Circle Television Network statement of broadcast: All segments endorsed by the above listed corporate logo are intended for viewing by members of Gladiator Wrestling and their affiliates. CTN contracted athletes and personalities with the aforementioned logo preceding their broadcasted segments have released all rights to privacy to CTN and have agreed to air portions of their normal everyday lifestyle to the viewing audience. CTN broadcasts fit within the realm of “reality television” thus… the following segment… while not directed or scripted in anyway… is released for general viewing within the public domain.  

   "Well.... can't say it hasn't been a little slice of heaven. ...Cause it hasn't!" - Bugs Bunny

Monday - August 5th, 2002

- -CTN Tower- -
New York City, New York

     The weekend sucked. Which was an amazing contrast to the weekend before. The weekend before the GWA's last pay per view, Rachel Winston consumed the OutLaw's time completely. This last weekend, the OutLaw was nowhere to be found. She waited, waited, and waited for the OutLaw to contact her. There was nothing!


     The question to Rachel was what hurt more? The OutLaw's abandoning her in her greatest victory? Or the OutLaw shutting her out of his life, after all the two had been through? True the OutLaw had been screwed out of his tournament victory at the Pay per view. But Nikki Silver had won the Gladiator Championship! That was the ultimate goal of the Circle. The Circle finally claimed dominance in the GWA. The Circle now had the Gladiator title, the Falconer title, and the Legion titles. No other stable could ever make such a claim. No other manager could make such a claim as the head of the Circle. Rachel Winston could!

     ...And she wanted David Kidd around to share this moment with here. But he was nowhere to be found. So incensed at his orchestrated loss, he threw a fit, and just left the arena claiming not to return to the GWA. Why couldn't he see the big picture. Nikki Silver the ultimate, he made the Circle proud...

     Like a speeding ball peen hammer thrown in a bad comedy skit, realization hit Rachel. Of course the David Kidd didn't see the big picture, the OutLaw couldn't! The OutLaw could care less about the Circle, the only thing David Kidd cared about in the Circle was Rachel. But first and foremost, the OutLaw cared about the OutLaw! It occurred slowly to Rachel that during all this excitement, maybe Rachel Winston hadn't cared about the OutLaw. After all, she was the OutLaw's manager first and foremost. It's what he trusted her to do.

The OutLaw only trusted Rachel Winston.

     She remembers during the more sedate moments of their intense weekend, the only thing that concerned the OutLaw was winning the tournament. What intrigued Rachel was that he never said a thing about winning the Colosseum title, which is what obviously interested the Circle. What was important to the OutLaw was being able to make the statement that no matter what was thrown at him... The OutLaw defeated the very best the GWA had to offer! Sure the OutLaw ran his mouth about the various 3 way matches he had, and who he defeated, but he took enormous pride in facing the likes of Doomsday, the Assassin, & Benson. His greatest joy was beating both Sebastian Bock & Anthony Craven. It was for the OutLaw, the tournament that was all. And it was stolen from him! Something he couldn't forgive! This sport is a passion for him, and it was turned into something ugly by Johnny Storm. The OutLaw felt betrayed.

     It was suddenly occuring to Rachel, did the OutLaw feel betrayed by her? Rachel brushed her long hair from her eyes, and caught a note from her assistant Orson. The note asked if Rachel had looked into somehow contesting the tournament final or to somehow remedy the injustice to the OutLaw. The note was dated August 1st, last Thursday. Rachel hadn't looked at it since then. A slow feeling of guilt crept in...

Intercom voice: Ms. Winston? Ms. Winston? You wanted to know if the OutLaw contacted anyone in the Circle?

Rachel: Yes Orson. Yes?

Orson: Well, the OutLaw is here.

Rachel: What? Where? How?

Orson: Seems he's here in the video department.

Ms. Winston? Ms. Winston?

     Rachel Winston hastily made her way down from her office to the floor that held the most recent Circle video files. Making record time, Rachel found an entire team of suits carrying boxes of tapes out, to the side she sees the OutLaw talking with yet another tall gorgeous woman. Quickly she makes her way over to talk to the OutLaw, but without seeing her, he steps back into the video room. Rachel follows, pushing aside the workers asking them who the hell they are. When the tall brunette walks up to her...

Woman: Excuse me.

Rachel: I'm Rachel Winston! I run the Circle! And you are?

Woman: Oh, hello. I'm Famke Hess, from L.owell O.wens K.ey & I.nderman,I now represent Mr.David Kidd in all of his legal matters.

     A complete look of confusion overcame Rachel's face. She was the OutLaw's manager, she got the Circle to handle the OutLaw's legal representation. Where did this woman come from?


