Captain Pain

Wrestlers Name:: Captain Pain
Wrestlers Height:: 6'3"
Wrestlers Weight:: 260lbs
Wrestlers Home Town:: Pittsburgh, PA
Wrestlers Complete Entrance: Gun Shots echo through the arena as green smoke fogs up the entrance as "SnAp" by Slipknot plays. Captain Pain appears with war paint on his face. He walks through the smoke and walks down to the ring. He does not slap hands, but fans slap him on the back. Captain Pain enters the ring and prepares himself by hitting himself over and over in the head. At ringside are the Recruits.
Wrestlers Age:: 30
Wrestlers Alignment:: heel
Wrestlers Setup for Finisher:: NONE
Setup Description:: NONE
Wrestlers Finisher:: PURE PAIN
Finishers Description:: Gore
Managers Name: The Recruits
Manager Interfere:: yes
Efed Experience:: NEFW Plenty