’ve come to the conclusion that I already have feeling for someone else...I just don’t know how to say so.”


Matt said, “Well, I can try to help you, but can we do it inside where it’s warmer and you can be dryer.”  Mina just nodded her head and Matt stood up and grabbed her hands and pulled her to her feet and guided her into the condo through her doors...he turned around and closed and locked the doors, making sure they were secure.


Matt turned around to face Mina and she was standing there watching him...he said, “What?”  Mina said, “It’s you.”  Matt smirked a little and said, “What is me?”  Mina said, “The one I have feelings for...You’ve been so caring and great to’ve been one of my closest friends since I met you 3 years ago...I’ve seen you go through you’re fair share of insane relationships...and you give the best caring hugs I’ve ever felt in my whole life.”


Matt said, “Mina wait...What if it’s not real?” 


Chapter 15


Mina stepped closer and Matt stepped back...and she said, “It has to be’s been a year and a half...I’ve been waiting for a sign...and tonight...that was my sign...I wasn’t sure at first...but just now...watching you, feeling’s real.”


Mina walked up to Matt and pushed up on her tip toes and softly kissed his lips...When Matt felt her lips on his he dipped his head down and couldn’t help but kiss her back. 


She stepped away and said, “It felt real.”  Matt exhaled and said, “Yes it did.”  Her fingers came up and softly touched his cheek...he leaned his head into her hand and she leaned up again and kissed his lips a little deeper...Mina felt Matt’s hands come up and caress her hips over her jeans...


Mina stepped back a little and chewed her bottom lip.  She grabbed the hem of her tank top and slowly pulled the heavy wet material from her torso and it squished when it hit the floor.  Matt was suddenly aware that Mina was standing there with no top on.  Mina stepped closer and whispered, “Touch me.”


Matt took her hand and pulled her flush against his body, her cold bare breasts came in contact with his warm chest and she melted into his arms while she let out a slow soft moan of contentment.  He was kissing her neck, shoulders, lips, ears, he slowly turned her around in his arms and he was caressing her breasts while kissing her neck. 


Matt’s hands slowly made their way down and unbuttoned her jeans and unzipped them, while her hands slid back and was caressing his growing erection and had managed to unbutton and unzip his jeans... Matt stepped back and slowly slide down behind her, as he slide his hands up her thighs and hooked his fingers into her jeans and panties and pulled them down and off…


Somehow Matt lost his pants as well and they made it over to the bed were they laid kissing, touching and exploring each others bodies.  Matt was kissing her lips and down her neck when his hand slid down her flat stomach and down across her mound as he eased her thighs apart and slid two fingers into her soaking wet center…and pumped a little…he was surprised to see all the juice coating his fingers…  Matt pulled his fingers out and licked them clean and said, “Show me what you want.”


Mina smiled softly and pushed Matt to lay on his back, as she straddled his hips…and as she sat down Matt pushed his erection into her…Mina moaned at the contact…Matt was fully sheathed inside of her…Mina took his hands and placed them on her breasts and he slowly started rolling her nipples between his fingers.


Mina started rolling her hips…and Matt groaned…Matt groaned again, “Oh god …you feel so good bouncing on my cock…with that sweet pussy of yours…” 


Mina had her hands on his 6-pack stomach and she was watching his muscles move, ripple and flex…she leaned over and her hair slid over her shoulders and brushed against this pecks and nipples…his nipples became instantly hard…she leaned down and bit his bottom lip and then slowly let her tongue snake out and across his lips…and then slowly into his mouth…his hands slid down and grabbed her ass forcefully as he was pushing and pulling the lower half of her body to go faster…


Mina sat back up and leaned back putting her hands on his thighs…she could feel how tense his thigh muscles were…Matt sat up and was leaning over and kissing her breasts and nipples…as Mina was still moving on top of him…she moaned, “Oh God…you feel so good deep inside of me…”  Matt grunted a couple of times as he was licking and kissing on her neck.


