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AWA Explosion Results

Show starts with Mr. MacKnight coming to the ring sporting a new haircut and leather jacket. He Wishes everyone a happy new year,and says just like his new look Alpha Wrestling will be recieving a new look as well,and it starts tonight. Now I know jesse isn't here tonight so that means while Jesse is absent,iv got the keys to the kingdom. Tonight we are gonna kick things off with an ebwf title match. Thats right its gonna be the EBWF champion Justinsyder defending his title against Erich empyre. Thank you and enjoy. He then leaves the ring.

EBWF Title Match:Justinsyder(C) vs. Erich Empyre

Erich Empyre dominates the entire match. Empyre hits the chokeslam on justinsyder,however the ref gets kicked in the process.Empyre goes for the cover then notices the ref is out. Suddenly out of nowhere matthew blaze levels empyre with a chairshot to the head,and pulls justinsyder over empyre. He then leaps the fence and disapears. The ref comes to,and counts the three.

Winner and Still EBWF Champ: Justinsyder

Backstage- Mr. MacKnight is shown in his office watching the monitor. He is livid. He makes a call and tells the person on the other end to inform Matthew Blaze that he has a handicap match tonight against Ash Kanyon and Mike Dynasty.

Handicap Match:Mike Dynasty and Ash Kanyon vs. Matthew Blaze

Dynasty and Kanyon totaly wipe the floor with Blaze most of the match. Blaze manages to gain some offense only to have the numbers game catch up with him again. Dynasty hits the losing faith,kanyon scores with the moonsault and gets the win for him and dynasty.

Winners:Mike Dynasty and Ash Kanyon

-After the match Dynasty picks up Blaze and hits another losing faith. They then leave the ring. The shows ends with a very satisfied look on Mr. MacKnights face as he watches from his office as Matthew Blaze lay motionless in the ring.