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Bubba Ray Dudley Biography
From stuttering to dominating

He is one half of the most successful tag team in wrestling history. Bubba Ray Dudley started out as the stuttering, insecure Dudley. Only able to get out sentences after a slap to the head, Bubba found other ways to communicate in the beating the hell out of his opponents! With moves like the Bubba bomb and Bubba cutter how could the guy go wrong? However, he had troubles with half-brother D-Von who wanted Bubba to "toughen up!" After awhile, Bubba saw the light and joined D-Von in becoming one of the most successful tag team of all time. No more stuttering! No more insecurities! He kicked ass, gave receipts and taught everyone why:"Thou shalt not mess with the Dudleys!"

OK, now you know the character. Time to know the man behind Bubba. Mark hails originally from Long Island, New York. During high school he was dedicated to sports and excelled at track and field, specifically the shot put and discus, all the while taking a vast interest in watching pro wrestling. Then, while studying at St. John's University, his love for wresting started to call to him. He soon joined a wrestling school and trained under Sonny Blaze. Under the name Mongo Vyle, he learned the mat world and wrestled in many independant federations. Soon he caught a break in ECW where he started as a bodyguard for Bill Alfonso. When that stint ended, he was approached and asked if he wanted to be part of the wrestling clan known as "the Dudleys". Little did Mark know that his fear of having to shave his head and be called "Bubba" would become such a hit. He won over the fans with his dancing and stuttering but it wasn't until D-Von came into the picture that things took a turn for the better.

With D-Von, he captured the ECW tag titles on eight different occassions. When they got to the WWE, they bacame part of the infamous TLC matches (with Edge&Christian as well as the Hardyz). Bubba was soon split from D-Von during the first WWE "draft". He won the WWE Hardcore title on ten different occassions, dedicating the first win to D-Von.

Bubba soon reunited with D-Von where they continued their tag team dominance. They soon moved from Raw to Smackdown in 2004 where they won the tag team titles from Charlie Haas and Rico. He, along with D-Von took a break from wrestling and spent the time getting into the best shape of his life. He also spent time working in OVW and helping the up and coming talent develop. Along with D-Von, Bubba came back for the ECW One Night Stand PPV where they wrestled and defeated the Sandman and Tommy Dreamer.

In July of 2005, contract talks ceased between the WWE and Bubba and D-Von. After their contract had expired, they worked a few indy shows where they were told that they would not be allowed to wrestle under the "Dudley" name as it is under copyright by the WWE. While he had long established his name long before entering the WWE, Bubba changed it to Brother Ray and became a part of "Team 3D". He then signed, along with his tag team partner Devon, with NWA-TNA for a nulti-year deal.

He, along with Devon, eventually went on to capture the NWA-TNA tag team titles which makes them the only team to ever have the belts in the WWE, WCW, ECW,and NWA-TNA (although NWA soon separated from TNA).

Real name: Mark LoMonica
Weight: 300lbs.
Height: 6'4"
Birthday: July 14th,1971
Pro since: 1991

Finishing moves: Bubba cutter/bomb, Bionic Elbow, mid-air Bubba-cutter, powerbomb, jumping sit down powerbomb.

Other names used: Mongo Vyle, The Terminator, Mongo, Buh Buh Ray Dudley, Bubba Ray Dudley

Titles held: ECW TAG BELT (8), WWF (8), WCW (1), WWE Tag Team title (1) and WWE Hardcore title (10), NWA-TNA (1), HUSTLE super tag team champions: current,AJPW Real World Tag League tournament winner in 2005

Bubba was ranked #354 in PWI's top 500 singles wrestlers in 2003.

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