Understand Her



Chapter 1


Her eyes slowly opened as she found herself in the pitch black room…it was a cell…just a regular 8 x 8 cell…Nothing spectacular.  She’d found herself in this particular moment on several occasions mostly mornings, when she was first waking up. 


The smell was the worst thing…kind of a cross between an old building and urine.  Of course it would help if the janitorial staff was allowed to come in the cells to clean their personal toilets. 


As she sat up and stretched her tired body…She looked down at the scars across her wrists.  Nothing in life made sense when she made those scars…Somehow nothing in life still made sense.  She wasn’t happy or sad…Hell she wasn’t even mad that her own family had turned against her and thrown her into this disgusting place and left her there since she was 16. 


She couldn’t imagine what life on the outside was like anymore…Her family stopped coming around for visits after the first year.  Her waist length brunette hair was ratty and full of knots…No matter how many times she combed it…It always looked the same…Like she had 16 rat families living in it. 


She pulled herself from the metal bed that had just a basic foam mattress on it…Nothing with springs or shit so she couldn’t hurt herself…Like she could really do that much damage to herself…Her family had done most of it to her…Why kill yourself when your loved ones can do it for you…


She’d spent the last 10 years of her life in this place...No window cell, a metal bed that was attacked to the wall with a foam mattress with a sheet that was washed once a month…and a nasty pillow from like the 1900’s when the place first opened up.  All she could really do was be thankful she was still alive and that they chose NOT to do shock therapy on people anymore.


She’d grown up a lot in the last 10 years…but of course when your 16 and you’re placed in a place like this…you don’t really have anything better to do then grow up.  Not many people could grow up and live to tell about having lived 10 years of their life in the Worcester State Hospital.  It was one of the oldest still fully functional asylums around…


Well except for the west wing which had been destroyed by a fire in the early 1990’s when a patient went completely insane and lit herself on fire and then ran around screaming at the top of her lungs as she hugged various patients catching them on fire as well…Not many people lived through that…nearly all the patients and workers perished in that fire.  She could still remember the smell of burnt flesh sliding through the hospitals ventilation system and into every room in the rest of the hospital.  She could hear the screams for hours.  Until the fire was either put out or the people just died.


Alyssa pulled her cotton nightgown off over her head and looked down at her naked body…It had been so long since she’d actually worn panties and a bra…they’d feel foreign to her now.  She just shrugged her shoulders and pulled on the cotton pants and t-shirt…then sat down and got her socks and slippers on.  Nothing with shoelaces, no bras or panties for fear of someone trying to strangle themselves with the articles of clothing. 


She couldn’t believe she was going to be 26 years old in a few days…She couldn’t remember what it was like to have birthdays.  She’d been in this stupid place for so long she forgot how to live…


She’d forgotten how to do a lot of things.


Chapter 2


It was 5 days after Alyssa’s 26th birthday when she was told they were going to release her back into her parents care.  Alyssa was trying to figure out why, considering she was an adult and 26 now…Of course that whole not having a job or an education would be a big factor in her life right now.



I'm leavin today

Living it, leaving it to change


Slowly drifting into a peaceful breeze
Tongue tied and twisted are all my memories
Celebrating a fantasy come true
Packing all my bags
Finally on the move

I'm leavin today
I'm living it, Oh I'm leaving it to change



The staff at Worcester State Hospital took her measurements and sizes and gave them to her parents and when they came to pick her up were to bring her a change of clothes.  John and Carol drove to Worcester State Hospital in the SUV in silence.  They’d been divorced for a few years now…but no one had thought to tell Alyssa…Of course no one even bothered to go visit her, so when exactly were they supposed to tell her about the divorce? 


They pulled into the long drive way to the hospital and Carol looked at her ex-husband and said, “Do you think this place has helped her any?”  John focused on the road and said, “It must have if they are finally ready to let her go.”  Their silence spoke volumes as they stopped in front of the Worcester State Hospital.  They walked into the building with Alyssa’s clothes.  Her sizes hadn’t changed much in 10 years…her legs were a little longer, standing at 5’9” and she still weight 125 lbs… 


As John and Carol spoke with a doctor on staff and helped them fill out all the proper paper work and get everything signed and situated, they watched as two big male orderlies had Alyssa by each of her upper arms and walked her down to the sign out office…Carol couldn’t believe it was her daughter…She looked different.  Carol gave her daughter a hug, but released her when she realized Alyssa wasn’t hugging her back and handed over the bag of clothes.



As I'm driving, I'm captured by the view
So much beauty, the road becomes my muse
The heat is rising, and my hand surfs through the wind
Cool, calm, collective is the child that lies within

See I'm leavin today
I'm living it, oh I'm leaving it to change
See I’m leavin in today
Oh yes, I'm living it, I'm leaving it to change
But somehow I'll miss it
I think I'll really miss it, one day, ooh


I turn up the radio
And I'm feeling like I’ve never felt before
Turn down the memories

Of yesteryears and broken dreams
I bring, finally free…Ooo



Alyssa took the bag and was allowed in the bathroom to change…She pulled the panties and bra on and was right it did feel foreign.  But she didn’t really care at this point.  She pulled the jeans up her legs and then pulled the navy blue t-shirt over her head and pulled the zip up hoody on.  She slipped her feet into the sneakers…Wow…Something with laces finally…It was really happening…She was finally leaving this God forsaken place. 


She looked up and stared at the ceiling and could only pray that anyone who came into this building after she left could survive for as long as she had.  She was so physically and emotionally tired from being captured there for the last 10 years of her young adult life…She absolutely couldn’t imagine how her life was going to turn out on the outside.  Alyssa knew this was the only chance she had to get away from her family…She didn’t want to be part of a family who just didn’t want her around anymore…


Once she stepped outside of the building and the clean fresh air came into her lungs it was like a shot to her whole system.  Fresh air was something you never got in a place like that.  The sun was bothering her eyes considering she’d not seen it in 10 years.  A hand came out with a pair of sunglasses and Alyssa looked over and a soft smile adorned her mother’s lips as she accepted the glasses and put them on.



Slowly drifting into a peaceful breeze...
Oh yeah! Mmmm

I'm leavin today
Oh yes, I'm living it (oh yeah),

Leaving it to change (to change)
Oh no, see I believe in today (oh yes)
I'm living it (living it)
Leaving to change (Ohhhh)
I'm leavin today
Living it, leaving to change
Living (to change), leaving to change(oh yeah)
Living it, leaving it

Said I'm living it, I'm leaving it
Living it, leaving it to change
I'm leaving it to change
But somehow I'll miss it,

I think I'll really miss it one day



Alyssa climbed into the back seat of the overly large dark blue SUV.  After closing the door, she kicked off her shoes and sat on her feet and just stared out the window…She couldn’t remember what anything looked like…the color of the grass, the deep blue sky and perfect billowy white clouds…everything was foreign, but yet new to her eyes.  The sunglasses hit the sadness in her eyes as her parents informed her of them being divorced and she would be living with one of her 5 brothers. 


What a joy…All she could think was ‘Thank God I’m Free at last.’


Chapter 3


Alyssa stayed silent the whole trip from Worcester to West Newbury…Alyssa didn’t feel the need to say much on the ride.  All she could really do was keep thanking God for surviving for as long as she did in that God awful place.  Alyssa shivered as she wrapped the hoody around her body tighter, trying to think of anything else but that damn place…Which was next to impossible…10 years was 9 years, 11 months, and 13 days too long to spend in a place like that…much less call it home.


Every time one of the male orderlies would molest her or force her to have sex with them, she prayed to survive one more day…They were relatively gentle with her because she wasn’t stupid enough to put up a fight.  Some nights were spent praying for the girls down the halls who they would savagely rape until they started bleeding…Hearing their screams actually made her thankful that she was smart enough to just let them have what they wanted and move on.


She could also thank her lucky stars they’d used condoms when having sex with her…most of the other girls weren’t as lucky and a couple had gotten pregnant more then a few times a year.  The orderlies would just slip a 50 dollar bill in the staff doctor’s hand and he’d give the girls an abortion…any who fought him on it…they ended up getting the crap beaten out of them so bad they’d end up losing the baby…or were mysteriously shoved down 3 or 4 flights of stairs until they were unconscious and then were taken to the doctor for the abortion…either way…now or later…It never mattered eventually the male orderlies got what they wanted.


After the 3 hour ride, the SUV came to a stop in front of a two-story brick home…There was several cars in the driveway…John, Carol and Alyssa exited the vehicle.  They were talking up the brick walk-way, hen the front door opened and 5 guys came barreling out towards the trio.  John and Carol stood in front of Alyssa and stopped the 5 brothers from going any further and Carol said, “Don’t start off by scaring her to death.”  John said, “Boys let her get used to you again.”


Carol turned to Alyssa and put her arm around her waist and was leading her into the house…She said, “You’re going to be staying with John until we figure out a more permanent situation…John is barely home now a days because of his career, and he said you’d feel at home.  We got you about 2 weeks worth of clothes…They are all up in your room; John will show you where it is.  We don’t want to overwhelm you the first day so we are going to just let you get comfortable and relax and well see you in a couple of days.”


Alyssa watched as her parents got back in the SUV and left, leaving her there staring at her 5 brothers.  John could see her lips trembling a little and he couldn’t imagine what she was so afraid of.  He obviously had no idea what she’d been through.  John finally stepped up and said, “C’mon in the house…I’ll show you where your room is.”  John walked her up stairs and opened a door…Alyssa had never seen such a beautiful room in all her life…everything was deep royal blue or white.  John said, “This is your room…There’s a bathroom adjoined to another room…so be careful if I bring home guests…Because you’ll have to share the bathroom with them.”