Matt gripped her hips and flipped Mina over onto her back and laid on top of her…and really pushed the back of her thighs up to thrust into her as deep as he could…she had a hold of his wrists for leverage…he could feel her walls starting to react…and knew her orgasm was building…it was going to be intense…Matt leaned down and kissed her lips


He gripped her thighs harder and really started thrusting deeper as deep as he could possibly get…and finally she started moaning out his name as her orgasm tore through the inside of her body…as soon as Matt felt her go over the edge…and felt her center milking his cock…his orgasm was right behind her’s…Matt slammed his cock deep inside of her and Mina felt him explode so deep inside…Mina felt his cum fill her up.


Matt collapsed onto the bed and wrapped Mina up into his arms…as they slipped under the covers and into the darkness of sleep.


Chapter 16


Taylor Willis stood looking out over the huge Hollywood, California hills.  The sun was shinning and so was the 24 karat diamond ring on her left hand. 


Johnny came up behind her and kissed her neck and said, “Do your self a favor honey?”  Taylor smiled and said, “What’s that?” 


Johnny kissed her cheek and said, “Call your sister.”


Taylor spun around as Johnny walked across their bedroom, pulling on a button down shirt...Taylor glared at him and said, “Are you completely out of your mind?  Have you been hit in the head lately...doing your own stunts again?” 


Johnny laughed and said, “Taylor my love...You can’t stay mad at your sister for something she had no control over...Bruce said himself that her manager was the one who was running her life...She got rid of him...”


Taylor crossed her arms over her chest and said, “I don’t care...She didn’t even invite me to her wedding when she married Vin.” 


Johnny laughed and said, “Would you have really gone?” 


Taylor said, “No but that’s beyond the point.” 


Johnny said, “You didn’t even talk to her when Vin went to the funeral for 2 seconds and couldn’t stand it and left...”


Taylor said, “Who can stand to see other people in pain?” 


Johnny said, “See...Right there...I know you care about her...You might be mad, but you got over’re just trying to stay mad for some reason, and I’m not going to let you.  Word around the grapevine is she’s been staying with Matt Damon, cause he’s been helping her.  I know you love your sister...but eventually you’re gonna have to be the bigger one and just drop it...You know you want to invite her to the wedding.”


Taylor looked at the floor as Johnny walked over and touched her arms and said, “C’mon admit it.”  Taylor smiled and said, “Okay fine...I’ll admit it but not because you want me to, but because our mom would pitch a fit if she knew how childish we were being...Bruce is at the end of his rope...he’s about to make a noose and slip it around his neck.”


Johnny said, “Can you blame the’re both his daughters, he loves you both and yes you two are being childish about the whole had your reasons years ago, but it’s time to get over it all...And the time is now.”


Taylor nodded and agreed with her soon to be husband.  Johnny said, “I have to go back to Europe tomorrow to finish up the movie, I’d really love if you came with me...but you don’t have to come if you don’t want to.”  Taylor said, “Fine, but you’ve got to help me pack.”


Johnny smiled and said, “Okay.”


They packed, as Taylor made a mental note to call her sister when she got back from Europe.


Chapter 17


Mina stood folding laundry at the big oak dinning room table...the last couple of months with Matt had felt magical.  Mina was putting the clothes back into the basket all folded nice and neat, when some arms came sliding around her waist, nibbling on her neck a little.


Matt turned Mina around in his arms and they couldn’t help but start kissing...Matt lifted her up and sat her on the table, while he stood between her legs.  Her feet touched the back of his thighs and pulled him closer to her.


His soft hands running up the sides of her ribcage underneath her t-shirt.  Mina melted into his hands, arms and body.  As Matt pulled her t-shirt up, she lifted her arms into the air, and he disposed of it pretty fast.  Matt’s arms and chest had gotten a little bigger, cause he’d been working out for his sequel to Bourne Identity.


Mina pulled his muscle shirt off of him, but continued to kiss.  Suddenly aware that Matt had pulled her from the table and was standing behind her...Mina wasn’t sure how close until Matt reached around her and took her hands in his as his soft lips caressed her neck. Mina’s pulse started to race...Mina was enjoying the contact too much to move.

Matt’s arms went around her waist as they pulled her back tight against his chest. She could feel his well muscled chest pushing against her back as he was breathing in and out...His warm breath was tickling her neck. Mina looked up when Matt removed his lips from her neck. Matt’s hand pulled Mina’s chin up a little as he softly kissed her lips. She couldn’t help but kiss back.

