Hello ladies and gentlemen, I am now charged with handing down the rules and guidelines here in the EBWF.
As it portrays to postings:
Any post written new person post 48 hours before the deadline will count as 1/2. The reason for this is because it is hard for people to reply to posts that late in the week.
If your character is booked on a card and fails to post for the week, a strike will be made. After three strikes, YOUR CHARACTER WILL BE FIRED AND WILL HAVE TO REJOIN SHOULD YOU RE SUBMIT THEM. I don't care if you're a title holder, part of a tag team/stable/ or storyline. Three strikes, without prior reasonings of absence and they will be gone. The three strike system will begin with this Pain card. All matches are subjectable to the three strike system.
There is no limit as to how many wrestlers are managed by handlers, but with that comes a big rule. Superstars must either be active, or injured in order to stay on the official roster. Should your superstar, for one reason or another, miss shows and not appear on the boards a warning shall be issued by myself stateing that if your superstar does not start to appear on the boards he/she will be placed in a retirement match against an opponent of my choosing. This will be put in effect should your superstar miss more than 4 shows in a row.
Trash talk is where your superstar shines, however the EBWF is a place for mature role players. Limit your vulgar language, and be realistic! There is no room in the EBWF for individuals who treat there superstar as an invincible person (god moders). Plus, you can not kill, rape, or place your superstar above the law.
All matches go through me. If you want to sign a match for a show or PPV you must come see me and I'll determine wether or not your match will make the show. I'm a sucker for original match styles, the more illaberate, the better, but I must first completely understand the rules as I must issue the rules to the referees.
That's basically it. If you're ever stuck in a position where you don't know about something come and see me, I'll let you know.
Thank you for showing interest in the EBWF, and for those of you who have signed on the dotted line, good luck!
-Anthony MacDonald (Commisioner of the EBWF)