Alyssa just nodded and John said, “Well…Relax…Shower…Come down and talk with us…Whatever you feel like.”  She nodded again and John took it as his cue to leave as he closed the door behind him.  Alyssa dug through the drawers and found a t-shirt and some black exercise pants as she peeled off the other clothing and went in and relaxed in a hot bath.


After she dried and combing the knots out of her hair she pulled it into a low tail at the base of her head and she was about to walk down stairs when she heard her brothers talking.  She stopped and leaned against the wall and just listened.


John rubbed the back of his neck and said, “Jesus she’s not even herself anymore.”  Steve said, “What did you expect John?  She’s been gone for 10 years.”  Sean said, “No she was locked up in that fuckin place for 10 years and no one did anything about it…”  Matt said, “Yea…There wasn’t much we could do…Mom and dad just made it sound like she’d lost her mind and needed to get help.”  Dan said, “I knew something was wrong that night she came home…Her clothes were torn to shreds like she’d been mauled by a fuckin mountain lion.”  Sean said, “Yea…and when she freaked out they took her to the Emergency room and sedated her.”  John said, “She acts like she’s been sedated for the last 10 years of her life.” 


Steve said, “That’s because she has been sedated…Maybe not with drugs or sedatives but she’s been at that God damn hospital for 10 years of her life…She didn’t get the pleasure of graduating high school with her friends or going to college for an education…she was basically handed off to people who could take care of her.”  Matt said, “Yea…Fat lot a good that did her…Look at her…She doesn’t even look like anyone in this family…She’s so pale…She’d probably not been outside of that hospital for years on end…I heard about the things that go on in places like that…I can’t imagine what she’s been through physically much less emotionally.” 


John said, “I can’t stand to see her like that…We should’ve said something to mom a dad years ago.  She shouldn’t have been there.”  Dan said, “What could we have done?”  Steve said, “Nothing that’s what…There ain’t one of us brave enough to go against mom and dad when they have a united front between them.”  Alyssa had heard enough as she pushed off the wall and went back to her room where she engulfed herself in the covers of the soft comfortable bed and cried herself to sleep.


So this is what freedom felt like?


Chapter 4


After a few months Alyssa was slowly being re-introduced to the world, to freedom…To a life without rules and dark rooms or cruel people.  While John was on the road working, Sean, Matt, Steve, and Dan would go over and re-introduce themselves to their only sister.  Alyssa couldn’t believe how much her brothers had changed…They’d all basically grown up.  Steve was the oldest at 30, Then John at 28, they there was Matt at 24, Dan at 22 and Sean was the baby at 21.  She almost couldn’t believe how much they’d all matured and changed.


When John was home he focused all his time and energy on trying to get Alyssa to come out of her shell.  He remembered a time when she wasn’t quiet, he remembered her running around with him and the others rough housing and half the time she could kick ass better than anyone of her brothers no matter how much smaller she was compared to them.  John berated himself for thinking Aly was broken…Her spirit was extremely non-existent.  It was almost as if she was still living in the Worcester State Hospital…He wanted to go and visit her so many time, but their parents had insisted on more than one occasion that visitors were not allowed. 


It was only after she was released that he’d found out that visits were encouraged, especially when he called the hospital to find out…He should’ve thought to do that sooner…but like his brothers said who was really going to question your parents?  You rely on them to be truthful through life and then you find out they lied to you for the last 10 years.  Even if Aly was broken, the only person who could fix her…was herself and even then she had to want to be fixed…but judging by some of her reactions that wasn’t going to happen for a while.


She had just barely started letting people touch her without jumping out of her skin…The first time any of her brothers go a hug from her was 3 months after she was released and then the guys didn’t want to let go of her…They’d all agreed out of everyone in the family, she always did give the best hugs…I was as if she was hugging them with her whole heart.  The daring thing was when she actually sat between her brothers during a movie and would always end up falling asleep on one of them.  They were extremely thrilled to finally getting their sister back…they’d missed her for so long.  She was finally home and that felt wonderful.


It had been 6 months since Alyssa had been released.  She was laughing and pushing her brothers around again like when she was 15 or 16.  They noticed sometimes she’d get quiet and keep to herself and they caught that as their clue to just leave her alone until she came around.


Aly was sliding around the wooden floors of John’s home while she was dusting and had just finished vacuuming…John had called earlier and said he was bringing friends from work home for 3 days…There was no way in hell she was going to let them see the pig pen her brother lived in…She’d started cleaning a couple of hours ago and was nearly finished.  She had on black cargo capri’s, a t-shirt that matched them, a black baseball hat of John’s she’d stolen that said ‘Ruck Fules’ and she’d borrowed his iPod, plus John had found these Black super fuzzy slippers for girls and it said ‘Queen’ across the top of them.


She heard the door bell ring over the music as she set the iPod aside and walked over to the door…She’d ordered about 100 dollars worth of Chinese food, she wasn’t sure how many people were coming with John, but she wanted to make sure they were well fed.  When she opened the door, she got the shock of her life when John scoped her up in his arms and hugged her.  She couldn’t help but laugh and that was music to his ears.  And the fact that she hugged back was even better.  It meant he hadn’t scared her. 


A few other people walked into the house one of them carrying the Chinese food she’d ordered.  When John put her down Aly said, “You didn’t scare the delivery guy again did you?”  John laughed and said, “Nah…I promised I wouldn’t…But damn woman…Do you think you ordered enough?”  Aly smiled and said, “All you said was we were bring home friends, you never mentioned how many.  I just wanted to make sure no one left the dinner table still hungry.”  John said, “Well shit…Everybody better eat all that damn food.”


John said, “Well everyone this is my little sister Alyssa…Aly the food man there is Matt Hardy and the dude with the purple hair is his little brother Jeff…Then that’s David Bautista and his girlfriend Becca and her older brother Randy Orton…Don’t get those two started…she’s already threaten to shave her brothers head in the middle of the night tonight.”  Alyssa couldn’t help but laugh at them.  She pointed to the raven haired gentleman and said, “Matt?”  He nodded and said, “I can take the food and set it up.”  Matt said, “I don’t mind…Just point me in the direction or lead the way.”  Alyssa said, “Okay…Just leave your bags here and bell boy Cena will take them to your room and follow me into the kitchen.”


The rest of the evening went off smoothly…Alyssa really enjoyed meeting her brothers friends and co-workers…She just liked be around normal human beings for a change.  Oh yea…This was DEFINITELY freedom.


Chapter 5


A couple of weeks later John came home from the road.  When he walked in the house Alyssa was sitting on the couch…she was staring at the TV…She didn’t even have the volume up on it…she was just staring at it like she was completely lost.  John tossed his bags down and walked over and sat next to her…He reached out and touched her hand and she looked at him slowly and she blinked and suddenly a river of tears were sliding down her cheeks, but she wasn’t making a sound.


John said, “Aly…what’s wrong?  Did someone hurt you?”  Aly just nodded as she put her head down and continued to cry quietly.  John gathered his younger sister in his arms and wrapped her up while she cried.  Once she started to calm down she stood up and walked into the kitchen and said, “Sorry.”  John heard her…It was barely above a whisper.


John followed her into the kitchen and said, “What’s going on Aly?  One minute you’re crying and the next you’re all calm?”  Aly turned around and said, “Let me ask you a hypothetical question ok?”  John said, “Sure…Go for it.  You can ask me anything you should know that.”  Aly said, “Okay…Say you found someone you loved more than anything in your life…and you have a bunch of babies with…You wouldn’t love only a couple and not the rest right?”  John said, “No of course not…I’d love them all equally.”  


Aly said, “Okay…So Let’s say you have 10 kids…You wouldn’t love ONLY 9 of them and not give a shit about 1 right?”  John said, “Aly where is this coming from…You know me…I love kids…I love my fans who are kids, I love all my nieces and nephews…How could I not…They are my life line.”  Aly said, “Then why is it Mom and Dad just absolutely adore you, Matt, Dan, Sean and Steve…but they don’t give a shit about me?”


John stepped towards Aly and said, “That’s not true and you know it?”  Aly said, “Really John…Do I really know it?  Because if you think about it…Mom and Dad don’t exactly have a spotless track record when it comes to me…10 years ago I NEVER needed my parents more then I needed them then…and they just gave up on me.  They tossed me into a friggen Crazy Fuck House and left me there for 10 years without a second thought.  They walked away and left me there to rot.”


John said, “They were only doing what they thought was best for you.”  Aly said, “Don’t you dare defend them for that…I begged them to just listen to me for two seconds and they thought I was freaking out…They took me to the hospital and had me sedated…They didn’t even stop to think maybe something was really wrong with me that night.  They just had me locked up like I was some mental case.”  John said, “What do you want from me Alyssa Marie?  Because right now, I don’t know what to say to you…I know what mom and dad did to you was extremely fucked up…but there wasn’t anything that any of us could do about it.”


Aly had huge tears sliding down her cheeks again and she said, “You could’ve listened…That’s all I needed…I just wanted someone to listen to me…I tried so hard to tell you guys what happened that night, and I know I was hysterical…but I don’t know what you guys expected…I’d just been raped by your God damn high school football coach John…I was in shock…A man that you looked up to as a second father had just dragged me into the football locker room and raped me in his office…And then mom and dad had me locked up at that God Forsaken Insane Asylum where I was raped repeatedly by all the male orderlies for the next 10 years of my life.”