Matt’s hands massaged her breasts and slid down and unbuttoned her jean shorts. One of Matt’s huge hands slid down inside her shorts and slid under the elastic of her panties and his long finger brushed against her clit, she bit her bottom lip to keep her tongue quiet…as a small closed mouthed moan came out.

Matt nudges Mina’s thighs apart and slid a finger deep into her warm core, she couldn’t help it and let out a deep low moan from the back of her throat.

Mina’s hands were now down holding onto the lip of the huge oak table…

Matt added a second finger into her core and was kissing her neck like crazy…he started pumping her with his fingers as his thumb rubbed her clit…Matt said, “Does that make you feel good?” Mina arched her crotch into Matt’s hand and moaned out, “Oh God yes.” Matt’s hand alternated between breasts and nipples…while his fingers worked their magic inside of her…Matt said, “Cum for me Mina…This is all about your pleasure right now…”

Matt said, “Cum for me baby…I would love to hear you moan my name…moan for me.” Mina was doing so much moaning she was shocked she didn’t wake the dead…Matt’s fingers started thrusting her core a little fast…his kisses were moister and his fingers were pinching her nipples a little harder.

Mina finally couldn’t hold back anymore…and she started out with a low moan and it just got louder as her climax hit and her juices flowed all over Matt’s hand…Matt rode out her climax with his fingers…and didn’t stop until Mina did.


Chapter 18


Matt proceeded to pick Mina up in his arms and carry her upstairs.

Matt placed Mina on her feet at the foot of his four poster bed and slide down behind her, as he slide his hands up her thighs and hooked his fingers into her jean shorts and pulled them down and off with her panties…he stood back up and unhooked her bra letting it slide down her arms. Matt stood up and Mina heard his zipper go down.

Mina felt him press his warm chest against her bare back, Matt kissed her neck and felt her bare body with his hands, stopping to massage her bare breasts and roll her nipples then kissed her neck to her ear and said, “Let’s check to make sure that sweet pussy is ready for me.” Mina bit her bottom lip again...

He pushed her forward into a bending position and slid a couple of fingers into her soaking wet core and he said, “Damn baby…You are ready…Now, don’t move.” As Mina grabbed the foot posters on his bed, she felt Matt run his erection up and down her wet slit and then slipped it all the way into her…

Matt gripped her hips as she held onto the bed frame as he started thrusting in and out of her…One of Matt’s hands left her hip and went down and started stroking her clit to his thrusting.

Matt kissed her neck and said, “God baby you feel so good on my cock…cum for me.”

Matt started picking up the pace and going a little faster…and her walls started clamping down on him…and he knew she was close…he thrusted a little harder and stroked her clit a little rougher…and finally with a loud moan Mina fell over the edge and climaxed…as soon as Matt felt her orgasm, his took over and he growled so deep as he exploded inside of her.

They calmed down and Matt rested his forehead on her shoulder…as he slipped himself out of her…Mina turned around and Matt kissed her nearly breathless…as his hands cupped, caressed and grabbed her bottom…

As Matt guided Mina down to the bed, caressed her body all Mina could think was, ‘Tonight is going to be a very interesting night.’



I watch you while you're sleeping
Messy hair...chest bare,
Moonlight on your skin

I wanna breathe you in

In the silence, words come easy
I can tell you now just how simple it's been

To let you in
Don't move...this mood is a painting
We'll never find the same thing not make a sound
Melt into me now
2 become 1

Love is so close to hurting
With a shake

We could wake from our own dreaming
But we must make a vow
'Cause I...have waited a lifetime
Now is the right time not make a sound
Melt into me now
2 become 1
Love...let's make time stand still
Let this moment last until
2 become 1

Like a bird owns its wings
Like a song belongs to melody
You me

I fold your arms around me
Let your flesh

Your breath

Your love...surround me

Oh, you feel like home not make a sound
Melt into me now
2 become 1
Love...let's make time stand still
Let this moment last until
2 become...1

Become 1





Chapter 19


Matt looked at Mina...she’d just dropped the biggest bomb he’d had in his life. 