     L.owell O.wens K.ey & I.nderman... that was the legal firm that Yasmeen Ryske, the OutLaw's sister in law got for them. Seems it doesn't matter where you are in the world, most hotels object to anyone jumping a car from a parking garage into their hotel rooms. The same goes for Ibiza, the place the three went to pursue a false lead that about Skylar Thomas being involved in the murder of a friend of their's. Yasmeen Ryske, the sister in law who didn't care for her husband, or his 'brother' wrestling.

     Meanwhile the OutLaw stepped into the film room, grabbed his portable digital camera, and began an impromptu interview with himself...

Well hello ladies, the OutLaw finally graces your television screens once again! The one question that's swirled throughout the GWA, besides the obvious one ..."Why the fuck would anyone want XCreme as a champion?" about to be answered.

Is the OutLaw pissed off about his loss at the Colosseum tourney?

Hello!! When isn't the OutLaw pissed off?!

Pissed off that a bunch of losers, people who couldn't even make it past the 1st round of Colosseum tournament are getting to compete for number one contendership of the Maximus title! Not one of em is the least bit hardcore.

Steele, Craven, & Bock, three men who I call my bitches! are fighting to become number one contenders for the Gladiator belt.

Hmmm... is that enough reason to piss off the OutLaw. Nah, this is just frikkin' business as usual for Squirm and company. It must be something else!

The OutLaw gets screwed in the Colosseum tournament. Blantly groin shotted right in front of the ref and then 3 counted by that same ref. But hey, they want to talk about how Benson was in a screw job match? Wha?! What match was she in? Was it a different one then the OutLaw? She got screwed and the OutLaw didn't? Maybe Benson cheers the fuck up, she'll get screwed! But she wasn't the one screwed here! Doubt me? Answer one question. What's the OutLaw get? No other title shots? What I didn't bust my ass? I didn't carry myself like a true gladiator? I'm not Jackson, beating up family members, just to make up with em, so I can beat em up again for cheap heat cause I can't beat anyone else. I'm not going out for cheap heat! I put myself at the center of attention cause I fucking deserved it! That's why the others learned to focus on me. Hey, they can be like the other bitches and try to ignore me, but they can't! Why cause when it's all said and done, I'm the fucking man!

So what does the OutLaw get for busting his ass? Dry humped and a pointless tag match! Why cause Storm wants to feed someone else some credibility and make the OutLaw job. Let's see if I can consult the OutLaw's powers of precognition. Hmmmm, Pathetically Inane somehow wins the match, but they do it over the OutLaw, not Sianna. Why cause they don't beat her, the foundations for a tag team title match at the next ppv. And they get to crow like the others that get protected they beat the OutLaw. Guys, don't park the car outside... bring it in the arena! Hell, run me the fuck over with it, the ref won't stop ya! While I'm lying there bleeding, he'll quickly count the three so the EMTs can come scrap me up and take me away. That's the reward for someone who busts their ass for this fed, and tells the fuckin' truth! Cause I ain't willing to kiss that ass, others want to make sure I get buried!

Squirm if you think for one fucking I'm bending over and playing your games like Xcreme and Cock! Guess again!

I'm the OutLaw! I don't team with anyone! And I especially don't do it just because you order it! So you can take Pathetically Inane and shove em up your ass. You think I'm jumpin through hoops for you at Insurrection?


     Papers were exchanged and things ironed out. The lawyers actually had requested video copies of various matches that the OutLaw was in, and showed incidents involving him, Johnny Storm, and the heads of the GWA. The firm paid a pretty penny for all those tapes, and things were all on the up and up. They headed downstairs to a fleet of black Mercedes. Rachel Winston followed, finally catching up with the OutLaw who was about to get into the last car with his lawyer. Rachel quickly walks over to the OutLaw.

Rachel: David! David! What's wrong with you? You aren't going to talk to me?

      David Kidd looks at Rachel, for a brief moment his expression is soft as he looks at her. Then it fades and hardens. The OutLaw fishes through his pocket and pulls out a cellphone. The very cell that Rachel gave him. The only cell the OutLaw's ever owned, since he seriously hates most people, and redefines the term antisocial. He casually flipped open the phone, moved through various menus, stopping on the one that listed all calls made to the phone. The OutLaw then took the phone and turned it to show Rachel. Rachel took it and looked at it confused...

The OutLaw: I didn't see your number in any of those.

     The OutLaw got in the Mercedes, closed the door, and looked at Rachel with a hurt expression. Rachel stood on the sidewalk, with a cellphone, and alone...



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