John stood there completely speechless.  What could he say?  His little sister had just confessed everything bad that had happened to her in the last 10 years of her life…He felt ill…He felt like he was going to just puke up everything he’d eaten in the last 2 weeks…John stood there motionless and watched as Aly walked by him and ran up to her room…he heard her slam the door and listened as loud music vibrated the entire 2nd floor of his home.



Ohhh Oooh Ahhh Oooh Ahhh Ohh

Ohhh Oooh Ahhh Oooh Ahhh Ohh

Ohhh Oooh Ahhh Oooh Ahhh Ohh

Ohhh Oooh Ahhh Oooh Ahhh Ohh

Ohhh Oooh Ahhh Oooh Ahhh Ohh

Ohhh Oooh Ahhh Oooh Ahhh Ohh


Bound at every limb by my shackles of fear
Sealed with lies through so many tears
Lost from within and pursuing the end
I fight for the chance to be lied to again

You will never be strong enough
You will never be good enough
You were never conceived in love
You will not rise above

They'll never see
I'll never be
I'll struggle on and on to feed this hunger
Burning deep inside of me

But through my tears breaks a blinding light
Birthing a dawn to this endless night
Arms outstretched, awaiting me
An open embrace upon a bleeding tree

Rest in me and I'll comfort you
I have lived and I died for you
Abide in me and I vow to you
I will never forsake you

They'll never see
I'll never be
I'll struggle on and on to feed this hunger
Burning deep inside of me

They'll never see
I'll never be
I'll struggle on and on to feed this hunger
Burning deep inside of me

Ohhh Oooh Ahhh Oooh Ahhh Ohh
Ohhh Oooh Ahhh Oooh Ahhh Ohh

Ohhh Oooh Ahhh Oooh Ahhh Ohh

Ohhh Oooh Ahhh Oooh Ahhh Ohh

Rest in me and I'll comfort you
I have lived yet died for you
Abide in me and I vow to you
I will never forsake you

They'll never see
I'll never be
I'll struggle on and on to feed this hunger
Burning deep inside of me

Ohhh Oooh Ahhh Oooh Ahhh Ohh

Ohhh Oooh Ahhh Oooh Ahhh Ohh

Ohhh Oooh Ahhh Oooh Ahhh Ohh

Ohhh Oooh Ahhh Oooh Ahhh Ohh

Ohhh Oooh Ahhh Oooh Ahhh Ohh



John listened to the words of the song and was suddenly aware that his sister was in extreme pain constantly since the day his parents had her locked up.  The words echoed in his ears as he tried to open the door, but it was locked, and she’d actually been smart enough to lock the connecting door in the bathroom.  She just needed time to heal…John started calling around for Therapists…It is the last thing he did he was going to help Alyssa get over every bad thing that had occurred in her life.


His second move of business was to call his brothers over to the house for a family meeting that excluded their parents…They obviously didn’t care what happened to Alyssa…John’s third move would be to have him and his brothers pay a visit to the football coach…who was actually STILL coaching at the school.  Seeing him again would be interesting…VERY interesting.


Chapter 6


Different month…same old shit.  Aly was slightly withdrawn…John had learned it was just her issues with the way she’d been treated by their parents and the way she was manhandled at the hospital…Her therapy sessions had been fully informative and eye opening to John and the rest of his brothers.


They’d all decided that if Alyssa was going to go talk to a stranger then every single one of them were going to go with as her support system.  The first couple of visits had Aly in tears and damn near had all 5 of those grown men ready to join her with the water works.  They couldn’t hardly believe what she’d been through.  At first they figured she’s have a problem with all of them being there…but once she started it was almost as if she couldn’t stop.  In one 2 hours appointment she’d detailed the first 4 years of her life in the hospital.


The therapist said Aly would be extremely withdrawn on minute and the next feel completely safe.  The therapist also said she was extremely calm and held together well for someone who was as emotionally and physically worn down as Alyssa was.


Aly was sliding around the hardwood floors of her brother’s house as she was dusting again and listening to his iPod.  Dressed in jeans, a black hooded sweatshirt, and managed to pinch John’s black ‘Ruck Fules’ baseball hat again.  She attacked the iPod to the stereo and turned the music up loud.  Alyssa was dancing to the music; her body just seemed to move perfectly to the rhythm.  Aly hadn’t seen John for a month…The WWE had gone over sees for the entire month.



Typical, Hollywood type i fall for
I like when the physical
Don't leave me asking for more
I'm a sexy mama (Mama)
Usually get what i wanna (Wanna)
What I want to do is bring this on ya (On ya)
Back up all of the things that I told ya (Told ya)

You been sayin' all the right things all night long
But I can't seem to get you over here to help take this off
Baby, can't you see?
These clothes are fittin' on me
The heat comin' from this beat
I'm about to blow
I don't think you know

I'm tellin' you loosen up my buttons babe (Uh huh)
But you keep frontin' (Uh)
Sayin' what you gonna do to me (Uh huh)
But I ain't seen nothin' (Uh)



John opened the SUV door…He could hear the music all the way outside in the drive way…He couldn’t imagine what the hell Alyssa was up to…Matt got out and looked over the hood at John and said, “What in the world?  You think she’s having a party or something?”  John looked around and said, “Not with her car and mine just sitting in the drive way…I dunno.”  Matt said, “Well at least she’s got good taste in music.”  John said, “Yea…she figured out the wonders of the iPod…Actually the wonders of MY iPod.”


David said, “She’s gonna go deaf.”  Becca elbowed David in the stomach and said, “Don’t start…Sometimes you just have to have the music that loud. And I agree with Matt…She’s got great taste in music…” 


Becca started moving her body to the music and grooved her body against David and leaned up and sang with the music in his ear. “You say you're a big boy, But I can't agree, 'Cause the love you said you had, Ain't been put on me, I wonder, If I'm just too much for you, Wonder, If my kiss don't make you just, Wonder, What I got next for you, What you wanna do? (Do), Take a chance to recognize that this could be yours, I can see, just like most guys that your game don't please, Baby, can't you see?, These clothes are fittin' on me, The heat comin' from this beat, I'm about to blow, I don't think you know.”  David shook the cobwebs out of his head and shivered as Becca continued to dance up to the door.  He couldn’t keep his eyes off her ass.


John opened the front door and watched his sister dancing all over the living room while she was dusting.  John walked over and soon there was silence.  Alyssa turned around and came face to face with her brother as she ran over and jumped into his arms and he hugged the stuffing’s out of her.  John kissed the top of her head and said, “I see you’re getting along just fine without me.”  Aly laughed and said, “Well Therapy isn’t the same without you…but then again it gives Matt, Sean, Steve and Dan time to make fun of you when you’re in the ring looking absolutely ridiculous.”


John said, “I see 4 brothers of mine getting an ass whoopin’ in the near future.”  Aly laughed as she walked over to the door and saw Matt, David, and Becca starting there and said, “C’mon in were not paying to heat up the outside.”  Becca said, “Not with John’s outfit at least.”  John said, “Speaking of the weather…I know it’s chilly…but I feel like cooking out.”  Aly rolled her eyes and said, “Way ahead of you big brothers…Steaks are in the frige.”


After everything was said and done with dinner…Matt and Alyssa were sitting outside on the back steps…the wind had finally died down a little and there was just a small breeze and they were laughing at talking about John when he was growing up and what he’s like when he’s on the road at work. 


Matt turned to Alyssa and said, “I know this is crazy and you barely know me, but can I take you out sometime?”  Aly said, “I don’t think it would be a good idea.”  Matt said, “Why not…I don’t think John would have a problem with it.”  Aly nodded and said, “I know John wouldn’t care…I just…I have a really sketchy past with men and my life hasn’t been all roses…the last 10 years of my life is a blur that I’m trying to forget…and with a lot Wine and a lot of therapy…I’m hoping to erase it from my memory completely…I just don’t think right now would be a good time to do anything with the opposite sex other then talk.”


Matt said, “Okay.”  He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and wrote something on it and handed it to her and he said, “Here’s my cell number…call me anytime and we’ll do a lot more talking.”  Aly half smiled as she pulled her cell phone out and stored the number in it and smiled at Matt as they continued talking and just enjoying the night.


Chapter 7


Today was a different day…Alyssa had decided to go to therapy alone…Except her brothers tagged along and stayed in the waiting room incase she needed them for anything…Alyssa got comfortable and said, “Can we do something different today?”  Her therapist Kim said, “What would you like to do?”  Aly said, “I dunno…I just know I don’t want to talk about me today…I’m tired of hear and telling the same depressing stories over about my life…I just want to move on.”  Kim said, “That’s a healthy way to start Aly…Okay…I could always tell you about my incredible horrible blind date last night.”  Aly giggled and said, “Okay…I’m all ears.”


Kim said, “All he did was talk about his ex for 45 minutes, who also happened to be named Kim. How much he loved her, how much he wanted to marry her, how much he wanted to have 5 or 6 children with her...Do I want children? ... Do I want 5 or 6 children?”  Alyssa said, “Okay, a blind date couldn’t be any worse.”  Kim said, “I'm not even finished yet.  I look over and he has this drop of red wine hanging from his nose.” 