Learning his biggest movie the Bourne Identity and Bourne Supremacy were going to make a third movie to it Bourne Ultimatum...Matt looked over at Mina again.


Mina was chewing on her bottom lip and getting fidgety...Matt was stunned, he was completely stunned...He couldn’t move, it was as if someone had given him a drug to make him stand there and not move.


Matt and Mina had been officially dating for the last 5 months...and now she was pregnant...Matt ran his hand through his short brown hair as his blue eyes burned with fire as he stared...or more like glared at her...


Matt said, “I thought you were on birth control?”  Mina said, “Hello...It’s only 99 % effective...Which duh would leave open that dreaded 1 % chance of getting pregnant.”  Matt said, “I don’t want a kid right now...I just got my career right where I wanted it...I don’t need any responsibilities blocking my way.”


Mina said, “Well, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to block I could actually do that...If you didn’t want any responsibilities then why didn’t you wear a condom?” 


Matt turned red in the face as he got pissed off.  Matt said, “If I would’ve known you were going to open your legs so easy for me I would have worn a condom.”


Mina turned around and walked back into her room and slammed the door...Matt followed her and threw the door open and said, “If you’ve got something you’d like to say to me...Then say it already.” 


Mina was staring out the window with her arms around her self and said, “If I would’ve known you were going to be like this I would’ve never gotten involved with you the first place to begin with.”


Matt said, “Yea, cause you had so many other options to start with...Mina, we started dating cause it just seemed like the right thing...we had feelings for each other...I still have feelings for you...I have such a strong attraction to you.”


Mina said, “Yea, but you don’t love me...At least not enough to have a kid together...Just leave’ve made your decision...I was anticipating this kind of reaction from you, which is why I found an apartment A couple of days ago...I’ll have everything moved out before the end of the week.”


Mina walked away from Matt before the end of the week...knowing what she was doing was for the best.


- -5 Months Later- -


Mina was back in the studio recording a new album...She’d been working especially hard on this one...Everyone had gone home for the night, she was sitting on the vacant couch in the studio writing lyrics down on a yellow legal pad.


Mina looked down and rubbed her protruding belly...She wasn’t about to let anything ruin her happiness...Even if it meant not having a father for her baby...The baby was more important then anything right now...and her health.


Mina felt a yawn escape her mouth as she set down her song notes and laid long ways on the couch and reached up to shut the lights off...She figured she take a small hour nap and then start writing again.


Chapter 20


Mina rolled around a little...She could feel a pillow under her head...she felt around and could feel a bed underneath her...She was almost certain she’d fallen asleep on the studio couch last night...The baby was active this morning as she rubbed her belly...She slowly moved around and slowly sat up.


Mina suddenly on the verge of a freak out...looked around the room...It was familiar...It wasn’t her apartment and it wasn’t Matt’s house...It was...It was...No!  She couldn’t think that...Maybe it was a dream...She threw her head back into the pillow and closed her eyes and waited for about 15 minutes, until she heard a bunch of yelling down the hall...Her eyes flew open...Nope...same place...DAMMIT!


She slowly pulled herself from bed...the room was the same...Nothing had changed...Everything was still there...She slowly got dressed in black track pants and a white t-shirt and carefully started walking down the hallway.  The closer she got the living room...The more the two voices she heard yelling earlier sounded all too familiar...


“I’m telling you...What are the Lakers going to do if Kobe gets busted for that rape?  They don’t have any real players...At least none that are any good under pressure.” “Man, don’t even bring up Kobe’s name in this house...You already know how Mina feels about him...she’d rather see her arm sawed off then to see him get to speak” The two males laughed off the innuendo of the topic as they continued to watch the basketball game on the big screen TV.


Mina could’ve sworn she put that in storage with everything else...but then again...Shit maybe she died and this was Heaven where you get all the shit back in your life you loved...because as she rounded the corner her husband and love of her life came into view.


There was Vin sitting on the couch in his black cargo pants with the pockets down the legs, his steel toed boots and a white v-neck T-shirt...His hands were behind his head and sitting on the couch next to him was her dad Bruce. 


