
[Scotty II Hotty is walking down the hall with his European title over his shoulder and the Boston crowd goes wild. He continues to walk and the Coach stops Scotty.]

Coach:Scotty! Recently you challenged Kevin Nash to a match on Raw. I as most of the people here in the WXWF are wondering. What are you thinking?

Scotty: I don't know what I was thinking exactly...

Coach:So you regret that you challenged Kevin Nash to an exhibition match at Raw?

Scotty:Yes I do. I regret that I didn't put my European title on the line!

[Scotty leaves Coach standing with further questions that won't get answered. The scene ends and fades to black and heads to commercial with Coach still standing there.]

Commercial break

[King and JR are sitting ringside and talking about the upcoming Raw.]

JR:Well at Raw, we have Scotty II Hotty challenging Kevin Nash and his only regret is that he didn't raise the stakes a bit.

King: What a joke. I don't see how Scotty can even think about taking the seven foot Kevin Nash. Nash has a 15 inch height advantage on Scotty.

JR:As they sy though King, the bigger they come the harder they fall.

[They're dialouge in cut short by "Turn It Up" and the crowd goes crazy. Scotty steps out from behind the ramp and star jumps on top of the ramp and comes down dancing. His blue shirt flowing open over his bare chest. He stops in the middle of the ramp and points into the crowd in a couple places then slides into the ring. He climbs the turnbuckle and waves his right arm above his head to the beat of the music. He jumps down and crosses the ring and does the same with the European title gleaming in the lights all around the arena. He jumps down as the music quiets and the timekeeper tosse him a mic. Scotty raises the mic to his lips and speaks into it.]

Scotty:Yo everyone, what's up? Now, at Raw, I get a shot to avenge the attack on Lita. Kevin Nash, why did you come out and do something that tupid as to attack a woman. And not just a woman, my woman! Kevin Nash I will make you pay for hurting my Lita at Smackdown! You see Nash, I am not afraid of you. I am not afraid of Matt Hardy. And I am not afriad that I will walk out of Wrestlemania still the European champion! Nash, you could have taken anything, done anything to me and I wouldn't have cared. You could have attacked me and stolen my title. But no, you had to attack the one thing I value more than anything else on this earth and attacked Lita! Nash I will make you pay, more than any one else I have ever deuled in this ring. When you did what you did, you released something in me that I haven't felt for a long time. You have released the inner fire that burns to make me win and not be a quitter and a sellout like you. You are going down at Raw. You won't last two minutes in the ring with me. You just came back from a long hiatus and I know that you are rusty from than, but while you were gone I was winning titles and getting better and better. You won't have the chance to soften me for your buddy Matt Hardy. He is the one that is soft! He has nothing on me. Just like you. Dawg, I will bust you up and after that, I will show everyone else here in the WXWF that I am the dominant Cruiserweight in this federation. Yo, that's all I gotsta say, KICK IT!

[Scotty drops the mic and Turn It Up plays again. He climbs out of the ring and walks up the ramp. The scene fades to black and goes to a Kane:Desire promo for the WXWF.]End




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