Alyssa said, “What?”  Kim said, “You heard me, this puny little blob just hanging there. So of course I couldn't take my eyes off of it. Is it gonna fall? Is it gonna hang there all night? Is his skin gonna absorb it?”  Alyssa said, “How did it get there?”  Kim squealed, “Alyssa!”  Alyssa said, “No really, how do you get your nose that far into a wine glass? Was he smelling it or...” Kim laughed and said, “Alyssa, please!”  Alyssa said, “What happened?”  Kim smirked and said, “I went to the bathroom and snuck out the window.”  Aly said, “You're kidding?”  Kim laughed harder and said, “Nope.”  Alyssa laughed and said, “Wow.”


Aly laughed a little more and said, “You know my brother has the hots for you.”  Kim quirked her eye brow at Alyssa and said, “Really?  Which one?”  Alyssa laughed and said “Probably the one you least expect it to be!  John’s probably one of my most fun brothers…but sometimes I don’t think he’ll ever grow up…He’s extremely responsible don’t get me wrong…but he does LOVE to have fun.  Sometimes I seriously think he missed his calling to be a hoodlum…but other then that…He does know how to have a good time.”


When therapy was finally over…Aly stood up and said, “So, what are you gonna do tonight?”  Kim smiled as she stood up and said, “Oh, the usual. Get drunk, meet a random guy at the bar and have a night of wild sex until I pass out from sheer exhaustion.”  Aly laughed and said, “Takeout and a hot bath?”  Kim smiled and said, “Yea…I can't wait to go home and get into bed. What do you think my chances are of having Matt Damon waiting there for me?”  Aly smiled and said, “Slim to none…Thanks Kim…I needed this today.”  Kim smiled and said, “Any time kiddo.”


Alyssa stepped out into the waiting room and all 5 of her brother’s jump out of their chairs to make sure she was ok…but she came out smiling…It was definitely a switch.  John got her back home and said he was going to go to a friend’s house and would see her later and to probably not hold dinner for him.  Alyssa went upstairs and decided on a nap.  She needed it.  She fell asleep and actually slept for 3 hours…she woke up when her cell phone start vibrating on the night stand.


Alyssa rolled over and picked up the phone and saw it was Matt as she flipped it open and said, “Hi.”  Matt said, “Wow…I never heard someone sound so not awake in all my life…Are you sleeping?  You want me to let you go and you can call me back later?”  Aly moved around and woke up more not wanting to miss a talk with Matt and said, “No…No…I’m awake…I’ve been asleep for the last 3 hours and I need to get up.  What are you doing and where are you?”


Matt laughed and said, “I’m home…I just got bored and figured I’d call and we’d have some more of that talking you’re so fond of.”  Aly giggled and stretched as she said, “I know none of what I said the other night makes any sense to you…but eventually it will.  Eventually I’ll be able to explain everything to you and have you fully understand exactly where I’m coming from.” 


Matt said, “Hey…you don’t owe me an explanation…When you are damn good and ready to spill the beans to me about you and the past…Then I’ll be sitting right next to you, holding your hand…Being supportive in the only way I know how…By just being there.”  Matt almost had her in tears again as she said, “Thanks Matt.”  Matt said, “Anytime.  I’m gonna head to bed…I’ll talk with you later.”  Aly smiled softly and said, “Night Matt…Sweet dreams.”  Matt said, “Night Aly…Sweet dreams to you too.”  They said their good byes…and then hung up.


Chapter 8


It had been a year since Alyssa was released from the mental institution and John was starting to notice the change in his sister attitude immediately.  She was slowly coming out of her private shell…granted she’s been out for her family shell were their parents had basically forced her…she was still pretty shut off when the subject of their parents came up…but who could honestly blame her?


When john noticed the reason why his sister went from wall flower to social butterfly…all sources pointed to one individual…Namely Matt Hardy.  John had decided it was time for the big brother talk.  And that’s exactly what John did during the next Smackdown/Raw PPV…John walked down the hall and found Matt sitting on an equipment trunk lacing up his wrestling boots…John sat next to him and said, “So…When’s the last time you spoke with Alyssa?”


Matt said, “About 20 minutes ago, why? What’s up?”  John said, “I think we need to talk about her.”  Matt said, “Okay…so talk.”  John said, “I’m not sure how much you know about her past, but for the last ten years of her life she was locked away at an Insane Asylum, my parents had a particularly cruel streak towards my sister, why I’m not sure and even after she was released they still don’t want to have anything to do with her.”


Matt said, “Why are you telling me this John?  Shouldn’t Alyssa be telling me this when she trusts me more?  And not you?”  John knew Matt had a point and said, “I’m not sure…I have this feeling Alyssa would not tell anyone what happened and just roll with what ever life throws at her…I don’t want her thinking no one understands what she went through…I’m just trying to help her get on with her life.  What life she has left.”


Matt said, “Then you should be able to trust her enough to know she’ll tell me about her past when she’s damn good and ready, until then it’s none of my business.  And it’s not part of your business to tell me either.”  John said, “I know…Okay let’s forget we had this conversation.”  Matt smirked and said, “What conversation?”  John chuckled as he nodded and proceeded to walk away.


A couple of weeks later, everyone was on their Christmas vacation for the company that Alyssa’s brother worked for.  Matt, Becca, and David all ended up at John’s for the holiday.  Not that Alyssa was complaining or anything…Her and Matt had been getting closer and she’d actually told him about her 10 year stay in the Insane Asylum…Matt had never wanted to cry that bad for seeing the way someone actually treated their child…There was only one other time he wanted to cry like that and it was when his mom had died from cancer.


When Christmas morning came, Alyssa was thankful for all the gifts she’d gotten…but when it came down to her favorite gift…Matt’s gift to her was definitely her favorite.  It was a 2 inch silver Celtic cross that was outlined in black onyx stones with one red stone in the middle of it.  Once he tied it around her neck she didn’t remove it.  She saw it as her protector.  Matt knew she enjoyed it because every time he saw her, she was either touching it or staring at it.


John noticed her spending most of her free time staring at that stupid cross also…but figured, as long as it made Aly happy then that’s all that really mattered.  When it came time for the guys to go back on the road…Aly was standing in the drive way hugging John, knowing she was going to miss him so much, but knew he’d be home in a few weeks. 


When it came to be Matt’s turn, Aly said, “Can I talk to you in private for a second?”  Matt nodded and said, “Sure Aly.”  He followed her into the house out of the way of prying eyes and Alyssa pushed her hands into her front pockets and said, “I just wanted to say thank you for my necklace one more time…I love it…It’s one of the most beautiful gifts I’ve ever received…I doubt I will ever take it off.”  Matt smiled his little crocked smile and said, “I’m really glad you like it so much.”


Matt said, “So are you going to be up later…I’d like to call you.”  Alyssa smiled and said, “Of course…How could I go through a single night without the fearless Matt Hardy calling me.”  Matt chuckled and said, “I don’t know about fearless…but I know I can’t miss a single phone call with you.”  Alyssa laughed.


Apparently the timing was just right because Alyssa pushed up on her toes as Matt gripped her shoulders and their lips crashed together in a sensual kiss that seemed to burn each others lips.  It was such a nice kiss, Matt almost hated to pull away from Aly when he heard the others beeping the horn…Matt squeezed Alyssa in a huge hug before he winked at her and took off…


Alyssa stood in the doorway with her finger touching her swollen lips.  She would so not be ever washing her lips again!  She exhaled slowly as she caught her breath and her heart that had raced to heaven was back down in her chest as she closed and locked the front door setting the alarm…as she decided a nice long bath would be just what she DESPARATELY needed at that moment.


Chapter 9


Obviously from that first kiss that was shared together they couldn’t stay away from each other and decided to slowly start dating.  Almost a year later…They found themselves at Christmas time again…Matt had invited Alyssa on the road with them for Christmas.  She went overseas with them when they went to entertain the troops in Iraq.  And when they did their Christmas show for the states.



Since the moment I spotted you
Like walking 'round with little wings on my shoes
My stomach's filled with the butterflies
And it's alright
Bouncing round from cloud to cloud
I got the feelin' like I'm never gonna come down
If I said I didn't like it then you know I'd lied

Every time I try to talk to you
I get tongue-tied
Turns out, everything I say to you
Comes out wrong and never comes out right



Alyssa was walking around back stage with Matt while he was getting ready for his match, when Becca and David walked up and Aly said, “Oh My God.”  Becca looked down at her Christmas show outfit.  It was a red plastic shorts and tank top with white fur around the bottom of the shorts and the arm holes of the tank top, plus her 4 inch spiked red knee high boots with white fur around the knee. And to top it off she had on a Santa’s hat.  Her hair was in tons and tons of spiral curls.


Becca almost blushed for the way Alyssa was looking at her but had to remember, Alyssa had been sheltered most of her life…So seeing her dressed like that was a BIG shock to her.  Of course seeing David in nothing but a pair of jockeys was pretty shocking to the young girl also.  Becca smiled as she struck a pose in the hallway and said, “What don’t I look like I’ve been a good girl this year?”  David chuckled and said, “So good you’re Naughty!  I’ve got a list you can check off with my pencil.”  Becca couldn’t help but let the blush creep into her cheeks as she turned to David and smacked his arm hard and said, “PERVERT!”  Dave and Becca took off to get warmed up for both their upcoming matches.