Vin looked over and smiled and said, “Morning babe...I was going to wake you but figured since you was up so late last night writing I’d let you sleep.”  Mina could feel herself shaking as tears instantly started sliding down her cheeks as she backed up in to the wall behind the couch and slowly slid down the wall...


Vin jumped up and jumped over the back of the couch and squatted down grabbing her hand and touched her face when she looked up at him...His heart broke to see her tears...and he said, “What’s wrong...Is the baby okay...Are you ok?”  Mina threw her arms around Vin’s neck and grabbed to hand fulls of his t-shirt and buried her face in the side of his neck and cried.


Bruce ran over and said, “Mina honey what is it?”  Vin moved around and slid her into his arms as he carefully stood up with her and walked back to the bedroom with her, as Bruce followed...Vin placed her on the bed, but she wasn’t letting go of him...What ever had happened and spooked her...that was for sure.


Vin grabbed her hands from behind him and pried them from around his neck as he said, “Baby...please talk to me...You’re scaring me.”  Mina stopped crying but couldn’t catch her breath as Her dad handed her a tissue.  She slowly calmed down enough to catch her breath.


Mina said, “It had to of been a dream...all of it...But it seemed so real...And a dream inside of a dream...It all just seemed to real...You died...and I was so lost without you...and Matt tried to help me, and I ended up pregnant and he didn’t want me and...It was just too real.”


Vin looked at his wife and said, “Man I heard pregnant chics have crazy dreams, but damn baby...That’s insane.”  Mina reached out a shaky hand and touched his face and Vin watch his petrified wife as she touched him...Mina said, “You’re really here...”  Vin said, “I’m not going anywhere...I promise.”  Mina said, “Kiss me...please”


Bruce pretending to not pay attention as Vin leaned down and kissed his daughter the way any woman would want to be kissed by her husband...When they pulled apart Vin rested his forehead against his wife’s and said, “What this all about Mina?”  Mina smiled softly and said, “A very bad dream...When did you find out I was pregnant?”


Vin said, “Well...I left for Iraq and only had to do 4 months before they let me come home and didn’t need me anymore so they gave me an honorable discharge and you were 5 months pregnant when I got back...”  Mina said, “So you’ve only been home for what?”  Vin said, “2 weeks.”  Mina said, “It seems like forever...”  Mina threw her arms around his neck and said, “I’m so glad you didn’t die!” 


Vin chuckled as he rubbed her back and held her in his massive arms and said, “Yea me too baby...You gave your dad quite a scare when the Military officers showed up and told you I’d been killed...But the next day when I showed up and explained my dog tags had been ripped off me after a scuffle with an Iraqi solider...She cried...Not nearly as bad as you were crying a minute ago...but damn that had to of been some dream.”


Bruce walked over and kissed his daughter head and hugged her and said, “Well...It looks like you two really need to talk...So I’m going to head home...I’ll talk to you after while kiddo.”  Mina nodded and accepted the hug...Bruce saw himself out as Vin said, “You ok now?”  Mina said, “Yea.  Will you lay with me please?”


Vin kicked off his boots and climbed onto the bed as Mina moved around and laid her head on his chest...His arm snaked around her waist and rubbed the side of her belly as she looked up he kissed her lips softly and said, “Please don’t scare me like that again.”  She said, “As long as you promise to never leave me.”  Vin smiled and said, “I promise...I’m not going anywhere...I love you.”  Mina smiled and said, “I love you too.”



This woman...takes on the world
And picks up you shirts...keeps it together somehow
This same woman...that melts with your touch
Wants you to feel...what I'm feelin right now

'Cause this woman needs
A safe place to land
The strength in your hands
To know you know
What this woman needs
Is somewhere to cry
So lay by my side
And I'll tell you...I'll tell you

This woman be reassured
That my heart's your home

And love is what wills you to stay
I need you to see every light
And hear that you

Still think I'm beautiful...anyway

'Cause this woman needs
A safe place to land
The strength in your hands
To know you know
What this woman needs
Is somewhere to cry
So lay by my side
And I'll tell you...I'll tell you

What this woman needs
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, what this woman needs
Is somewhere to cry
So lay by my side
And I'll tell you...I'll tell you

What this woman needs
Yeah, what this woman needs
Yeah, yeah, yeah


 The End