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AWA Civil War Results

Last Man Standing Match: Tech Vs. Justinsyder

The match starts off with a test of strength and grappling and counter grappling. Of course Tech wins the test of strength. At one point tech goes for the loosing faith,but justinsyder reverses it into a ddt. The ref starts the ten count on tech. The ref gets to 7 before tech gets up. Justinsyder goes for a low blow but tech catches him and powerbombs him twice,the ref gets up to 8 and justinsyder gets up,Tech hits the loosing faith,the ref gets a 9 count,tech is furious. He grabs a chair and nail justinsyder with four chair shots before justinsyder goes down.The ref counts to 9,and justinsyder pops right back up.Tech is livid. Tech hits the loosing faith twice on a steel chair.The ref counts to 10. Tech wins. After the match,Matthew Blaze comes down for revenge on his friend kid psycho lossing his job thanx to tech. Blaze hits the downfall and locks in emotional discomfort. Tech is taping like crazy. Blaze grabs the mic and says the path of the psycho lives on. Matthew Blaze helps justinsyder to the back.



Interviewer askes justinsyder if he will be able to compete in the every1 vs. every1 match for the awa title. He says "I never had the chance to hold the ebwf title because of people like wolfmann whining for title shots all the time,and as soon as we merge with awa he is fired,i guess i can't complain about that.One thing is for sure I will be a champion at the end of the night no matter what.

Mr. MacKnight's music hits,he walks to the ring. He says he has an important announcement to make pertaining to the every1 vs. evey1 title match. The last surviving man in the ring wins the awa title,we already know that,but the man who comes in second will not walk away empty handed,oh no. The man who comes in second will become the EBWF Champion! Thats right They will hold the EBWF title! Good luck to each man,and may the best two men win.

Every1 vs. Every1 Titles Match

Everyone is fighting like crazy. There are chairshots,and suplexes left and right. Erich Empyre is eliminated first. Matthew blaze hits the downfall on ash kanyon and goes to the top,don't know what he is trying to do. Empyre pulls Blaze of the gate,and blaze is eliminated.They fight to the back. Ash Kanyon is eliminated by Tech via pinfall. Justinsyder hits the ddt on Tech but only gets a two count. Tech hits the loosing faith and gets the three count.

Winner of the AWA Title:Tech

Winner of the EBWF Title:Justinsyder