So I'll say why don't you and I

Get together an' take on the world

We'll be together forever
Heads we will and tails we'll try again
So I say why don't you and I

Hold each other…Fly to the moon
And straight on to heaven
Cause without you they're never gonna let me in



Alyssa laughed at their antics…She couldn’t help but love being around all of them…Everyone on the roster was so nice.  She could nearly forget about her past and parents when she was with good people like them.  Granted she couldn’t forget them during the holidays, because what the hell they were still her mom and dad…no matter what they’d done to her.  Matt brought her out of her thoughts as he gave her a quick kiss on the lips and said he was going to go out and do his match and would see her in 15 – 20 minutes.  Alyssa smiled softly and took a seat on one of the equipment trunks in the back hallway and watched as Matt took off down the hallway.


Alyssa was sitting minding her own business when a red head walked up and said, “So you’re Matt Hardy’s new girlfriend?”  Aly smiled and said, “Not really new…We’ve been dating for about a year.”  There was something about this particular red head that she gave off a not so friendly vibe.  Aly couldn’t remember meeting her, so she figured maybe she was a new girl.  Aly held out her hand and said, “Alyssa Cena.”  The red head smirked and said, “Cena?  You wouldn’t by any chance be related John would you?”  Aly smiled and said, “Yes…He’s my older brother.”  The red smirked again…Okay twice within 5 minutes…Aly knew the red head was there to start trouble.  The red head shook her hand and said, “Nice to meet you…I’m Amy…Amy Dumas.”



When's this fever gonna break
I think I've handled more than any man can take
I'm like a love-sick puppy chasing you around
And it's alright
Bouncin' round from cloud to cloud
I got the feeling like I'm never gonna come down
If I said I didn't like it then you know I'd lied

Every time I try to talk to you
Get tongue-tied
Turns out, everything I say to you
Comes out wrong and never comes out right



Alyssa hopped off the trunk as she pulled her hand from the red heads and knew her suspicions about her were right on the money…she was there to start trouble.  Aly said, “I know who you are Ms. Dumas.  It was lovely meeting someone who used to be as fond of Matt as I am right now.”  Amy glared at the little bitch and said, “Used to be?  Oh no…You’ve got me all wrong…I’m still fond of him…What I wanna know is how he could possible be dating a pathetic loser like you…but now that I know whose sister you are…I know he must be giving you a pity date as a favor to John.”


Aly could feel her blood starting to boil and said, “Ms. Dumas and I use that term loosely, because I would only call a Lady Ms.  And you’re almost close enough to be a whore instead of a lady...The only one here who needs a pity date is you…You’re the reason Matt is with me…You broke his heart by whoring around with that pathetic excuse for a wrestler Adam Copeland…and had you made a better decision in life…He’d still be in yours.  Thanks for providing me with the best thing that ever happened to me in my life.”



So I'll say why don't you and I

Get together an' take on the world

We'll be together forever
Heads we will and tails we'll try again
So I say why don't you and I

Hold each other…Fly to the moon
And straight on to heaven
Cause without you they're never gonna let me in



Amy said, “I never knew you were fond of sloppy seconds…But apparently your stint in that Mental Institution helped alter your perception of life.  Of course if I’d of been there…It would have deluded me as well.  You know something honey…I think you should go back…You don’t seem nearly as ready for the real world as you think you are.”  Aly had had quite enough of this bitch as she turned to face her and said, “Reality is what you make of it Ms. Dumas…You’re perception of life seems to appear a bit altered as well…”  Amy scoffed and said, “How so?”  Alyssa grinned evil and said, “Because you seem to think just because I spent a decade in a insane asylum that it made me some weak mild meek little girl…but I hate to break it to you Ms. Dumas…I am FAR FROM IT!!”


Amy saw a flash in the girls’ eyes she’d never seen there before and was suddenly grabbed by the back of her head and shoved into the open Diva dressing room behind her.  The door was slammed shut and Amy was shoved into the cinder block wall as the fear came across her face…Suddenly pain raked through Amy’s stomach as she looked down and found the girls knee planted in her gut.  Alyssa shoved her head back against the wall and said, “How’s your perception of life now Amy Dumas?  Here’s a good question…How do you think my perception of life is doing?  Good huh? Yea I thought so too.”  Amy coughed and said, “You’re crazy bitch.”



Slowly I begin to realize this is never gonna end
But about the same time you walk by
And I say oh here we go again, oh

Every time I try to talk to you
I get tongue-tied
Turns out, everything I say to you
Comes out wrong and never comes out right

So I'll say why don't you and I

Get together an' take on the world

We'll be together forever
Heads we will and tails we'll try again
So I say why don't you and I

Hold each other…Fly to the moon
And straight on to heaven
Cause without you they're never gonna let me in



A blinding pain ripped through Amy’s stomach again as Alyssa dislodged her knee from Amy’s gut one more time.  Amy fell to her hands and knees as she started coughing up blood…Oh yea…she’d punctured a lung with a couple of ribs and just to add insult to injury.  Before Alyssa left the room she her square in the chest.  She was really hoping to deflate her fake fun bags…but she doubted it would both them…but…It was ALWAYS worth a shot.


Aly squatted down as she rolled a coughing and groaning Amy over onto her back and as she grabbed a hand full of hair and pulled her head up and said, “I’m not crazy bitch…I wasn’t even sent to the asylum for being crazy…I was sent for other reasons…but hey at least my perception of life hasn’t been altered…But I sincerely hope yours has…I hope you learned your lesson about trying to screw with people you think are easy…I wasn’t so easy was I?  I swear on my life and all that is holy you tell anyone I did this to you…you will rue the day you ever tried to fuck with me…I promise!”  Aly grabbed a pair of scissors and cut a huge HUNK of red hair out of Amy’s think mane and set it on fire in one of the metal trash cans. 



So I'll say why don't you and I

Get together an' take on the world

We'll be together forever
Heads we will and tails we'll try again
So I say why don't you and I

Hold each other…Fly to the moon
And straight on to heaven
Cause without you they're never gonna let me in


So I'll say why don't you and I

Get together an' take on the world

We'll be together forever

Heads we will and tails we'll try again



Alyssa proceeded to walk out of the room as if nothing happened.  A few minutes later she ran into Matt and they continued on their way to his dressing room.  Alyssa said, “I got to meet your ex…She was a real peach.”  Matt pulled Alyssa close and kissed her lips softly and said, “I’m so sorry you had to deal with her baby.”  Alyssa smiled softly and said, “Oh…Don’t worry about it…We had a lovely chat and I just thanked her for giving me the best thing in my life.”  Matt said, “I know this is a little soon…I wanted to give it to you at Christmas…but I can’t wait for 2 more days…”  Matt pulled out a black velvet box and opened it…It was a tear drop shaped diamond ring set on a silver band and as he went down to one knee…Alyssa could feel the tears sliding down her cheeks as he said, “Will you marry me?”  Aly smiled softly and said, “With all my heart.”  Matt slipped the ring on her finger as he kissed her lips softly.


Chapter 10


Six months after the engagement, Matt and Alyssa were married.  John gave his sister away, considering their parents didn’t show and just conveniently forgot to let everyone know they would be on vacation…Which was total bullshit and every one knew it. 


It almost killed John when he sat watching his married sister packing up her room…She was moving to Cameron, North Carolina…Not that John was surprised or anything.  That was Matt’s home town and he’d lived there his whole life and it wasn’t like Alyssa could stay with John forever…Especially after being married…That would be just silly.


When Alyssa finished packing her brothers and Matt loaded Matt’s blue Saturn Vue (SUV).  Once everything was loaded Alyssa stood in front of a row of 5 brothers…She hugged every single one like she was going to the electric chair…She got to John and he said, “It doesn’t seem fair…We just got you back, and now you’re leaving again…And to another state.” 


Alyssa sniffled and said, “I know, but it would be kind of ridiculous to stay here while my husband lives in another state…I’m an old married woman now…Of course if you play your cards right…You could sweep Kim off her feet.”  John hugged Alyssa tight and said, “If you need anything, I don’t care if it’s a tube of chapstick or a bed to crash in…you call me anytime day or night and it’s yours.”


Alyssa nodded as she pulled away and backed up from them as Matt opened the door and helped her in.  Matt got in and as they pulled out of the driveway Alyssa waved and Matt took her other hand to make sure she was comforted.  Matt said, “You okay baby?”  Alyssa whipped her eyes with a tissue and she nodded and said, “Of course.  At least this time I got to say goodbye.” 


Matt said, “Yea…but this time the best part is…It’s not forever…We can visit whenever you like or you can…They are your family…It’s not like I’m kidnapping you.”  Alyssa laughed as she squeezed his hand tighter and said, “No of course not I always knew this day would come.”


Alyssa turned towards Matt and said, “When I agreed to marry you, it included everything…Which happens to be in Cameron.  When I said I’d love to live there…I didn’t mean a few days…I meant forever, cause that’s how long were going to be married…Forever.”  Matt stopped at a red light and Alyssa leaned over the center council and kissed Matt’s lips so softly…They nearly got honked into the following week when they didn’t move for the green light.


No one would have predicted what was going to happen next…No one.


Alyssa was excited Christmas was in a few days and Matt would be home soon… Alyssa and Matt had been married for six months already.  She’d spoke with him the night before on the phone for a couple of hours while he was on the train.  John had been lucky and was already in a warm bed after being on the plane. 


The Raw roster was on their way to a Monday Night Raw in Canada…half the roster was on a plane and because of weather conditions the other half had to leave on a train.  It was snowing so bad in Canada and the surrounding states that the roads were closed…the only things allowed to move out in the weather was the planes and trains. 


Alyssa woke up it was a nice white morning.  She looked out the window and was greeted by so much snow she thought she was going to go blind from the sun bouncing off the whiteness.  She closed her eyes as she opened the window and took in the smell the snow left in the air.  It was absolutely breath taking…It was her first snow since moving to Cameron and more importantly it was her first Christmas as a married woman. 


She absolutely couldn’t wait to give Matt his Christmas gift…Actually he’d given it to her a month ago and she was just now finding out what it was.  She’d been sick for the last couple of weeks and blew it off as the flu but after 3 weeks of it Matt insisted she got to the doctor cause he knew the flu never lasted that long.


She looked at herself in the mirror and thought she didn’t look any different…but then again she felt a warmth come over her like never before…Every one says pregnant women glow…and apparently her glow was broken until now.


Alyssa rubbed her flat stomach and said “Soon enough kiddo…Daddy will know…Soon enough.” 


Chapter 11


Alyssa continued with her morning ritual of straightening up the house and getting it nice…a couple of the ornaments had fallen off the tree so as Alyssa danced around cleaning up the ornaments made their way back onto the tree.  Alyssa couldn’t have been anymore happy if she’d sprouted wings and flew around the house…Nothing could’ve ruined her mood.


She was wrong…


There was a knock on the front door.  Alyssa slid across the wooden floors of the North Carolina home as she got to the front door and pulled it open…Coming face to face with all her brothers…Including John.  But she noticed something weird…None of them were smiling…They were all looking serious…Too serious as a matter of fact.


Alyssa laughed nervously and said, “John you just left for Canada last night…You didn’t skip the show did you?  You know Vince will have your ass.”  John sniffled and said, “Aly…I’m so sorry.”  Alyssa said, “What the hell is going on?”  John said, “Haven’t you seen the news?”  Aly shook her head no and said, “I just woke up about an hour ago and was cleaning up the house for Christmas.”


John closed his eyes and tried to figure out how to tell her…But he knew he couldn’t beat around the bush as he finally looked up into her eyes and said, “There was an accident…about an hour outside of Calgary…A suburban with a family of 10 stalled on the tracks and the train carrying the other half of the roster his the breaks to avoid a collision…in the process some of the railroad ties buckled under the weight and threw the train off the track with as loud as it was it triggered an avalanche.  About 5,000 tons of snow came down on the entire train and pushed half of it over the side of the mountain.  They said it’s impossible that any one survived…It’ll take at least a month to dig the train out and pull each car back up to get the bodies out…”


Alyssa stared at John…she was suddenly aware that he was telling her this because Matt was still on the train.  Alyssa shook her head and said, “No…That’s impossible…I just spoke to him last night.”  Alyssa turned away from her brothers as she marched into the living room and snatched the remote off the coffee table and turned on the TV…flipping through the channels as fast as she could to get to the news channel.


There it was in color and sound…it showed the train dangling over the side of the mountain…Alyssa sat down on the footstool and just stared at the TV.  She couldn’t take it anymore as she turned the TV off and threw the remote across the room and John was at her side in seconds along with Sean, Matt, Dan and Steven.  Alyssa immediately wrapped her arms around John’s neck and cried on his shoulder…Her hands gripped fist full of his shirt as Sean, Matt, Dan and Steven joined as one big family hug. 


After the initial shock wore off…Alyssa walked through the house 24/7…trying to remember everything about Matt…Hoping and praying everyone was wrong about no survivors…She was waiting for the phone to ring and say there were survivors.  There had to be…There just had to be…That many people dying from a train accident was unheard of.


3 days later and it was Christmas morning.  Alyssa say in the den staring at the Christmas tree…She wanted Matt to be sitting next to her opening his gifts and sharing his love of every single gift and watch his face as he opened the box with the Christmas gift that had been mischievously placed in the tree with his name on it.  And then watch as the shock and happiness slide across his face when he found the framed ultra sound picture that said ‘Baby’s First Picture’ in block lettering and painted in pink and blue colors.



The lake is frozen over
The trees are white with snow
And all around
Reminders of you
Are everywhere I go

It's late and morning's in no hurry
But sleep won't set me free
I lie awake and try to recall
How your body felt beside me
When silence gets too hard to handle
And the night too long



Her brothers were in the living room watching the news…as they did a step by step process of digging out the train and bodies slowly.  Alyssa couldn’t take the silence anymore…She couldn’t watch the news anymore…She’d not slept in 3 days and wasn’t surprised.  She pulled her snow boots on with her scarf and gloves…she had on a turtle neck and a sweater as she walked off the porch into the snow.  Listening to it crunch under her feet. 


Alyssa squatted down and pulled her glove off and touched the cold snow…the warmth of her hand melted the snow in her hand as she just stared at it…she studied it over and over…as she kept touching it.



And this is how I see you
In the snow on Christmas morning
Love and happiness surround you
As you throw your arms up to the sky
I keep this moment by and by


Oh I miss you now

My love
Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas

My love



Standing up Aly looked around at the trees covered in snow and remembered back to the first Christmas she’d shared with Matt…She remembered they went out in the snow and played around in it for hours with Becca, David and her brothers…It was the year he’d bought her the cross necklace…She felt the necklace in her hands…She’d vowed to never take it off and had kept her promise.  She fell back laying in the snow staring at the sky.


She was extremely unhappy with God…How could he be so cruel?  Matt died a horrible death and went to his grave never knowing he was going to be a father…How in the world was she going to describe to their child who its father was?  And what a wonderful person in life he was…How do you tell someone how happy you were with the love of your life when he isn’t around anymore and the happiness that radiated through her body has somehow disappeared from her life?



Sense of joy fills the air
And I daydream and I stare
Up at the tree and I see
Your star up there

And this is how I see you
In the snow on Christmas morning
Love and happiness surround you
As you throw your arms up to the sky
I keep this moment by and by



How could something as beautiful as snow be so brutal and heartless?  She couldn’t answer it…No one could.


Chapter 12


Alyssa found herself missing Matt on a daily basis…Not that that was unusual or anyone could blame her…She’d sent her brother’s home because they wouldn’t do anything for her if they fawned over her.  After a few days of fawning…she was thoroughly annoyed with ALL 5 of them and demanded they leave her be…She yelled at them so hard she thought she was going to pass out and they thought she was having some kind of fit.  In the end she won out.  She couldn’t stand being coddled over…She just wanted to be left alone to deal with what she was feeling on her own.



Love is a lonely place without you…(Without you)

I know I'm not alone
I should not be afraid
'Cause I hear your voice
And I know you're there beside me
And so I give my heart
I live to love again
But I can't let go of the way I feel about you


Love is a lonely place without you
I miss you…(Miss you)
And you're almost here
And I'm almost touching you
Love is a place I have to hide away
I'll never love this way again……Again…



Every day since she’d heard the news she’d get out of bed after about 3 hour of sleep.  She’d pull on some exercise pants and a sweatshirt, wrap herself in a blanket at sit on the front porches swing and stare out into the snow…basically stare out into the nothingness…And DAMN there was a lot of it.  She missed Matt every second she was breathing.  Seconds turned into Minutes, and Minutes turned into hours, Hours into Days and eventually days into weeks…Pretty soon she heard the Canadians were started to dig up dead bodies…It had officially been a month since the tragic accident…No one had fully recovered from it yet…Who could? 


Today was no different…Sitting in her jeans, snow boots and a sweater with a scarf around her neck wrapped in a blanket that still smelled like Matt.  Aly sat slowly letting the swing sway back and forth slightly…She was finally over her morning sickness…For that she was TRULY thankful…Puking and crying wasn’t easy OR fun.  It wasn’t too frightfully cold that morning…John had been calling her cell phone and house phone non-stop for 5 hours…She just didn’t feel like talking to anyone…So far John had left 7 messages on her voicemail for her cell phone and almost 10 messages on her answering machine.



If love was ever true I know it was with you
'Cause you touch my soul
And you stay with me forever
No tears…No sad goodbyes
There are no reasons why
But I'm holding on
I believe in love eternal

Love is a lonely place without you
I miss you…(Miss you)
And you're almost here
And I'm almost touching you
Love is a place I have to hide away
I'll never love this way again……Again…



Alyssa held the blanket tighter around her…The wind had picked up slightly.  She couldn’t imagine what was going on, because one minute it was nice and calm and suddenly the wind was starting to kick up pretty good.  The top dusting of snow was starting to scatter around with the wind.  Something caught her eye…A long black stretch limo was heading down the long driveway that led to their property…‘Great’ she thought…It’s probably Vince again.  Vince McMahon had come out to the property a few dozen times to check on her to make sure she was coping okay and didn’t need anything. 


Alyssa rolled her eyes as the limo pulled into the side drive way next to the house and stopped.  She honestly didn’t need this today…In fact it was the LAST thing she really needed today.  She could feel herself getting queasy at just the thought of having to speak with him again about Matt.  As the limo came to a stop something new caught her eye as a tall figure stepped out of the limo.  He was too tall to be Vince and not bulky enough.  And suddenly the black ponytail gave him away…Alyssa shut her eyes tight…It was a friggen dream…She knew it was…It had to be.  Only God could play this bad of a joke on her and get away with it.



Though I'm moving on…

I'm still holding on, holding on, holding on…

Love is a lonely place without you
I miss you…(Miss you)
And you're almost here
And I'm almost touching you
Love is a place I have to hide away
I'll never love this way again……Again…


Love is a lonely place, a lonely place.
Love is a lonely place, a lonely place.
Love is a lonely place, a lonely place.
Love is a lonely place, a lonely place.



Alyssa jumped up from the swing and opened her eyes to see Matt walking down the drive way with his carry on bag he took with him…She couldn’t believe it.  The blanket was dropped as she jumped off the porch and ran up the driveway.  She just kept hoping that when she got to him, he wouldn’t disappear.  Matt had a huge smile on his face as Alyssa ran up to him and jumped on him…They both toppled into the snow, holding onto each other.  Matt kissed her lips softly, it felt like it had been FOREVER since he could do that.  Alyssa shook her head and said, “I don’t understand…They said there were no survivors.”  Matt said, “All of us who had to take the train couldn’t sleep we ended up in the lunch car talking and whatever when the accident happened…We were lucky….the car behind us where our rooms were, was the one that was buried and pushed off the side of the mountain.  We were actually able to live off the food in the lunch car.”  Alyssa started placing kisses all over his face as he held her as close as possible.  Eventually they were able to make it into the house.


Chapter 13


Matt had gotten all showered and was standing in the bathroom with just a towel around his waist…He couldn’t believe he was going to be a father…It was even better news then when he realized him and the rest of the guys were going to live through the whole avalanche ordeal.  Alyssa walked into the bathroom to bring him some warm hot chocolate and looked down…she noticed he had some purple bruises around his ribs…her hands slowly went out and touched his discolored skin…


Matt sucked in a breath…He loved feeling her hands on his body…the skin on skin contact was something that always got to him.  Her soft fingers and hands were caressing him.  Matt couldn’t stand it anymore as he leaned down and captured her lips.  Matt’s arm went around her waist as he pulled her closer to his body.  Matt lifted Alyssa into his arms as he carried her into her bedroom after making sure the door was closed and locked, he slowly laid down on the bed next to her.


Alyssa leaned over and kissed him…and surprisingly enough he kissed her back…his hand went to her hip and then around her waist and pulled her closer…Matt’s hand slid down her thigh to the back of her knee…and he pulled her leg around his thigh…and was rubbing the back of her thigh as the kissing got a little more intense…Matt’s hand traveled up the back of her panties to her booty…his hand was so warm on her skin…Alyssa was running her fingers through his hair…

Matt rolled over until he was situated half on her and half off of her…his free hand slowly crept up her body to the bottom of her bra, undoing the clasp…and he slowly started sliding it off…he looked up at her and just stared at her eyes like he was asking permission to remove her bra…Alyssa smirked a little and then nodded her approval of him removing her bra…so he finished sliding it all the way up and off her arms…he tossed it next to the bed…the first thing her now naked cold breasts came in contact with was his warm chest…her nipples were hard enough to cut out someone’s eye…but soon softened up under his body heat…

Matt started to slowly lick and kiss his way down her neck across her collar bone, and down in the valley between her breast…then soon started a full out assault on her nipples, lick, sucking, nipping between his teeth but not too hard…just enough to get her aroused by it…which she will admit…it was working. Then he kissed and licked down to her navel where he pulled on her navel ring with his teeth for a few minutes…and then went a little lower…he was placing kisses all along her hips, legs, knees, calves, then went back up and grabbed the string of her panties that was across one of her hips with his teeth and started pulling them off with his teeth…and dispose of them…

His erection had been present the whole time…Alyssa could feel it being rubbed all over her body any time he moved…Matt crawled back up to face her…and he pushed her knees apart…Alyssa’s hands slowly slid down his body as she gripped the towel that had been placed around his hips after his shower and she pulled it loose from his body and dropped it to the floor…


Matt looked at her with smoke filled brown eyes and in the sweetest softest voice he said, “Alyssa…Are you sure we can do this?” Alyssa moaned as her warm breath caught Matt on the side of the neck and she said, “I want you…Please Matt…I want you inside of me.”

Matt positioned his the head of his erection at the opening of her wet center…and he kissed her as he started sliding his erection into her…Alyssa could feel her walls expanding and expanding…Matt took one of her hands and laced their fingers together…as he slowly pushed himself all the way into her...he could tell by how tight she was, she hadn’t had sex in a long time.

Once Matt had sheathed himself all the way in her…he laid there perfectly still for a few minutes, letting her get used to his size…He slowly started moving in and out of her…She was moaning when he’d push in from all the pleasure…and groan when he’d pull out, cause she felt empty…

Pretty soon, Matt grabbed her hips and rolled them over to where Alyssa was sitting straddled on him and he said, “Ride me baby.” Alyssa smiled and that’s exactly what she started doing…Matt had a firm grip on her hips…helping her glide up and down his erection…Alyssa leaned down and kissed him and he sat up while still working her up and down him…Matt wrapped his arms around her and said, “Shit…baby you are tight…” Matt growled a little and said, “Damn, you feel so good on me…This should be illegal.”

Alyssa threw her head back and her long hair trickled over Matt’s arms…as his one hand found her butt and was trying to pull her closer…as if that could happen…you couldn’t have gotten a single strand of hair between them as it was…then he suddenly stood up with her still on him and moved around and laid back down with her under him again…Alyssa wasn’t complaining…she liked him being between her thighs…Matt’s thrusts were getting harder, faster and definitely deeper…much, much deeper…Alyssa was going crazy out of her mind…

Matt could feel her walls starting to shutter around him….tightening and releasing…and he knew her obviously building orgasm was approaching fast…he started going deeper…Alyssa thought if he went much deeper…he’d never find his way out with out a wet suit and a mining helmet…


Alyssa started grinding her hips into his as his thrusts were so wonderful…Matt said, “That’s it…c’mon…just let yourself go…I want you to cum for me…C’mon Aly…I want to hear you cum for me…c’mon baby girl.”  Alyssa said, “Oh god Mmmmmaaatttttttttttt.” As she called his name her climax hit her…which as soon as he felt her release…he soon followed and growled out a furious climax as well…as she felt him explode deep inside of her…

Matt pulled out and laid next to her…pulling her over and Alyssa laid her head on his chest, listening to his breathing and heart beating slow down…as hers slowed down with his…Matt slid his hand across her some what swelled stomach…She looked as through she’d been stung by a few thousand bees…He could feel the love in his heart swell, because he knew the baby inside of her was both of their together…They both ended up falling asleep.


Chapter 14


6 months later…Alyssa was nearing 8 months pregnant and her belly showed it.     She and Matt survived their 1st anniversary with many more to come.  Alyssa was sitting on the front porch swing rubbing her belly…The baby had been extremely active…She almost felt queasy from all the movement.  Alyssa couldn’t hardly wait for the baby to come…She loved being pregnant…Well she really wasn’t excited about the morning sickness, but the whole baby inside of her was definitely something she could stand to do a few more times.  She and Matt couldn’t wait to see what the baby looked like…they were excited because the baby would be there by the next Christmas of course he/she would only be around 4/5 months old…but it would be the first Christmas.


John, Matt, Sean, Dan and Steven were all preparing to be perfect uncles…They were ALL convinced Alyssa was having a boy…She laughed at them and said it would serve them right for jumping to conclusions if she had a girl…Matt & Aly wanted it to be a surprise to everyone even themselves so they never asked the babies sex….Matt painted the baby’s room a nice light shade of violet and damn near everything in the room was violet or purple…And PACKED with stuffed animals from ALL the insane uncles.


Alyssa was pulled from her thoughts as the screen door opened and Matt walked out with 2 cups and handed her one as he leaned over and kissed her lips softly…He said, “Have some warm tea…Maybe it will calm the baby,”  Alyssa laughed as she sipped the warm liquid and said, “I doubt it…This kid thinks I’m a jungle gym.”  Matt set his cup down on the side table and laid down facing Alyssa’s belly as he started rubbing it and said, “Hey you in there…Stop giving mommy such a hard time…You’re making her sick.”  Alyssa couldn’t tell if it was the tea or Matt’s voice, but the baby calmed down…Aly smiled at Matt while running her fingers through his thick black hair…Alyssa was hoping the baby had Matt’s beautiful raven colored hair…


She’d seen pictures of Matt as a baby he couldn’t have been more adorable…Matt’s dad Gilbert had showed Aly tons and tons of photos of Matt growing up…and of Jeff too…Alyssa had met Jeff…Boy was he ever a character.  Jeff was also classified as one of the insane uncles…Aly kept thinking out of everyone…Jeff would most definitely be the most fun…Matt had to seriously agree with her on that but also protested and said there was a distinct possibility that John would give Jeff a rung for his money as the more fun uncle.  Alyssa laughed at the thought as she relaxed even more as Matt continued his talk with the baby.


The following morning was a painful one…Alyssa woke up with a headache that made her eyes extremely sensitive to light…she thought for sure her head was going to explode.  She laid in bed for a while…Matt had left a note that he was going to do some errands and would be home later.


Matt walked in the door ready for a nap…He’s gone grocery shopping and went to 4 different baby stores to find the PERFECT mobile to hang over the baby’s crib…HE looked at his watch after putting all the groceries away and noticed it was nearly 2 in the afternoon…He couldn’t believe Aly wasn’t up yet…but then again the baby was making her more tire lately…And she’d been having those really bad headaches during her whole pregnancy.  The doctor had said it was just from the stress of this being her first pregnancy.


Matt made his way upstairs and into their room and there was his angel sleeping peacefully…Matt leaned down and kissed her forehead and noticed she was a little cool to the touch and the noticed how unbelievably pale she looked and getting paler by the minute…Matt shook her and said, “C’mon Aly it’s time to get up…Lazy butt…Can’t stay in bed all day.”  When Matt couldn’t wake her…He pulled the covers back and almost passed out from fright…The lower half of Aly’s body was covered in blood…She was hemorrhaging to death…Matt called 911 and then called his dad and had Jeff call her brothers.


Gilbert met his son’s at the hospital…Matt and Jeff were in the waiting room…Matt was walking around looked lost and Jeff was smart enough to leave him alone, sitting in the corner just watching over his brother…He knew his bother like that back of his hand and he’d know when he’d need him.  About an hour later all 5 of Alyssa’s brothers came through the doors and went straight to Matt…Matt could only tell them what he’d witnessed…The doctor had been working on her for about 2 hours and hadn’t been out yet.



Remember all the times we used to play
You were lost and I would save you
I don't think those feelings will ever fade
You were born a part of me
I was never good at hiding anything
My thoughts break me, do you understand
what you mean to me
You are my faith

Won't you cure my tragedy
Won't you cure my tragedy
Don't take her smile away from me
She’s broken and I'm far away
Won't you cure my tragedy
Won't you cure my tragedy
If you make the world a stage for me
Then I hope you can hear me scream
Won't you cure my tragedy



The doctor finally came out around the 3 hour mark and said, “Any one here for Alyssa Hardy?”  Matt and John were the first up…Everyone gathered around and the doctor exhaled tired as he pulled his surgical cap off and said, “Its touch and go right now…She has a case of undiagnosed Pre-Eclampsia, its where changes in the makeup of the blood, such as destruction of red blood cells causing anemia, disturbed liver function, and decreased platelets, blood cells involved in clotting. Too few platelets can increase your risk of bleeding uncontrollably during delivery or even spontaneously. I know it’s early…but I have to deliver the baby…Carrying it to full term would’ve killed your wife…if not both of them during labor.  Congratulations…You’re the proud father of a 4lb 6 ounce baby boy…He’d in the Neonatal ICU if you’d like to see him…You’re wife is in ICU…She slipped in a coma which isn’t uncommon in cases like this…Once she starts to heal she should come out of it…The next few days are going to be critical.”



When I sit and think of the days we shared
And the nights you covered for me
Every little thing that I ever did
You would stand by me
Every time you would cry it would take my wind
My heart would break
If I could be strong like you were for me
You are my faith

Won't you cure my tragedy
Won't you cure my tragedy
Don't take her smile away from me
She's broken and I'm far away
If you made the world a stage for me
Then I hope that you could hear me scream

Can you hear me scream…?

Can you hear me scream…?



The doctor walked away and John turned to Matt and said, “I don’t care what happens in the next few days…I’m telling you right now…My sister is toughed then he realizes…Don’t give up on her…She didn’t give up on you…Don’t you DARE give up on her!”  Matt looked at John said, “Do you really think giving up is an option?  If they can’t help her here…I’ll take her some where else where they can help her…I don’t care if I have to take her all the way to fuckin Iceland.  She’s going to come out of this and were going to raise our son together.”



Won't you cure my tragedy
Won't you cure my tragedy
Don't take her smile away from me
She's broken and I'm far away
Won't you cure my tragedy
Won't you cure my tragedy
If you made the world a stage for me
then I hope that you can hear me scream

I can't take this anymore
I can't feel this anymore
Won't you take and give her pain to me
Cause my whole life I've made mistakes

Can you hear me scream…?

Can you hear me scream…?



Chapter 15


5 Months Later. . .


John was looking around the house…Christmas again…It seemed like every major event that had to do with his family always happened around the Christmas holiday…Christmas wouldn’t seem the same this year.  It had been 5 months ago that Alyssa had complications with her pregnancy.  Nothing seemed to be the same since then.  Things just seemed to go in slow motion after that day…Maybe slow was good for the time being.  John picked up and was getting ready for every one to come over so they could start Christmas properly…


John had informed his parents they were no longer invited to Christmas at his home…As painful as it was to say that to them…It was even more painful to let them know they had a grandson they would never know, because Alyssa would’ve wanted it that way.  John told them with as terrible as they had treated their own flesh and blood he couldn’t imagine how they would’ve treated one of their sons had the situation been reversed.  John didn’t understand how they could be so heartless and cruel to their only daughter…but then again…John wasn’t them and Alyssa wasn’t his daughter.  Understanding…a word no one in the family even understood until Alyssa was released from the mental hospital.



I made you think you don't understand.


I used to think that happiness could only be something

That happened to somebody else

Everybody believed, everybody but me, yeah yeah

And I've been hurt so many times before,

That my hope was dying, so sick of trying

Everybody could see, everybody but me, yeah yeah

But then you came into my life, you opened up my softer side

And now I can see into your eyes

And suddenly, I realize


I made you think you don't understand

All the times you didn't understand

Why you couldn't just be my man

I made you think you don't understand

There were many walls you had to climb

If you really wanted to be mine

I made you think you don't understand

After all the hoops I put you through

Now I see that I'm in love with you


Now, I hope you finally understand



A knocking at the front door brought John out of his thoughts.  He walked over and opened it…There were his brothers and their families…somehow they’d beaten Matt there.  John got everyone settled and had some coffee, tea and hot chocolate waiting for everyone.  They got the presents and what not stuffed under the tree.  John stood staring out the front windows of the house…He could remember when the doctor’s kept telling Matt to stop Alyssa’s suffering…She was never going to wake up…There was nothing more the hospital or doctors could do for her.


Ultimately they could let her live out the remainder of her life in a coma or Matt could do the humane thing and let the doctors take her off life support.  John remembered the exact moment he would never see his sister smile again.  Granted he’d not seen her smile that much growing up…but once she was with Matt he made her smile for no reason at all…Which is why he knew their relationship would last until the end of time…No one could’ve for seen the complications Alyssa would have with her first pregnancy.  Another knock pulled John from his thoughts again.



So many tears I had to cry

But you had many more of your own you had to dry

But you stuck it out and you're here with me now, yeah yeah

And rememberin' the days I pushed away your love

You called my bluff and you still stayed around

Yeah you figured me out

Said, you got me down

And there's no way to lie to you

You know me better than I do


Baby, ooh, you see me through

I'd be no good without you


I made you think you don't understand

All the times you didn't understand

Why you couldn't just be my man

I made you think you don't understand

There were many walls you had to climb (yeah)

If you really wanted to be mine (ooh)

I made you think you don't understand

After all the hoops I put you through (through)

Now I see that I'm in love with you


Now, I hope you finally understand


Yeah, Oooh


Baby, won't you listen now

Can't you see just what I'm talking about?

Said baby won't you listen now

Can't you see just what I'm talking about?



John opened the door and a tall figure with their back to him turned around and smiled big.  John said, “God damn Aly it’s about time you got your ass here…Every one else is already here…waiting on you guys…Tell that old man of yours to let you drive next time.”  As he pulled his sister into a gigantic hug.  Matt walked in with the car seat and a warm sleeping Christopher Matthew Hardy.  John immediately pushed Aly aside and grabbed his nephew from Matt as they unloaded their bags and coats…Trying to get warmed up.  They joined everyone in the den around the Christmas tree talking and just catching up.


Aly’s motherly ears kicked in when she heard Christopher starting to fuss in the other room, which meant he was ready to get up.  Matt stood up and helped Aly to her feet and she walked off to the other room.  John said, “How’s she doing?”  Matt said, “The 4 month coma really took a lot out of her body…She’s had to get all her muscle strength back in physical therapy…she has a hard time standing up some times when her legs are really tired…but other then that the doctors are calling her a miracle.”  John nodded in agreement...



Time went on…and I was wrong

To keep my distance for so long

So afraid, you wouldn't stay

But you never turned away

Always right…by my side

You're for ever in my life

Don't you go…

'Cause now I know

That in you I found a home


Now I can see into your eyes

Suddenly, I realize


I made you think you don't understand

All the times you didn't understand

Why you couldn't just be my man

I made you think you don't understand

There were many walls you had to climb

If you really wanted to be mine

I made you think you don't understand

After all the hoops I put you through

Now I see that I'm in love with you


I made you think you don't understand…



John watched as Aly came walking in carrying her son…cradling him against her chest…he was still pretty tiny for being 5 months old…the doctors said it was just because he was a premature baby…Some preme’s didn’t live that long, but he imagine if he was half the fighter his mom was he’d be just fine.  John remembered back all of them were standing around her bed as the doctor’s started turning the machines off…only the heart monitor didn’t flat line like it was supposed to…They waited for 30 minutes and still no flat line…in fact the doctor started examining her and she was breathing on her own…Come to find out all she needed was a little push to make her breathe on her own…3 hours later she woke up and asked for Matt.


John said, “Gimmie my little man there.”  Aly laughed as she handed over Christopher to her uncle and she laid back against Matt…She knew she’d put him through some crazy shit and had even made him feel like he didn’t understand anything she’d been through her whole life…but she was wrong.  He understood her.  Something her parents cared not to try and do…but Matt did…He did with everything in his heart and soul and he was to her the perfect husband.  Which is all she really wanted in life was someone to just…understand her.


The End.